

February, 2015
University Address:
Faculty of Economics and Health Sciences
Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
Universitaetsstr. 25, D-33615 Bielefeld
Phone: 49.521.106.3742
[email protected]
Leibniz University Hannover
School of Economics and Management
D-30167 Hannover
Fax: +49.521.106.5086
[email protected]
Personal Information:
Born 1965
German Citizen
Habilitation, venia legendi in Economics, Leibniz University
Hannover, 2002.
Book: "Komplementaritäten in personalpolistischen Systemen"
(Complementarities and incentives: The changing nature of jobs)
Colloquium: "Selbst ins Zeug legen oder andere sabotieren?
Ergebnisse experimenteller Studien zu Sabotage in Beförderungsturnieren" (Dysfunctional incentives and sabotage in rank order
tournaments: Experimental results)
Ph.D. (Economics), Dr. rer. pol., Hannover University, 1994.
Dissertation: "Gewinnbeteiligung in oligopolistischen Unternehmen:
Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse im unvollkommenen Markt"
(Profit sharing in oligopolistic firms: A theoretical and empirical
Diploma (Economics), Dipl.-Ök., Hannover University, 1990.
Majors in labor economics, econometrics, insurance economics
Professor of Economics, Management & Organization,
Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (2009-)
– and –
Senior Fellow, Institut for Marketing and Management,
Leibniz University Hannover (2005-)
Scientific Board Member: Quarterly Journal of Economics
and Economic Policy (2015-)
Review Board Member (Society and Demographic Change, Ambient
Assistant Living), Federal Ministry of Education and Research
International Advisory Committee (Expert in Economics):
a) National Educational Panel Study (NEPS, Stage 7),
German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science Studies,
b) Modeling and measuring competencies in business and
economics among students and graduates (WiwiKom),
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (2012-)
Adj. Professor of Economics, Institute for Quantitative Research in
Economics, Leibniz University Hannover (2002-)
Professor of Economics, Bielefeld University ASC (2007-2009)
Professor of Personnel Economics and Organization (Interim),
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (2003-2007,
maternity leave 03/2005-02/2007)
Professor of Economic Theory (Interim), Lueneburg University (2003)
Scientific Director and Head of Research Center in Panel Studies,
joint institute of NIW and IQW (1994-1999)
– and –
Assistant Professor of Economics, Hannover University (1994-1999)
Research Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Research in Economics,
focus areas: Labor economics, international economics,
econometrics, Hannover University (1991-1994)
Invited scientific advisor on behalf of WikiKom/KoKoHS (JGU Mainz), closing
conference, issue: Challenges and future perspectives on modeling
and measuring competencies in business and economics, Mainz (2014)
Invited participant on behalf of Bundesbank, joint conference with
Institute for Employment Research (IAB), issue: (European) Labour
markets and the economic crisis, Eltville (2014)
Organized session and submission grant financed by European Union Studies
Association, working title: "The political economy of the European
crisis", Boston (2014)
Invited scientific advisor on behalf of HIS/CASE (Center for Applied
Statistics and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin), kick-off
workshop, issue: Modeling and measuring competencies in business
and economics, Berlin (2012)
Participation grant (presentation and discussion), Federal Employment
Agency, international IAB-LASER-workshop, issue: Increasing labor
market flexibility – boon or bane?, Nuremberg (2011)
Post-Doc/Habilitation scholarship from German Research Foundation (DFG),
working title: "Complementarities in incentive systems"
(Komplementaritäten in Anreizsystemen), Bonn (1999-2002)
Conference and research grant financed by Freundeskreis der Universität
Hannover, working title: "HRM in the context of labor market
dynamics", Adelaide/Glenelg, Sydney (2002)
Albert-Ludwig-Fraas Foundation research and multiple travel grant, working
title: "High performance work systems - complementarities", Sydney
(2000-2001, 2001-2002)
Invited presenter on behalf of ZEW (Centre for European Economic Research),
international workshop, issue: Wages, working hours and employment,
Mannheim (2001)
Invited expert on behalf of Eurostat, issue: Potential enactment of a European
Community Firm Panel as an analogue to European Community
Household Panel (ECHP), Luxembourg (1996-1998)
Dissertation award (publication grant), Freundeskreis der Universität
Hannover (1995)
Invited country-expert on behalf of the OECD, issue: Profit sharing and
employee involvement in decision making, Paris (1994-1995)
NBER/INSEE conference and travel grant, "Microeconometrics of humanresource-management: Multinational studies of firm practices", Paris
Grant for survey design, sampling & realization of standardized data set
(150 profit sharing firms plus control group) financed by Hanns-Lilje
Foundation, Hannover (1992)
CREST/INSEE research and multiple travel grant, "La participation financière",
Paris (1991-1997)
Doctoral dissertation fellowship from Ministry for Science and Culture of
Lower Saxony (Elite Graduate Program/GradFöG), working title:
"Materielle und immaterielle Mitarbeiterbeteiligung" (1991-1993)
BMBF project "OvS" (Optimierung von Studienverläufen, 01PL12044)
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the
joint programme of the Federal Government and the Länder to
improve study conditions and the quality of teaching and mentoring
for students at institutions of higher education (Quality Pact for
Teaching, "Qualitätspakt Lehre"), personal roles: Co-leadership of
subproject "IKS" (information literacy and writing skills) and
supervision of research associates, Berlin/Bielefeld (2012-2016)
Teaching excellence initiative research grant financed by Bielefeld
University ASC, project title: "Integration und Vernetzung innovativer
Lehr- und Lernmethoden sowie Prüfungsmodalitäten" (Bielefeld Survey
on Problem Based Learning in Economics and Management Education,
BS_BL-EME), major objectives: Identification of determinants and
effects of problem based learning with respect to student learning
behavior and problem solving skills. Context: Cultural diversity and
students’ first language, Bielefeld (2009-2016)
Five year basic research grant of Volkswagen Stiftung, issues: Labor
market dynamics and industrial organization, feasibility study of
company-level panel data set in Lower Saxony (Germany), personal
roles: Responsible co-organizer and developer of research design,
Hannover (1994-1999)
European network "IPSE" (Impact of Profit Sharing in Europe) funded by
the Human Capital and Mobility Program (HCM) of the European
Commission, joint project of London School of Economics (LSE),
London Business School (LBS), Bradford University, CERC, National
Statistical Office (INSEE), Paris-X University, French Ministry of Labour,
Hannover University, Bocconi University, Universities of Modena and
Brescia, personal roles: Co-leadership and training/advisory of PhD
students, London et al. (1992-1996)
DFG project "Erfolgsbeteiligung und Partizipation" (Profit sharing in
employee involvement in decision making), two year grant, personal
roles: Preparation of project proposal and principal researcher,
Bonn/Hannover (1993-1995)
Two year grant funded by the program "Gemeinwohl und Eigennutz" of
Hanns-Lilje Foundation (collective choice and individual utility),
personal roles: Head of project application, supervision of PhD students
related to the project, Hannover (1993-1995)
DFG project "Langfristige Beschäftigung" (Long term employment), four
year grant, personal roles: Research assistant, conference organization,
and preparation of final report, Bonn/Hannover (1987-1991)
"The worker discipline device model of efficiency wages with quality
thresholds and workers’ reference points", Conference Presentation
Paper, Eurasia Business and Economics Society: Lisbon,
25 pages (work in progress), 2015.
"Labor market anomalies in the European Union: German employment
miracle revisited from a decision under risk perspective", Conference
Paper, Eastern Economic Association: Boston, 38 pages, 2014.
"The German labor market revisited: Risk elimination in working time
accounts", Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences 1, 19-38, 2013.
"Great Recession and labor market anomalies", Conference Paper and Poster,
International Society of New Institituional Economics: Florence, 77
pages, 2013.
Work in progress: The Bielefeld Survey on Problem Based Learning in
Economics and Management Education (BS-PBL-EME); Research design;
questionnaires/survey and guide to the questions; technical report.
"Learning approaches in economics and management education", Research
Seminar Paper, Bielefeld, 18 pages, 2011 (with C. Wilken).
"Unraveling the German jobs miracle in the Great Recession: A stochastic
dominance approach", Conference Paper: Nuremberg, 24 pages, 2011.
"Zeitarbeit in Deutschland: Eine mikroökonomische Analyse", Workshop
Paper, Bielefeld, 36 pages, 2009.
"Opportunismus, Fairness, Vertrauen und die Evolution von Normen",
Workshop Paper, Bielefeld, 21 pages, 2009
"A proposal to maintain jobs, effort standards and human capital during
economic crisis: The scope of mutual insurance in the shirking model",
Conference Paper: Adelaide, 41 pages, 2009.
"Working time accounts as a mutual insurance refinement of the equilibrium
unemployment model of efficiency wages", Conference Paper: Milan,
22 pages, 2008.
"Kombilohn oder Mindestlohn: Was braucht der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt?",
Workshop Paper, Bielefeld, 33 pages, 2007.
"Kita macht Musik – Evaluation des niedersächsischen Pilotprojekts",
Hannover/Gütersloh, 64 pages, 2007 (with Friedrich Soretz).
"KVN Serviceplus–Mitglied: Befragung der Mitglieder der Kassenärztlichen
Vereinigung Niedersachsen", Projekt- und Ergebnisdokumentation,
Hannover, 2007.
"KVN Serviceplus–Verwaltung: Befragung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter
in Hauptgeschäftsstelle und Bezirksstellen", Projekt- und
Ergebnisdokumentation, Hannover, 2007.
"KVN Serviceplus: Anlage und Durchführung der Erhebungen",
Methodenbericht, Hannover, 2006.
"KVN Serviceplus: Erhebungen im Rahmen des Projektes", Tabellenband und
deskriptive Statistik Mitglied, Hannover, 2006.
"KVN Serviceplus: Erhebungen im Rahmen des Projektes", Tabellenband und
deskriptive Statistik Verwaltung, Hannover, 2006.
"Kontaktstellen Musik im Landesmusikrat Niedersachsen – Eine Bestandsaufnahme nach fünf Jahren: Evaluation", Forschungsbericht 19
Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hannover, 13-39 & 97-108, 2006
(with Friedrich Soretz).
"Kita macht Musik – Singen und Musizieren in Kindertageseinrichtungen;
Evaluation der Qualität und Quantität der musikalischen Aktivitäten
und der Kooperation der Institutionen", Zwischendokumentation,
Hannover, 2006 (with Friedrich Soretz).
"Komplementaritäten in personalpolitischen Systemen", Peter Lang Verlag,
Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt et al., 2003.
"A simple method to control for heterogeneous price setting and market
power of firms", WP 293, Faculty II Working Paper Series, Lueneburg,
"Die organisationelle Revolution: Lassen sich die postulierten
Produktivitätseffekte empirisch belegen?", DP 277, Discussion Paper
Series, Hannover, 2003.
"Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Berücksichtigung heterogener Preisbildung
und Marktmacht auf unvollkommenen Gütermärkten in
Produktivitätsschätzungen", DP 273, Discussion Paper Series,
Hannover, 2003.
"Reorganization of firms and productivity: A treatment effects approach",
DP 257, Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 2002.
"The from-tayloristic-to-holistic-organization-of-work-model from an
empirical perspective", DP 256, Discussion Paper Series, Hannover,
"Job Family Development – Pilotprojekt Karosseriebau Wolfsburg",
Wolfsburg, 2001.
"Job security and working hours accounts", ZEW Workshop Paper: Wages,
working hours and employment, Mannheim, 2001.
"Innovation, Multitasking und dezentrale Entscheidungsfindung", in: BackesGellner, Uschi, Matthias Kräkel, Dieter Sadowski und Johannes Mure
(Hg.), Entlohnung, Arbeitsorganisation und personalpolitische
Regulierung, Beiträge zur Personal- und Organisationsökonomik Band
11, München und Mering, 87-116, 2001.
"Competing institutions: organization of work and efficient reorganization,
DP 245, Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 2001.
"Multitasking, Multiskilling und Marktmacht", DP 242, Discussion Paper
Series, Hannover, 2001.
"Arbeitsplatzsicherheit durch Arbeitszeitkonten?", in: Backes-Gellner, Uschi,
Matthias Kräkel, Bernd Schauenberg und Gunther Steiner (Hg.),
Flexibilisierungstendenzen in der betrieblichen Personalpolitik:
Anreize, Arbeitszeiten und Qualifikation, Beiträge zur Personal- und
Organisationsökonomik Band 7, München und Mering, 307-332, 2000.
"Employment stability via annualized hours contracts?", DP 230, Discussion
Paper Series, Hannover, 2000.
"Arbeitsplatzdynamik unter Berücksichtigung von Human-ResourceManagement-Systemen", in: Bellmann, Lutz, Susanne Kohaut und
Manfred Lahner (Hg.), Zur Entwicklung von Lohn und Beschäftigung
auf der Basis von Betriebs- und Unternehmensdaten, BeitrAB 220,
123-161, 1999 (with Ruth Brand).
"Die Anreizwirkungen betrieblicher Qualifizierungspolitik", in:
Frick, Bernd, Renate Neubäumer und Werner Sesselmeier (Hg.),
Die Anreizwirkungen betrieblicher Zusatzleistungen, Reihe:
Organisationsökonomie humaner Dienstleistungen Band 6,
München und Mering, 147-170, 1999.
"Alternative Flexibilisierungsstrategien der Beschäftigung", DP 229,
Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 1999.
"Beschäftigungssicherung durch Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung", DP 228,
Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 1999.
"Das Hannoveraner Firmenpanel – Eine Betriebsbefragung im Verarbeitenden
Gewerbe Niedersachsens", in: Gerlach, Knut Otto Erich, Olaf Hübler
und Wolfgang Meyer (Hg.), Ökonomische Analysen betrieblicher
Strukturen und Entwicklungen, Studien zur Arbeitsmarktforschung
Band 10, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 176-199, 1998
(with Ruth Brand, Knut Gerlach und Thomas Klodt).
"Job-Turnover – Anpassung von Nachfrage und Struktur der Arbeit", in:
Gerlach, Knut, Olaf Hübler und Wolfgang Meyer (Hg.), Ökonomische
Analysen betrieblicher Strukturen und Entwicklungen, Studien zur
Arbeitsmarktforschung Band 10, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt/New York,
176-199, 1998 (with Ruth Brand).
"Schätzung der Job-Turnover-Rate aus einer Zufallsstichprobe", DP 213,
Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 1998 (with Ruth Brand).
"Profit sharing in Europe: the characteristics and impact of profit sharing
in France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom", Edward Elgar
Publishing, Cheltenham, 1998 (with IPSE team).
"L'Allemagne: une practique minoritaire, mais participative", in: La
Documentation française (Hg.), Le partage du profit en Europe –
Institutions et effets comparés, Cahier Travail et Emploi , 69-104,
Paris, 1997.
"Die Eignung des Hannoveraner Firmenpanels für die Analyse der
Arbeitsplatzdynamik", in: Kühl, Jürgen, Manfred Lahner und Joachim
Wagner (Hg.), Die Nachfrageseite des Arbeitsmarktes, BeitrAB 204,
83- 101, 1997 (with Ruth Brand).
"The Hannover Panel", Discussion Paper Series Forschungsstelle Firmenpanel
DP 2, Hannover, 1996 (with Ruth Brand, Knut Gerlach und Thomas
"Das Hannoveraner Firmenpanel", Discussion Paper Series Forschungsstelle
Firmenpanel DP 1, Hannover, 1996 (R. Brand, K. Gerlach und T. Klodt).
"Gewinnbeteiligung in oligopolistischen Unternehmen – Eine theoretische
und empirische Analyse im unvollkommenen Markt", Studien zur
Arbeitsmarktforschung Band 6, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt/New York,
"Das Hannoveraner Firmenpanel – Ein Betriebspanel in Niedersachsen", in:
Schasse, Ulrich und Joachim Wagner (Hg.), Erfolgreich Produzieren in
Niedersachsen, NIW-Band 10, Hannover, 1-36, 1995 (with Ruth Brand).
"Die Lohnkurve im Oligopol bei alternativer Bestimmung der Entlohnung",
in: Gerlach, Knut und Ronald Schettkat (Hg.), Determinanten der
Lohnbildung, Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung, Neue
Folge, Band 3, edition sigma® rainer bohn verlag, Berlin, 144-158, 1995.
"Erfolgsbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern: Motive, Ausgestaltung und
empirische Befunde", in: Semlinger, Klaus und Bernd Frick (Hg.),
Betriebliche Modernisierung in personeller Erneuerung,
Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung, Neue Folge, Band 2,
edition sigma® rainer bohn verlag, Berlin, 193-209, 1995 (with Knut
Gerlach und Olaf Hübler).
"Marktstruktur und betrieblicher Erfolg", in: Schasse, Ulrich und Joachim
Wagner (Hg.), Erfolgreich Produzieren in Niedersachsen, NIW- Band 10,
Hannover, 145-164, 1995.
"Profit Sharing in German firms: Institutional framework, participation,
microeconomic effects, and comparisons with the United States", in:
Buttler, Friedrich, Wolfgang Franz, Ronald Schettkat und David Soskice
(Hg.), Institutional frameworks and labor market performance –
Comparative views on the U.S. and German economies, Routledge,
London et al., 168-207, 1995 (with Knut Gerlach und Olaf Hübler).
"Beschäftigtenentwicklung im Großraum Hannover III/1", Beiträge zur
Regionalen Entwicklung 39.1, Hannover, 1994 (with Knut Gerlach,
Ursula Jaenichen, Gesine Stephan und Joachim Wagner).
"Beschäftigtenentwicklung im Großraum Hannover III/2", Beiträge zur
Regionalen Entwicklung 39.2, Hannover, 1994 (with Knut Gerlach,
Ursula Jaenichen, Gesine Stephan und Joachim Wagner).
"Erfolgsbeteiligung und Partizipation - Erhebungskonzepte, Erfahrungen
und erste Auswertungen einer Befragung", DP 191 Discussion Paper
Series, Hannover, 1994 (with Ruth Brand).
"Wage and non-wage income: The effect on productivity", DP 190,
Discussion Paper Series, Hannover, 1994 (with Ruth Brand).
"Hierarchien: Status und Entlohnung", Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie
und Statistik 210, 445-456, 1992.
"Determinants and microeconomic effects of profit sharing – hypotheses
and first results from Germans firms", CERC and S.E.S. (Hg.),
Proceedings of the IPSE Meeting, Paris, 1992 (with Knut Gerlach und
Olaf Hübler).
"Bestimmungsgründe und betriebliche Wirkungen von Erfolgsbeteiligung,
Hypothesen und erste Ergebnisse einer Firmenstichprobe", in: Ertel,
Rainer und Joachim Wagner (Hg.), Produzieren in Niedersachsen, NIWBand 6, Hannover, 445-456, 1992 (with Knut Gerlach und Olaf Hübler).
"Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft", Dokumentation
und Thesenpapier, Auftraggeber: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien,
Hannover/Wien, 1992, (with K. Gerlach).
"Standortfaktoren und komparative Vorteile im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe in
Niedersachsen: eine empirische Analyse", Nord/LB-Studien No. 10,
Hannover, 1992.
"Exportverhalten der Betriebe des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes angesichts
zunehmender Globalisierung", Nord/LB-Studien No. 9, Hannover, 1992.
ACE (Australian Conference of Economists), AFBC (Australasian Finance &
Banking Conference), EEA (Eastern Economic Association, USA), EEA- ESEM
(European Economic Association and Econometric Society European
Meetings), EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Istanbul, Turkey),
EGG (Erich Gutenberg Gesellschaft, Herford, Germany), EUSA (European
Union Studies Association, Pittsburgh, Penn.), IAB (Institute for Employment
Research of the Federal Employment Agency, Nuremberg, Germany), ISNIE
(International Society for New Institutional Economics, St. Louis, Mo./Paris,
France), NBER/INSEE (National Bureau of Economics and Statistics,
Cambridge, Mass./National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, Paris,
France), RES (Royal Economic Society, St. Andrews, UK), VfS (Verein für
Socialpolitik, Frankfurt, Germany)
Invited seminars and plenary speeches (inter alia): Berlin, Bochum, Bonn,
Boston, Brescia, Bradford, Freiburg, London, Luxembourg, Mainz, Mannheim,
Modena, Nuremberg, Odense, Paris, Sydney, Wolfsburg, Zurich.
Complementarities and Supermodular Optimization; Decision Theory;
Industrial Organization; Industrial Relations; Intermediate Microeconomics;
International Economics; Labor Economics;
Methods of Empirical Social Research;
New Institutional Economics;
Organization and Management; Personnel Economics;
Principles of Economics: Macro and Micro; Resource Economics.
About 50 Diploma and MA theses, 45 BA theses, and 10 doctoral students.
List of completed PhD Theses is available on request
Summer schools and external teaching:
Lecture at the European Summer School in Bielefeld (2011-),
Labor Markets and Crisis
Lecture at the European Summer School in Bielefeld (2009), Demographic
Change and Labor Markets
Teaching position at the Brunswick European Law School in Wolfenbüttel on
Human Capital Theory and Empirical Evidence, International
2006: Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter
2005: Autumn/Winter
Teaching position at Lueneburg University on Introductory Labor Economics
January/February 2005 (three weeks course)
Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg (cooperation by DAAD and Uni
Hannover, Department of Education):
Course on Business and Economics for foreign citizens applying as
first- year students to universities in Germany (2005-2007)
compulsory for applicants in Economics, Business,
other Social Sciences
typical countries of origin: China (majority), Hong Kong, Vietnam,
South Korea, Asian and Baltic Republics of Former Soviet Union,
Turkey, Morocco