Diplomandenförderung/Dr. Hermann Eiselen Stipendienförderung Liste abgeschlossener und geförderter Diplom- und Masterarbeiten für den Bereich Ernährungswissenschaften Oppermann, Petra 1991 Strobel, Manuela 1998 Pauls, Ulrike 1999 Stütz, Wolfgang 1999 Back, Evelyn 2000 Zemelka, Sonja 2000 Rau, Annegret 2000 Müller, Anja 2001 Silber, Heike 2002 The Effect of Heat Treatment of Amaranth on Trypsin and Chymotrypsin Inhibitory Activity and in Vitro Digestability Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von Vitamin A in Muttermilch mittels HPLC Nutritional status of pre-school children in a Hmong village in Northern Thailand - A case study in Mae Sa Mai village, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues among Hmong Farmers Living in Northern Thailand Prelevance and Causes of Malnutrition in Urban and Rural Areas of Harari National Regional State, Ethiopia -A community based study Measurement of Ferritin Levels: Comaparison of a Commercial IRMA to an in-house ELISA Method Supplementation of Iron and Zinc and the Effect on the Oxidant/Antioxidant Status in Guatemalan Schoolchildren with Regard to Zinc - Method validation and establishment - Retinol assessment out of capillary and venous dried blood spots and respective plasma from Indonesian preschool children Analyses of Anaemia in the Autonomous Oblast of GornoBadakhshan, Republic Tajikistan Anmerkung: bis Dezember 2009 wurde dieses Programm durch die Eiselen-Stiftung unterstützt. Liste geförderter Diplom- und Masterarbeiten nach Themenbereich: Ernährungswissenschaften Conzelmann, Claudia 2005 Krumbein, Kristina 2006 Jeremias, Theresa 2010 Lauvai, Judith 2010 Camacho, Verena 2014 Eitzenhöffer, Ramona 2014 Fenn, Lena 2015 Comparative study of mothers nursing an infant ≤ 1 year of age in the Highlands and the Lowlands of Bale, Ethiopia: Food intake and feeding practices, post-partum amenorrhea, contraceptive use, child spacing and nutritional status. Improving the management of malnourished children during the rehabilitation phase - admitted in the Nutrition Unit of Kumi Hospital: Introduction of a Read-To-UseTherapeutic Food (RUTF) Major risk factors of overweight/obesity of Samoan schoolchildren: anthropometric and dietary assessment including women’s appraisal. Dietary pattern of pregnant and breastfeeding women in Samoa: urban and rural comparison. Assessment of the nutritional status of school children aged 7 to 11 years in rural areas of Central Burkina Faso Assessment of the nutritional status of pregnant women in rural areas of central Burkina Faso Access and Availability of Local Foods for Promoting Sustainable Diets in Rural South Africa - An Analysis of Food Sourcing and Pricing within the Formal and Informal Food Retailer Sector based on Households’ Food Purchasing Patterns Insgesamt wurden 16 Arbeiten aus dem Bereich Ernährungswissenschaften gefördert. Anmerkung: bis Dezember 2009 wurde dieses Programm durch die Eiselen-Stiftung unterstützt.