

KV 1: The seasons
Complete the grid with the pictures and the months. Then make sentences.
In winter it is snowy.
In winter ... .
Lösung: winter: December, January, February – snowy, cold, sunny; spring: March, April, May – sunny, rainy, windy;
summer: June, July, August – hot, sunny; autumn: September, October, November – foggy, windy, rainy.
© Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch Gmbh & Co. KG, Wien 2011
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© Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch Gmbh & Co. KG, Wien 2011
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Lösung: 7 Unterschiede A: In my picture dad is reading the map. Mum is closing the door.
Terry and Sam are carrying the bags. Tiger is sitting in the car. Lisa and Emma are saying goodbye to Tiger.
A woman is looking out of the window. It’s 9 o’clock. B: In my picture Sam and Terry are reading the map.
Mum is putting a cake in the car. Dad is carrying the bags. Tiger is sitting in front of the house.
Lisa and Emma are feeding Tiger. Two children are looking out of the window. It’s 10 o’clock.
Hier falten!
A: In my picture Mr Jackson is reading the map.
B: In my picture Terry and Sam are reading the map.
Schneidet die Bilder gemeinsam aus und stellt sie zwischen euch auf wie ein Namensschild.
Fragt euch gegenseitig nach den Unterschieden. Wie viele Unterschiede findet ihr?
KV 3: Two pictures
© Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch Gmbh & Co. KG, Wien 2011
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Lösung: A man is feeding the pigs. A boy is feeding the sheep. A cat is sleeping. A dog is eating. Two girls are joking. A
woman is packing the bag / putting things in a bag. Two boys are going by bike. A little girl is picking flowers. A boy is
watching the little girl.
Say what you can see and do. Who is doing what?
Example: A man is feeding the pigs.
KV 6: In the country
© Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch Gmbh & Co. KG, Wien 2011
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Lösung: Later Sam arrives at the river. Terry can hear noises. Sam is writing the car number. The boys are opening the
boxes. Sam is sleeping like a baby. The men are carrying boxes to the bushes.
In the boxes is a lot of rubbish. On Saturday Sam and Terry are sleeping in a tent. A car is stopping at the bridge.
Terry is watching two men. The police have got the two men. Mr Jackson phones the police station.
boxes to the bushes.
Terry can hear
the car number.
A car is stopping
Sam is sleeping
two men.
The men are carrying
The boys are opening
In the boxes is
the boxes.
the two men.
Mr Jackson phones
like a baby.
Sam is writing
are sleeping in a tent.
at the river.
Terry is watching
at the bridge.
the police station.
The police have got
a lot of rubbish.
On Saturday, Sam and Terry
Later Sam arrives
Do the puzzle and put it in your folder. Who’s in the picture?
KV 7: Text puzzle
KV 9: Role play – A telephone call
It’s Saturday afternoon. You want to phone your friend to see him/her. Make a telephone call.
B: You
A: Your friend
A: Du bekommst einen Anruf. Melde dich am
B: Melde dich am Telefon. Frage nach dem Befinden.
A: Sage, dass es dir gut geht. Frage, was dein Freund
oder deine Freundin gerade macht.
B: Sage, du weißt nicht recht. Du hörst gerade
Musik, aber es ist langweilig. Deine Eltern und
Geschwister sind nicht zu Hause. Frage, was dein
Freund oder deine Freundin macht.
A: Sage, dass du gerade mit deiner Oma Karten
B: Du bist überrascht, dass die Großmutter zu
Besuch ist. Sage, dass er/sie da bestimmt keine
Zeit hat und entschuldige dich.
A: Antworte, dass das OK ist/kein Problem ist.
Die Großmutter trinkt gerade mit deinen Eltern
Kaffee. Frage, was los ist.
B: Frage, ob ihr euch heute treffen könnt.
A: Sage, dass es eine gute Idee ist. Die Großmutter
muss in einer Viertelstunde gehen und so könnt
ihr euch danach treffen.
B: Bye!
B: Prima! Frage, ob ihr euch in einer halben Stunde
am Sportklub treffen könnt.
A: That’s OK. Bye then!
A: Sage, das ist prima und verabschiede dich.
B: Great. Can we meet in half an hour at the sports
B: Verabschiede dich.
fifteen minutes and then we can meet.
A: That’s a good idea. My grandma must leave / go in
B: Can we meet today?
having coffee with my parents. What’s up?
A: Oh, that’s OK/no problem. My grandma is just
haven’t got time.
B: Oh, your grandma is visiting you. I’m sorry. So you
A: I’m just playing cards with my grandma.
B: Oh, I don’t know. I’m listening to music, but it’s
boring. My parents and my sister aren’t at home.
What are you doing?
A: Thank you. I’m OK. What are you doing?
B: Hi, … . It’s … . How are you?
A: Hello. This is … .
© Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch Gmbh & Co. KG, Wien 2011
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