Curriculum Vitae Mark Spoerer


Curriculum Vitae Mark Spoerer
Curriculum Vitae Mark Spoerer
Personal Details
Date and place of birth: 5 Oct 1963 in Cologne (Germany)
Sex: male
Nationality: German
(a) Home Address
Klimmertweg 2
D-72072 Tübingen (Germany)
Tel: +49 (0)7071 369976
(b) Business Address
University of Hohenheim
Institute of Cultural Studies (570A)
D-70593 Stuttgart (Germany)
Tel: +49 (0)711 459 23957, fax: +49 (0)711 459 23803
e-mail: [email protected]
May 2003 Habilitation, University of Hohenheim, Dept. of Economics and Social Sciences
May 1995 Dr. phil., University of Bonn, Dept. of Humanities
Nov 1991 Dipl.-Vw. (= Master in Economics), University of Bonn, Dept. of Economics
Dec 1987 M.A. (= Master in History), University of Bonn, Dept. of Humanities
Honours and prizes
• Special Recommendation of the Jury of the Doctoral Session on 20th Century Economic History,
12th International Economic History Congress, Madrid (August 1998)
• Second Prize of the Stinnes Award 1996 (May 1997, 3.500 €)
• Dissertation Prize of the European Business History Association for best dissertation 1993-95
(Oct 1996, with Ludovic Cailluet, 50 €)
Present appointment
Since July 1995/July 2003 Assistant Professor/Associate Professor ("Wissenschaftlicher
Oberassistent") in Economic and Social History, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Dept.
of Economics and Social Sciences (on leave Apr – Jul 1998, Sep – Nov 1999, Nov 2004, Jan
– Mar 2006).
• Jan – Mar 2006, Visiting Scholar CIERA, Paris (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris
IV Sorbonne, Université Lyon 2 et al.)
• Nov 2004 Visiting Professor, Keio University, Tokyo
• December 2000 – May 2004 Historical Consultant for the International Organisation for
Migration, German Forced Labour Compensation Programme, Geneva.
• Sep – Nov 1999 Expert for the Austrian Historical Commission, Vienna
• Apr – Jul 1998 Visiting Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
• Apr 1994 – Jun 1995 Lecturer, Dept. of Economic History, University of Munich
• Jan 1991 – Mar 1994 Lecturer, Dept. of History, University of Bonn
• Jan 1988 – Dec 1990 Research Assistant, Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (German
Society for Business History), Cologne
Professional activities
Membership in editorial board of academic journals (international only)
• Cliometrica (since 2006)
• H-German (1997-2005)
• Imprese e Storia (since 2006)
Referee for academic journals (English language journals only)
• Accounting, Business & Financial History
• Business History
• European Review of Economic History
• Journal of Economic History
• Population Studies
• Research in Economic History
Referee for academic publishers
• C.H. Beck
• Northwestern University Press
• Routledge
Consulting activities pertaining to the compensation of forced labour in the Third Reich
• American Jewish Committee, Berlin
• Bundesverband Information und Beratung für NS-Verfolgte, Cologne
• Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart
• Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future", Berlin
• Historical Commission of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
• International Organization for Migration, Geneva
• Prof. Dr. Lutz Niethammer, Historical Consultant for the German government, Jena
• Treasury of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Translation from German in brackets.
Economic History
1. [Tax Burden, Tax Incidence and Tax Competition: On the Distributional Effects of Taxation in Prussia
and Wurttemberg, 1815-1913] Steuerlast, Steuerinzidenz und Steuerwettbewerb. Verteilungswirkungen der
Besteuerung in Preußen und Württemberg (1815-1913) (Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, suppl. 6).
Berlin: Akademie 2004. 252 pp.
2. [From Paper Profits to Armaments Boom: The Profitability of German Manufacturing Stock Corporations, 1925-1941] Von Scheingewinnen zum Rüstungsboom: Die Eigenkapitalrentabilität der deutschen
Industrieaktiengesellschaften 1925-1941 (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte,
suppl. 123). Stuttgart: Steiner 1996. 236 pp.
3. [500 Years Flat Glass, 1487-1987. From a Forest Mill to a Concern] 500 Jahre Flachglas 1487-1987:
Von der Waldhütte zum Konzern. Schorndorf: Hofmann 1987. 248 pp. (With Adalbert Busl and
Heinz W. Krewinkel.)
Second edition: Schorndorf: Hofmann 1988. 316 pp.
Articles in Journals
1. Motivations, contraintes et marges de manœuvre des entreprises allemandes dans l’emploi de
travailleurs forcés pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, Histoire, économie et société, 24 (2005), pp.
2. [Deconstruction of a Myth? On the Debate on the Nazi "Economic Miracle"] Demontage eines
Mythos? Zu der Kontroverse über das nationalsozialistische "Wirtschaftswunder", Geschichte und
Gesellschaft (2005), 31, pp. 415-438.
3. [A Survey of Recent Literature in Economic and Business History] Literaturbericht Wirtschafts- und
Unternehmensgeschichte, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 55 (2004), pp. 113-130, 194-201.
4. The Compensation of Nazi Germany's Forced Labourers: Demographic Findings and Political
Implications, Population Studies, 55 (2002), pp. 5-22. (With Jochen Fleischhacker.)
5. [When Did Fiscal Competition and Tax Competition Begin? Tracing Roots in Prussia, Other German
States and Switzerland] Wann begannen Fiskal- und Steuerwettbewerb? Eine Spurensuche in
Preußen, anderen deutschen Staaten und der Schweiz, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2002), no.
2, pp. 35-59.
6. [Moral Gesture or Fear of Boycott? Which of the Large Companies Participated in the Compensation
of Former Forced Labourers, and Which Were Their Motives?] Moralische Geste oder Angst vor
Boykott? Welche Großunternehmen beteiligten sich aus welchen Gründen an der Entschädigung
ehemaliger NS-Zwangsarbeiter?, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 3 (2002), pp. 37-48.
7. [Did Companies Profit from Concentration Camp Labour? A Critical Analysis of the Literature]
Profitierten Unternehmen von KZ-Arbeit? Eine kritische Analyse der Literatur, Historische Zeitschrift, 268 (1999), pp. 61-95.
8. Window-Dressing in German Inter-War Balance Sheets, Accounting, Business & Financial History, 8
(1998), pp. 351-369.
9. Taxes on Production and on Imports in Germany, 1901-13, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (1998),
no. 1, pp. 161-179.
10. Weimar's Investment and Growth Record in Intertemporal and International Perspective,
European Review of Economic History, 1 (1997), pp. 271-297.
11. [German Gross National Product According to the Official National Income Statistics, 1901-1995] Das
Bruttosozialprodukt in Deutschland nach den amtlichen Volkseinkommens- und Sozialproduktsstatistiken 1901-1995, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (1997), no. 2, pp. 27-54. (With Albrecht
12. ["True Balance Sheets!" The Tax Balance Sheet as a Source for Business History] Die Steuerbilanz
als unternehmenshistorische Quelle, Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 40 (1995), pp. 158-179.
13. German Net Investment and the Cumulative Real Wage Position 1925-1929. On a Premature
Burial of the Borchardt Debate, Historical Social Research, 19 (1994), no. 4, pp. 26-41.
14. [The Concentration Process of the German Sheet Glass Industry, 1925 to 1932. A Case Study of the
Impact of Technological Progress on Market Structure and Economic Performance] Der Konzentrationsprozeß in der deutschen Tafelglasindustrie 1925 bis 1932. Eine Fallstudie über den Einfluß
des technischen Fortschritts auf Marktstruktur und Marktergebnis, Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 38 (1993), pp. 73-113.
Contributions to Books
1. The Political Economy of Taxation in 19th Century Germany, in Alexander Nützenadel and
Christoph Strupp (eds.), Taxation, State and the Civil Society in Germany and the United States, 17501950 (Publication of the German Historical Institute). Wiesbaden: Nomos. (To be published in
2. [Prosperity for All? The Social Market Economy] Wohlstand für alle? Soziale Marktwirtschaft, in
Thomas Hertfelder and Andreas Rödder (eds.), Modell Deutschland. Eine historische Besinnung.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Forthcoming March 2007.)
3. [Innovation History: Sources and Potentials] Wissenschaftlicher Standort, Quellen und Potentiale
der Innovationsgeschichte, in Rolf Walter (ed.), Innovationsgeschichte (Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, suppl.). Stuttgart: Steiner. (Forthcoming late 2006, with Jörg Baten
and Jochen Streb.)
4. [Against Eclecticism in Business History] Wider den Eklektizismus in der Unternehmensgeschichte, in Rudolf Boch et al. (eds.), Unternehmensgeschichte heute. Theorieangebote, Quellen, Forschungstrends
(Veröffentlichungen des Sächsischen Wirtschaftsarchivs, A.6). Leipzig: Leipziger
Universitätsverlag 2005, pp. 61-66
5. [Companies and Business History: What Happens If Winners Have Their History Written] Unternehmen und Unternehmensgeschichte: Was passiert, wenn Gewinner Geschichte schreiben lassen?,
in Claudia Froehlich and Horst-Alfred Heinrich (eds.), Geschichtspolitik: Wer sind ihre Akteure, wer
ihre Rezipienten? Stuttgart: Steiner 2004, pp. 111-117.
6. [The Responsibility for the Deployment of Forced Labourers in National Socialist Germany: The Case
of Daimler-Benz] Zur Verantwortlichkeit für den Einsatz von NS- Zwangsarbeitern: Das Beispiel
Daimler-Benz, in Gabriella Hauch (ed.), Industrie und Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus (Veröffentlichungen des Ludwig Boltzmann-Instituts für Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, vol. 13).
Innsbruck et al.: StudienVerlag 2003, pp. 37-47.
7. The Compensation Business: A Chronology of Forced Labor Compensation in Germany and
Austria Since 1990, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), NS-Forced Labor: Remembrance and Responsibility. Legal
and Historical Observations. Wiesbaden: Nomos 2002, pp. 277-292.
8. [Microeconomics in Business History? A Microeconomic Analysis of Business History] Mikroökonomie in der Unternehmensgeschichte? Eine Mikroökonomik der Unternehmensgeschichte, in Jan
Otmar Hesse, Christian Kleinschmidt and Karl Lauschke (eds.), Kulturalismus, Neue Institutionenökonomik oder Theorienvielfalt. Eine Zwischenbilanz der Unternehmensgeschichte (Bochumer Schriften zur
Unternehmens- und Industriegeschichte, vol. 9). Essen: Klartext 2002, pp. 175-195.
9. Industrial Profitability in the Nazi Economy, in Christoph Buchheim and W.R. Garside (eds.),
After the Slump. Industry and Politics in 1930s Britain and Germany. Frankfurt on Main et al.: Lang
2000, pp. 112-137.
10. [The Automobile Industry in the Third Reich: Growth By Any Means?] Die Automobilindustrie im
Dritten Reich: Wachstum um jeden Preis?, in Lothar Gall and Manfred Pohl (eds.), Unternehmen
im Nationalsozialismus (Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, N.F., suppl. 1). Munich: C.H.
Beck 1998, pp. 61-68.
11. From Paper Profits to Armaments Boom: the Profitability of German Industrial Stock Corporations, 1925-1941, in Clara-Eugenia Nuñez (ed.), Recent Doctoral Research in Economic History
(Proceedings Twelfth International Economic History Congress, D-sessions). Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia 1998, pp. 243-256.
12. From Paper Profits to Armaments Boom: the Profitability of German Stock Corporations, 19251941, in Ulf Olsson (ed.), Business and European Integration since 1800. Regional, National and
International Perspectives (Meddelanden från ekonomisk-historiska institutionen vid Göteborgs
universitet, 71). Göteborg 1997, pp. 429-440.
1. [The Deformations of Nazi Economic Growth in the National Accounts] Die Deformationen des NSWachstums in der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2004),
no. 2, pp. 233-236.
2. [Compensation Payments for Former Nazi Forced Labourers Since 1945] Entschädigungsleistungen
an ehemalige NS-Zwangsarbeiter seit 1945, Damals, 32 (2000), no. 7, pp. 37f.
3. [Review of New Publications in Economic History], Historical Social Research, 25 (2000), pp. 180-186.
4. [Unexperienced Historians, Experienced Archivists: An Inevitable Problem of Information Asymmetry]
Unerfahrene Historiker, erfahrene Archivare - ein unvermeidbares Problem von Informationsasymmetrie, Archiv und Wirtschaft, 29 (1996), pp. 23-26.
Unpublished and Work in Progress
L'Insignifiance de la politique économique? Le niveau et la distribution de la prospérité en France
et en Allemagne au XXe siècle, Francia, 34 (2007). (Work in Progress.)
Butter and Guns – But No Margarine: Agricultural and Consumption Policies in Nazi Germany
and Their Impact on Food Production and Consumption, 1933-39. (Work in Progress, with
Jochen Streb.)
The Economic Impact of the Nazi Armament Policy on the Welfare of the German Consumers.
(Work in Progress, with Jochen Streb.)
The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax Overshifting in 19th Century Prussia. (Working Paper). 26 Pp.
A Ponzi Scheme to Help the Poor Finance Homebuilding? The Difficulties of Governing a NonProfit Building and Loan Association in Post-Inflation Weimar Germany, 1926-31. (Work in
Progress, with Ute Siepermann.)
Does a Survivor Bias Contribute to the Equity Premium Puzzle? Evidence from German Firms
(1936-51) (Working Paper; with Niklas Foidl). Stuttgart 1999. 7 Pp.
What New Estimates of Industrial Profitability Can Tell Us About the Weimar and the Nazi
Economy (Diskussionsbeiträge aus dem Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität
Hohenheim 125/1996). Stuttgart 1996. 34 Pp.
Social History
1. Nucené práce pod hákovým křížem. Zahraniční civilní pracovníci, váleční zajatci a vězni ve třetí říši a v obsazené
evropě v letech 1939-1945 (Edice historické myšlení, sv. 28/Řada totalitarismus a šoa, sv. 5). Prague:
Argo 2005. 314 pp. [Czech translation of no. 3.]
2. [Forced Labourers on the Territory of the Republic of Austria, 1939-1945] Zwangsarbeiter und Zwangsarbeiterinnen auf dem Gebiet der Republik Österreich 1939-1945 (Veröffentlichungen der Österreichischen Historikerkommission.Vermögensentzug während der NS-Zeit sowie Rückstellungen und
Entschädigungen seit 1945 in Österreich, vol. 26/1). Vienna et al.: Oldenbourg 2004. 414 pp.
(With Florian Freund and Bertrand Perz.)
3. [Forced Labour Under the Swastika: Foreign Civilian Labourers, Prisoners of War and Inmates in the
German Reich and in Occupied Europe, 1939-1945] Zwangsarbeit unter dem Hakenkreuz. Ausländische
Zivilarbeiter, Kriegsgefangene und Häftlinge im Deutschen Reich und im besetzten Europa 1939-1945.
Stuttgart and Munich: DVA 2001. 336 pp.
4. [Forced Labour at Daimler-Benz] Zwangsarbeit bei Daimler-Benz (Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, suppl. 78). Stuttgart: Steiner 1994. 560 pp. (With Barbara Hopmann, Birgit Weitz and
Beate Brüninghaus.)
Articles in Journals
1. The mortality of allied prisoners of war and Belgian civilian deportees in German custody during
World War War I: A reappraisal of the effects of forced labour, Population Studies, 60 (2006), pp.
2. Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany: Categories, Numbers, and Survivors, Journal of Interdisciplinary
History, 33 (2002), pp. 169-204. (With Jochen Fleischhacker.)
3. Economic Crises and the European Revolutions of 1848, Journal of Economic History, 61 (2001),
pp. 293-326. (With Helge Berger.)
4. [The Distribution of Foreign Civilian Labourers among the Labour Office Districts of "Greater Germany" on 30 September 1944] Die Verteilung der ausländischen Zivilarbeiter auf die Arbeitsamtsbezirke des „Großdeutschen Reichs“ am 30. September 1944, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte,
49 (2001), pp. 665-684.
5. [Forced Labour in the Third Reich: Responsibility and Compensation] Zwangsarbeit im Dritten
Reich, Verantwortung und Entschädigung, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 51 (2000), pp.
Contributions to Books
1. [Forced Labour Regimes in Comparison: Germany and Japan in World Wars I and II]
Zwangsarbeitsregimes im Vergleich: Deutschland und Japan im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg,
in Klaus Tenfelde and Hans-Jürgen Seidel (eds.), Zwangsarbeit im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Vergleichende Aspekte und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung. Essen: Klartext, pp. 189-228.
(Forthcoming November 2006.)
2. [The Labour Factor in the Occupied Eastern Territories Between Economic and Ideological Interests,
1941-1944] Der Faktor Arbeit in den besetzten Ostgebieten im Widerstreit ökonomischer und
ideologischer Interessen, Mitteilungen der Gemeinsamen Kommission für die Erforschung der jüngeren
Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen, 2 (2006), pp. 68-93.
3. [The Social Segmentation of Foreign Civilian Labourers, Prisoners of War and Inmates] Die soziale
Differenzierung der ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, Kriegsgefangenen und Häftlinge im Deutschen
Reich, in Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg, vol. 9/2: Alltag im Krieg. Ed. by Militärhistorisches Forschungsamt. Stuttgart and Munich: DVA 2005, pp. 485-576. (English translation to be
published in 2007.)
4. [An Estimate of the Number of Persons Who Were Still Alive in 2000 and Who Had Been Deployed as
Forced Labourers on the Territory of the Republic of Austria between 1939 and 1945. Expertise for
the Historical Commission of the Republic of Austria] Wie viele der zwischen 1939 und 1945 auf
heutigem österreichischen Territorium eingesetzten Zwangsarbeiter leben noch im Jahre 2000?,
in Florian Freund/Bertrand Perz/Mark Spoerer, Zwangsarbeiter und Zwangsarbeiterinnen auf dem
Gebiet der Republik Österreich 1939-1945 (Veröffentlichungen der Österreichischen Historikerkommission. Vermögensentzug während der NS-Zeit sowie Rückstellungen und Entschädigungen
seit 1945 in Österreich, vol. 26/1). Vienna and Munich: Oldenbourg 2004, pp. 275-413.
5. Recent Findings on Forced Labor Under the Nazi Regime and an Agenda for Future Research,
Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento, 29 (2002), pp. 373-388.
6. [Forced Labour in the Third Reich and Compensation: Course and Results of an Academic and a
Political Discussion] Zwangsarbeit im Dritten Reich und Entschädigung. Verlauf und Ergebnisse
einer wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskussion, in Sächsisches Staatsministerium des Innern
(ed.), Fremd- und Zwangsarbeit in Sachsen 1939 - 1945 (Veröffentlichungen der Sächsischen Archivverwaltung, series A, vol. 2). Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2002, pp. 89-104.
7. Forced Labor under the Nazi Regime: Recent Findings and an Agenda for Future Research, in
Oliver Rathkolb (ed.), Revisiting the National Socialist Legacy: Coming to Terms with Forced Labor, Expropriation, Compensation, and Restitution. Innsbruck et al.: Studien-Verlag 2002, pp. 73-81.
8. [Forced Labour in the Third Reich and Compensation: A Survey] Zwangsarbeit im Dritten Reich
und Entschädigung: ein Überblick, in Klaus Barwig and Dieter R. Bauer (eds.), Zwangsarbeit in der
Kirche. Entschädigung, Versöhnung und historische Aufarbeitung (Hohenheimer Protokolle, vol. 56).
Stuttgart: Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart 2001, pp. 15-46.
9. [Not Ideas, But Hunger? Economic Development Prior to and During the Revolutions of 1848 in Germany and Europe] Nicht Ideen, sondern Hunger? Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung im Vormärz und
Revolution 1848 in Deutschland und Europa, in Dieter Langewiesche (ed.), Demokratiebewegung
und Revolution 1847 bis 1849: Internationale Aspekte und europäische Verbindungen. Karlsruhe: Braun
1998, pp. 140-184. (With Helge Berger.)
1. [On the Calculation of the Number of Former Forced Labourers Who Still Live Today] Zur Berechnung der Anzahl heute noch lebender ehemaliger Zwangsarbeiter, Historicum, no. 64 (2000),
pp. 5-7.
2. [Forced Labourers in the Third Reich: Facts and Figures] Zwangsarbeiter im Dritten Reich - Fakten
und Zahlen, Damals, 32 (2000), no. 2, pp. 35-37.
Work in Progress
Labor Sites, in Peter Hayes and John K. Roth (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies.
Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press. (Work in Progress, forthcoming 2008.)
[Migration and Forced Labour in the Third Reich (working title)] Migration und Zwangsarbeit im
Dritten Reich (Arbeitstitel), in Klaus J. Bade and Jochen Oltmer (eds.), Handbuch Staat und
Migration in Deutschland seit dem 17. Jahrhundert . (Work in Progress, forthcoming 2007 or 2008.)
Wages in Late 19th Century Germany. (Work in Progress, with Nikolaus Wolf.)
Other Media
Journal articles on forced labour in: Badische Zeitung 11.10.2000, 20.10.2000, Frankfurter Rundschau
3.3.2000, VDI-Nachrichten 10.9.1999; interviews in Schwäbisches Tagblatt 17.10.2000 and Tageszeitung
16.11.1999; journal article on German companies in the Third Reich: Aufbau (New York) 17.10.2002;
several radio and television interviews, panel discussions and talk shows.
Book Reviews
More than 100 in the following journals:
• Archiv und Wirtschaft: 1997-1998
• Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte: forthcoming
• Aufbau: 2002
• The Journal of Economic History: 2004
• Bankhistorisches Archiv: 2002, 2003
• Journal of Interdisciplinary History: forthcoming
• Business History Review: forthcoming
• The Journal of Modern History: 2004
• Damals: 2005
• Momente: forthcoming
• EH.Net: 2003
• Neue Politische Literatur: 2001
• Enterprise & Society: 2000, 2003
• Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter: forthcoming
• Financial History Review: 1996
• Sehepunkte: 2006
• Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: 2004
• Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg: 2001-2002
• Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht: 2004
• Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: 1993-1994, 1996-1997, 1999, 2002-2003,
• H-German: 1997, 2005
• H-Soz-u-Kult: 1998, 2000, 2003-2005
• Historical Social Research: 2000
• Das Historisch-Politische Buch: 1996-1997, 2001
• Historische Literatur: 2003-2004
• Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie:
• Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte: 1990,
1992-1997, 1999-2000, 2002
• Historische Zeitschrift: 2001-2003
See for a complete list:
(a) University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
• Winter 2005/06: Lecture "American Economic History, 1607 to 1941"
• Winter 2004/05: Lecture "German Economic and Social History, 1918 to 1945"
• Winter 2003/04, 2004/05, Summer 2005, Summer 2006: Seminar on Economic History
• Since 2003/04 each semester: Introduction to Economic History (for economic historians)
• 2000/01-2004/05 each winter semester: Introduction to Economic History (for economists)
• Since 1996 each summer semester: Research Seminar on Economic History
• 1995/96 to 2002/03 each winter semester: Seminar on Economic History
• Winter 1995/96: History of Economic Thought from Plato to Marx
(b) University of Tübingen
• Winter 2006/07: Seminar on Economic History
• Summer 2000: Chances and Risks of Globalization in the Late 19th and the 20th Centuries
• Winter 1999/2000: Forced Labour in the Third Reich: Economic and Social Aspects
(c) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
• Spring 1998: Lecture "International Economic History, 1500 to1938"*
(d) University of Munich
• Winter 1994/95: Topics in Economic History
• Summer 1994: Topics in Economic Policy
(e) University of Bonn
• Winter 1993/94: Economics for Historians
• Summer 1993: Forced Labour in the Third Reich
• Winter 1992/93: Economics for Historians
* Class in English, all other in German.
Selected papers presented at international conferences and workshops
* Invited and financed by organizer.
Date, location
21-22 May 1993
Bonn (D)
Organizer and topic
University of Bonn: GermanBritish Colloquium: Innovation
and Entrepreneurship
11-16 Sep 1994
Milan (I)
International Economic History
Association: 11th International
Economic History Congress
18-25 Jun 1995
Groningen (NL)
Institute: Summer School
Economic Growth and Distribution in the 19th and 20th
*Business History Unit,
University of Reading: AngloGerman Conference: Business in
an International Environment
International Economic
Association: 11th World
27-28 Oct 1995
Reading (UK)
18-22 Dec 1995
Tunis (TUN)
19-20 Jan 1996
Venice (I)
*2nd Congress European
Association of Historical
30-31 Aug 1996
*Inaugural Congress European
Gothenburg (SE) Business History Association:
Business and European
Integration Since 1800
18-19 Sep 1996
Business History Research Unit,
Cardiff (UK)
Cardiff Business School: Eighth
Accounting, Business and
Financial History Conference
8-10 Nov 1996
*Institute of Economics,
Copenhagen (DK) University of Copenhagen:
Workshop: Controversies in
European Economic History
2 Dec 1996
*Dept. of Economics, University
Groningen (NL) of Groningen
Title of presentation
The Impact of Innovation on Market
Structure and Economic Performance: A
Case Study of the Sheet Glass Industry in
the Weimar Republic
Comment to E. Lobanova: Gini-Index
Modification: The Problem of Irregularity
of Distribution of Work Force and
Production in Russia: Leading Regions at
the Beginning of the 20th Century
German Net Investment 1925-29
Compared to the Prewar Period
What New Estimates of Industrial
Profitability Can Tell Us About the
Weimar and the Nazi Economy
The Weakness of the Weimar Economy
and the Strength of the Nazis: What New
Estimates of Industrial Profit Rates Can
Tell Us
From Paper Profits to Armaments Boom.
The Profit Rates of German Industrial
Stock Companies, 1925-1942
From Paper Profits to Armaments Boom.
The Profit Rates of German Industrial
Stock Companies, 1925-1941
What New Estimates of Industrial
Profitability Can Tell Us About the
Weimar and the Nazi Economy
What New Estimates of Industrial
Profitability Can Tell Us About the
Weimar and the Nazi Economy
Weimar's Investment and Growth Record
in Intertemporal and International
Date, location
10 Mar 1997
Barcelona (E)
2 Apr 1998
Paris (F)
23 Jun 1998
Barcelona (E)
24-27 Aug 1998
Madrid (E)
25-27 Sep 1998
Durham, N.C.
2-4 Jul 1999
Glasgow (UK)
Organizer and topic
*Dept. of Economics, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra: Economic
History Workshop
*Obsérvatoire Français des
Conjonctures Économiques:
Convergences en Histoire
*Dept. of Economics, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra: Economic
History Workshop
International Economic History
Association: 12th International
Economic History Congress
Economic History Association:
58th Annual Meeting
Title of presentation
What New Estimates of Industrial
Profitability Can Tell Us About the
Weimar and the Nazi Economy
Industrial Profits in Nazi Germany
Not Ideas but Hunger? The Revolution of
1848 and the Pre-1848 Economies of
(1) From Paper Profits to Armaments
Boom. The Profit Rates of German
Industrial Stock Companies, 1925-1941
(2) Did German Firms Profit From
Concentration Camp Labor?
Not Ideas but Hunger? The Revolution of
1848 and the Pre-1848 Economies of
Did German Firms Profit From
Concentration Camp Labor?
2-4 Sep 1999
London (UK)
Center for Business History,
University of Glasgow: Second
International Business History
Conference: Business History
and Theory
Economic History Association:
Annual Conference
3 Dec 1999
Vienna (A)
*Historikerkommission der
Republik Österreich
16 Feb 2000
Vienna (A)
12-14 Apr 2000
Amsterdam (NL)
*Press Conference of the
Historical Commission
European Social Science History
Association: Annual Conference
19 Apr 2000
Zurich (CH)
*Research Institute for Economic
and Social History, University of
Zurich, Research Seminar
*International Organization for Categories of Forced Labour in Nazi
Migration, German Forced
Labour Compensation Program
16 May 2001
Geneva (CH)
Does a Survivor Bias Contribute to the
Equity Premium Puzzle? Evidence from
German Firms (1936-51)
Wieviele zwischen 1938 und 1945 auf
heutigem österreichischen Territorium
eingesetzten Zwangsarbeiter werden im
Jahre 2000 noch leben?
Presentation of Expertise for the Historical
Commission of the Republic of Austria
Counting Forced Workers in Nazi
Germany: How Many Were Deployed in
WWII and How Many Do Still Live Today
Wieviele entschädigungsberechtigte
Zwangsarbeiter leben heute noch?
Date, location
11-13 Oct 2001
Vienna (A)
17-18 Jan 2002
Linz (A)
5-6 Jul 2002
Berlin (D)
18-19 Oct 2002
Menaggio (I)
27 Jan 2003
Vienna (A)
28 Feb-1 Mar
2003, Fribourg
9-10 May 2003
Graz (A)
23-24 May 2003
Raleigh, N.C. (US)
21-22 Nov 2003
Frankfurt (D)
19-20 Mar 2004
Washington DC
24-27 Mar 2004
Berlin (D)
Organizer and topic
Title of presentation
*Kreisky Archive: Revisiting the Forced Labor under the Nazi Regime:
National Socialist Legacy: Coming Recent Findings and an Agenda for Future
to Terms with Forced Labor,
Expropriation, Compensation,
and Restitution
*Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Zwangsarbeit bei Daimler-Benz
Gesellschafts-und Kulturgeschichte, University of Linz: Industrie
und Zwangsarbeit im
Der Faktor Arbeit in den besetzten
Ostgebieten im Widerstreit ökonomischer
und ideologischer Interessen
*ESF Research Project "The
Introduction: Recent Findings on Forced
Impact of National Socialist and Labour under the Nazi Regime and an
Fascist Occupation on Europe": Agenda for Future Research
Forced Laborers and POWs in the
German War Economy
University of Vienna, Podiums- Invited discussant.
diskussion: Zwangsarbeiterforschung – nach der Hochkonjunktur keine Perspektive im
cultural turn der Geschichtswissenschaften?
* Société suisse d'histoire
NS-Bevölkerungspolitik und der
*Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut für
Prisoners of War in WW II
*Cliometrics Conference
Die rassisch-ideologisch motivierte
Hierarchie der Kriegsgefangenen im
„Dritten Reich“
Invited participant
*Institute for History, University
of Frankfurt/CNRS-CIERA:
German and French Enterprises
During World War II
*German Historical Institute:
Taxation, State, and Civil Society
in Germany and the United States,
European Social Science History
Association: Annual Conference
Motive, Zwangslagen und Handlungsspielräume deutscher Unternehmen beim
Einsatz von Zwangsarbeitern im Zweiten
The Political Economy of Taxation in
The (Over-) Burden of the Common
People and the Laspeyres- Paradox: An
Incidence Analysis of the Prussian Milling
and Butchery Tax
Date, location
1-3 Jul 2004
Fiesole (I)
Organizer and topic
*EUI: Market performance and
the welfare gains of market
integration in history
16-18 Sep 2004
Barcelona (E)
22-24 Sep 2004
Berlin (D)
European Business History
Association Conference
The Berlin Colloquium: a
workshop on quantitative history
13 Nov 2004
Kyoto (JPN)
*Graduate School of Social
Studies, Doshisha University
20-21 May 2005
Strasbourg (F)
5-9 Sep 2005
Terni (I)
BETA-Workshop in Historical
*3rd EBHA Summer School in
Business History, "Renewing the
historian’s toolbox"
6th European Historical
Economics Society Conference
9-10 Sep 2005
Istanbul (TK)
14 Dec 2005
Berlin (D)
22 Feb 2006
Paris (F)
1 Mar 2006
Paris (F)
3 Mar 2006
Paris (F)
6 Mar 2006
Paris (F)
16 Mar 2006
Geneva (CH)
17 Mar 2006
Paris (F)
23 Mar 2006
Lyon (F)
Title of presentation
The (Over-) Burden of the Common
People and the Laspeyres- Paradox: An
Incidence Analysis of the Prussian
Milling and Butchery Tax
Invited Discussant.
Butter and Guns ? The Economic Impact of the Nazi Reamament Policy on
the Welfare of the German Consumers
Forced Labor in the Third Reich and the
Compensation Issue: Results of the
Academic and Political Discussions
The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax
Overshifting in 19th Century Prussia
Invited Expert and Discussant.
Butter and Guns? The Economic Impact
of the Nazi Armament Policy on the
Welfare of the German Consumers
The Berlin Colloquium: a
Forced Labour During World War I
workshop on quantitative history Between Pragmatism and Racism? The
Mortality of Allied Prisoners of War and
Belgian Deportees in German Custody
Le rôle des chemins de fer pour les
finances publiques de la Prusse, 18701914
*Université de Paris IV Sorbonne La profitabilité des entreprises
allemandes 1925-1941: sources,
méthodes et résultats
Le "Wirtschaftswunder" et la
reintégration de l’Allemagne dans
l’économie mondiale après 1945
Les entreprises allemandes et le nazisme:
historiographie, mémoires et
*Université de Genève
Travail forcé entre pragmatisme et
racisme en Allemagne, 1914-1918 et
*Université de Paris IV Sorbonne La profitabilité des entreprises
allemandes 1925-1941: méthodes,
sources et résultats
*Université de Lyon 2
Travail forcé entre pragmatisme et
racisme en Allemagne, 1914-1918 et
Date, location
5 Apr 2006
New Haven (US)
6 Apr 2006
New York (US)
3 Jul 2006
Zurich (CH)
Organizer and topic
*Yale University, Seminar of the
Economic History Group
*Columbia University, Seminar of
the Economic History Group
*Economic History Workshop
Title of presentation
The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax
Overshifting in 19th Century Prussia
The Laspeyres-Paradox: Tax
Overshifting in 19th Century Prussia
Guns and Butter – But No Margarine:
The Impact of Nazi Agricultural and
Consumption Policies on German Food
Production and Consumption, 1933-38
17-19 Aug 2006
European Business History
A Ponzi Scheme to Help the Poor
Copenhagen (DK) Association Conference
Finance Homebuilding? The Difficulties
of Governing a Non-Profit Building and
Loan Association in Post-Inflation
Weimar Germany, 1926-31
21-25 Aug 2006
XIV International Economic
(1) Guns and Butter – But No
Helsinki (SF)
History Congress
Margarine: The Impact of Nazi
Agricultural and Consumption Policies
on German Food Production and
Consumption, 1933-38
(2) The Economic Impact of the Nazi
Armament Policy on the Welfare of the
German Consumers
12-13 Oct 2006
*V colloque du GDR 2539 du
Les prisonniers de guerre français
Besançon (F)
CRS: Les entreprises françaises
comme travailleurs forcés pendant les
sous l'Occupation
Première et Seconde Guerres mondiales.
Une comparaison des taux de mortalité
17-18 Nov 2006
*APHES Meeting: The Rise of the The Rise of the Fiscal State in 19th
Azores (P)
Fiscal State in 19th Century
Century Germany
1 Feb 2007
*EUI Workshop
Measuring business profitability:
Florence (I)
Problems and Concepts
15-17 Mar 2007
*Société suisse d'histoire
[to be announced]
Berne (CH)
11-14 Apr 2007
*Gesellschaft für Sozial- und
Invited discussant
Vienna (A)
25 April 2007
*XXXIX Settimana di Studi
The Tax Structure in Germany, 1648Prato (I)