Chansons et comptines cycles I et II


Chansons et comptines cycles I et II
Chansons et comptines cycles I et II Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Come in. Let’s sing. Let’s play. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Knock, knock, knock. Come on in! Let’s sing. And play. And learn together. Knock, knock! No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! No little monkeys jumping on the bed None fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said Put those monkeys back in bed! TheABCsong
ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRS TUV W XYZ Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me? One little, two little, three little Indians Four little, five little, six little Indians Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians Seven little, six little, five little Indians Four little, three little, two little Indians One little Indian boy. Fivelittlemonkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout Down came the rain and washed poor Wincy out Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain And Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again Hello!Hello!
1 finger, 1 thumb keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb keep moving We'll all be happy and bright! 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm keep moving 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm keep moving We'll all be happy and bright! 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm, 1 leg keep moving (X4) We'll all be happy and bright! 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm, 1 leg, 1 nod of the head, keep moving (X4) We'll all be happy and bright! 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm, 1 leg, 1 nod of the head, stand up, sit down keep moving (X4) We'll all be happy and bright! 1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm, 1 leg, 1 nod of the head, stand up, turn round, sit down keep moving (X4) We'll all be happy and bright! Theshapesong
What shape is it ? It's a star. What shape is it ? It's a square. ... square
Can you make a square? Yes, I can Thisisacat
Lexique : a, cat, dog, fish, duck, pig, cow, big, very big Structures : This is a....(+ Nom au singulier) Is this a... ? YES ! NO ! Yes, it is No, it isn't. What's this ? Pistes d'activités : Chanter la chanson en la mimant Faire repérer le nom des animaux en écoutant le cri de l'animal et en regardant les images Montrer un animal et poser des questions ouvertes ou fermées Demander à un élève de montrer un animal et lui faire poser la question à ses camarades Travailler sur les couleurs et la place de l'adjectif Faire colorier les animaux en fonction de la couleur entendue Faire la différence entre 'big' et 'little' Jouer aux mémory avec des cartes représentant les animaux Créer des masques des animaux et mimer la chanson pour la fête de fin d'année Baa,baa,blacksheep,
Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full. One for my master, One for my dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full. One for my master, One for my dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. HumptyDumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses, And all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty together again! 

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