Recette des scones


Recette des scones
The scones’ recipe
250 g of flour
1 tsp baking powder
125 g of sugar
150 ml semi-skimmed milk
 Mix all the dry ingredients together (flour, baking
powder and sugar) and add the milk.
 Add more milk or flour if the mixture is too dry
or too sloppy.
 Work in quickly to make a soft dough.
 Cut the scone mixture into squares.
 Heat the oven to 220°C and bake 15-20 minutes.
Help !
semi-skimmed milk : lait demi-écrémé
roll= étaler avec un rouleau à pâtisserie
baking powder = levure chimique
squares = carrés
dough = pâte
dry = sec
sloppy = mouillé
soft = souple