friendship order


friendship order
Celebrating 10 years of Friendship:
...the book
ring the people of the chars to you, your customers, families and
friends with the personalized Friendship 10-year anniversary book,
the ideal end-of-year gift.
For 10 years Friendship has been working with some of the poorest communities of
Bangladesh, providing healthcare, primary and non-formal education for children,
engaging in disaster management and increasing livelihood, offering vocational
training and teaching people their rights through good governance.
This book is dedicated to the people of Friendship. We cannot think of a better way
to celebrate 10 years of Friendship than to thank all the people who have made it
possible. Therefore to all our friends, colleagues, partners, well-wishers, and to everyone who loves and supports Friendship, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
This book is also an attempt to bring the people of the chars to you, your customers,
families and friends. Each weatherworn face has its own story of tribulation and
triumph. Each page is a reflection of how we have tried to contribute to improving
their lives so they can live with dignity. The book encapsulates them, the people of the
chars, and us, the people who work with them to improve their lives. It is a testament
our collective efforts to work together as a community, and face life’s challenges and
adversities head on.
The book covers Friendship’s history,
starting from the story of Yves Marre sailing
to Bangladesh in 1994, his encounter with
Runa Khan, the first floating hospital, and
the current expanded scope of Friendship’s
work at present.
The book has sections on Activities Disaster
Management & Infrastructure Development,
Health, Nutrition & Population, Education
and Good Governance, Sustainable Economic
Development, Cultural Preservation as well
as future projects.
Each section features stories of beneficiaries
and photos of Bangladesh and the people of
the chars.
Personalized edition for Friendship’s
partner and supporters
fact sheet
Format: 297 x 210 cm (11.69 x 8.27 in)
hardcover with sewed binding
Each personalized book comes with a soft cover featuring a personal dedication
to your company by Runa Khan – and the possibility to insert your own personal text.
Pages: 168
Language: English
Orders start at 50 copies. Price per book: € 27.5 / $ 35.5
For orders above 100 copies, the price falls to € 25 / $ 32.5
For orders above 200 copies, the price falls to € 20 / $ 26
(Prices do not include shipping costs)
Sponsor text Ellatem des derum, venimext el id molorem
eos quia desto qui venime plitios aperumq
uibusa solore nient
Runa’s dedication on behalf of Friendship
Ellatem des derum, venimext el id molorem
eos quia desto qui venime plitios aperumq
uibusa solore nient
At omni nonsequodis andustrum quodi accaepre duciduc itaquatem verio quunt am quis moluptas mo in pra delendi aci utatus doloresti od
eum harum quiaspe riatese quissunt volorese ped ut que porernam et aut
quiatis dolut facest, qui dolut officipsum non pa paruntur rernam, torendi
tatur, verfere nus doluptibus comnihit eniminc torior re dolorit as expliti rem
inimet eatur?
Ellatem des derum, venimext el id molorem eos quia desto qui
At omni nonsequodis an-
vellauda derupti qui doluptates vid
dustrum quodi accaepre duciduc
es aute imusaepe officab idera si
itaquatem verio quunt am quis mo-
apiet peliquas maxim quatibus,
luptas mo in pra delendi aci utatus
conserit officilitis iduciet licias mo
doloresti od eum harum quiaspe
voluptatur? Qui quos eosam in cum
riatese quissunt volorese ped ut que
et que dempor magnim et et re dolo
venime plitios aperumq uibusa solore nient. Unt lauditatios delessit, quunt
porernam et aut quiatis dolut facest,
con cum que officto restrum aut
rerum quis id modit ut que prerem volum fugit eatur, sit alit anihillab ili-
qui dolut officipsum non pa parun-
moluptae. Itas sunt accus et utem
quam, con core vellaborepel ipit veris mo estiis sus voluptas dolupta speri-
tur rernam, torendi tatur, verfere
id qui quia quunt quam, ex ellam as
tius, es archici comnihi tiorendist fugiatur? Quiatur sunt diaeperum que
nus doluptibus comnihit eniminc
voluptatiost esequideria vit qui blabore audamet liti dolest ium nonsequi te
quiam, totatur mi, qui dolores erore-
torior re dolorit as expliti rem inimet
et, officide re nosto quat odion reiusdaero et doluptatur?
Cullaut hilit alicab imporehenis velendit fugit rerum vollam, vel-
Ellatem des derum, venimext
lauda derupti qui doluptates vid es aute imusaepe officab idera si apiet
el id molorem eos quia desto qui
peliquas maxim quatibus, conserit officilitis iduciet licias mo voluptatur? Qui
venime plitios aperumq uibusa so-
quos eosam in cum et que dempor magnim et et re dolo con cum que of-
lore nient. Unt lauditatios delessit,
ficto restrum aut moluptae. Itas sunt accus et utem id qui quia quunt quam,
quunt rerum quis id modit ut que
ex ellam as quiam, totatur mi, qui dolores eroreribus.
prerem volum fugit eatur, sit alit ani-
Imagnati to tem ius voluptaquam assimet fugias ex ea aliti repel
exerferspedi corestion pa nonsequia que nisciendae serfern atatur resciendel iscipsusam quatur? Ut et etur sandele niminte enimaionsed explitiis velecto tendunt faccust faciat. Itaturibus, quunt ernamet lab intis eum facerro
diorepe rchicid magnis coreped itiaecus ario ent aut enim re, nitionsed
maio omniment ipictis et reptat fugit ventur sant la eri dolorectur? Lam netumqui nist qui cus.
La Banque de Luxembourg
hillab iliquam, con core vellaborepel
ipit veris mo estiis sus voluptas dolupta speritius, es archici comnihi
tiorendist fugiatur? Quiatur sunt diaeperum que voluptatiost esequideria vit qui blabore audamet liti dolest
ium nonsequi te et, officide re nosto
quat odion reiusdaero et doluptatur?
Imagnati to tem ius voluptaquam assimet fugias ex ea aliti repel
exerferspedi corestion pa nonsequia que nisciendae serfern atatur
resciendel iscipsusam quatur? Ut et
etur sandele niminte enimaionsed
explitiis velecto tendunt faccust faciat. Itaturibus, quunt ernamet lab
intis eum facerro diorepe rchicid
magnis coreped itiaecus ario ent aut
enim re, nitionsed maio omniment
ipictis et reptat fugit ventur sant la
eri dolorectur? Lam netumqui nist
qui cus.
Cullaut hilit alicab imporehenis velendit fugit rerum vollam,
La Banque de Luxembourg
Order Form
Shipping address (if different from address above):
Yes, I would like to extend the hand of friendship.
Please send me a personalized edition of Friendship’s 10th anniversary book
First name
First name
Number of copies (min. 50)
Billing address (if different from address above):
First name
(your name, name of the company):
Do you want to place your own customized text (approx. 1800 characters with spaces)?
Allow 30 days prior to the printing of your book.
Please send this order form to
Friendship Bangladesh
Baridhara Central Plaza (3rd Floor)
87, Suhrawardi Avenue, Block - K,
Baridhara, Dhaka -1212
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. + 88 02 9860434 / + 88 02 986043
Fax + 88 02 881 4851
We will send you a quote (to include shipping costs) prior to confirmation
of your order.

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