Year 4 Scheme of Work


Year 4 Scheme of Work
Autumn Term
MFL Scheme of Work Overview: French
Main Topic
Days of the week
Months of the year
Core Language
Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi,
vendredi, samedi, dimanche
Janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, •
juin, juillet, août, septembre,
octobre, novembre, décembre
Revision of colours
from year 3
Parts of the body
Une tête, un nez, des dents, des •
cheveux, des yeux, une bouche,
des oreilles
Grand, petit, gros, long, pointu
Parts of the body
La jambe, le pied, le ventre, la
main, le bras (l’épaule and le
genou introduced for receptive
use through song)
Asking for French
Revision of adjectives
Christmas Theme
Revision of parts of
the body
Phrases and
vocabulary for work on
snowman theme
Phrases for playing a
Comment dit-on en français ?
Un bonhomme de neige, un
chapeau, une écharpe, des
gants, un manteau, il fait froid,
il neige
À toi, à moi, le dé
Key skills and Activities
Join in reading a story
Match sound to the written
Copy correctly
Imitate pronunciation of
Identify social conventions
at home and in other
Listen to and follow a short
Identify adjectives in a text
and recognise that they can
change spellings
Listen for specific words and
Pronounce some words
Understand that all nouns
have a gender
Ask how to say something
in French
Listen for a key sound as it
occurs in a rhyme
Participate in a short drama
Play a game,
communicating in French
Spring Term
MFL Scheme of Work Overview: French
Main Topic
Revision of asking for
French translation
Core Language
Comment dit-on en français ?
Zoo animals
Le tigre, l’éléphant, l’ours, la
souris, le lion, la girafe, le
crocodile, le pingouin
Introduction of vowels
Etre (to be): Il est (He is), Elle
est (She is)
Assez, très
Grand, petit, gentil rigolo,
Members of the family Papa, Maman, le frère, la sœur,
le grand-père, la grand-mère
Possessive adjectives
mon, ma
Easter theme
Key skills and Activities
Appreciate similarities
between English and French
nursery rhymes
Recite a nursery rhyme
Follow a text as it is read
Follow a story using visual
Recognise some lettres of
the alphabet
Listen for sounds, rhyme
and rhythm
Say 6 vowel sounds in
Write simple words and
phrases following a model
Read words aloud with
accurate pronunciation
Present a short role play
introducing family members
Ask and answer questions
Know about some Easter
Identify specific items of
vocabulary in a long text
Summer Term
MFL Scheme of Work Overview: French
Main Topic
Core Language
Ask and answer
As-tu des frères/sœurs ?
questions about family Non.
Oui, j’ai … frère(s) et … sœur(s)
Vocabulary for story:
La petite fille, tirer, tomber
Le radis géant
Un chien, un chat, un hamster,
un lapin, un poisson, un cochon
d’Inde, un oiseau
Revision of pets
Verb avoir (to have): J’ai (I
have), Je n’ai pas de (I haven’t
Et, aussi
Dictionary skills
Playground song and
Key skills and Activities
Ask and answer questions
Recognise rhyming words
and understand that the
final consonant is rarely
Use mental associations to
help remember words
Follow a French story and
join in reading
Recognise nouns and verbs
in French
Compare traditional stories
Understand simple rules for
converting singular to plural
Present a rhyme
Know about pets that are
popular in France
Follow a text as it is read
Write simple sentences
Read some words with
accurate pronunciation
Recognise word classes:
nouns, verbs, adjectives
Sort words into dictionary
Become familiar with layout
of dictionary
Play a traditional game and
sing song

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