

L’Ecole Nationale
de Commerce et
de Gestion de Settat
The Third Edition of the International Conference of Economics and Management – CIREG 2016
« Challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions»
12, 13 & 14 may 2016
We are Delighted to call for papers for the third conference of research in economics and management;
CIREG 2016, that will take place in Marrakech, Morocco from the 12th to 14th of May 2016.
CIREG, which has become key venue for researchers in economics and organizational management, intends
to be richer, more diverse and more attractive this year.
The conference will be organized by CEREG, a four labs- (LRMC, SIAD, LECFG, LASMO) - joint research center
at the National School of business and Management (ENCG Settat, University Hassan1-UH1-), in partnership
with GATE and COACTIS research structures in Jean Monnet University, Saint Etienne-France.
Having acquired an interesting and successful experience in organizing both national and international
scientific events, CEREG will organize CIREG 2016 in collaboration with some prestigious partners, namely :
Lille1 CLERSE laboratory
The ESSEC Chair
Paris academy of management sciences
Department of Management at Turin university
The GREFSO & GREGO at UCA Marrakech
The main objectives of this new edition are:
To bring together professors, public institutions’ stakeholders, managers of companies and
socio-professional groups, and the media to debate topics related to the management of SMEs.
To highlight the contribution of research in business and management to business growth and
development, innovation and progress.
To bring together researchers of all nationalities to discuss advances in management science.
To share findings and exchange diverse and open thinking on specific contributions of teaching
and research in management sciences to social debate and the definition of problems and
suggestion of appropriate solutions.
CIREG 2016, therefore, aspires to contribute to a better understanding of the key factors affecting SMEs and
shed light on the impact of research in business and management on economic growth and the success of
these small organizations.
Indeed, SMEs have recently received growing attention from economic actors, faculty and professionals who
have tried to approach the diverse reality, behavior and multiple financial situations of SMEs. The findings of
these attempts underline the difficulty to develop "standard" tools and standardized approaches so as to
help these organizations achieve success.
According to Marchesnay (1993), SMEs research can clearly uncover the hidden aspects that are difficult to
grasp and interpret in bigger organizations. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of
analysis of change rather than in the construction of a category, of an empirical concept that is particularly
useful. Hence, empirical interest in SME first emanates from methodological motives as some strategic
practices are easier to notice in SMEs than in bigger enterprises.
Research interest in SMEs is also driven by theoretical concerns that investigate the role of
entrepreneurship, the theory of Interstices, critics against economies of scale or scope, and flexibility needs
and mutations of our productive systems in the revival of economic theory.
Besides, from a quantative perspective, it is important to investigate reasons behind the extremely growing
number of journals devoted to SMEs the multiplication of SME specialized research teams.
The 3rd Edition of this conference is, therefore, held In the light of this universal scientific vision of the
importance of SME and its leading role in economic growth. The main mission is to provide Moroccan SMEs
with answers pertinent to their local context and adapted to their national specific circumstances.
Participants are, hence, invited to take part in this debate on the challenges and problems facing SMEs
through bringing novel insight drawn from scientific research.
CIREG 2016 welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers willing to contribute to the understanding of
the organizational, managerial, human, social cultural, economic and technical reality of SMES.
The matrix approach will be adopted for the workshops and roundtables. It will be deployed by adopting an
organization at two levels:
Specialized workshops across various disciplinary fields (economics workshop, management
workshop… etc)
Cross- thematic round tables
A- Round-tables
Cross-thematic plenary debates will be held. Renowned local and international experts of academic,
business and administrative backgrounds will be take part in these debates. They will try to give in-depth
insights into the unifying theme of the conference in its different facets.
The roundtable debates will be scheduled in plenary sessions and will revolve around three major themes:
 SMEs’ capacity, Opportunities and models of growth.
 Risks, Difficulties and change factors facing SMEs
 SMEs and Innovation
B- . Disciplinary workshops
CIREG 2016 aims to bring together researchers, PhD students, professionals and stakeholders interested in
the latest thought provoking developments in SMEs. Submitted papers can focus on the following issues
which is not a limited list of topics:
SMEs Risk factors
dimensions of SMEs
Innovation and SMEs
Logistics and SMEs
SMEs Funding
SMEs in services
SMEs growth
The practice of economic
intelligence in SMEs
SMEs’ internationalization
CSR management inside SMEs
Industrial SMEs
SMEs ‘ performance
Strategy and SME
Employment and SMEs
SMEs’ Support and accompaniment
SME’s Taxation
frameworks of SMEs
Corporate culture in SMEs
Collective innovating procedures
in SMEs
Training and SMEs
HRM modernization in SMEs
The impact of information
systems on the modernization of
CIREG 13th edition will also be open to multidisciplinary research papers, interdisciplinary and / or crossdisciplinary in the following areas:
 Finance, Auditing, Accounting, Taxation and Management Control;
 Management, strategy & governance, economic intelligence;
 Marketing, CRM and communication;
 Human Resources;
 Logistics and Supply Chain;
 Information Systems.
 General Economics
 Industrial Economics
 Applied Economics & Econometrics
 Anthropology and Sociology
 Social Psychology and Behavioural Science
 Economic History
All paradigms (positivism, constructivism and interpretativism), research and methodological approaches are
- Qualitative Approaches (Comparative Method, Experimental Research, Action research,
Phenomenology, Case Study, etc ...)
- Quantitative Approaches (econometric modeling, regression, multivariate analysis of correlations,
structural equations, etc.)
Submitted papers should be based on research and meet the following criteria:
Presents Findings of Completed research with practical implications
Literature review on a specific theme with meaningful theoretical implications and suggested
conceptual models.
Papers with original methodological contributions.
Papers that have not been published or presented in previous scientific events.
Papers can be submitted in English, French or Arabic. Oral presentations can be given in any language
chosen by the presenters.
Oral presentations will last for 15 minutes. They will be followed up by a 5 minutes debate and discussion.
Prizes will be awarded to different types of contributions in CIREG 2016.
The Scientific Committee will give the prize for the best paper on the basis of the originality of the subject
matter and the rigor of the research based on the conceptual, methodological and theoretical levels.
 Award of the best empirical study
 Award of the best theoretical article
 Award of the best presentation
 Award of the best presentation, University Hassan the first.
submission deadline for Proposals (A half-page summary)
January the 30th , 2016
Reply of the scientific committee
February the 5th, 2016
Full paper submission deadline
March 1st , 2016
Acceptance notice to authors
March 15th 2016
Final full paper submission
March 30th 2016
Online registration deadline for authors of accepted papers
April, 10th 2016
Publication of CIREG 2016 Final program and “the Conference Abstracts E-
April 30th 2016
CIREG 2016 Date
Submissions must be emailed to: ([email protected])
12th to 14th May 2016
1. The scientific contribution must be between 300-500 words, clearly summarizing the subject of the
2. The full paper, including the bottom of page notes, references and appendices, should not exceed 10-12
pages, with a maximum limit of 5000 words. The full paper should contain an abstract of 150 words,
with 3-5 key words.
3. Autobiographical details / authors must appear at the beginning of pages, including the name, country,
the status of the affiliated institution and the current position of each author.
4. The full paper can be submitted in French in English or Arabic. Using Times New Roman (normal style
and font size 12) Word format, 2.5 margins on both sides, single spaced, all pages must be numbered.
1. Authors are held accountable for the reliability of references and quotations, and must make sure that
the content does not violate copyright laws or contain libeling or plagiarism.
2. Hence, submissions must conform to the SEO rules "Oxford Department of Education"
 International Conference for Research in Economics and Management
 (CIREG 2016- Marrakech)
 May 12-14, Marrakesh, MOROCCO, [ Times New Roman, size 12, Bold]
 TITLE [Times New Roman, size 14, Bold, Upper Case]
 Author(s) Name(s) [Times New Roman, size 12, Shift]
 Affiliates [Times New Roman, size 12] (Example: University, Faculty or Department)
 Country [font name Times New Roman, size 12]
 E-mail [font name Times New Roman, size 12]
 Summary [Times New Roman size 12, Bold]
 Abstract [Times New Roman, size 12] (150 words max.)
 Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, 5 keyword [Times New Roman, size 12]
1. The text should be written in 1.5 spacing, justified and must be presented so that the order of the
headings is clear, no more than 3 levels:
 Level 1: a number (1 for example) title in Times 12 bold capital letters
 Level 2: two digits (1.1. for example), subtitles in Times 12 bold
 Level 3: three digits (for example 1.1.1), subtitles in Times 12 bold
2. The authors are advised to avoid the use of bold or italic, and to not underline the titles, to limit the
number of notes (which will be stated if applicable at the bottom of page) and insert tables and
figures in the text in the right places.
3. References [Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, All IN CAPITAL LETTERS]
The submitted file must be named as follows: your last name followed by the first letter of your first
Submissions must be emailed to: ([email protected])
Pr. Abdelhak KHIARI (Université Hassan II, FSJES Casablanca, Maroc)
Pr. Abdelhamid SKOURI (Université Mohamed Ben Abdellah, FSJES-Fès, Maroc)
Pr. Abdelkader DJEFLAT (Université Lille I, Faculté des Sciences Economiques/labo CLERSE, France)
Pr. Abdellatif KOMAT (Université Hassan II, FSJES de Casablanca, Maroc)
Pr. Abdenbi LOUITRI (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Abdessadeq SADQI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr.Abderrahim BENLAKOUIRI (Université Hassan II, EST Casablanca, Maroc)
Pr. Abdesslam FEZOUANE (INSEA, Maroc)
Pr. Ahmed RHIF (Université de Sousse, Tunisie)
Pr. Amina ASLI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Amina OMRANE (Faculté des Sciences économiques et de Gestion de Sfax, Tunisie)
Pr. Amrane BECHERAIR (ENSSEA Alger, Algérie)
Pr. Aomar IBOURK (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES, Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Badia OULHADJ (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Bouchaib MOKHTARI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Bouchra ABBADI (Université Abdelmalek Saâdi, ENCG Tanger, Maroc)
Pr. Brahim ELMORCHID (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Chafik BENTALEB (Université Cadi Ayyad, ENCG Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Driss BENSRIGH (Université Hassan 1er, FSJES, Maroc)
Pr. Farid CHAOUKI (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Gérard CHARREAUX (Université de Bourgogne, France)
Pr. Habiba BENSSASSI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Hassan ABBAR (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Hassan BENGENTOUCH (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Hervé GOY (Université jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Houcine BERBOU (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Houda HAKIM GUERMAZI (Université de MANOUBA, Tunisie)
Pr. Ibrahim Azzedine KERKOUB (IHEC Alger, Algérie)
Pr. Jean Marie PERETTI (ESSEC Paris, France)
Pr. Jacques IGALENS (Université Toulouse I, IAE Toulouse, France)
Pr. Zahra BENABOU (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Lahoussine ABOUDRAR (Université IBNOU ZOHR, FSJES AGADIR, Maroc)
Pr. Laure AMBROISE (Université jean Monnet, IAE-Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Laurent BERTRANDIAS (Université Toulouse UT1, France)
Pr. Luciana LEW ( Kean University (USA), Wenzhou-Kean University (China))
Pr. M. DAADOUNI (Université Abdelmalek Saâdi, ENCG Tanger, Maroc)
Pr. Marc FILSER (Université de Bourgogne, France)
Pr. Marc FRECHET (Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Marc LORIOL (Université Paris II- Sorbonne, France)
Pr. Mohamed ELOTMANI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mohamed FARIDI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mohamed LARBI SIDMOU (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES Marrakech, Maroc
Pr. Mohamed LOTFI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mohamed MOTMIHI (Université Hassan II, FSJES- Mohamedia, Maroc)
Pr. Mohamed RIGAR (Université Cadi Ayyad, FSJES Marrakech, Maroc)
Pr. Morad LEMTAOUI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG-Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mostafa CHAMI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mostapha BELAISSAOUI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Nezha BAGHAR (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Noureddine CHERKAOUI (Université Hassan II, FSJES Casablanca, Maroc)
Pr. Omar BENAINI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Philippe DESBRIERES (Université de Bourgogne, France)
Pr. Philippe MONIN (EM Lyon, France)
Pr. Rachid JAHIDI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Rachid WAHABI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG-Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Riccardo BELTRAMO (Università Degli Studi Di Torino, ITALIE)
Pr. Said ELMEZOUARI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Salah ZKIM (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Sophie MOINAS (Université Toulouse UT1, France)
Pr. Soufiane FRIMOUSSE (Université de Corse/ Chaire ESSEC, France)
Pr. Stéphane RIOUX (Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Tarek BEN NOAMANE (Emirates College of Technology, Université Abu Dhabi-UAE)
Pr. Wafa HAMMEDI (Université Namur, Belgique)
Pr. Youssef DHIBA (Université Hassan II, FSJES Mohammedia, Maroc)
Pr. Youssef OUBOUALI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
President of organizing committee
Pr. Houcine BERBOU (Director of LRMC research lab., ENCG Settat, UH1 Morocco)
Working committee Sponsors
Pr. Abdelaziz RIDA (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Badia OULHADJ (Director of LASMO research lab., ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Bouchaib MOKHTARI (UH1, ENCG Settat, Morocco)
Pr. Hassan ABBAR (Director of SIAD research lab., ENCG Settat, UH1, Maroc)
Pr. Marc FRECHET (Jean Monnet university, Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Said ELMEZOUARI (Dirctor of research lab., ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Ms. Fatima Zahra CIRAGI (Ph.D. Student, ENCG Settat, UH1)
Pr Abdelaziz ZOHRI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Amina ASLI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Jawad ZERRAD (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Habiba BENSSASSI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Laure AMBROISE (Université jean Monnet, IAE-Saint Etienne, France)
Pr. Mohamed FARIDI (Université Hassan 1er, ENCG Settat, Maroc)
Pr. Mostapha BELAISSAOUI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Mounia BENNANI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Salima JAZI (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Souad RAFIQ (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Pr. Zakaria BENGHAZALA (ENCG Settat, UH1, Morocco)
Ms. Hajar JERDIOUI (Ph.D. Student, ENCG Settat, UH1)
Mlle Hajar Makry (Ph.D. Student, ENCG Settat, UH1)
Mme Fatima MOUSLIK (Communication manager, ENCG Settat, UH1, Maroc)
Mr. Hicham SAMSADI (Economic department, ENCG Settat, UH1, Maroc)
Mr. Said KHAFIF (General Secretary, ENCG Settat, UH1, Maroc)
Phd students
Payment formula
Documents, participation to
oral sessions and
roundtables, tea break and
Accommodation per night
4/5 * Hotel)
350 MAD
600 MAD
750 MAD
1000 MAD
1500 MAD
250 MAD
500 MAD
150 MAD
Gala dinner
Participants who don’t want to be accommodated in the conference hotel venue will be offered cheaper types of
accommodation. Please mark “autre formule”. The organizing committee will help you through the accommodation
- The 10 best papers accepted and presented will be published in an international indexed journal;
- All the research papers presented will be published in an academic national or international refereed
journal as part of a special "CIREG'16";
- All presented research papers will be published in the conference proceedings "CIREG'16";