El Libertario (Venezuela) - Nu-Sol


El Libertario (Venezuela) - Nu-Sol
El Libertario (Venezuela) speaks in English - 1
The collection (in 3 parts) of texts taken from our printed edition, or relating to this publication, a
Venezuelan anarchist paper that has appeared in Spanish, since 1995, from the Editorial Collective of
El Libertario. As of early 2012 we have had published 65 editions, with a circulation of about 2,000
to 2,500 copies per issue. It is distributed in Venezuela and 15 other countries, being the best known
and most widespread anarchist voice from within Latin America in recent times.
El Libertario: What it is and how you can participate …………………….….…….…………. 2
To Think that Power Will Dissolve By Itself is an Absurdity: Interview with Alfredo Vallota
Venezuela 2005: visions and answers from an anarchist perspective …….……….….……….. 5
Venezuela´s anarchists and the three-way fight ………………………….….………..……….. 9
What's so Revolutionary about Venezuelan Coal? …………………….……….……….….…. 10
WSF Caracas: a shroud for Venezuela´s social movements …………………..……………..… 14
The Bolivarian Development Model in Venezuela: Its Environmental and Social Impacts …. 19
The Alternative Social Forum in Caracas: Voices from the Left ……………………………… 21
Declaration of Caracas libertarian // January 29, 2006 …………………………….…………. 24
Talking about the Venezuelan situation ………………………………………………….…… 25
Neither shameful anarchism nor shameless anti-imperialism: a reply to P. Moras ……………. 27
Depolarization and autonomy: Challenges to Venezuela’s social movements after D-3 …..….. 29
A Call and an Alert to Public Opinion ………………………………………………….……... 31
Eleven reasons not to vote on Dec. 3 (2006) ………………………………………………… 32
Venezuela 2006: Continued repression of popular protest …………………………………… 33
Extreme Violence, Extreme Indifference …………………………………………………….. 38
Manifesto of solidarity with Venezuelan Anarchists and Social Movements ………………….. 40
Venezuela: on the dark side of the Moon …………………………………………………….. 41
Refuting the Deaf: Chavism and Anarchism in Venezuela ………………………….……….... 44
Interview with Indonesian anarchist journal Empty Heaven - May 2007 ……………………... 47
Venezuela today: complexities and outright lies ……………………………………………… 50
The case of RCTV and the fictional democratization of communication …………………..… 53
The Myth of “Co-Management” in Venezuela: Reflections on Alcasa and Invepal ………….... 56
El Libertario (Venezuela) speaks in English - 2
Reforms take away what is gained through the struggle ………………….……….…………... 2
INSURGENTES against Venezuela´s constitutional reform ……………….….….………….. 4
Interview with Jorge Montiel, Maikiralasa’lii Wayuu group ………………….…….………….. 8
Venezuela Behind the Smokescreen ………………………………………………………….. 11
Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! …………………………. 14
Against (B)oligarchy, demagogy and corruption. Autonomous struggle from the ground up! .... 17
Venezuela 2008: A libertarian proposal for the current situation ………………..……….…... 18
South American anarchists and anti-militarists say NO to war (March 2008) ………..….…… 21
Revolution is not possible without peace ……………………………………………….……. 22
Anarchism in Venezuela, past and present ……………………………………………….…… 24
Struggling for the autonomy of Venezuela’s social movements ………………………….……. 26
Memories of “Popular Power” in Venezuela’s economy ……………………………….….…...
National Security = Personal Insecurity ………………………………………………….……
Terror in Perija ………………………………………………………………………….….….
No concentration of power is ever revolutionary ………………………………………….…..
Trade unionism between the servile bureaucracy and the hired killers ………………….……...
The revolution delayed: 10 years of Hugo Chavez’s rule ……………………………….……...
Venezuela: The death of the "process", the weight of the warlord ……………………….……
The People's Struggle is the Best Response to the Crisis! …………………….………….…….
El Libertario warns of possible sentence to the 14 SIDOR workers ……………….…….……
The anarchist school: Education for equality …………………………………….……….…...
El Libertario (Venezuela) speaks in English - 3
Interview with the newspaper El Libertario June 2009 ……………………....…….………….. 2
To defend the right of social protest! …………………………………………..………………. 8
Chomsky as Chavez’s Clown ………………………………………………….………………. 9
Venezuela, The first ever Caracas Libertarian Bookfair ………………………………………. 12
The error of being Lusbi Portillo ………………………………………………..…………….. 15
Venezuela: Anti-police impunity activist assassinated ………………….………………..…… 17
Demarcation without land, criminalization and death for indigenous struggle ……….….…..... 18
The murderers cannot make justice. On the exhumations of the Caracazo ……….…………... 20
Venezuelan labor between Chavez and the golpistas: The Bolivarian government against
union autonomy ………………………………………………………………………….….... 22
Vetelca: The story of the first ever Bolivarian maquila factory …………………………...…… 25
The crisis in Venezuela: understanding the causes, assigning blame and suggesting solutions … 28
Venezuela: the myth of "Eco-socialism of the XXI Century" ………………………….……... 30
Why is there popular protest in Venezuela? ………………………………………….………. 34
On infiltration ………………………………………………………………………….……... 36
Venezuela-Cuba relationship: What can be said from an anarchist perspective? ……………… 40
Shock Therapy to “nationalise” and discipline the daily lives ……………………….………... 42
Venezuela’s Social Movements: Autonomy’s Difficult Path ………………………………….. 45
The story of the union leader Ruben Gonzalez ………………………………………….……. 47
Book Review: Venezuela. Revolution as Spectacle …………………………………………… 52
Editorial, El Libertario # 65 (February-March 2012) ………………………………………… 53
Bolivarian de-socialization ………………………………………………………………….… 54
El Libertario (Venezuela) parle en français – 1
Collection (en 2 parties) de textes tirés de notre édition imprimée ou liés à cette publication, un
journal anarchiste vénézuélien publié en espagnol, depuis 1995, par le collectif de rédaction d’El
Libertario. Jusqu'au début de 2012, nous avons publié 65 numéros, avec un tirage de 2000 à 2500
exemplaires par numéro. Il est distribué au Venezuela et 15 autres pays, étant le porte-parole de la
presse anarchiste le plus connu et répandu en Amérique latine dans la période récente.
Carrefour pour nulle part ……………………………..……………………….……….………. 2
El Libertario du Venezuela …………………………………………….…….…….…..….…..... 4
Venezuela : la Révolution ne sera pas... pour tout de suite ! …………….…………....….……. 6
Déclaration Libertaire - Caracas // 29 janvier 2006 …………………….…………….....……. 7
Venezuela 2006 : Anarchisme en dépit de tout ………………………….…………….....……. 9
Hausse de la répression contre les manifestations ………………………..……………..……. 13
Interview "La Libertaria", novembre 2007 ………………………………..…………….…… 18
Venezuela 2008 : vision et proposition libertaire pour le moment actuel ……..………..…….. 23
L'anarchisme au Venezuela, passé et présent …………………………….……...………….… 27
A ceux qui ne veulent pas entendre : Chavisme et anarchisme au Venezuela aujourd’hui .....…. 29
Manifeste solidaire avec les anarchistes et les mouvements sociaux de Venezuela …………… 33
« Nous avons une vérité en face de nous et nous devons la dire. » ………………………...…. 34
Venezuela - La gauche non chaviste dialogue et réaffirme ses engagements ……………….…. 37
Sur un air de... Chacha ……………………………………………………………….……….. 39
Nous n’avons pas besoin d’une autre guerre de plus …………………………………….……. 43
Colombie / Venezuela - La révolution n’est pas possible sans la paix ...…………….…......…. 45
Chavez et l'anarchisme …………………………………………………………………..……. 47
Chomsky, le bouffon de Chavez ……………………………………………………….……... 50
Vetelca: Histoire de la première « maquiladora » bolivarienne …………………….…..…..….. 53
Criminalisation et mort contre le peuple Yukpa ……………………………...……………….. 57
Interview d’El Libertario, juin 2009 …………………………………………...…………...…… 59
Le gouvernement bolivarien contre l’autonomie des syndicats …………………..…………… 66
Pour la défense du droit à la protestation sociale ! ……………………………………...…….. 69
Pourquoi il y a des protestations au Venezuela ? …………………………………......….…… 70
Rencontre avec Nelson Méndez ……………………………………………...……….……… 73
El Libertario (Venezuela) parle en français - 2
Entretien avec Juan Mi de Los Dolares, mai 2005 ……………………….…….…………...….. 2
Le mythe de la nature démocratique des Forces armées vénézuéliennes …….….…………....... 7
Venezuela : les réalités du "chavisme" vues par un anarchiste …………….………………….. 35
Interview El Libertario mars 2008 ………………………………………………….…....….…. 45
El Libertario prend la parole ……………………………………………………….…………. 62
Venezuela, révolution ou spectacle ? Deux commentaires sur le livre de Rafael Uzcategui ……. 70
El Libertario auf Deutsch
El Libertario ist eine anarchistische Zeitschrift aus Venezuela, die im Jahr 1995 von einem
redaktionellen Kollektiv gegründet worden ist. Bis zum Jahr 2012 erschienen 65 Ausgaben mit
einer Auflage von 2000 bis 2500 Exemplaren pro Heft. El Libertario erscheint in Venezuela und
in 15 weiteren Ländern, wobei der Bekanntheitsgrad der Zeitschrift in Südamerika am größten
ist. Die vorliegende Sammlung an Texten fasst die deutschen Übersetzungen zusammen, die im
Laufe der Jahre entstanden sind. Entweder entstammen die Vorlagen der gedruckten Version oder
es sind Texte, die im Zusammenhang mit unserer Zeitschrift entstanden. Weitere Artikel in
verschiedenen Sprachen finden sich auf der Homepage: www.nodo50.org/ellibertario
10 Fragen und Antworten über Chávez und Anarchismus …………………………….………... 2
Venezuela: Eine folgerichtige Antwort auf wiederholte Fragen ………………………………… 5
Libertäre Erklärung von Caracas // 29. Januar 2006 …………………………………………… 7
Wer genau hinsieht, sieht keine Revolution:
Anarchistische Perspektive der „Bolivarischen Revolution“ in Venezuela …....………………… 9
Depolarisierung und Autonomie :
Herausforderungen Venezuelas zu den Sozialbewegungen nach D-3 ………………………….. 13
Hugo Chavez aus der Sicht venezolanischer AnarchistInnen ………………………………….. 15
Der Sender RCTV und die angebliche Demokratisierung der Kommunikation .............................. 16
Den Tauben predigen: Chavismus und Anarchismus in Venezuela ................................................... 18
Wir brauchen keinen weiteren Krieg ....................................................................................................... 21
Venezuela: Eine Revolution mit einem Kadaver im Mund .................................................................. 23
Venezuela - der Genossenschaftsbetrug ................................................................................................. 26
Venezuela: Gewerkschaften zwischen serviler Bürokratie und Auftragsmord ................................. 29
Interview mit der (A) Zeitschrift El Libertario, Venezuela .................................................................. 31
Vetelca: Die Geschichte der ersten bolivarischen Maquila Fabrik in Venezuela .............................. 35
Venezuela: Eine Chance für Veränderung .............................................................................................. 39
Venezolanische Arbeit zwischen Chavez und den Golpistas .............................................................. 42
Venezuela: Mythos Öko-Sozialismus im 21. Jahrhundert .................................................................... 45
Die Beziehungen zwischen Kuba und Venezuela aus anarchistischer Perspektive ......................... 49
Notwendige Anmerkungen von Sergio Lopez ........................................................................................ 51
Venezuelas soziale Bewegungen: der schwierige Weg zur Autonomie .............................................. 55
El Libertario (Venezuela), parlando in italiano
Raccolta di testi tratti dalla nostra versione cartacea, o connessi con questo giornale anarchico in
lingua spagnola, che viene pubblicato dal 1995 dal collettivo editoriale di El Libertario. Primi mesi del
2012 abbiamo 65 numeri, 2000 al 2500 copie per numero. E 'distribuito in Venezuela e in altri 15
paesi, è il portavoce della stampa anarchica meglio conosciuto in America Latina negli ultimi tempi.
Lavoratori e sindacati oggi in Venezuela: una prospettiva libertaria …………..……....………. 2
Un certo libello bolivariano ……………………………………………….………….……….. 5
Editoriale di El Libertario [# 38, 2004] ………………………………………….…...……….. 8
Venezuela 2006: A sinistra de Chavez ………………………………………..…….…………. 9
La repressione di Chavez …………………………………………………………….……….. 13
Manifesto Solidale con gli anarchici ed i movimenti sociali del Venezuela ……….….……….. 18
Il Venezuela oggi: complessità e menzogne …………………………………….…….………. 20
Autoritarismo "sinistro" del XXI secolo: il "Comandante Hugo" ………….………….…….... 22
Intervista con alcuni esponenti del gruppo anarchico “El Libertario” ………………..………. 30
Editorial El Libertario # 52, 2008 …………………………………………………..………... 38
Venezuela: Terrore a Perijá …………………………………………………….…………….. 39
Nessun mito chavista, anzi …………………………………………………….……….…….. 40
Nessuna concentrazione del potere è rivoluzionaria …………………..……………..……….. 43
El Libertario si manifesta e dice …………………………………………….………………... 45
Cuba: Una voce libertaria …………………………………………….………………………. 52
Venezuela: "socialismo bolivariano" e le libertà civil ………………….……………………… 57
La protesta sociale In Venezuela ……………………………………………….…………….. 58
Relazioni Cuba-Venezuela: una prospettiva libertaria ………………….……….…………….. 61
La vicenda del sindacalista Rubén González ………………………..……………………….... 64
L'aumento del 50% allo stipendio dei militari, è uno schiaffo in faccia ai lavoratori …......…… 68
Venezuela: il MUD promette che se vince, vi saranno ulteriori privatizzazioni
nell'industria petrolifera del paese ……………………………………………….……….…… 70
El Libertario (Venezuela) falou em Português
Coleção de textos extraídos de nossa versão impressa, ou relacionados a este jornal anarquista em
Espanhol, que é publicado desde 1995 pelo colectivo editorial do El Libertario. Início de 2012 temos
65 números, com tiragem de 2000 a 2500 exemplares por edição. Despachado na Venezuela e outros
15 países, sendo um porta-voz bem conhecido para a imprensa anarquista na América Latina.
Resposta conseqüente a perguntas repetidas ………………………….……………………….. 2
El Libertario # 35, 2003, Editorial ………………………………………………….…………. 3
Anarquismo na Alemanha na visão de um latino - Parte I .………………………….………….. 4
"A Venezuela é uma bomba relógio" - Parte II ………………………………………………... 9
Venezuela: gasoduto binacional com a Colômbia e Chevron Texaco ………………………..... 12
Venezuela: Revolução e Contra-Revolução Midiática …………………………..…..………… 14
Conectando anarquías ……………………………………………………………...…………. 19
Falando da situação venezuelana …………………………………………………………….... 21
Revolução Bolivariana: um discurso de esquerda e uma prática que favorece
à globalização económica ……………………………………………………………………... 23
Manifesto de solidariedade com os anarquistas e os movimentos sociais da Venezuela ….….. 26
Chavismo e Anarquismo hoje na Venezuela (2007) ………………………………….…..…… 27
América do Sul: anarquistas e antimilitaristas dizemos NÂO a guerra ……………….…..…… 30
Sem paz não há revolução possível ………………………………………………….…..……. 31
Conversando com El Libertario …………………………………………………………..…... 33
Os corpos das mulheres como campo de batalha ………………………………………..…… 41
Cuba: Não estão sós ………………………………………………………………………….... 42
Pela libertação do dirigente sindical Rubén González …………………………………..…..... 43
Movimentos sociais na Venezuela: o árduo caminho da autonomía …………………..……..... 47