Guillaume Greff


Guillaume Greff
Guillaume Greff
Lupinus nootkatensis was
introduced to Europe from
North America late in the 18th
century. In 1945 seeds were
collected on the shores of
College fjord, Prince William
Sound, Alaska, leading to the
introduction of the plant to several afforestation sites and
subsequent naturalization of
the species in the mid 1950s. L.
nootkatensis was introduced
to Greenland from Iceland and
has become naturalized in several localities in SW Greenland. From Iceland the species
was also introduced to the Faroe Islands shortly after 1970.
Lupinus nootkatensis is adapted to open habitats where natural disturbance is frequent
such as sand and gravel bars
along the coastline or rivers
and mountain slopes. In its
new range, the species is therefore primarily found, or has
potential to invade, the
same habitats and similar habitats of human disturbance.
On 16 August 1944 when the
Soviets entered Treblinka, the
extermination zone had been
leveled, ploughed over, and
planted with lupins to conceal
the mass murders that had
taken place there.
Lupina est un récit non linéaire qui s’appuie sur des événements
ayant réellement eu lieu et des images dont la banalité évoque un
danger imminent. L’association d’images d’archives provenant
du fonds photographique de la guerre d’hiver, et de photographies réalisées dans le cadre de la résidence Valokuvataiteilijoiden
Liitto créent ainsi une nouvelle fiction dont les limites temporelles
et géographiques restent floues. Ces images peuvent être vues
comme des indices comportants des éléments d’inconscient optique, car elles ne sont ni transparentes ni immédiatement lisibles.
Réalisé avec l’aide du Northern Photographic Centre d’Oulu de la
Photographic Gallery Hippolyte à Helsinki, de l’ Institut français de
Finlande et du pôle image Haute-Normandie.

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