Middlebury College Language Schools Doctorate of Modern


Middlebury College Language Schools Doctorate of Modern
Middlebury College Language Schools
Doctorate of Modern Languages
Dissertation Titles from 2000-2011
Herrera, Michael Dardo Steven. “EtymoLogik: A Powerful Software Tool for Modeling Sound Change
Hypotheses (EtymoLogik: eine leistungsfähige Regelsprache zur Modellierung von LautwandelHypothesen).”
George, Norma. “Life and Work of the Writer Marie-Therese Colimon Hall (La femme aux mains
d’ecrivain: la vie et l’oeuvre de Marie-Therese Colimon).”
Alsina-Pomales, Nadya. “Theory of cognates and teaching/learning of vocabulary in second language
(La Théorie des mots cognats et l’enseignement/apprentissage du vocabulaire en langue
D’Amanda, Elisabetta. “Miruno Calopresti’s Meridian Point of View in the New Italian Cinema (La
prospettiva meridiana di Miruno Calopresti del nuova cinema Italiano).”
Guglielmino, Carla. “Myths of reality under Fascism: ambitions and disillusionments of Fascist Italy
(Miti e relata del fascismo. Velleità e disinganni Nell ‘Italia fascista).”
Neiles, Tom. “The life of the botanist Andre Michaux (La vie du Botanist André Michaux).”
Wildermuth, David. “The 35th Division in the Soviet Union 1941: A case study of the War of
Annihilation (Die 35. Wehrmacht division in der Sowjet Union 1941: eine fallstudie
Plutino, Maria Stella. “Remember, do not forget: the Camp in Ferramonti di Tarsia (Calabria) and the
Safe Haven Camp in Oswego, New York (Ricordati, non dimenticare: il campo di Ferramonti di
Tarsia (Calabria) e il campo Safe Haven di Oswego (New York).”
Sáenz-Agut, Esther A. “The French Literary Stereotype of Spaniards in the Spanish Civil War
(Typologie des espagnols: la représentation de l'Espagnol à travers de la literature française).”
Martin, Cynthia. “The Linguistic, Political, and Economic Ramifications for the Communicative
Approach in FSL textbooks published in the U.S. (Représentations des principes de l'approche
communicative dans les contenus des méthodes de français langue étrangère publiées aux USA
depuis les années 90 jusqu’au deuxième millénaire).”
Garcia, Maria. “Villiers de L’Isle – Adam or the impossible love (Villiers de L'Isle-Adam ou
L'Impossible Amour).”
Glick, Beatriz. “Manipulations of vocabulary as diagnosis for multiple intelligences (Las manipulaciones
de vocabulario como diagnóstico para inteligencias multiples).”
Leveziel, Frederic. “Spanish society as seen through the cinematic prism of Pedro Almodóvar (La
sociedad española vista a través del prisma cinematográfico de Pedro Almodóvar).”
Fleis, Charlie. “Normalizing the marginalized: the tradition continues. A study of the most recent films
of Pedro Almodóvar (Normalizar la marginalidad, la tradición continúa: un estudio de las
películas más recientes de Pedro Almodóvar).”
Gery, Paul. “Responses to catastrophe: the French intellectuals and the great war of 1914-1918
(Réponses à la Catastrophe: les Intellectuels français et la grande guerre de 1914-1918).”
Mishina, Faith. “Three perspectives of labyrinths in three works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Las
perspectivas laberínticas en tres obras de Gabriel García Márquez).”
Nunez, Jose. “The separation of church and state in the French public school system: beyond the
wearing of religious symbols (La Laïcité aujourd'hui dans l'école publique française: au delà du
port des signes religieux).”
Sabe-Colon, Maria Lourdes. “A feminine vision in the rural short stories of Emilia Pardo Bazan (Una
vision femenina en los cuentos rurales de Emilia Pardo Bazán).”
Suarez-Valle, Lourdes. “The search of ideal love in the artificial woman (La quête de l'amour ideal dans
la femme artificielle).”
Fults, Janna M. “Does reading texts further the acquisition of a second language ? Research of the
progression of reading texts (example TPRS) to authentic texts (stories) (Quels sont les
éléments clés qui favorisent l'apprentissage de la L2 avec la lecture? recherche d'une progression
de la lecture des textes (type TPRS) aux textes authentiques).”
Martin, Karen Wooley. “Challenging Borders: The Demarcation of Space in Isabel Allende’s “House
of Spirits” trilogy (Derribando fronteras: la demarcación del espacio en la trilogía de Isabel
Richardson, Lynetta. “Black Women in Two Antillean Novels (Une histoire de la femme noire aux
Antilles à travers Moi, Tituba, sorcière noire de Salem de Maryse Condé et "Pluie et vent sur
Télumée Miracle" de SimoneSchwarz-Bart).”
Vitti, Alicia. “Eleonora Pimentel di Fonsica: Portrait of a Revolutionary (Eleonora de Fonseca
Pimentel: ritratto di una rivoluzionaria).”
La Orden, Joyce. “Relative Clauses in Spanish: Diagnosis of a Problem English Speakers Face and a
Didactic Proposal (Las subordinadas de relativo en Español: diagnóstico de un problema para
anglohablantes y propues).”
Travalia, Caroline M. “Review of the Concept of Lexical Collocation in Spanish – A Proposal for its
Application to Second Language Learning (El concepto de colocación en Español: propuesta de
una nueva taxonomía y delimitación de sus fu).”
Echevarría, Edna V. “The “New Comedians” of the 80’s and the “Italian Style” Comedy Traditon (I
"nuovi comici" degli anni '80 e la tradizione comica "all'italiana").”
Needham, Jonathan A. “Foscolo’s ‘To the Graces’: an Original English Translation in Verse of a Poem
Sculpted in Words, ed. with an Introduction and Notes on Neoclassical Poetics (Tempio eretto
e poema scolpito in parole, ‘Le Grazie’ di Ugo Foscolo: nuova versione ingles).”
Simpson, Dana. “The Role of Women in Spanish Chivalric Novels (El papel de la mujer en tres libros
de caballerías: Amadís de gaula, Las sergas de esplandián, Palmerín De Inglaterra).”
Borrmann, Ralf S. “Project based Computer assisted Foreign Language Instruction: A Case Study of
the Zone of Proximal Development (Eine Fallstudie zur Zone der unmittelbaren Entwicklung
in projektorientiertem telekollaborativem Fre).”
Bridgwood, Joan. “The Lure of Italy for Russians (1840’s-1920’s) (Pritiagatelnost’ Italii dlia Russkikh s
1840-kh godov po 1920-e gody).”
Zeigler, Marya A. “The grotesque devil: folklore and literary sources of the demonology in Gogol's
"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka” (Grotesknyĭ chert: folklornye i literaturnye istochniki
demonologii v "Vecherakh na khutore bliz Dikanki" Gogolia).”
Delcourt, Jean P. “Inversion and Subversion in “El Miso Mar de todos los veranos” and “Para no
volver” by Esther Tusquets (Inversión y subversión en El mismo mar de todos los veranos y
para no volver de Esther Tusquets).”
Fernández-Abdalá Loyola, Marta. “Ambivalence and Continuity of Sentimental Expression in the
Works of Julian del Casal. (Ambivalencia y constancia del intimismo sentimental en la obra
literaria de Julián del Casal).”
de Chabert-Highfield, Shirley. “Cultural Identity, Motivation and the Color Purple: New Foci on the
Teaching of Hispanic Culture in the U.S. Virgin Islands (La identidad cultural, la motivacion y
el color purpura: nuevos enfoques en la ensenanza de la cult).”
Schoolar, Geoffrey. “Tragedy and Sentimentality: Wieland’s “Lady Johanna Gray” (Tragödie und
empfindsamkeit: Wielands Lady Johanna Gray).”
Iammarino, Sarah. “The Silent Duchess” From Novel to Film (La lunga vita di Mariana Ucr̀ìa: tra
romanzo e film).”
Rozier, Louise. “Paola Masino’s Writings: Between Myth and Reality (Paola Masino: la scrittura tra
mito e realtà).”
Silvestri, Holly Ann. “An Analysis of the Rhetoric Arguing Against Immigration of Jean-Marie Le-Pen
of the Front National (Une analyse de l'argumentation contre l'immigration dans le discours du
Front national et de Jean-Marie Le-Pen)”
Walton, Liliane T. “A Study of Festivals in Northern France (Fêtes et Société dans le Nord de la
Sherf, Nicole Lepoutre. “A Study of Oral Assessment to Improve Speaking Performance in the Spanish
as a Foreign Language Classroom (La producción comunicativa oral en la instrucción de lengua
española: un estudio comparativo).”
Carlone, Lucyann R. “A Jungian Analysis of Elio Vittorini’s Conversazione in Sicily (Il pensiero
junghiano nell'opera di Elio Vittorini.)”
Horohoe, Martha M. “Painting, Architecture, Music: A Polyphony of the Arts (Au bonheur des dames,
ou, La polyphonie des arts).”
Von Bonin-Brumbaugh, Angelika. “Plain and Undivided Loyalty”: Servants and Masters in Theodor
Fontane’s work ("Schlichte Treue" Diener und herren bei Theodor Fontane).”
Faustman, Jean. “Pluie et vent sur Telumée Miracle" and Chronique des sept miseres": A Comparison
(Pluie et vent sur Télumée Miracle et Chronique des sept misères.)"

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Middlebury Language Schools Doctor of Modern Languages

Middlebury Language Schools Doctor of Modern Languages Vitti, Alicia. “Eleonora de Fonseca Pimente: ritratto di una rivoluzionaria [Eleonora Pimentel di Fonsica: Portrait of a Revolutionary].” La Orden, Joyce. “Las subordinadas de relativo en español: ...

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