song lyrics - Langmobile


song lyrics - Langmobile
Vole comme un papillon,
Bourdonne comme une abeille.
Chante, chante, chante comme un oiseau,
Bala bala bou Bala bou.
Pousse comme une fleur,
Remue comme un ver.
Saute, saute, saute comme une sauterelle,
Bala bala bou Bala bou.
Vole comme un papillon,
Bourdonne comme une abeille.
Chante, chante, chante comme un oiseau.
The learning value of this song comes in the form of FUN! This is a song that children can
be very active with and move to. Not only do you learn a few words about nature, but the
action related to the word can also be taught.
• The phrase “comme un” (like a) is used often and encourages the child to imitate the
actions in the song.
• Play the song and game “Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans le sac?” (What’s in the bag?) or “Qu’estce qu’il y a dans la boîte” (What’s in the box?) Pick a flower or put an insect in a jar to
captivate your child’s attention but be sure to let it go!
• Play the music “Écoute” (What’s that sound?) and imitate the sounds of “un oiseau”
(bird) and “une abeille” (Bee).
• Take the time to understand the actions related to the bugs and flower! “Vole (Fly)
comme un Papillon (Butterfly), Bourdonne (Buzz) comme une Abeille (Bee), Chante
(Sing) comme un Oiseau (Bird), Pousse(Grow) comme une Fleur (Flower), Remue
(Wiggle) comme un Ver (Worm), Saute (Jump) comme une Sauterelle (Grasshopper)”.
Simply start of by saying these actions to your child while doing them. Continue the
learning value by playing the music and doing the actions.
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