N°111 NOUVELLES ACQUISITIONS Mars- Avril 2014 - all-in-web


N°111 NOUVELLES ACQUISITIONS Mars- Avril 2014 - all-in-web
Mars- Avril 2014
Bibliothèque - Centre de Documentation de Supélec
Campus de Gif-sur-Yvette
[email protected]
AUTOMATIQUE ........................................................................................................................... 5
Linear feedback controls ..................................................................................................................... 5
Reliability and maintenance ................................................................................................................ 5
BIOGRAPHIE ............................................................................................................................... 5
Conversations with myself ................................................................................................................... 5
BIOLOGIE ................................................................................................................................... 6
The brain that changes itself ............................................................................................................... 6
Quand la vie remplace le silicium ....................................................................................................... 6
DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 6
L'avenir des bibliothèques ................................................................................................................... 6
Le web sémantique en bibliothèque..................................................................................................... 7
Le livre numérique............................................................................................................................... 7
Manuel de constitution de bibliothèques numériques ......................................................................... 7
Regards croisés sur les métiers des sciences de l'information ............................................................ 7
ECONOMIE ................................................................................................................................. 7
RAMSES : rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies ............................... 7
Energy efficiency ................................................................................................................................. 8
ELECTROTECHNIQUE................................................................................................................. 8
Multicore simulation of power system transients ................................................................................ 8
Electric power transformer engineering ............................................................................................. 8
Power system stability and control...................................................................................................... 9
Power systems ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Communication Networks for Smart Grids ......................................................................................... 9
Biomass gasification, pyrolysis, and torrefaction ............................................................................. 10
ENTREPRISE ............................................................................................................................. 10
Getting things done ........................................................................................................................... 10
Réseaux sociaux et entreprise, les bonnes pratiques......................................................................... 10
HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES ET DES TECHNIQUES ....................................................................... 10
Les mathématiques éclairées par l'histoire ....................................................................................... 10
INFORMATIQUE ........................................................................................................................ 11
A first course in Machine Learning ................................................................................................... 11
Rédigez des documents de qualité avec LaTeX ................................................................................. 11
Markov models for pattern recognition............................................................................................. 11
Samsung galaxy tabs for dummies .................................................................................................... 11
iPad all-in-one for dummies .............................................................................................................. 11
Les réseaux sociaux pour les nuls ..................................................................................................... 12
Human-computer interaction ............................................................................................................ 12
Essential MATLAB for engineers and scientists ............................................................................... 12
Cloud Computing .............................................................................................................................. 12
Mastering cloud computing ............................................................................................................... 13
Software engineering......................................................................................................................... 13
Managing information security ......................................................................................................... 13
Network and system security ............................................................................................................. 14
Computation and storage in the cloud .............................................................................................. 14
An introduction to numerical methods .............................................................................................. 14
Clustering for data mining ................................................................................................................ 14
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB ........................................................................................ 15
The Internet of things ........................................................................................................................ 15
MATHÉMATIQUES .................................................................................................................... 16
Mathematical modeling ..................................................................................................................... 16
Flow networks ................................................................................................................................... 16
Differential geometry of manifolds.................................................................................................... 16
Mathematical modeling ..................................................................................................................... 16
Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations....................................................................... 17
Applying analytics ............................................................................................................................. 17
Methodology in robust and nonparametric statistics ........................................................................ 17
Statistical and machine-learning data mining .................................................................................. 18
Fundamentals of stochastic filtering ................................................................................................. 18
Applied stochastic processes ............................................................................................................. 18
Les nombres premiers ....................................................................................................................... 19
Géométrie non commutative .............................................................................................................. 19
PHILOSOPHIE ET PSYCHOLOGIE ............................................................................................. 19
Sérendipité ......................................................................................................................................... 19
How to stop worrying and start living ............................................................................................... 19
The 7 [Seven] habits of highly effective people ................................................................................. 19
PHYSIQUE ET PHYSIQUE APPLIQUÉE ....................................................................................... 20
Nanocrystalline materials ................................................................................................................. 20
The elements of polymer science and engineering ............................................................................ 20
Electromagnetic surface waves ......................................................................................................... 20
Fundamentals of magnetism .............................................................................................................. 21
Berkeley, cours de physique: 2, Électricité et magnétisme ............................................................... 21
Solid State Shysics ............................................................................................................................. 21
Physics ............................................................................................................................................... 21
The Hall Effect and its applications .................................................................................................. 22
Nonlinear and random vibrations ..................................................................................................... 22
Les accidents de fusion du cœur des réacteurs nucléaires de puissance .......................................... 22
Nanoparticle Technologies................................................................................................................ 22
Les nanotechnologies ........................................................................................................................ 22
ROMANS ................................................................................................................................... 23
The twelve tribes of Hattie................................................................................................................. 23
The summer before the dark .............................................................................................................. 23
The pure gold baby ............................................................................................................................ 23
You deserve nothing .......................................................................................................................... 23
Under my skin.................................................................................................................................... 23
The seven sisters ................................................................................................................................ 23
Expo 58 .............................................................................................................................................. 24
S'abandonner à vivre ......................................................................................................................... 24
En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule ......................................................................................................... 24
La haine de la famille ........................................................................................................................ 24
Réparer les vivants ............................................................................................................................ 24
La centrale en chaleur ...................................................................................................................... 25
Martin Eden....................................................................................................................................... 25
La lamentation du prépuce ................................................................................................................ 25
SOCIOLOGIE ............................................................................................................................. 25
Resilience .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Réussir son intervention orale ........................................................................................................... 25
TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 26
iPhone all-in-one for dummies .......................................................................................................... 26
Handbook of fiber optic data communication ................................................................................... 26
THEORIE DE L'INFORMATION-SIGNAL .................................................................................... 26
Digital communications .................................................................................................................... 26
Digital signal processing................................................................................................................... 26
Linear feedback controls
Mark A. Haidekker, ...-1 vol. (XIV-268 p.)-629.8 HAI-Elsevier-2013"The design of control systems is at the very core of engineering. Feedback controls are ubiquitous,
ranging from simple room thermostats to airplane engine control. Helping to make sense of this wideranging field, this book provides a new approach by keeping a tight focus on the essentials with a
limited, yet consistent set of examples. Analysis and design methods are explained in terms of theory
and practice. The book covers classical, linear feedback controls, and linear approximations are used
when needed. In parallel, the book covers time-discrete (digital) control systems and juxtaposes timecontinuous and time-discrete treatment when needed. One chapter covers the industry-standard PID
control, and one chapter provides several design examples with proposed solutions to commonly
encountered design problems. The book is ideal for upper level students in electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, biological/biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and agricultural and
environmental engineering and provides a helpful refresher or introduction for graduate students and
professionals" (Editor's description)
Reliability and maintenance
Frank Beichelt, Peter Tittmann-1 vol. (X-332 p.)-629.801 BEI-CRC Press-2012"Reliability and Maintenance: Networks and Systems gives an up-to-date presentation of system and
network reliability analysis as well as maintenance planning with a focus on applicable models.
Balancing theory and practice, it presents state-of-the-art research in key areas of reliability and
maintenance theory and includes numerous examples and exercises. Every chapter starts with
theoretical foundations and basic models and leads to more sophisticated models and ongoing
research. The first part of the book introduces structural reliability theory for binary coherent systems.
Within the framework of these systems, the second part covers network reliability analysis. The third
part presents simply structured maintenance policies that may help with the cost-optimal scheduling of
preventive maintenance. Each part can be read independently of one another. "(Editor's Notes)
Conversations with myself
Nelson Mandela-1 vol. (XXI-454 p.)-920 MAN-Macmillan-2010"This book comes with a foreword by President Barack Obama. Nelson Mandela is one of the most
inspiring and iconic figures of our age. Now, after a lifetime of taking pen to paper to record thoughts
and events, hardships and victories, he has opened his personal archive, which offers an unprecedented
insight into his remarkable life. "Conversations With Myself" gives readers access to the private man
behind the public figure: from letters written in the darkest hours of Mandela's twenty-seven years of
imprisonment to the draft of an unfinished sequel to "Long Walk to Freedom". Here he is making
notes and even doodling during meetings, or recording troubled dreams on the desk calendar of his
cell on Robben Island; writing journals while on the run during the anti-apartheid struggles in the early
1960s, or conversing with friends in almost seventy hours of recorded conversations. In these pages,
he is neither an icon nor a saint; here he is like you and me. An intimate journey from the first stirrings
of his political conscience to his galvanizing role on the world stage, "Conversations with myself" is a
rare chance to spend time with Nelson Mandela the man, in his own voice: direct, clear, private."
(Editor's Description)
The brain that changes itself
Norman Doidge,...-1 vol. (XVI- 427 p.)-573.8 DOI-Penguin-2007"A new science called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the old notion that the human brain is
immutable. Psychoanalyst Doidge traveled the country to meet both the brilliant scientists
championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they've transformed--people whose mental
limitations or brain damage were seen as unalterable. We see a woman born with half a brain that
rewired itself to work as a whole, blind people who learn to see, learning disorders cured, IQs raised,
aging brains rejuvenated, stroke patients learning to speak, children with cerebral palsy learning to
move with more grace, depression and anxiety disorders successfully treated, and lifelong character
traits changed. Using these stories to probe mysteries of the body, emotion, love, sex, culture, and
education, Dr. Doidge has written an inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our
brains, human nature, and human potential." (Editor’s Description)
Quand la vie remplace le silicium
Dennis Shasha,... Cathy Lazere,...-1 vol. (XII-207 p.)-570 SHA-Dunod-2011"[...] La première partie de ce livre explique par exemple comment des chercheurs s’efforcent de
comprendre les mécanismes naturels de l’apprentissage et de l’évolution pour concevoir des vaisseaux
spatiaux plus autonomes et des systèmes industriels plus sûrs. La deuxième partie décrit différents
travaux de recherche qui contrôlent et utilisent des entités biologiques, comme de l’ADN, des
bactéries ou des virus, pour construire des nano-robots, des virus affaiblis ou des circuits biologiques.
La troisième partie présente quatre architectures totalement révolutionnaires, qu’il s’agisse
d’ordinateurs massivement parallèles orientés vers des problèmes de modélisation biologique ou
cryptographique, ou d’ordinateurs analogiques, ou encore d’ordinateurs quantiques. [...] " (Quatrième
de couverture)
L'avenir des bibliothèques
Sous la direction de Florence Roche et Frédéric Saby-1 vol. (224 p.)-025 ROC-Presses de l'Enssib2013"L'évolution des bibliothèques est permanente ; du traitement des collections, sanctuarisées, protégées,
le métier de bibliothécaire, après s'être emparé des technologies de l'information, est devenu plus
technique : il doit aujourd'hui se tourner vers un public plus exigeant, plus inconstant, aux attentes plus
imprévisibles et plus diverses. Depuis le vote de la loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des
universités, dite loi LRU, en août 2007, et le passage aux responsabilités et compétences élargies
(RCE), les missions, la place de la bibliothèque au sein de la communauté académique ne vont plus de
soi. Cet ouvrage s'intéresse donc particulièrement aux bibliothèques universitaires ; il installe l'usager,
le lecteur, l'étudiant au centre des réflexions ; il traite des usages des étudiants, du devenir des
collections, du rôle des personnels, de la politique de services au public, des indicateurs appropriés et
conclut par une vision prospective et stratégique de la bibliothèque. Au-delà des personnels des
bibliothèques universitaires, cet essai s'adresse à tous les directeurs et professionnels, quel que soit le
type d'établissement ; il nous interroge sur le devenir de nos professions et sur la plus-value apportée à
la communauté nationale ; il intéressera à ce titre un lectorat plus large, soucieux de comprendre la
place qu'occupe aujourd'hui la bibliothèque dans la construction du savoir." (Quatrième de couverture)
Le web sémantique en bibliothèque
Emmanuelle Bermès-1 vol. (171 p.)-025 BER-Electre | Éditions du Cercle de la librairie-2013"Présentation des différentes briques technologiques qui constituent le web sémantique. La première
partie explique les objectifs et les promesses du web de données pour les bibliothèques, la seconde
présente quatre cas pratiques d'application à leur usage : publier des données en RDF, enrichir les
pages web, agréger les données, lier les données avec le LED (linked enterprise data)." (Présentation
de l'éditeur)
Le livre numérique
Bernard Prost, Xavier Maurin, Mehdi Lekehal-1 vol. (126 p.)-025 PRO-Éd. du Cercle de la librairie2013"Le livre numérique a signé son véritable acte de naissance avec sa normalisation liée au format ePub,
presque conjointement à l'apparition des tablettes, avant de s'introduire dans les téléphones, les
liseuses, les ordinateurs. Croissance mesurée en France, explosive aux États-Unis et plus généralement
dans le monde anglophone, le marché du livre numérique est une réalité qui s'impose à tous les
éditeurs papier, mais également à de nombreux pure-players qui y voient des opportunités nouvelles.
Cet ouvrage apporte une vision pragmatique du livre numérique (ce qu'il faut connaître, sans pour cela
être technicien) et se destine à tous ceux qui souhaitent découvrir ou qui découvrent la réalité de ce
marché : décideurs, éditeurs, fabricants et, bien sûr, auteurs curieux ou ambitieux." (Quatrième de
Manuel de constitution de bibliothèques numériques
Sous la direction de Thierry Claerr et Isabelle Westeel-1 vol. (407 p.)-025 CLA-Éd. du Cercle de la
librairie-2013"Dans la continuité du Manuel de la numérisation, un guide pratique pour aider aux différentes étapes
de conception et de construction d'une bibliothèque numérique à l'ère du web sémantique. Ce manuel
aborde les questions juridiques et techniques liées au web 2.0, au web mobile et au web de données et
contient un guide de préservation et d'archivage des collections numériques." (Présentation de
Regards croisés sur les métiers des sciences de l'information
Jean-Philippe Accart-1 vol. (122 p.)-025 ACC-Editions KLOG-2014" Cet ouvrage s’attache à porter des regards croisés sur les métiers des bibliothèques, des archives, de
la documentation et des musées. À une époque où la référence à la mémoire, au patrimoine, au livre,
est supplantée par celle ayant trait au numérique, à la technologie et aux réseaux sociaux – ce qui n’a
rien d’antinomique – il devient urgent de réfléchir à la finalité de ces services. Leurs rôles sont
multiples, à la fois collectifs et individuels, ils participent à l’éducation, à la culture et à la formation
tout au long de la vie. À l’heure d’Internet, ces rôles sont renforcés par l’aspect technologique,
informatique, qui fait partie de ce que tout citoyen doit apprendre et maitriser s’il veut avoir une part
active dans la société du savoir. En la matière, les services dont nous parlons ont un rôle primordial à
jouer, et les professionnels de l’information eux-mêmes – archivistes, bibliothécaires, documentalistes,
personnels des musées – sont au premier rang. À travers de nombreux exemples et témoignages, cet
essai montre comment ces services s’enrichissent les uns les autres, se complètent, utilisent des
méthodes de travail proches bien que différenciées et se transforment, avec l’apparition de nouveaux
profils métier." (Quatrième de couverture)
RAMSES : rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies
IFRI Institut français des relations internationales-1vol-(349 p.)-330.9/005 MON-DunodRAMSES 2014, le 32e, présente des articles compacts et pertinents dans la sélection et l'analyse
des tendances mondiales 2014. Le fil conducteur de RAMSES 2014 porte sur une question
centrale : les jeunes aujourd'hui, vers l'explosion ? Question dictée par l'actualité, omniprésente
dans notre société comme dans les médias. L'emploi des jeunes aujourd'hui constitue l'un des défis les
plus inquiétants pour le système économique, social, politique planétaire. Toutes les sociétés, qu'elles
soient anciennes émergentes, riches ou pauvres, sont touchées de plein fouet. La première partie est
entièrement consacrée à la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui. Chacune des parties suivantes intègre le thème
au cœur de ses articles. RAMSES 2014 comporte 7 parties (2 parties thématiques, 5 parties portant sur
un continent ou zone géographique). RAMSES 2014 propose au total 40 entrées : par pays ou
par thème. Les Repères proposent un appareil documentaire qui complète les textes. Le monde en
cartes (16 pages quadri). Le monde en chiffres : 150 pays. Chronologie. » (Résumé de l’éditeur)
Energy efficiency
Edited by Fereidoon P. Sioshansi,...-1 vol. (XLV- 631 p.)-333.79 SIO--"Energy Efficiency: Towards the End of Demand Growth is a detailed guide to new energy efficiency
technologies and policy frameworks affecting the profitability of efficiency projects. The contributions
drawn together by F.P. Sioshansi feature insights from recognized thought leaders, detailed
examinations of evolving technologies, and practical case studies yielding best practices for project
planners, implementers and financiers. This volume challenges the "more is better" paradigm in
energy production, examining efficiency technologies and measurement across the supply chain."
(Editor's Notes)
Multicore simulation of power system transients
Fabian M. Uriarte-1 vol. (XXVI-285 pages)-621.319 URI-The Institution of Engineering and
Technology-2013"Multicore Simulation of Power System Transients introduces a notional power system model
consisting of hundreds of power apparatus and is used to demonstrate how to partition and parallelise
the simulation of power system transients on a multicore desktop PC. The power system throughout
Multicore Simulation of Power System Transients is discretised and formulated using the mesh and
nodal methods. The author shows that the mesh method can result in matrices that are 99% sparse and
that graph theory is not required. Several examples are included in this new book to conceptually show
how power systems are partitioned and parallelised. To provide a reference on how fast a multicore
solver can be, parallel simulation runtimes are compared against MATLAB/Simulink. Topics covered
include: power system modelling in the time domain, discretisation, network formulation, network
partitioning, multithreading and performance analysis." (Editor's Description)
Electric power transformer engineering
Edited by James H. Harlow-1 vol. (pagination multiple [693] p.)-621.312 HAR-CRC Press-2012"Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Third Edition expounds the latest information and
developments to engineers who are familiar with basic principles and applications, perhaps including a
hands-on working knowledge of power transformers. Targeting all from the merely curious to
seasoned professionals and acknowledged experts, its content is structured to enable readers to easily
access essential material in order to appreciate the many facets of an electric power transformer.
Topically structured in three parts, the book: Illustrates for electrical engineers the relevant theories
and principles (concepts and mathematics) of power transformers Devotes complete chapters to each
of 10 particular embodiments of power transformers, including power, distribution, phase-shifting,
rectifier, dry-type, and instrument transformers, as well as step-voltage regulators, constant-voltage
transformers, transformers for wind turbine generators and photovoltaic applications, and reactors
Addresses 14 ancillary topics including insulation, bushings, load tap changers, thermal performance,
testing, protection, audible sound, failure analysis, installation and maintenance and more As with the
other books in the series, this one supplies a high level of detail and, more importantly, a tutorial style
of writing and use of photographs and graphics to help the reader understand the material. Important
chapters have been retained from the second edition; most have been significantly expanded and
updated for this third installment. Each chapter is replete with photographs, equations, and tabular
data, and this edition includes a new chapter on transformers for use with wind turbine generators and
distributed photovoltaic arrays. Jim Harlow and his esteemed group of contributors offer a glimpse
into the enthusiastic community of power transformer engineers responsible for this outstanding and
best-selling work." (Editor's Notes)
Power system stability and control
Editor, Leonard L. Grigsby-1 vol. (pagination multiple [450] p.)-621.312 GRI-CRC Press-2012"With contributions from worldwide leaders in the field, Power System Stability and Control, Third
Edition (part of the five-volume set, The Electric Power Engineering Handbook) updates coverage of
recent developments and rapid technological growth in essential aspects of power systems. Edited by
L.L. Grigsby, a respected and accomplished authority in power engineering, and section editors
Miroslav Begovic, Prabha Kundur, and Bruce Wollenberg, this reference presents substantially new
and revised content. Topics covered include: Power System Protection Power System Dynamics and
Stability Power System Operation and Control this book provides a simplified overview of advances
in international standards, practices, and technologies, such as small signal stability and power system
oscillations, power system stability controls, and dynamic modeling of power systems. This resource
will help readers achieve safe, economical, high-quality power delivery in a dynamic and demanding
environment. With five new and 10 fully revised chapters, the book supplies a high level of detail and,
more importantly, a tutorial style of writing and use of photographs and graphics to help the reader
understand the material."(Editor's Notes)
Power systems
Edited by Leonard L. Grigsby-1 vol. (pagination multiple [568] p.)-621.312 GRI-CRC Press-2012"The generation, delivery and utilization of electric power and energy remains one of the most
challenging and exciting fields of electrical engineering. The astounding technological developments
of our age are highly dependent upon a safe, reliable and economic supply of electric power. The
objective of the Electric Power Engineering Handbook is to provide a contemporary overview of this
far-reaching field as well as a useful guide and educational resource for its study. It is intended to
define electric power engineering by bringing together the core of knowledge from all of the many
topics encompassed by the field. The articles are written primarily for the electric power engineering
professional who is seeking factual information and secondarily for the professional from other
engineering disciplines who wants an overview of the entire field or specific information on one
aspect of it"( Editor's Notes)
Communication Networks for Smart Grids
Kenneth C. Budka, Jayant G. Deshpande, Marina Thottan-1 vol. (XVIII-369 p.)-621.319 BUDSpringer Verlag-2014"This must-read text/reference presents an application-centric approach to the development of smart
grid communication architecture and network transformation. The coverage includes in-depth reviews
of such cutting-edge applications as advanced metering infrastructure, distribution automation,
demand response, and synchrophasors as well as more traditional utility applications like SCADA
systems. Providing detailed insights derived from the authors’ pivotal research on smart grid
communications and extensive consulting experience, the book explains how electric power
companies can transform their networks to best meet the challenges of tomorrow’s smart grids.Topics
and features:
•Examines a range of exciting utility applications made possible through smart grid evolution
•Describes the core-edge network architecture for smart grids, introducing the concept of wide area
and field area networks (WANs and FANs)
•Explains how the network design paradigm for smart grids differs from that for more established data
networks, and discusses network security in smart grids
•Provides an overview of communication network technologies for WANs and FANs, covering
OPGW, PLC, and LTE and MPLS technology
•Investigates secure data-centric data management and data analytics for smart grids
•Discusses the transformation of a network from conventional modes of utility operation to an
integrated network based on the smart grid architecture framework
This comprehensive and practical guide will be of great interest to all professionals engaged in the
planning, operation, and regulation of smart grids. Students studying courses on smart grids will also
find the book to be an invaluable resource." (Editor’s Notes)
Biomass gasification, pyrolysis, and torrefaction
Prabir Basu, ....-1 vol. (XIX-530 p.)-621.4 BAS-Elsevier | Academic Press-2013"Biomass is the most widely used non-fossil fuel in the world. Biomass resources show a considerable
potential in the long-term given the increasing proliferation of dedicated energy crops for biofuels. The
second edition of Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis is enhanced with new topics, such as
torrefaction and cofiring, making it a versatile resource that not only explains the basic principles of
energy conversion systems, but also provides valuable insight into the design of biomass conversion
systems. This book will allow professionals, such as engineers, scientists, and operating personnel of
biomass gasification, pyrolysis or torrefaction plants, to gain a better comprehension of the basics of
biomass conversion. The author provides many worked out design problems, step-by-step design
procedures and real data on commercially operating systems. With a dedicated focus on the design,
analysis, and operational aspects of biomass gasification, pyrolysis, and torrefaction, Biomass
Gasification, Pyrolysis and Torrefaction, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of biomass in
its gas, liquid, and solid states in a single easy-to-access source." (Book Cover)
Getting things done
David Allen-1 vol. (XIV-267 p.)-650.1 ALL-Penguin Books-2001"In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done, veteran coach and
management consultant David Allen shares the breakthrough methods for stress-free performance that
he has introduced to tens of thousands of people across the country. Allen's premise is simple: our
productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our
thoughts are organized can we achieve effective productivity and unleash our creative potential."
(Book Cover)
Réseaux sociaux et entreprise, les bonnes pratiques
Christine Balagué et David Fayon-1 vol. (VII-230 p.)-651.7 BAL-Pearson-2011"À l’heure où les internautes utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour rester en contact avec leurs marques
préférées, où les entreprises ouvrent leurs « murs » à leurs fans sur Facebook et où contrôler sa eréputation devient vital, il est essentiel pour toute entreprise de définir sa stratégie sur les réseaux
sociaux. En interne, il est également crucial d’anticiper l’évolution vers une entreprise 2.0 où les
directions et les métiers se décloisonnent pour faciliter la circulation de l’information, tout en se
protégeant par une charte d’utilisation à l’usage des salariés. Les auteurs déclinent les bénéfices et les
risques de l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux. Études de cas réels (Ikea, Oasis, La Redoute, PagesJaunes,
La Vache Qui Rit, Louis Vuitton, BNP Paribas, Gap…) et interviews d’acteurs clés viennent étayer
leur propos, et chaque chapitre se termine par cinq recommandations à mettre en œuvre." (Quatrième
de couverture)
Les mathématiques éclairées par l'histoire
Sous la direction d'Évelyne Barbin-1 vol. (VIII-197 p.)-509 BAR-Vuibert | ADAPT-SNES-2012"L'ouvrage propose de revenir sur les origines de neuf théories mathématiques en lien avec des
pratiques de mesure ou de calcul (...). Il permet de découvrir les mathématiques anciennes,
égyptiennes, grecques, indiennes et arabes, à plusieurs époques, et donne à lire des textes de savants
comme Archimède, Galilée, Fermat et Gauss, ou d'ingénieurs non moins illustres, en les resituant dans
leurs contextes scientifiques et culturels." (Quatrième de couverture)
A first course in Machine Learning
Simon Rogers, Mark Girolami-1 vol. (XX-285 p.)-006.3 ROG-CRC Press-2012"A First Course in Machine Learning covers the core mathematical and statistical techniques needed to
understand some of the most popular machine learning algorithms. The algorithms presented span the
main problem areas within machine learning: classification, clustering and projection. The text gives
detailed descriptions and derivations for a small number of algorithms rather than cover many
algorithms in less detail. Referenced throughout the text and available on a supporting website
(http://bit.ly/firstcourseml), an extensive collection of MATLAB®/Octave scripts enables students to
recreate plots that appear in the book and investigate changing model specifications and parameter
values. By experimenting with the various algorithms and concepts, students see how an abstract set of
equations can be used to solve real problems. Requiring minimal mathematical prerequisites, the
classroom-tested material in this text offers a concise, accessible introduction to machine learning. It
provides students with the knowledge and confidence to explore the machine learning literature and
research specific methods in more detail." (Book Cover)
Rédigez des documents de qualité avec LaTeX
Noël-Arnaud Maguis-1 vol. (X-271 p.)-005.3 MAG-Simple IT-2010"Vous souhaitez rédiger des documents avec une présentation digne de ce nom, mais vous n'êtes pas
un as de la mise en page ? Découvrez en douceur le langage LaTeX dans cet ouvrage, un standard
utilisé dans le monde scientifique pour produire livres, rapports, mémoires, thèses et articles de qualité
professionnelle.18 chapitres de difficulté progressive.2 travaux pratiques pour vous exercer.Un cours
conçu pour les débutants. L'outil préféré des scientifiques enfin à votre portée.Un cours progressif qui
commence (vraiment) par les bases. Aucune connaissance en typographie et mise en page n'est
requise." (Quatrième de couverture)
Markov models for pattern recognition
Gernot A. Fink-1 vol. (XIII-276 p.)-006.4 FIN-Springer-2014"This thoroughly revised and expanded new edition now includes a more detailed treatment of the EM
algorithm, a description of an efficient approximate Viterbi-training procedure, a theoretical derivation
of the perplexity measure and coverage of multi-pass decoding based on n-best search. Supporting the
discussion of the theoretical foundations of Markov modeling, special emphasis is also placed on
practical algorithmic solutions. Features: introduces the formal framework for Markov models; covers
the robust handling of probability quantities; presents methods for the configuration of hidden Markov
models for specific application areas; describes important methods for efficient processing of Markov
models, and the adaptation of the models to different tasks; examines algorithms for searching within
the complex solution spaces that result from the joint application of Markov chain and hidden Markov
models; reviews key applications of Markov models."(Editor's Notes)
Samsung galaxy tabs for dummies
By Dan Gookin-1 vol. (XII-307 p.)-004.16 GOO-J. Wiley & Sons-2014"Blast into the Samsung Galaxy and experience your tablet in a whole new way. Gookin helps you get
the most out of your Galaxy Note or Galaxy Tab and all its amazing features" (Source : 4ème de
couverture) " Blast into the Samsung Galaxy and experience your tablet in a whole new way. Gookin
helps you get the most out of your Galaxy Note or Galaxy Tab and all its amazing features" (editor’s
iPad all-in-one for dummies
By Nancy C. Muir-1 vol. (XIV- 528 p.)-004.16 MUI-J. Wiley & sons-201411
“The iPad's popularity just keeps growing. Part iPod, game console, e-reader, and ultra-powerful
microcomputer; the iPad does so many things that this resource needs five minibooks to address them
all. Written by bestselling For Dummies author Nancy Muir, this all-in-one guide explores iPad basics,
fun stuff, iPad on the go, getting productive with iWork, and using iPad to get organized in five, fullcolor minibooks.” (Editor’s Notes)
Les réseaux sociaux pour les nuls
Carolyn Abram, Laura Fitton-1 vol. (XII-372 p.)-004.65 ABR-First Interactive-2012"Facebook vous met en relation avec les personnes que vous connaissez et dont vous vous souciez. Il
vous permet de communiquer, de rester à jour et de garder contact avec vos amis et votre famille
partout dans le monde. Que vous vouliez partager des actualités et des sites Web, jouer à des jeux,
organiser des événements, former des groupes ou promouvoir votre entreprise, Facebook vous le
permet. Twitter quant à lui vous permet d'envoyer des messages à toute la communauté Twitter. Vous
avez la possibilité de visualiser ces messages, appelés tweets (ou mises à jour), sur Internet ou sur
votre téléphone portable. Twitter a changé la communication entre les personnes, les marques et les
entreprises, les mouvements sociaux, et les initiatives. Ce livre se propose de vous faire entrer dans la
communication du 21e siècle." (Quatrième de couverture)
Human-computer interaction
I. Scott MacKenzie-1 vol. (XVII-351 p.)-004 MAC-Elsevier | M. Kaufmann-2013"Human-Computer Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective is the definitive guide to empirical
research in HCI. The book begins with foundational topics including historical context, the human
factor, interaction elements, and the fundamentals of science and research. From there, you'll progress
to learning about the methods for conducting an experiment to evaluate a new computer interface or
interaction technique. There are detailed discussions and how-to analyses on models of interaction,
focusing on descriptive models and predictive models. Writing and publishing a research paper is
explored with helpful tips for success. Throughout the book, you'll find hands-on exercises, checklists,
and real-world examples. This is your must-have, comprehensive guide to empirical and experimental
research in HCI-an essential addition to your HCI library. "(Editor's Notes)
Essential MATLAB for engineers and scientists
Brian H. [i.e. D.] Hahn, Daniel T. Valentine-1 vol. (XVI-408 p.)-005.3 HAH-Academic Press |
Elsevier-2013"The fifth edition of Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists provides a concise, balanced
overview of MATLAB's functionality that facilitates independent learning, with coverage of both the
fundamentals and applications. The essentials of MATLAB are illustrated throughout, featuring
complete coverage of the software's windows and menus. Program design and algorithm development
are presented clearly and intuitively, along with many examples from a wide range of familiar
scientific and engineering areas. This is an ideal book for a first course on MATLAB or for an
engineering problem-solving course using MATLAB, as well as a self-learning tutorial for
professionals and students expected to learn and apply MATLAB. . Updated with the features of
Matlab R2012b . More complete coverage of Matlab windows and menus . Expanded discussion of
writing functions and scripts . Revised and expanded Part II: Applications . Expanded section on GUIs
. More exercises and examples throughout . Extensive teacher support on
http://textbooks.elsevier.com: solutions manual, extra problems, multiple choice questions,
PowerPoint slides . Companion website for students providing M-files used within the book and
selected solutions to end of chapter problems . Flexible access options: print, e-text, and e-text
subscription." (Editor's Summary)
Cloud Computing
Dan C. Marinescu-1 vol. (XVIII-396 p.)-004.36 MAR-Elsevier | M. Kaufmann-2013"Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice provides students and IT professionals with an in-depth
analysis of the cloud from the ground up. Beginning with a discussion of parallel computing and
architectures and distributed systems, the book turns to contemporary cloud infrastructures, how they
are being deployed at leading companies such as Amazon, Google and Apple, and how they can be
applied in fields such as healthcare, banking and science. The volume also examines how to
successfully deploy a cloud application across the enterprise using virtualization, resource
management and the right amount of networking support, including content delivery networks and
storage area networks. Developers will find a complete introduction to application development
provided on a variety of platforms." (Editor's Notes)
Mastering cloud computing
Rajkumar Buyya,... Christian Vecchiola,... S. Thamarai Selvi,...-1 vol.(XVI-452 p.)-004.36 BUY-M.
Kaufmann-2013"Mastering Cloud Computing is designed for undergraduate students learning to develop cloud
computing applications. Tomorrow's applications won't live on a single computer but will be deployed
from and reside on a virtual server, accessible anywhere, any time. Tomorrow's application developers
need to understand the requirements of building apps for these virtual systems, including concurrent
programming, high-performance computing, and data-intensive systems. The book introduces the
principles of distributed and parallel computing underlying cloud architectures and specifically
focuses on virtualization, thread programming, task programming, and map-reduce programming.
There are examples demonstrating all of these and more, with exercises and labs throughout. It
explains how to make design choices and tradeoffs to consider when building applications to run in a
virtual cloud environment. Real-world case studies include scientific, business, and energy-efficiency
considerations." (Editor's Notes)
Software engineering
Richard F. Schmidt-1 vol. (XXIV-351 p.)-005.1 SCH-Elsevier | Morgan Kaufmann-2013"Software Engineering: Architecture-driven Software Development is the first comprehensive guide to
the underlying skills embodied in the IEEE's Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)
standard. Standards expert Richard Schmidt explains the traditional software engineering practices
recognized for developing projects for government or corporate systems. Software engineering
education often lacks standardization, with many institutions focusing on implementation rather than
design as it impacts product architecture. Many graduates join the workforce with incomplete skills,
leading to software projects that either fail outright or run woefully over budget and behind schedule.
Additionally, software engineers need to understand system engineering and architecture-the hardware
and peripherals their programs will run on. This issue will only grow in importance as more programs
leverage parallel computing, requiring an understanding of the parallel capabilities of processors and
hardware. This book gives both software developers and system engineers key insights into how their
skillsets support and complement each other. With a focus on these key knowledge areas, Software
Engineering offers a set of best practices that can be applied to any industry or domain involved in
developing software products. * A thorough, integrated compilation on the engineering of software
products, addressing the majority of the standard knowledge areas and topics * Offers best practices
focused on those key skills common to many industries and domains that develop software * Learn
how software engineering relates to systems engineering for better communication with other
engineering professionals within a project environment." (Editor's Notes)
Managing information security
Edited by John R. Vacca-1 vol. (XXIV-347 p.)-005.8 VAC-Elsevier-2014"Managing Information Security offers focused coverage of how to protect mission critical systems,
and how to deploy security management systems, IT security, ID management, intrusion detection and
prevention systems, computer forensics, network forensics, firewalls, penetration testing, vulnerability
assessment, and more. It offers in-depth coverage of the current technology and practice as it relates to
information security management solutions. Individual chapters are authored by leading experts in the
field and address the immediate and long-term challenges in the authors' respective areas of expertise.
Chapters contributed by leaders in the field covering foundational and practical aspects of information
security management, allowing the reader to develop a new level of technical expertise found nowhere
else. Comprehensive coverage by leading experts allows the reader to put current technologies to
work. Presents methods of analysis and problem solving techniques, enhancing the reader's grasp of
the material and ability to implement practical solutions". (Book Cover)
Network and system security
Edited by John R. Vacca-1 vol. (XXI-406 p.)-005.8 VAC-Elsevier-2014"Network and System Security provides focused coverage of network and system security
technologies. It explores practical solutions to a wide range of network and systems security issues.
Chapters are authored by leading experts in the field and address the immediate and long-term
challenges in the authors†™ respective areas of expertise. Coverage includes building a secure
organization, cryptography, system intrusion, UNIX and Linux security, Internet security, intranet
security, LAN security; wireless network security, cellular network security, RFID security, and more.
"(Editor's description)
Computation and storage in the cloud
Dong Yuan and Yun Yang, ... Jinjun Chen, ...-1 vol. (XIV-113 p.)-004.5 YUA-Elsevier-2013"Computation and Storage in the Cloud is the first comprehensive and systematic work investigating
the issue of computation and storage trade-off in the cloud in order to reduce the overall application
cost. Scientific applications are usually computation and data intensive, where complex computation
tasks take a long time for execution and the generated datasets are often terabytes or petabytes in size.
Storing valuable generated application datasets can save their regeneration cost when they are reused,
not to mention the waiting time caused by regeneration. However, the large size of the scientific
datasets is a big challenge for their storage. By proposing innovative concepts, theorems and
algorithms, this book will help bring the cost down dramatically for both cloud users and service
providers to run computation and data intensive scientific applications in the cloud." (Editor's
An introduction to numerical methods
Abdelwahab Kharab, Ronald B. Guenther-1 vol. ([9]-567 p.)-005.3 KHA-CRC Press-2012"Highly recommended by CHOICE, previous editions of this popular textbook offered an accessible
and practical introduction to numerical analysis. An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A
MATLAB(R) Approach, Third Edition continues to present a wide range of useful and important
algorithms for scientific and engineering applications. The authors use MATLAB to illustrate each
numerical method, providing full details of the computer results so that the main steps are easily
visualized and interpreted. New to the Third Edition A chapter on the numerical solution of integral
equations A section on nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in the last chapter Inclusion of
MATLAB GUIs throughout the text The book begins with simple theoretical and computational
topics, including computer floating point arithmetic, errors, interval arithmetic, and the root of
equations. After presenting direct and iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations, the
authors discuss interpolation, spline functions, concepts of least-squares data fitting, and numerical
optimization. They then focus on numerical differentiation and efficient integration techniques as well
as a variety of numerical techniques for solving linear integral equations, ordinary differential
equations, and boundary-value problems. The book concludes with numerical techniques for
computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix and for solving PDEs. CD-ROM Resource
The accompanying CD-ROM contains simple MATLAB functions that help students understand how
the methods work. These functions provide a clear, step-by-step explanation of the mechanism behind
the algorithm of each numerical method and guide students through the calculations necessary to
understand the algorithm. Written in an easy-to-follow, simple style, this text improves students'
ability to master the theoretical and practical elements of the methods. Through this book, they will be
able to solve many numerical problems using MATLAB." (Editor's Notes)
Clustering for data mining
Boris Mirkin-1 vol. (XXIII-350 p.)-006.3 MIR-Chapman & Hall/CRC-2012"Often considered more of an art than a science, books on clustering have been dominated by learning
through example with techniques chosen almost through trial and error. Even the two most popular,
and most related, clustering methods-K-Means for partitioning and Ward's method for hierarchical
clustering-have lacked the theoretical underpinning required to establish a firm relationship between
the two methods and relevant interpretation aids. Other approaches, such as spectral clustering or
consensus clustering, are considered absolutely unrelated to each other or to the two above mentioned
methods. Clustering: A Data Recovery Approach, Second Edition presents a unified modeling
approach for the most popular clustering methods: the K-Means and hierarchical techniques,
especially for divisive clustering. It significantly expands coverage of the mathematics of data
recovery, and includes a new chapter covering more recent popular network clustering approachesspectral, modularity and uniform, additive, and consensus-treated within the same data recovery
approach. Another added chapter covers cluster validation and interpretation, including recent
developments for ontology-driven interpretation of clusters. Altogether, the insertions added a hundred
pages to the book, even in spite of the fact that fragments unrelated to the main topics were removed.
Illustrated using a set of small real-world datasets and more than a hundred examples, the book is
oriented towards students, practitioners, and theoreticians of cluster analysis. Covering topics that are
beyond the scope of most texts, the author's explanations of data recovery methods, theory-based
advice, pre- and post-processing issues and his clear, practical instructions for real-world data mining
make this book ideally suited for teaching, self-study, and professional reference." (Editor's Notes)
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB
Wendy L. Martinez, Angel R. Martinez-1 vol. (xix-508 p.)-005.3 MAR-Chapman & Hall/CRC-2011"Since the publication of the bestselling first edition, many advances have been made in exploratory
data analysis (EDA). Covering innovative approaches for dimensionality reduction, clustering, and
visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB(R), Second Edition uses numerous examples
and applications to show how the methods are used in practice. New to the Second Edition
Discussions of nonnegative matrix factorization, linear discriminant analysis, curvilinear component
analysis, independent component analysis, and smoothing splines An expanded set of methods for
estimating the intrinsic dimensionality of a data set Several clustering methods, including probabilistic
latent semantic analysis and spectral-based clustering Additional visualization methods, such as a
rangefinder boxplot, scatterplots with marginal histograms, biplots, and a new method called Andrews'
images Instructions on a free MATLAB GUI toolbox for EDA Like its predecessor, this edition
continues to focus on using EDA methods, rather than theoretical aspects. The MATLAB codes for
the examples, EDA toolboxes, data sets, and color versions of all figures are available for download at
http://pi-sigma.info "(Editor's Notes)
The Internet of things
edited by Hakima Chaouchi-1 vol. (XVI-265 p.)-004.65 CHA-ISTE | J. Wiley & Sons-2010Progress towards networked communication ubiquity started a number of years ago, with the initial
aim of offering telecommunications users various different services at any time and in any place. This
vision is coming true largely because wireless and mobile communication have undergone a
remarkable evolution, as has the miniaturization of mobile devices, while simultaneously maintaining
high levels of performance and security. The Internet of things (which is the emerging term for this
technological phenomenon) appears to be the ultimate or at least the next link in the chain of
ubiquitous networking. It is defined as the next, imminent, future generation of networks that will
connect not only networked devices (mobile phones, computers, smart devices), but also everyday
objects that have been until now just “un-networked things” or “inert objects”, such as refrigerators,
washing machines, radios, TVs, and so on. This will be made possible by combining evolving
technologies and networking frameworks to deliver an entirely new field of communication. This book
describes the technologies and the networking architectures which make it possible for the Internet of
Things to exit. Amongst these technologies, RFID, sensor and PLC technologies are described, and a
clear vision of how they combine to create the Internet of Things is provided. The book also provides
a good overview of some other significant issues facing the Internet of Things such as privacy and
security concerns, applications, usage and standardization. (Book Cover)
Mathematical modeling
Mark M. Meerschaert,...-1 vol. (XII-365 p.)-511.8 MEE-Elsevier/Academic Press-2013"The new edition of Mathematical Modeling, the survey text of choice for mathematical modeling
courses, adds ample instructor support and online delivery for solutions manuals and software
ancillaries. From genetic engineering to hurricane prediction, mathematical models guide much of the
decision making in our society. If the assumptions and methods underlying the modeling are flawed,
the outcome can be disastrously poor. With mathematical modeling growing rapidly in so many
scientific and technical disciplines, Mathematical Modeling, Fourth Edition provides a rigorous
treatment of the subject. The book explores a range of approaches including optimization models,
dynamic models and probability models. It offers increased support for instructors, including
MATLAB material as well as other on-line resources. It features new sections on time series analysis
and diffusion models. It provides additional problems with international focus such as whale and
dolphin populations, plus updated optimization problems." (Editor's Notes)
Flow networks
Michael T. Todinov, ...-1 vol. (XVIII-247 p.)-519.8 TOD-Elsevier-2013"Repairable flow networks are a new area of research, which analyzes the repair and flow disruption
caused by failures of components in static flow networks. This book addresses a gap in current
network research by developing the theory, algorithms and applications related to repairable flow
networks and networks with disturbed flows. The theoretical results presented in the book lay the
foundations of a new generation of ultra-fast algorithms for optimizing the flow in networks after
failures or congestion, and the high computational speed creates the powerful possibility of optimal
control of very large and complex networks in real time. Furthermore, the possibility for re-optimizing
the network flows in real time increases significantly the yield from real production networks and
reduces to a minimum the flow disruption caused by failures. The potential application of repairable
flow networks reaches across many large and complex systems, including active power networks,
telecommunication networks, oil and gas production networks, transportation networks, water supply
networks, emergency evacuation networks, and supply networks. The book reveals a fundamental flaw
in classical algorithms for maximizing the throughput flow in networks, published since the creation
of the theory of flow networks in 1956. Despite the years of intensive research, the classical
algorithms for maximizing the throughput flow leave highly undesirable directed loops of flow in the
optimized networks. These flow loops are associated with wastage of energy and resources and
increased levels of congestion in the optimized networks." (Editor's Description)
Differential geometry of manifolds
Stephen Lovett-1 vol. (XIII-421 p.)-516 LOV-A.K. Peters-2010"From the coauthor of Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, this companion book presents
the extension of differential geometry from curves and surfaces to manifolds in general. It provides a
broad introduction to the field of differentiable and Riemannian manifolds, tying together the classical
and modern formulations. The three appendices provide background information on point set
topology, calculus of variations, and multilinear algebra—topics that may not have been covered in the
Differential Geometry of Manifolds takes a practical approach, containing extensive exercises and
focusing on applications of differential geometry in physics, including the Hamiltonian formulation of
dynamics (with a view toward symplectic manifolds), the tensorial formulation of electromagnetism,
some string theory, and some fundamental concepts in general relativity." (Editor's Notes)
Mathematical modeling
Sandip Banerjee, ...-1 vol. (XVII-254 p.)-511.8 BAN-CRC Press-2014"Almost every year, a new book on mathematical modeling is published, so, why another? The answer
springs directly from the fact that it is very rare to find a book that covers modeling with all types of
differential equations in one volume. Until now. Mathematical Modeling: Models, Analysis and
Applications covers modeling with all kinds of differential equations, namely ordinary, partial, delay,
and stochastic. The book also contains a chapter on discrete modeling, consisting of differential
equations, making it a complete textbook on this important skill needed for the study of science,
engineering, and social sciences. More than just a textbook, this how-to guide presents tools for
mathematical modeling and analysis. It offers a wide-ranging overview of mathematical ideas and
techniques that provide a number of effective approaches to problem solving. Topics covered include
spatial, delayed, and stochastic modeling. The text provides real-life examples of discrete and
continuous mathematical modeling scenarios. MATLAB® and Mathematica® are incorporated
throughout the text. The examples and exercises in each chapter can be used as problems in a project.
Since mathematical modeling involves a diverse range of skills and tools, the author focuses on
techniques that will be of particular interest to engineers, scientists, and others who use models of
discrete and continuous systems. He gives students a foundation for understanding and using the
mathematics that is the basis of computers, and therefore a foundation for success in engineering and
science streams." (Book Cover)
Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations
Andrei D. Polyanin, Valentin F. Zaitsev-1 vol. (XXXV-1876 p.)-515.353 POL-Chapman &
Hall/CRC-2012"New to the Second Edition More than 1,000 pages with over 1,500 new first-, second-, third-, fourth-,
and higher-order nonlinear equations with solutions Parabolic, hyperbolic, elliptic, and other systems
of equations with solutions Some exact methods and transformations Symbolic and numerical methods
for solving nonlinear PDEs with Maple(t), Mathematica(R), and MATLAB(R) Many new illustrative
examples and tables A large list of references consisting of over 1,300 sources To accommodate
different mathematical backgrounds, the authors avoid wherever possible the use of special
terminology. They outline the methods in a schematic, simplified manner and arrange the material in
increasing order of complexity." (Editor's Notes)
Applying analytics
E. S. Levine-1 vol. (XVII- 272 p.)-519.5 LEV-CRC press-2014"Newcomers to quantitative analysis need practical guidance on how to analyze data in the real world
yet most introductory books focus on lengthy derivations and justifications instead of practical
techniques. Covering the technical and professional skills needed by analysts in the academic, private,
and public sectors, Applying Analytics: A Practical Introduction systematically teaches novices how
to apply algorithms to real data and how to recognize potential pitfalls. It offers one of the first
textbooks for the emerging first course in analytics. The text concentrates on the interpretation,
strengths, and weaknesses of analytical techniques, along with challenges encountered by analysts in
their daily work. The author shares various lessons learned from applying analytics in the real world.
He supplements the technical material with coverage of professional skills traditionally learned
through experience, such as project management, analytic communication, and using analysis to
inform decisions. Example data sets used in the text are available for download online so that readers
can test their own analytic routines. "(Editor's Notes)
Methodology in robust and nonparametric statistics
Jana Jurečková, Pranab Kumar Sen, Jan Picek-1 vol.(xv-394 p.)-519.5 JUR-CRC Press-2013"Show synopsis Robust and nonparametric statistical methods have their foundation in fields ranging
from agricultural science to astronomy, from biomedical sciences to the public health disciplines, and,
more recently, in genomics, bioinformatics, and financial statistics. These disciplines are presently
nourished by data mining and high-level computer-based algorithms, but to work actively with robust
and nonparametric procedures; practitioners need to understand their background. Explaining the
underpinnings of robust methods and recent theoretical developments, Methodology in Robust and
Nonparametric Statistics provides a profound mathematically rigorous explanation of the methodology
of robust and nonparametric statistical procedures. Thoroughly up-to-date, this book Presents
multivariate robust and nonparametric estimation with special emphasis on affine-equivariant
procedures, followed by hypotheses testing and confidence sets Keeps mathematical abstractions at
bay while remaining largely theoretical Provides a pool of basic mathematical tools used throughout
the book in derivations of main results The methodology presented, with due emphasis on asymptotics
and interrelations, will pave the way for further developments on robust statistical procedures in more
complex models. Using examples to illustrate the methods, the text highlights applications in the fields
of biomedical science, bioinformatics, finance, and engineering. In addition, the authors provide
exercises in the text"(Editor's Notes)
Statistical and machine-learning data mining
Bruce Ratner-1 vol. (XXV-516 p.)-519.5 RAT-CRC Press-2012"The second edition of a bestseller, Statistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining: Techniques for
Better Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Big Data is still the only book, to date, to distinguish
between statistical data mining and machine-learning data mining. The first edition, titled Statistical
Modeling and Analysis for Database Marketing: Effective Techniques for Mining Big Data, contained
17 chapters of innovative and practical statistical data mining techniques. In this second edition,
renamed to reflect the increased coverage of machine-learning data mining techniques, the author has
completely revised, reorganized, and repositioned the original chapters and produced 14 new chapters
of creative and useful machine-learning data mining techniques. In sum, the 31 chapters of simple yet
insightful quantitative techniques make this book unique in the field of data mining literature. The
statistical data mining methods effectively consider big data for identifying structures (variables) with
the appropriate predictive power in order to yield reliable and robust large-scale statistical models and
analyses. In contrast, the author's own GenIQ Model provides machine-learning solutions to common
and virtually unapproachable statistical problems. GenIQ makes this possible - its utilitarian data
mining features start where statistical data mining stops. This book contains essays offering detailed
background, discussion, and illustration of specific methods for solving the most commonly
experienced problems in predictive modeling and analysis of big data. They address each methodology
and assign its application to a specific type of problem. To better ground readers, the book provides an
in-depth discussion of the basic methodologies of predictive modeling and analysis. While this type of
overview has been attempted before, this approach offers a truly nitty-gritty, step-by-step method that
both tyros and experts in the field can enjoy playing with." (Editor's Notes)
Fundamentals of stochastic filtering
By Alan Bain, Dan Crisan-1 vol. (xiii-390 p.)-519.2 BAI-Springer-2009"This book provides a rigorous mathematical treatment of the non-linear stochastic filtering problem
using modern methods. Particular emphasis is placed on the theoretical analysis of numerical methods
for the solution of the filtering problem via particle methods. The book should provide sufficient
background to enable study of the recent literature. While no prior knowledge of stochastic filtering is
required, readers are assumed to be familiar with measure theory, probability theory and the basics of
stochastic processes. Most of the technical results that are required are stated and proved in the
appendices. Exercises and solutions are included." (Editor's Notes)
Applied stochastic processes
Mario Lefebvre-1 vol. (X-382 p.)-519.2 LEF-Springer-2007"This book uses a distinctly applied framework to present the most important topics in stochastic
processes, including Gaussian and Markovian processes, Markov Chains, Poisson processes,
Brownian motion and queueing theory. The book also examines in detail special diffusion processes,
with implications for finance, various generalizations of Poisson processes, and renewal processes. It
contains numerous examples and approximately 350 advanced problems that reinforce both concepts
and applications. Entertaining mini-biographies of mathematicians give an enriching historical
context. The book includes statistical tables and solutions to the even-numbered problems at the end."
(Editor's Notes)
Les nombres premiers
Gérald Tenenbaum,... Michel Mendès France,...-1 vol. (XIX-170 p.)-512.7 TEN-Dunod-2014"Cet ouvrage invite le lecteur à une promenade initiatique autour du problème de la répartition des
nombres premiers parmi les nombres entiers. Historique et méthodologique, le texte constitue une
concise mais solide introduction aux techniques actuelles de la théorie analytique des nombres
premiers." (Quatrième de couverture)
Géométrie non commutative
Alain Connes,...-1 vol. (239 p.)-516 CON-Dunod-2005"Ce texte majeur publié par Alain Connes en 1990 illustre bien les interactions entre physique
théorique et mathématiques. L'auteur explore les relations entre physique théorique, géométrie et
algèbre non commutative. L'espace quotidien, en effet, est commutatif, c'est-à-dire que lorsque l'on
effectue des opérations algébriques avec les coordonnées sur cet espace, l'ordre dans lequel on utilise
les opérandes est indifférent. Il en va tout autrement dans l'espace quantique que l'on découvre grâce
aux outils d'algèbre non commutative développés par Alain Connes. Ce dernier propose un espace «
double », permettant de rendre compte du modèle de Weinberg-Salam, et notamment de l'existence
des bosons de Higgs. Cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage unique permettant de mieux comprendre les
recherches de pointe en physique théorique. " (Quatrième de couverture)
Sylvie Catellin-1 vol. (264 p.)-501 CAT-Éd. du Seuil-2014"Quand Walpole invente le mot « sérendipité » en 1754, il évoque la faculté de découvrir, « par hasard
et sagacité », ce que l’on ne cherchait pas. Aujourd’hui, le terme connaît une vogue croissante au sens
de « découverte par hasard ». Mais si cette focalisation permet d’affirmer la dimension imprévisible et
non programmable de la recherche, l’occultation de la sagacité empêche de saisir ce que « sérendipité
» désigne véritablement, et qui est au cœur de toute découverte. Pour comprendre le sens profond du
terme, il faut remonter aux contes orientaux qui ont inspiré Walpole et Voltaire (pour la « méthode de
Zadig »), et lire les romanciers et les savants qui se sont passionnés pour cette idée. Parmi eux, Balzac
et Poe, Freud et Poincaré, Cannon et Wiener. Tous ont cherché à saisir le fonctionnement de l’esprit
humain quand il est attentif à ce qui le surprend et en propose une interprétation pertinente, par
l’association d’idées, l’imagination, la réflexivité. L’étonnante histoire du mot révèle de profonds
changements dans la conception des processus de création, et dans les rapports entre sciences,
littérature et politique. Au terme de l’enquête, ce mot venu d’un conte ancestral acquiert la puissance
d’un concept, porteur d’enjeux épistémologiques, politiques et humanistes." (Quatrième de
How to stop worrying and start living
Dale Carnegie-1 vol. (XXV- 358 p.)-150.195 CAR-Pocket Books-1985"Through Dale Carnegie’s six-million-copy bestseller recently revised, millions of people have been
helped to overcome the worry habit. Dale Carnegie offers a set of practical formulas you can put to
work today. In our fast-paced world—formulas that will last a lifetime! Discover how to: Eliminate
fifty percent of business worries immediately, Reduce financial worries, Avoid fatigue—and keep
looking you, Add one hour a day to your waking life, Find yourself and be yourself—remember there
is no one else on earth like you!" (Book Cover)
The 7 [Seven] habits of highly effective people
Stephen R. Covey-1 vol. (XXX- 391 p.)-150.195 COV-Simon&Schuster-2013"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has guided generations of readers for the last 25 years.
Presidents and CEOs have kept it by their bedsides, students have underlined and studied passages
from it, educators and parents have drawn from it, and individuals of all ages and occupations have
used its step-by-step pathway to adapt to change and to take advantage of the opportunities that change
creates." (Editor's Notes)
Nanocrystalline materials
Edited by Sie -Chin Tjong,...-1 vol. (XII-406 p).-620.5 TJO-Elsevier-2014" This second edition of Nanocrystalline Materials provides updated information on the development
and experimental work on the synthesis, properties, and applications of nanocrystalline materials.
Nanocrystalline materials with new functionalities show great promise for use in industrial
applications - such as reinforcing fillers in novel polymer composites - and substantial progress has
been made in the past decade in their synthesis and processing. This book focuses primarily on 1D
semiconducting oxides and carbon nanotubes, 2D graphene sheets and 0D nanoparticles (metals and
inorganic semiconductors). These materials are synthesized under different compositions, shapes and
structures, exhibiting different chemical, physical and mechanical properties from their bulk
counterparts. This second edition presents new topics relevant to the fast-paced development of
nanoscience and nanotechnology, including the synthesis and application of nanomaterials for drug
delivery, energy, printed flash memory, and luminescent materials. With contributions from leading
experts, this book describes the fundamental theories and concepts that illustrate the complexity of
developing novel nanocrystalline materials, and reviews current knowledge in the synthesis,
microstructural characterization, physical and mechanical behavior, and application of nanomaterials.
It investigates the synthesis, characterization, and properties of a large variety of nanocrystalline
materials, and their applications in industry. It keeps the prominent challenges in nanomaterials
fabrication at the forefront while offering the most up-to-date scientific findings. It is written by
experts in nanomaterials with academic backgrounds in chemistry, physics, and materials
engineering." (Editor's Notes)
The elements of polymer science and engineering
Alfred Rudin, ... Phillip Choi, ...-1 vol. (XV-563 p.)-620.19 RUD-Academic Press-2013"Whether you are an upper or graduate level student studying polymer science and engineering or an
engineer new to the field of polymers, you'll benefit from reading The Elements of Polymer Science
and Engineering 3e. Since the publication of the second edition in 1999, the field of polymers has
advanced considerably. A key feature of the third edition is the inclusion of new concepts in existing
chapters as well as new chapters covering selected contemporary topics such as behavior of natural
polymers, polymer nanocomposites, and use of polymers in nanotechnology. There are also several
enhancements to the book†™s pedagogy, including the addition of numerous worked examples and
new figures to better illustrate key concepts and the addition of a large number of end-of-chapter
exercises, many of which are based on recently published research and relevant industrial data."
(Editor’s Notes)
Electromagnetic surface waves
John A. Polo, Jr.,...Tom G. Mackay,... Akhlesh Lakhtakia,...-1vol. (XX-293 p.)-537 POL-Elsevier2013"For decades, the surface-plasmon-polariton wave guided by the interface of simple isotropic materials
dominated the scene. However, in recent times research on electromagnetic surface waves guided by
planar interfaces has expanded into new and exciting areas. In the 1990's research focused on
advancing knowledge of the newly discovered Dyakonov wave. More recently, much of the surface
wave research is motivated by the proliferation of nanotechnology and the growing number of
materials available with novel properties. This book leads the reader from the relatively simple
surface-plasmon-polariton wave with isotropic materials to the latest research on various types of
electromagnetic surface waves guided by the interfaces of complex materials enabled by recent
developments in nanotechnology. This includes: Dyakonov waves guided by interfaces formed with
columnar thin films, Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided by interfaces formed with sculptured thin films,
and multiple modes of surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by the interface of a metal and a
periodically varying dielectric material." (Editor's Notes)
Fundamentals of magnetism
Mario Reis,...-1 vol. (XV-264 p.)-538 REI-Elsevier-2013" The Fundamentals of Magnetism is a truly unique reference text, that explores the study of
magnetism and magnetic behavior with a depth that no other book can provide. It covers the most
detailed descriptions of the fundamentals of magnetism providing an emphasis on statistical mechanics
which is absolutely critical for understanding magnetic behavior. The books covers the classical areas
of basic magnetism, including Landau Theory and magnetic interactions, but features a more concise
and easy-to-read style. Perfect for upper-level graduate students and industry researchers, The
Fundamentals of Magnetism provides a solid background of fundamentals with clear and in-depth
explanations, in comparison to a brief overview before moving into more advanced topics. Many
applications directly for the purpose of a deep understanding of magnetism and other non-cooperative
phenomena help readers make the transition from theory to application and experimentation effortless.
This book is the true 'study' of the fundamentals of magnetism, enabling readers to move into far more
advance aspects of magnetism more easily. It offers accessible, self-contained content without needing
to seek other sources on topics like Fermion fas; angular moment algebra, etc. It includes over 60
pages devoted to an in-depth discussion of diamagnetism and paramagnetism, topics usually described
in only few pages in other books. It incorporates numerous applications including Molecular Magnets
and other non-cooperative phenomena." (Editor's Notes)
Berkeley, cours de physique: 2, Électricité et magnétisme
Edward M. Purcell,...-1 vol. (XX-460 p.)-537 PUR-Dunod-1998"Ceci est un cours d'université pour les étudiants qui se spécialisent en sciences et dans le métier
d'ingénieur. Les auteurs ont eu l'intention de présenter la physique élémentaire autant que possible de
la façon dont elle est utilisée par les physiciens qui travaillent sur des sujets à l'avant-garde de leur
domaine, Nous avons cherché à faire un cours qui mettrait vigoureusement l'accent sur les fondations
de la physique. Plus spécialement, nous avons eu pour but d'introduire de façon cohérente dans un
programme élémentaire, les notions de la relativité spéciale, de la physique quantique et de la physique
statistique. Ce cours est conçu pour tout étudiant qui a suivi des cours de physique au lycée. II faudrait
suivre, en même temps que le cours, un cours de mathématiques qui comprenne l'analyse." (Résumé
de l'éditeur)
Solid State Shysics
Giuseppe Grosso,... Giuseppe Parravicini,...-1 vol. (XIV-857 p.)-530.41 GRO-Academic Press-2014"Solid State Physics is a textbook for students of physics, material science, chemistry, and
engineering. It is the state-of-the-art presentation of the theoretical foundations and application of the
quantum structure of matter and materials. This second edition provides timely coverage of the most
important scientific breakthroughs of the last decade (especially in low-dimensional systems and
quantum transport). It helps build readers' understanding of the newest advances in condensed matter
physics with rigorous yet clear mathematics. Examples are an integral part of the text, carefully
designed to apply the fundamental principles illustrated in the text to currently active topics of
research." (Editor's Notes)
Douglas C. Giancoli-1 vol. (xxiv-805 p.)-530 GIA-Prentice-Hall-1980"Giancoli’s text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of
content. Using concrete observations and experiences you can relate to, the text features an approach
that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great
generalizations and the more formal aspects of a topic to show you why we believe what we believe.
Written with the goal of giving you a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its
aspects, the text uses interesting applications to biology, medicine, architecture, and digital technology
to show you how useful physics is to your everyday life and in your future profession." (Editor's
The Hall Effect and its applications
[of a Commemorative symposium on the Hall effect and its applications, held at the Johns Hopkins
university, Baltimore, Md, November 13, 1979]-X-550 p-537.62 CHI-Plenum Press-1980“After describing the discovery and early history of the Hall Effect and the part it played in the
development of theories of electronic conduction, the application of the Hall effect to semiconductor
research is discussed. Experimental techniques for measuring the Hall coefficient and the procedures
for interpreting the results are both described. Finally, it is shown that the Hall Effect provides a useful
tool for memuring magnetic flux density and for a number of other applications where other electronic
devices are less suitable.” Editor’s Notes)
Nonlinear and random vibrations
Florea Dincă [et] Cristian Teodosiu,...-1 vol. (413 p.)-620.3 DIN-Ed. Academiei Republicii socialiste
România | Academic press Inc-1973“This book makes available to the scientists, engineers, and students the basic knowledge concerning
vibrations of mechanical single degree of freedom oscillators.”(Editor’s Notes)
Les accidents de fusion du cœur des réacteurs nucléaires de puissance
Ahmed Bentaïb, Hervé Bonneville, Gérard Cénérino... [et al.]-1 vol. (XVIII-444 p.)-621.48 JAC-EDP
Sciences | IRSN-2013Depuis plus de 30 ans, l'IPSN (Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) puis l'IRSN (Institut de
Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) joue un rôle majeur au plan mondial dans le domaine des
accidents de fusion de coeur de réacteurs nucléaires de puissance par la réalisation de programmes
expérimentaux importants (le plus marquant étant le programme Phébus-PF), le développement
d'outils de simulation validés (le logiciel ASTEC qui est aujourd'hui le logiciel de référence européen)
et par la coordination du réseau d'excellence international SARNET (Severe Accident Research
NETwork). Ces accidents sont qualifiés d'”accidents graves” car ils peuvent conduire à des rejets
radioactifs en dehors de l'installation accidentée avec des conséquences graves pour les populations et
l'environnement. Ce livre compile la somme des connaissances acquises sur ce sujet et tire également
les enseignements des accidents graves survenus dans le monde pour la prévention et la réduction des
conséquences de tels accidents, sans aborder ceux encore trop partiels, de l'accident de Fukushima.
Les connaissances accumulées par l'Institut sur ces sujets lui ont permis de jouer un rôle actif dans
l'information des pouvoirs publics, des médias et du public lors de cet accident (Quatrième de
Nanoparticle Technologies
Farid Bensebaa,...-1 vol. (XVII- 538 p.)-620.5 BEN-Academic Press-2013"This book is a good introductory work to nanoparticle technology. It consists of nine complementary
chapters that can be read independently. This book covers promising nanoparticles fabrication
technologies with a focus on scalable processes. Integration of nanoparticles into 2D and 3D structures
are covered in detail. The most promising applications of nanoparticles in the energy, optoelectronic
and biomedical sectors are summarized and discussed. Current issues and challenges related to
nanoparticles production and utilization are also discussed in the book." (Editor's Notes)
Les nanotechnologies
[Sous la direction de] Michel Wautelet-1 vol. (IX-300 p.)-620.5 WAU-Dunod-2014"Ces questions et d'autres encore trouvent leurs réponses dans cet ouvrage clair et passionnant. Cette
3e édition actualisée met en perspective les nanotechnologies en exposant leurs enjeux dans les
domaines de la santé, de l'environnement ou encore de l'énergie. Elle évoque aussi les liens entre
nanotechnologies et biotechnologies, sans éluder l'ambitieux programme NBIC (Nanotechnologies,
Biotechnologies, Sciences de l'Information et Sciences Cognitives) qui envisage la réunification des
sciences en faisant collaborer des spécialistes de ces diverses disciplines. Destiné à un large public, cet
ouvrage intéressera les enseignants et les étudiants en sciences, mais aussi les esprits curieux."
(Quatrième de couverture)
The twelve tribes of Hattie
Ayana Mathis-1 vol. (303 p.)-AN MAT-Vintage books-2013"In 1923, fifteen-year-old Hattie Shepherd, swept up by the tides of the Great Migration, flees Georgia
and heads north. Full of hope, she settles in Philadelphia to build a better life. Instead she marries a
man who will bring her nothing but disappointment, and watches helplessly as her firstborn twins are
lost to an illness that a few pennies could have prevented. Hattie gives birth to nine more children,
whom she raises with grit, mettle, and not an ounce of the tenderness they crave. She vows to prepare
them to meet a world that will not be kind. Their lives, captured here in twelve luminous threads, tell
the story of a mother’s monumental courage—and a nation's tumultuous journey." (Book Cover)
The summer before the dark
Doris Lessing-1 vol. (273 p.)-AN LES-Vintage International-2009"As the summer begins, Kate Brown—attractive, intelligent, forty-five, happily married, with a house
in the London suburbs and three grown children—has no reason to expect that anything will change.
But by summer's end the woman she was—living behind a protective camouflage of feminine charm
and caring—no longer exists. The Summer before the Dark takes us along on Kate's journey: from
London to Turkey to Spain, from husband to lover to madness, on the road to a frightening new
independence and a confrontation with herself that lets her finally and truly come of age." (Book
The pure gold baby
Margaret Drabble-1 vol. (291 p.)-AN DRA-Canongate-2013"Anna is a child of special, unknowable qualities. She is a happy child, always willing to smile at the
world around her. But she also presents profound challenges. For her mother Jess, still in her early
twenties, living alone in North London and hoping to embark on an adventurous career, her arrival
will prove life-transforming [...]" (Editor's Summary)
You deserve nothing
Alexander Maksik-1 vol. (310 p.)-AN MAK-J. Murray-2011"Set in Paris, at an international high school catering to the sons and daughters of wealthy, influential
families, You derserve nothing is a gripping story of power, idealism and morality. [...]" (Book Cover)
Under my skin
Doris Lessing-1 vol. (419 p., [12] p. de pl.)-AN LES-Fourth estate-2013“The experiences absorbed through these "skins too few" are evoked in this memoir of Doris Lessing's
childhood and youth as the daughter of a British colonial family in Persia and Southern Rhodesia
Honestly and with overwhelming immediacy, Lessing maps the growth of her consciousness, her
sexuality, and her politics, offering a rare opportunity to get under her skin and discover the forces that
made her one of the most distinguished writers of our time.” (Editor’s Notes)
The seven sisters
Margaret Drabble-1 vol. (248 p.)-AN DRA-Penguin books-2011"Candida Wilton has been ignored by her husband and children for years, before being displaced by a
younger woman. Moving to London, alone, divorced and without much money, it seems she will now
enjoy a life only of small pleasures: trips to the gym, visits to her reading group. When she receives an
unexpected windfall, Candida gathers together six travelling companions - women friends from
childhood, from married life and after - and maps out a journey she has long dreamed of, around
Tunis, Naples and Pompeii, where her grey city life can blossom into one of color and adventure."
(Editor’s Notes
Expo 58
Jonathan Coe-1 vol. (265 p.)-AN COE-Viking Penguin-2013"London, 1958: unassuming civil servant Thomas Foley is plucked from his desk at the Central Office
of Information and sent on a six-month trip to Brussels. His task: to keep an eye on The Brittania, a
brand new pub which will form the heart of the British presence at Expo 58 - the biggest World's Fair
of the century, and the first to be held since the Second World War. As soon as he arrives at the site,
Thomas feels that he has escaped a repressed, backward-looking country and fallen headlong into an
era of modernity and optimism. He is equally bewitched by the surreal, gigantic Atomium, which
stands at the heart of this brave new world, and by Anneke, the lovely Flemish hostess who meets him
off his plane. But Thomas's new-found sense of freedom comes at a price: the Cold War is at its
height, the mischievous Belgians have placed the American and Soviet pavilions right next to each
other - and why is he being followed everywhere by two mysterious emissaries of the British Secret
Service? Expo 58 may represent a glittering future, both for Europe and for Thomas himself, but he
will soon be forced to decide where his public and private loyaties really lie."(Book cover)
S'abandonner à vivre
Sylvain Tesson-1 vol. (220 p.)-R TES-Gallimard-2014"Devant les coups du sort il n'y a pas trente choix possibles. Soit on lutte, on se démène et l'on fait
comme la guêpe dans un verre de vin. Soit on s'abandonne à vivre. C'est le choix des héros de ces
nouvelles. Ils sont marins, amants, guerriers, artistes, pervers ou voyageurs, ils vivent à Paris, Zermatt
ou Riga, en Afghanistan, en Yakoutie, au Sahara. Et ils auraient mieux fait de rester au lit. "
(Quatrième de couverture)
En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule
Édouard Louis-1 vol. (219 p.)-R LOU-Éd. du Seuil-2014"Je suis parti en courant, tout à coup. Juste le temps d'entendre ma mère dire Qu'est-ce qui fait le
débile là ? Je ne voulais pas rester à leur côté, je refusais de partager ce moment avec eux. J'étais déjà
loin, je n'appartenais plus à leur monde désormais, la lettre le disait. Je suis allé dans les champs et j'ai
marché une bonne partie de la nuit, la fraîcheur du Nord, les chemins de terre, l'odeur de colza, très
forte à ce moment de l'année. Toute la nuit fut consacrée à l'élaboration de ma nouvelle vie loin d'ici".
En vérité, l'insurrection contre mes parents, contre la pauvreté, contre ma classe sociale, son racisme,
sa violence, ses habitudes, n'a été que seconde. Car avant de m'insurger contre le monde de mon
enfance, c'est le monde de mon enfance qui s'est insurgé contre moi. Très vite j'ai été pour ma famille
et les autres une source de honte, et même de dégoût. Je n'ai pas eu d'autre choix que de prendre la
fuite. Ce livre est une tentative pour comprendre." (Quatrième de couverture)"
La haine de la famille
Catherine Cusset-1 vol. (337 p.)-R CUS-Gallimard-2002"«Le football familial, ou comment survivre en famille. Déterminez le défaut le plus irritant de chaque
membre de votre famille et attribuez-lui une couleur. Dès que votre père hurlera pour un torchon
disparu, vous lui crierez : "Carton vert !" Chaque fois que votre mère se lamentera sur sa vie ratée,
vous vous exclamerez : "Carton rouge !" Lorsque votre sœur vous traitera de mollasson incapable de
passer une éponge, vous répliquerez : "Carton jaune !" Quand votre frère se lancera dans le récit d'une
fête sublime que vous avez manquée, vous l'interromprez : "Carton gris !"Seul, vous surprenant à
bouder parce que personne ne vous aime, vous vous direz soudain, dans un éclair de lucidité : "Carton
bleu !", et vous éclaterez de rire.» (Quatrième de couverture)
Réparer les vivants
Maylis de Kerangal--R KER-« Le cœur de Simon migrait dans un autre endroit du pays, ses reins, son
foie et ses poumons gagnaient d'autres provinces, ils filaient vers d'autres corps.» Réparer les vivants
est le roman d'une transplantation cardiaque. Telle une chanson de gestes, il tisse les présences et les
espaces, les voix et les actes qui vont se relayer en vingt-quatre heures exactement. Roman de tension
et de patience, d'accélérations paniques et de pauses méditatives, il trace une aventure métaphysique, à
la fois collective et intime, où le cœur, au-delà de sa fonction organique, demeure le siège des affects
et le symbole de l'amour. » (Quatrième de couverture)
La centrale en chaleur
Takahashi Genichiro-1 vol. (252 p.)-R TAK-Books éd.-2013"Un réalisateur de films porno décide de venir en aide aux victimes de la catastrophe de Fukushima en
tournant un film « pornographico-philantropique ». Conçu comme le making-of de son projet, La
Centrale en chaleur tourne en dérision le diktat du politiquement correct qui règne au Japon depuis
l’accident nucléaire de mars 2011. Dans un style burlesque, ce roman à la verve rutilante, obscène et
jubilatoire, parodie l’élan de solidarité envers les victimes de Fukushima. Une tentative courageuse de
réinventer le rire, parue précisément à un moment – la célébration du premier anniversaire du séisme –
où la communion dans le recueillement était de rigueur dans l’archipel." (Quatrième de couverture)
Martin Eden
Par Jack London-1 vol. (447 p.)-R LON-10-18-1973"Martin Eden, le chef-d'oeuvre de Jack London, passe pour son autobiographie romancée. Il s'en est
défendu. Pourtant, entre l'auteur et le héros, il y a plus d'une ressemblance : Martin Eden, bourlingueur
et bagarreur issu des bas-fonds, troque l'aventure pour la littérature, par amour et par génie. Mais sa
chute sera à la mesure de son ascension vers le succès : vertigineuse et tragique..." (Quatrième de
La lamentation du prépuce
Shalom Auslander-1 vol. (305 p.)-R AUS-10-18-2009"Élevé dans la plus stricte orthodoxie juive, Shalom Auslander a conservé une vision très personnelle
du « Tout-Puissant » et une paranoïa aiguë. Trente-cinq ans d'une relation complexe, faite
d'incompréhension et de pure terreur. Aujourd'hui, la grossesse de sa femme le laisse désemparé,
confronté à l'agonisante question : quel sort doit-il réserver au prépuce de son enfant ? " (Quatrième de
Andrew Zolli & Ann Marie Healy-1 vol. (323 p.)-303.48 ZOL-Free Press-2012"IN THIS TIME OF TURBULENCE, scientists, economists, social innovators, corporate and civic
leaders, and citizens alike are asking the same basic questions: What causes one system to break down
and another to rebound? Are we merely subject to the whim of forces beyond our control? Or, in the
face of constant disruption, can we build better shock absorbers—for ourselves, our communities, our
economies, and for the planet as a whole? The answers to these vital questions are shaping a new field
of inquiry, and a new agenda, focused on resilience: the ability of people, communities, and systems to
maintain their core purpose and integrity amid unforeseen shocks and surprises. By encouraging
adaptation, agility, and cooperation, this new approach can not only help us weather disruptions, but
also bring us to a different way of being in and engaging with the world. [...]" (Book cover)
Réussir son intervention orale
Danielle Attias-1 vol. (155 p.)-302 ATT-Caillade-2010"Prendre la parole est un acte de communication souvent difficile. Nous avons tous le désir de nous
exprimer, mais avons-nous le savoir-faire pour être entendu, compris, apprécié ? Que faire pour réussir
son intervention orale ? Quelles sont les clefs pour parvenir à une prise de parole publique réussie ? Ce
livre se nourrit d’une ambition, celle de vous faire partager un chemin commun, de vous offrir les
techniques et les recettes des plus grands orateurs, et ce dans un simple but : faire de vous un orateur
charismatique de progrès et de résolution de problèmes en vous permettant de transmettre l’intégralité
de vos pensées à votre auditoire." (Résumé de l'éditeur)
iPhone all-in-one for dummies
By Joe Hutsko and Barbara Boyd-1 vol. (XVIII- 582 p.)-621.385 HUT--"Want to get the most out of your iPhone? You've come to the right place. You'll be up and running in
no time with easy coverage of iPhone basics, how to use the built-in iPhone apps, setting up security,
texting, and more. And of course, it explains all the fun stuff too, like how to use Siri, your voiceactivated personal assistant, video-chat with FaceTime, find your way with the Maps and driving
directions, and much more. Whether this is your first iPhone or an upgrade to the latest version, get
ready to outsmart the smartest smartphone in town with iPhone All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd edition,
fully updated to cover the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, and iOS 7!" (Editor’s Notes)
Handbook of fiber optic data communication
Edited by Casimer DeCusatis-1 vol. (XX- 513 p.)-621.382 7 DEC-Academic Press-2013"The 4th edition of this popular Handbook continues to provide an easy-to-use guide to the many
exciting new developments in the field of optical fiber data communications. With 90% new content,
this edition contains all new material describing the transformation of the modern data
communications network, both within the data center and over extended distances between data
centers, along with best practices for the design of highly virtualized, converged, energy efficient,
secure, and flattened network infrastructures. Key topics include networks for cloud computing,
software defined networking, integrated and embedded networking appliances, and low latency
networks for financial trading or other time-sensitive applications. Network architectures from the
leading vendors are outlined (including Smart Analytic Solutions, Qfabric, FabricPath, and Exadata)
as well as the latest revisions to industry standards for interoperable networks, including lossless
Ethernet, 16G Fiber Channel, RoCE, FCoE, TRILL, IEEE 802.1Qbg, and more."(Editor's Notes)
Digital communications
Ifiok Otung-1 vol. (XV-497 p.)-621.382 OTU-Institution of Engineering and Technology-2014"This book aims to provide post graduate students and practicing engineers with a thorough
understanding in the core principles and design issues of digital communications to meet the industry
demand for in-depth expertise in digital transmission techniques. It concentrates on giving a solid
foundation of core principles and design issues of digital communications. Engineering concepts and
underlying physical considerations are described as well as a clear appreciation of the parameters
involved. It is the ideal textbook for those that wish to undertake digital communication systems
analysis, design and computer simulations, deal with specialized applications and keep up to date with
advances in the technology. Topics covered include: linear channels and systems, nonlinear systems,
quantization and PCM, source coding and lossless data compression, line codes and transmitted digital
signals. It is an ideal textbook for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students studying
telecommunications subjects. This book will also provide practicing engineers with a through
grounding in the core principles and design issues of digital communications." (Editor's Notes)
Digital signal processing
Li Tan, Jean Jiang-1 vol. (xv, 876 p.)-621.382 2 TAN-Elsevier/Academic Press-2013"Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition enables electrical engineers and technicians in the fields of
biomedical, computer, and electronics engineering to master the essential fundamentals of DSP
principles and practice. Many instructive worked examples are used to illustrate the material, and the
use of mathematics is minimized for easier grasp of concepts. As such, this title is also useful to
undergraduates in electrical engineering, and as a reference for science students and practicing
engineers. The book goes beyond DSP theory, to show implementation of algorithms in hardware and
software. Additional topics covered include adaptive filtering with noise reduction and echo
cancellations, speech compression, signal sampling, digital filter realizations, filter design, multimedia
applications, over-sampling, etc. More advanced topics are also covered, such as adaptive filters,
speech compression such as PCM, u-law, ADPCM, and multi-rate DSP and over-sampling ADC."
(Editor's Notes)

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