15 Septembre 2013 - Paroisse Sainte


15 Septembre 2013 - Paroisse Sainte
Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
Le 15 septembre 2013 – 24e DIMANCHE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE C
De la joie plein le ciel - La liturgie d’aujourd’hui nous révèle un visage imprévu et
inusité de Dieu: il se réjouit de la conversion des pécheurs. Celui qui est perdu,
égaré, éloigné est tout à coup revenu et retrouvé. Et le ciel s’en réjouit.
Intentions de messes
Sam 14 sept † Jacques Pelletier
Mar 17 sept Pour la santé
Mer 18 sept †Sœur défunte d’Al Harding
Jeu 19 sept †Père Robert Paradis
Ven 20 sept †Rév. Armand Lemire
Sam 21 sept †Maurice Pagé
de la part de
Famille Herzig-Boyer
Carmel et Rudy Klassen
Club de l’amitié
Chevaliers de Colomb
Abbé Noël Farman
Famille Lefebvre-Olsen
Revenu des offrandes
du 25 août, 1e et 8 sept.
6 218,82$
Together in Action
13 686.48$
Amassé à date
8 sept – 11 189.00$
Levée de fonds – pour
les projets capitaux
Samedi 14 sept
Ministres prochains
Claudette Carbonneau
Jean-Luc Damas/Louise Fortier LECTURE
Gaston Launière
Dimanche 15 sept
Monique et Robert Liddiard
Adeyemi Ige & Roseline Cyr
Claire Lamarre/Selina Kruchten
Clara Gingras/Gracia Gagnon
Samedi 21 sept
Ministres prochains
Madeleine Pelletier
Louise et Jean Fournet
Carole Lynch
Dimanche 22 sept
Madeleine Mills et Nathalie Morin
Hermance Couture et Marlene Dame
Saulnia Lacombe et Guy Robin
Irène de Fosseux et Gerry Fijal
Objectif 40 000,00$
8 sept – 42 995.90$
Grand merci !
Album photos de la paroisse
En octobre, la Paroisse Ste-Famille
aura 85 ans! Du 7 au 10 octobre, un
photographe de la compagnie IPC
Canada viendra prendre la photo
des paroissiens. Immédiatement
après avoir été photographié, vous
pourrez choisir la photo qui vous
commander des photos, genre carte
de Noël ou des 8X10, 5X7. SVP
vous inscrire en indiquant :
Votre nom:__________________
# de téléphone:______________
Encercler la date: lundi 7 octobre,
mardi 8 octobre, mercredi 9
octobre, jeudi 10 octobre
Choisir le quart d’heure entre
14h30 et 20h30: 14h30, 14h45,
15h, 15h15, 15h30, 15h45, 16h
Découper cet annonce et placerle dans le panier de quête. Merci.
Calendrier paroissial
Mar 17 sept Réunion du Comité des finances à 18h15.
Sam 21 sept Messe mémorielle pour Maurice Pagé à 11h.
Mer 25 sept Réunion du Conseil paroissial à 18h15.
Nous rendons grâce!
 Merci beaucoup à nos fidèles bénévoles qui font des travaux
autours de l’église: Robert Houle et Donald Leblanc,
François Gratton.
 La semaine passée, l’Abbé Noël a reçu 4 amis prêtres venus
de Vancouver, Saskatoon, London et Hamilton pour
resourcement spirituel. Grand merci à Laurier et Alice
Labelle d’avoir généreusement offert leur belle et grande
roulotte au Parc Beauchemin. Merci beaucoup à Jeanne
D’Arc Castonguay pour les repas délicieux. Merci à Gilles
Voyer et Yvon Benoît pour leur service technique et à Roger
Doiron et Oscar Fauchon pour avoir préparé la salle.
Messages des Dames de Ste-Famille
 Les rencontres des Dames de Ste-Famille auront lieu à 19h le
2e jeudi de chaque mois.
 Le chapelet sera récité dans la pièce de St-Joseph tous les
dimanches à 10h.
Message pour les servants de messe
Si vous désirez être acolyte ou si vous
voulez des informations concernant ce
ministère, s’il-vous-plaît envoyez un
courriel à Lucie Herzig et Charles Boyer:
[email protected]. Le dimanche 29
septembre avant la messe, il y aura une
pratique pour tous les acolytes (nouveaux
et anciens) possiblement. La date vous
sera communiquée par courriel. Merci!
Faire part
Le 31 août 2013, Mme Annette de
Champlain, née Plotkins, est
décédée à Calgary. Mme de
Champlain, âgée de 89 ans, était
une ancienne paroissienne. Nos
condoléances à son frère Peter
Robert, le frère cadet de
Madeleine Huot, est décédé à
Québec le 4 septembre ; il n’avait
que 65 ans. De la part de tous les
paroissiens, acceptez nos sincères
sympathies Madeleine et Émile.
Les Scouts francophones de Calgary –
vivre une nouvelle aventure.
Soirée d’information et d’inscription: le
vendredi 13 septembre de 19h à 20h30 – à
l’École Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix, 809 boul.
Willingdon SE, Calgary
2e journée d’inscription: le dimanche 15
septembre, après la messe de 11h30 à 12h30
au sous-sol de l’église Sainte-Famille, 1717,
5e rue SO
Première réunion: le vendredi 20 septembre
de 19h à 20h30 pour les Castors et de 19h à
21h pour les Louveteaux, Éclaireurs et
Frais d’inscription pour l’année: 115$ (+
coût de l’uniforme). Pour les 7 à 17 ans. Pour
les formulaires d’inscription et plus de
renseignements, veuillez contacter Roseline
Cyr au (403)274-0463 ou par courriel adressé
à : [email protected]
Aides-élèves recherchés
Le Conseil scolaire FrancoSud cherche à
combler des postes d’aides-élèves dans
plusieurs de ses écoles. Pour plus
d’information concernant ces postes, veuillez
consulter les offres d’emploi détaillées sur
notre site internet à www.francosud.ca.
Coin de poésie et de dictons
«Le bonheur consiste à accepter le fait que
nous sommes limités, mais que nous pouvons
entrer dans une relation personnelle avec
l’Infini.» Jean Vanier
Le 22 septembre après la
messe, Mme Pauline
Jacques fera une
présentation concernant
les Grands frères et
grandes sœurs de
Inscription à la paroisse et aux ministères
Nouveaux et anciens ministres, inscrivez-vous. Découper et placer dans le panier de quête.
NOM: ____________________________________________________________
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance (optionnel)
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
ADRESSE: ________________________________________________________
NUMÉRO DE TÉLÉPHONE: ____________ADRESSE COURRIEL:____________________
Ministères auxquels vous désirez participer  le samedi  le dimanche
 Accueil  Lecture  Eucharistie  Chant  Musicien  Acolyte  Bibliothèque
 Liturgie des enfants  Compter la quête  Comité des finances  Conseil Paroissial
Je désire une boîte d’enveloppes pour mes offrandes.  Oui  Non
Save the Dates and mark your calendars for the Fall Programs. I am happy to share this information
with all those interested in the programs being offered by our diocese.
Halina E. White, Program Coordinator & Consultant
Health Care Apostolate, RC Diocese of Calgary
Ph: 403-218-5508 Fax: 403-264-0526
[email protected]
[email protected]
September 21, 28 and October 5, 2013 8:30 - 12:30pm – AB Pastoral Care Association
Fall Pastoral Care Course: “May I Sit with You Awhile?
Rocky Mountain College
4039 Brentwood Rd. NW
Cost: $50.00 for APCA members, $60.00 for non-members.
Registration: Karen at E-mail: [email protected] or call 403-253-7946
Saturday, October 5, 2013 - Workshop - How to Forgive….4 Steps to Forgiving`
Location: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 400 Edmonton Trail
Presenter: Celia Ryan - Celia is a Clinical Social Worker, Thanatologist, and Grief Therapist.
Celia is temporarily in Calgary (from the US) and offers workshops and training.
We are pleased to have her present this Fall to share with us her extensive knowledge and
experience in these areas
Registration 9:00 am Presentation: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Registration fee is $40.00 which includes lunch.
Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501.
E-mail: [email protected]
October 18, 2013 - White Mass for Health Care Professionals and Pastoral Care Ministers
October 18, 2013, 7:00pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral, Bishop Henry Presiding
More information to follow.
October 25 (Fri. 5:45 – 9:30pm) & October 26 , 2013 (Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm), and
November 1 (Fri. 6:30 – 9:30pm) & November 2, 2013 (Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm)
Bereavement Education Program
Location: FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219 -19 Ave. SW
Registration fee is $75.00 and includes a manual
Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Saturday, November 9, 2013 - Bereavement Coordinators Workshop
Topic: “How to Develop/Enhance a Parish Bereavement Support Program
Location: FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219-19th Ave. SW
Registration: 8:30am
Presentation 9:00am – 2:00pm
2:00 - 3:00pm - Updates from Parishes and Health Care Office.
Registration fee is $25.00 which includes lunch. Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501.
E-mail: [email protected]
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call me at 403-218-5508 or
E-mail [email protected]
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for
September 15th 2013, Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Permanent Diaconate
Three men will be ordained permanent deacons by Bishop Frederick Henry at a Mass on Sunday October 6
at St. Mary's Cathedral. They will receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders at the 3:00 p.m. Eucharist. The
three are Ron Fortier of St. Anthony's, Calgary (wife Sandra), Edward Lam of Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Calgary (wife Anne) and Bill Young of All Saints, Lethbridge (wife Jan). The three men and their wives
comprise the eighth class in the Calgary Permanent Diaconate Formation Program. With their ordination,
there will be 50 permanent deacons in ministry in the Calgary Diocese.
Office of Vocations
Evening of Prayer for Vocations. You are invited to a holy hour of prayer for vocations to the priesthood
and religious life on Sunday September 29, 2013. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 7:30 pm at
St. Anne's Parish, Calgary. For information call Fr. Gaffney at 403- 245-2753.
Health Care Apostolate
Bishop Henry will be celebrating our first Diocesan “White Mass” on The Feast of St. Luke, the Physician,
at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Friday, October 18th at 7:00 pm. All are invited to come and celebrate,
especially those involved in health care as professionals or support staff including pastoral care ministers,
chaplains and clergy. Following the Mass all are invited to a reception at St. Mary’s Hall. If you plan to attend
the reception please call us at 403-218-5501.
Office of Liturgy
Media Art in Liturgy - Roman Catholic Vision. We are all familiar with the use of screens in worship to
display song lyrics. Love it or hate it, this is not the most Catholic use of media in worship; the more Catholic
use of media in worship is media as liturgical art. This year’s Western Conference of Liturgy takes place in
at St. Gerard Church, Calgary: Friday October 18, 7:00 pm and Saturday October 19, 9:00 am – 3:00
pm with Catholic theologian, liturgist, and media producer, Dr. Eileen Crowley. We invite you to come and
engage in this critical reflection upon of the meaning of liturgical participation and the use of media in Catholic
liturgy, especially liturgies in temporary spaces and outside of Mass. The conference also offers participants
an opportunity to explore photography as a spiritual practice. The cost of the conference this year is low, only
$50 (early bird) or $60 after the early bird deadline and it includes lunch. For more information and
registration details visit the conference website http://wclcanada.wordpress.com/.
Religious Education
The Diocesan Catechetical Certificate Program will be offering Level I, of its three-level program, starting
on Saturday September 28th at the Catholic Pastoral Centre. Each level has six Saturday morning
sessions. For more information and registration call 403-218-5501.
Charities and Development Ministry
Elizabeth House is the Calgary Host Partner for Ride for Refuge on October 5, 2013- a fantastically fun,
family-friendly bike-a-thon that supports 175+ charities who serve the displaced, vulnerable, and
exploited across Canada and select USA locations. We would love to have you volunteer or ride with
us. Visit www.rideforrefuge.org for more information or contact Samantha Jones 403-218-5531 or
[email protected].
Social Justice Ministry
Final days of CCCB & CCODP Joint Solidarity Campaign for Crisis in Syria. The CCCB and
Development and Peace have partnered together for a special emergency campaign for the Syrian Crisis,
which ends Sept. 14th. This campaign will assist Syrian refugees. The Diocese of Calgary is accepting
donations for this appeal. Please:
- send a cheque payable to your parish earmarked "Syrian Relief Effort".
- send a cheque payable to the Diocese earmarked "Syrian Relief Effort" and sent to the Pastoral Centre,
120 17th Ave S.W., Calgary AB T2S 2T2.
- Online donations using PayPal or credit cards are now acceptable by clicking on the Donate Now button on
our diocesan website and directing the funds to “Syrian Relief Effort”.
Life and Family Resource Centre
Guess what’s happening at dinner? Families with children ages 12 to 21 are invited to a day of family
interaction, prayer, music, and learning. The activities aim to strengthen family life by helping participants
achieve an understanding of their roles, skills and responsibilities in building a Christian home. Saturday,
Sept 28, 2013 at the Ascension Parish, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Free retreat, lunch and snacks will be
served. For registration, call Vuoleen & Eden at 403-999-5456 or Lanny & Nancy at 403-370-5337.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend , November 15 – 17, 2013: Place: Airport Travelodge. Register before
October 10th. Registration is $50.00. For more information visit www.wwmecanada.org, email [email protected] or call
Annette and Lionel at 403-208-2299.
Transitions, a 15-week program for the newly separated or divorced runs every Tuesday from 7:00 – 9:00
pm starting October 1, 2013. Call 403-218-5505 for more information or to register.
Effective Co-Parenting, a 5-week program for separated/divorced parents that teaches helpful
communication skills. Scheduled to run every Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00 pm starting October 2, 2013.
Call 403-218-5505.
40 Days for Life – International Peaceful Prayer Vigil to End Abortion. Wednesday 25 September to
Sunday 3 November 2013, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. at the Kensington (Abortion) Clinic 2431 – 5th Ave NW.
Contact Jairo at 403-870-3905 [email protected] or Gwen 403-208-9427 [email protected] for more
Life Chain event takes place on Respect Life Sunday, October 6 at 2:30-4:00 pm in Calgary. For more
information check the website www.lifechaincalgary.org or call John at 403-246-8848.
The 2013 “A Song for Rachel” takes place on Friday, October 18, 6:30 pm at St. Joseph’s Parish, 64019 Avenue NW, Calgary. Contact LFRC at 403-218-5505 for ticket reservations.
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
Chair of Christian Thought : The Bentall Lectures in Christian Theology with James K. A. Smith Professor
of Philosophy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI. Worship, Worldview & Cultural Liturgies on Monday,
September 30, 2013 at 7:30 pm , River Park Church , 3818 14A Street SW, Calgary.
St. Alberta the Great, Calgary
Employment opportunity: Youth Minister
St. Albert the Great Parish invites applications for a part-time position to coordinate activities in ministry with
children in junior high, children in sacrament preparation, Principals and teachers of feeder schools to
schedule meetings, liturgies and celebrations. For more information email: [email protected].

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