Paulo Stekel - Brief curriculum


Paulo Stekel - Brief curriculum
Paulo Stekel - Brief curriculum
PAULO STEKEL is journalist, writer, translator and reviewer. Stekel is a nonacademic (or self-taught) teacher of Qabbalah, biblical Hebrew, Sanskrit and sacred
languages. He is an expert in religious sacred texts' interpretation.
He was born and bred in Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) [1970]. Since 9
years old he has studied religion and philosophy. Today, he resides in Porto Alegre (Rio
Grande do Sul's capital), teaching Qabbalah, Hebrew, Sanskrit and Hierolinguistics [a new
science for sacred languages studies proposed by Stekel in his book, entitled "Saint and
Profane - etymological study on sacred languages" - this book will be available in on-line
english version soon].
Stekel has studied many ancient and sacred languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek,
Latin, Yoruba, Sanskrit, Sumerian, Tibetan), many religions and philosophies, schools and
spiritual/mystical orders (Yoga, Theosophy, Masonry, Tibetan Buddhism) and various
modern science areas (Transpersonal Psychology, Quantic Physics, Linguistics), always
maintaining a non-academic character, but studying in a deeper way each area of his
Stekel published four works: "Elohê Israel (Os deuses de Israel) - filosofia
esotérica na Bíblia" ["Elohê Israel (Israel gods) - esoteric philosophy in Bible"]
(Independent, 2001); "Projeto Aurora - retorno à linguagem da consciência" ["Project
Dawn - return to consciousness language"] (FEEU, 2003); "Método de Sânscrito para
estudantes brasileiros" ["Sanskrit method for brazilian students"] (Independent, 2004);
"Santo e Profano - estudo etimológico das línguas sagradas" ["Holy and Profane etymologic study in sacred languages"] (GEFO, 2006). In his books and in most papers,
Stekel uses a pseudonym: Danea Tage.
E-mails: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: (51) 3469-9360
Celular phone: (51) 9217-5164
Direction: Rua Rio Claro, 105 - Parque da Matriz - CEP: 94950-450
Cachoeirinha - RS - Brazil

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