Mein Traummann / Meine Traumfrau Meine ideale Freundin / Meine


Mein Traummann / Meine Traumfrau Meine ideale Freundin / Meine
Mein Traummann / Meine Traumfrau
Meine ideale Freundin / Meine idealer Freund
_____ Project includes a title from above (1pt)
_____Picture of person (2 pts)
_____ 15 adjectives that describe this dream/ideal person (5 pts)
(1/2 point for each missing adjective)
_____Spelling is correct (2pts)
_____Neat, colorful, creative, and has some extras/embellishments
No pencil as a final product (2pts)
Mein Traummann / Meine Traumfrau
Meine ideale Freundin / Meine idealer Freund
_____ Project includes a title from above (1pt)
_____Picture of person (2 pts)
_____ 15 adjectives that describe this dream/ideal person (5 pts)
(1/2 point for each missing adjective)
_____Spelling is correct (2pts)
_____Neat, colorful, creative, and has some extras/embellishments
No pencil as a final product (2pts)