education work experience


education work experience
B O R N 0 4 / 0 3 / 1 9 8 1 , I N AN G E R S ( F R AN C E )
AD D R E S S : 7 R U E D E S I R L AN DA I S , 4 4 8 0 0 S A I N T H E R B L A I N
T E L : 0 6 5 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 - E M A I L : F L O @ F L O - F L O. F R
W W W. F L O - F L O. F R
2001-2 0 0 6 ja n ua ry
é c o l e n at i o n a l e s u p é r i e u r e d e s a r t s v i s u e l s l a c a m b r e , Brussels
Master's degree in book and graphic design: typography, graduated in may 2006 with best honours
2 0 0 6 workshop L 'O b s e rvat o i r e
européen de l'Objet,
i u av , Venice
2004-2 0 0 5 n u o va ac c a d e m i a d e l l e b e l l e a r t i , Milan
Erasmus semester on Erasmus in the graphic design and visual arts deparment
1998-2 0 0 0 j u n e 1 9 9 8
u n i v e r s i t é c at h o l i q u e d e l ’ o u e s t , Angers
Bachelor's degree in english and german linguistics, literature and civilization
ly c é e s a i n t m a r t i n , Angers
Baccalauréat in economics with specialization in languages and viusal arts
f ro m 2 0 07 t o 2 0 0 8 a n d f ro m 2 0 1 0 t o 2 0 1 3 : f re e l a n ce g ra p h i c d e s i g n e r
topipittori , salani , magazzini salani ,
children’s book
publisher, Milan
vallardi , ponte alle grazie , publishing house, Milan
schering - plough , pharmaceutical company, Milan
communication agency, Paris
textile design, Brussels
la cinquième saison , garden design, Angers
susanna brandolino , styling and set design, Milan
shop saman , concept store, Milan
a m as d e s i g n , creative agency, Mexico City
va l u e m a z e , financial consulting, Milan
• lay-out design for catalogues, picture books, books
communication folders and brochure
• illustrations for children and non
• cover design
• lettering design for picture books
partners ,
zymo studio , chevalier - masson ,
• logo design
• identity design
• conception, design of web sites
• poster design
• institutional brochures
2008 - 2010: full-time p ermanency in agency as a graphic designer
studio cento per cento
graphic design agency, Milan
• lay-out design for all the BTL communication products
for the brand Wella (professionnals hairdressing products),
followed from the briefing to the printing, according
to the existing guideline
• lay-out design for Ipad publications
• advertising campaign for fashion and design companies
(Tod's, Alessi, 120% Lino, Coveri...)
• lay-out design for women's monthlies in France, Italy, Russia.
• clay modelling for prototypes of design products
summer 2004: internship
gallimard jeunesse
children’s book publisher, Paris
• lay-out design and lettering design for children's picture books
: mother tongue
: fluent
e n g l i s h : fluent
g e r m a n : good
s pa n i s h : notions
i ta l i a n
: excellent
: excellent
a d o b e p h o t o s h o p c s 6 : excellent
s k e t c h u p p r o 8 : good
f l a s h c s 4 : good
m i c r o s o f t o f f i c e : good
adobe in design cs6
a d o b e i l l u s t r at o r c s 6
I p r ac t i c e : reading, photography, video editing, yoga, bicycle, tap dance, badminton
I pa r t i c u l a r ly l i k e : insects, maps, poetry, linguistics, flea-market, colors, nature, travelling
I r e a d a n d r e r e a d : Boris Vian, Georges Perec, Alessandro Baricco, Jonathan Safran Foer
I wat c h a n d wat c h ag a i n : Stanley Kubrick, Eric Rohmer, François Truffaut, Pedro Almodovar

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