Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea


Telopea Topics Les Nouvelles de Telopea
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.9 – 13 June 2014
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Report from the Deputy Principal
As the term draws to a close, parents and
carers are asked to note the many important
events taking place across the school.
Farewell to Muryel Martin
Advance notification is being given for a
farewell afternoon tea for Muryel Martin,
Conseillère Pédagogique. Muryel Martin will be
replaced by Julien Dugas, Conseiller
Please save the date: Thursday, 24th July,
17 June
ICAS Spelling & Writing Competition
17-19 June
K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews
24 June
RACI Chemistry Competition
24 June
French Exchange Billets arrive
26 June 6.00pm
Years 3-6 Concert
27 June
Primary reports distributed
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) 2014
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data project collects data from schools about the number of students who require
adjustments to participate fully in education. In 2014 all ACT public schools will be taking part in the NCCD. A letter will be sent
to families of students that have been identified as requiring adjustments and supports. This letter outlines the process and asks
for your permission to include your child in the data collection. Nationally no names or personal information are collected as part
of the NCCD process. More information about the NCCD can be found at the Australian Government Department of Education
School Climate Survey: Parents, Teachers and Students
The ‘School Climate Survey’ will be distributed in the coming week and closes 4th July.
We encourage all parents/carers to be involved and take part in this important survey.
Arrangements have been made for students to undertake the survey at school.
Primary Parent Teacher Interviews New Arrangements.
This year we are trialling Parent/Teacher interviews, on the
following dates and times.
Tuesday 17th June and Wednesday 18th June 4.00-6.00pm
Term 1
3 February – 11 April
Term 2
28 April – 4 July
Term 3
21 July – 26 September
Term 4
13 October – 17 December
Tuesday 24th June and Wednesday 25th June 4.00-6.00pm
Please look out for the notice sent this week giving more details of the arrangements and how to book online. If you cannot book
online, call the front office on 6142 3388 and your bookings will be made for you. N.B. Primary reports will be distributed
Friday 4th July.
Other Primary news
Years 3-6 Concert will take place, Thursday, 26th June, 6.00pm in the School Hall. Mrs Susan Cribb and the class teachers
are looking forward to welcoming you there.
The Book Fair was extremely successful with many children and parents selecting books. A special ‘Thank you’ to Maura Dand,
the Primary Librarian for the management of the Book Fair and the teachers who assisted her with supervision.
Secondary Assessment
All Secondary Parents/Carers are reminded that Week 7 (from Tuesday 10th June) and Week 8 (to Friday 20th June) are
‘Excursion free’ weeks. Students are to be at school to undertake inclass assessment tasks. Parents/Carers are reminded that
the assessment calendar is sent out with the first Telopea Topics each term. Please assist your child with their planning for the
term by discussing the assessment calendar.
Other Secondary News in brief
Secondary French exchange billets from Lycée International de Grenoble will arrive in Canberra on Tuesday 24th June.
Year 10 Personal Projects exhibition will take place Thursday 26th June 3.30-5.30pm in the Secondary Library.
All Year 10 and Year 9 parents, carers and students are invited to this exhibition.
Year 10 Australian Business Week (ABW) takes place from Monday 30th June – Friday 4th July
Parents are reminded to pay $55 to the Finance Office for ABW. This cost covers the rights of accessing the ABW program.
Secondary NAIDOC Assembly will take place Friday 27th June; all parents/carers are invited to attend.
Secondary (7-10) reports will be distributed to students at 3.05pm, on Friday 4th July.
English French Stream (EFS) reminders
Conseils de classe for EFS students: are being held according to the following schedule:
Year 11 and 12: 4 June
Year 10: 11 June
Year 9: 12 June
Year 6 / 6ème 2: 19 June Year 6 / 6ème 1: 20 June
Year 8: 25 June
Year 7: 26 June
Bulletins trimestriels (Quarterly French reports) will be given to the children to bring home a few days after these dates.
French Examinations
Our students have already commenced the Baccalauréat and Brevet National Diploma exams with: the Art History oral exam for
the Brevet and the Practical examinations in SVT (Earth and Life Sciences) and Physics in Narrabundah College. We wish the
students good luck for the rest of the examinations.
Written examinations will take place at the Alliance Française de Canberra, 23 and 24 June 2014.
Results will be published on 30 June (possibly 27 June on Lycée franco-australien website).
Parents and Carers are invited to the awarding of the Brevet Certificates in the School Hall at 5.30.on 30 June.
Year 11 Oral French examination will take place at Alliance Française de Canberra, 16 or 17 June.
Year 11 Written examinations will take place at Narrabundah College, 19 and 20 June,
Year 12 Examination will take place at the Lycée Condorcet, Sydney, 16-19 June.
Results will be published late on 25 June or early on 26 June.
Parents and Carers are welcome to attend the Graduation ceremony at Narrabundah College on 2 July.
Middle Years Programme (MYP) Secondary Years 7-10 Evaluation Visit 2015
Early in 2015 a team of International Baccalaureate (IB) officials will visit the school to conduct an evaluation of the Middle Years
Programme (Years 7-10).
The evaluation process occurs every five years after authorisation. The programme evaluation is both a requirement and service
provided by the IBO to IB World schools.
Teachers and students are contributing to the self-study questionnaire. Thank you to the parents who have already contributed
to the self-study questionnaire. The school community responses will identify major achievements during the period under
review as well as practices that need further development. A report will incorporate the results of the self-study questionnaire
into an action plan. The plan is submitted as part of the supporting documentation. After the visiting team completes their
assessment of the school, the school will include the IB recommendations from the Evaluation Report into the Action Plan for the
new five year cycle.
Any school community member who has questions about this process or who wishes to contribute to the self-study questionnaire
is encouraged to contact Michele McLoughlin (A/g Deputy Principal and MYP Coordinator) 62055599 or 61423388.
Last day of school for the term is Friday 4th July : First day of school for term 3 is Monday 21st July
The Executive Team wishes the school community safe and happy holidays.
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Le trimestre touchant à sa fin, nous invitons les parents et tuteurs à retenir les événements importants à venir à l’école.
Au revoir à Muryel Martin
Un pot de départ sera organisé pour Muryel Martin, Conseillère Pédagogique, le jeudi 24 juillet de 15h30 à 17h00. Elle sera
remplacée par Julien Dugas au poste de Conseiller Pédagogique du Primaire.
Enquête Nationale (NCCD) 2014
Le projet d’Enquête Nationale collecte des données auprès des écoles concernant le nombre d’élèves nécessitant des
aménagements dans leur éducation. Un courrier sera envoyé aux familles des élèves qui auront été repérés comme nécessitant
des aménagements et un soutien. Ce courrier décrit le processus et demande la permission à la famille d’inclure leur enfant dans
l’enquête. Au niveau national, le mode opératoire prévoit qu’aucun nom ou information personnelle ne sera collecté. Vous pouvez
obtenir plus d’informations sur le NCCD sur le site internet du Ministère Australien de l’Education en cliquant sur le lien suivant:
En 2014, tous les établissements de l’ACT participeront au NCCD. Les écoles repéreront les élèves nécessitant des
aménagements et qui sont identifiés comme correspondant à une description des handicaps au sens large. Cette définition est
basée sur les Disability Standards for Education 2005 qui définissent de façon exhaustive ce que constitue un handicap et qui ne
requiert pas de diagnostic médical ou de spécialiste.
Enquête de Satisfaction de l’école: Parents, enseignants et élèves
L’Enquête de Satisfaction de l’école sera distribuée la semaine prochaine et se terminera le 4 juillet. Nous encourageons tous les
parents/tuteurs à participer à cette enquête importante. Des dispositions ont été prises pour que les élèves puissent répondre à
l’enquête à l’école.
Réunions Parents Professeurs au Primaire: nouvelles dispositions
Cette année, nous organisons les réunions parents professeurs de 16h00 à 18h00.
Veuillez noter les dates et heures suivantes:
Mardi 17 juin et mercredi 18 juin de 16h00 à 18h00.
Mardi 24 juin et mercredi 25 juin de 16h00 à 18h00.
Merci de bien vouloir consulter le courrier qui vous a été remis cette semaine. Vous y trouverez des informations détaillées, en
particulier sur le système de réservation en ligne PTO.
N.B: Les bulletins du Primaire seront remis le vendredi 4 juillet.
Autres informations du Primaire
Le concert des classes de CE2 à Sixième aura lieu dans la salle polyvalente de l’école le jeudi 26 juin à 18h00. Mme Susan
Cribb et les enseignants seront ravis de vous accueillir ce soir-là.
La Foire aux Livres fut une grande réussite, de nombreux enfants et parents sont venus acheter des livres. Un très grand merci
à Maura Dand pour l’organisation de cette Foire aux Livres et aux enseignants qui l’ont aidée pour l’encadrement des élèves.
Evaluations au Secondaire
Nous rappelons à tous les parents/tuteurs que les Semaines 7 (commençant le mardi 10 juin) et 8 (se terminant le vendredi 20
juin) sont des semaines ‘sans sorties ’. Les élèves sont tenus d’être présents à l’école pour effectuer les évaluations en classe. Le
calendrier des évaluations est envoyé avec le Telopea Topics au début de chaque trimestre.
Merci de bien vouloir aider votre enfant à organiser son travail du trimestre en discutant avec lui du calendrier des évaluations.
Autres informations du Secondaire
Les correspondants français de Grenoble arriveront à Canberra le mardi 24 juin.
Les Projets Personnels de Year 10 seront exposés au CDI le jeudi 26 juin de 15h30 à 17h30. Nous invitons tous les
parents/tuteurs ainsi que les élèves de Year 9 et 10 à venir admirer cette exposition.
L’ Australian Business Week (ABW) aura lieu du lundi 30 juin au vendredi 4 juillet. Nous rappelons aux parents que la
somme de $55 est à régler à l’Intendance. Cette somme couvre les frais afférents au programme ABW.
L’Assemblée du Secondaire NAIDOC se tiendra le vendredi 27 juin. Tous les parents/tuteurs y sont conviés.
Les bulletins du Secondaire (classes de Cinquième à Seconde) seront remis aux élèves le vendredi 4 juillet à 15h05.
Rappels pour le courant Franco-australien (EFS):
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Les conseils de classe du courant Franco-australien auront lieu aux dates suivantes:
Classes de Première et Terminale: 4 juin
Classes de Seconde: 11 juin
Classes de Troisième: 12 juin
Classe de Sixième 2: 19 juin
Classe de Sixième 1: 20 juin
Classes de Quatrième: 25 juin
Classes de Cinquième: 26 juin
Les bulletins trimestriels seront remis aux élèves quelques jours après la date du conseil de classe.
Examens français
Nos élèves ont commencé les premières épreuves du Baccalauréat avec les épreuves de Sciences et Vie de la Terre (Earth and
Life Science) et de Physique à Narrabundah college. La première épreuve du Diplôme National du Brevet a également eu lieu
avec l’Oral d’Histoire des Arts. Nous souhaitons bonne chance aux élèves pour la suite de leurs examens.
Diplôme National du Brevet
Les épreuves écrites se dérouleront les 23 et 24 juin à l’Alliance Française de Canberra.
Les résultats seront publiés le 30 juin (peut-être dès le 27 juin) sur le site internet du Lycée Franco-australien.
Les parents/tuteurs sont conviés à la remise des Certificats du Brevet le 30 juin à 17h30 dans la salle polyvalente.
Les épreuves orales de français pour les élèves de Première se dérouleront à l’Alliance Française de Canberra du 16 au 17 juin.
Les épreuves écrites anticipées pour les élèves de Première se dérouleront à Narrabundah College les 19 et 20 juin.
Les épreuves du Baccalauréat pour les élèves de Terminale se dérouleront au Lycée Condorcet de Sydney du 16 au 19 juin.
Les résultats seront publiés le 25 juin au soir ou le 26 juin au matin.
Les parents/tuteurs sont conviés à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui aura lieu le 2 jullet à Narrabundah
Inspection 2015 du Programme de Premier Cycle Secondaire Year 7-10 (MYP)
Au tout début de l’année scolaire 2015, une équipe d’officiels du Baccalauréat International (IB) visitera l’école afin d’évaluer le
Programme de Premier Cycle Secondaire (Year 7-10).
Cette évaluation a lieu tous les cinq ans après autorisation. L’évaluation du programme est à la fois une obligation et un service
demandé par l’IBO aux écoles proposant l’IB.
Les enseignants et les élèves contribuent au questionnaire d’autoévaluation. Merci aux parents qui ont déjà participé à ce
questionnaire. Les réponses de la communauté scolaire identifieront les principales réalisations achevées au cours de la période
d’évaluation ainsi que les pratiques qui devront être développées. Un rapport prendra en compte les résultats du questionnaire
d’autoévaluation afin d’établir un Plan d’action. Le plan fait partie des documents-preuves. Après que l’équipe d’inspection a fini
l’évaluation de l’école, l’école utilisera les recommandations du rapport d’évaluation de l’IB dans le Plan d’action pour le nouveau
cycle quinquénnal. Tout membre de la communauté scolaire ayant des questions à propos de ce processus ou qui souhaite
participer au questionnaire d’autoévaluation peut, s’il le souhaite, contacter Michele McLoughlin (Principal adjointe et
Coordinatrice MYP) au 62055599 ou au 61423388.
Les cours se terminent le vendredi 4 juillet et reprennent le lundi 21 juillet pour le début du troisème trimestre.
Important Information
Telopea Park School has just had a new phone system installed. As a result our phone numbers have changed.
Listed below are the new school contact numbers:
Main Switchboard:
+61 2 6142 3388
+61 2 6142 3348
Primary Office:
+61 2 6142 3380
Primary First Aid
+61 2 6142 3381
Student Services Secondary
+61 2 6142 3385
First Aid Secondary:
+61 2 6142 3387
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Career Development Report
As the Telopea Park School Career Development Officer, I have been impressed with the increased number of students coming to
see me about:
- securing a work experience placement (WEX),
- gaining a tax file number
- or seeking information about an Australian School Based Apprenticeship(ASBA).
Despite only working two days per week (Wednesday and Thursday), the number of students undertaking a WEX placement has
doubled from previous years. I am sure this is because more students are beginning to think about employment pathways, they
may select in the future..
A work experience placement is an opportunity to test the realities of working in different professions of their choice.
Since the last Telopea Topics, Jordan Rattenbury has had a four day WEX placement at Motorini Scooters in Phillip, and Tandia
Collins enjoyed five days at Quesatcon within the Public Relations area.
Telopea Park School has a group of students who belong to a community service club called, Interact. This is a joint Rotary Club
(14-18 year olds). Interact is short for international action.
For the past few years the Interact Club of Telopea Park School has been fundraising to build a new school, hall, kitchen and
library on a remote island in Vanuatu. This building was opened in Vanuatu last year. This year Rotary is spending the remaining
money raised by the students, to install 15 computers in the new Vanuatu library. This project has been a remarkable journey
and each student who participated in the project gained numerous employability skills, as they worked to achieve their goal.
These employability skills are: planning and organisation, technology, learning, communication, teamwork, problem solving,
initiative and management.
Last week Rotary invited seven students from Telopea Park School, to attend the 2014 International Rotary Convention in
Sydney. This conference had over 22,000 delegates from over 154 countries. The seven students from Telopea, helped to staff
the Rotary District 9710 Interact booth in the ‘Hall of Friendship’ and while doing this they discussed their project with Rotarians
from around the World. Each delegate at the Rotary Conventions received a book that showcased different Rotary projects within
Australia. The Vanuatu project undertaken by the students from Telopea Park School, was fortunate to be one of the projects,
selected to be published in the book. A copy of the double page article is attached to this newsletter.
Volunteering can be a very rewarding experience and another way of gaining skills that employers are seeking.
Susan Alexander, TPS Career Development Officer
[email protected].
Ph 02 61423388
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Mobile 040711085
This semester has seen a few staffing changes in the Science faculty. Since Term 1, Kylie Louis has been Acting Executive
Teacher for Student Services, while Thomas Greig and Nick Rothwell joined the Science team. Sheela Awadhwal is currently
undertaking higher duties in the head office at the start of Term 2, while Thomas Greig is on leave. In their place, we welcome
Kenny Leiba, who has been here previously, and James Handley; both of whom have taken up the challenge of continuing
science classes during mid-semester. More staffing changes are due at the end of the semester when we farewell two of our EFS
teachers, Madame Prevot and Madame Lucas-Fradin, both of whom who are returning to France. They leave behind a faculty
enriched with cross-cultural collegial experiences. We wish them both all the best in their future endeavours.
CSIRO Green Machine, Black Mountain
Last term as part of the Genetics unit, a group of Year 10 students participated in an excursion to the Green Machine. They
extended their scientific skills by investigating how to conduct a gel electrophoresis experiment on DNA.
Excited Particles’ Spectacular, Questacon 2U
At the end of Term 1, the Year 7 students participated in an interactive science show conducted by Questacon, as an introduction
to their Term 2 unit of study, “Forces”. The students enjoyed the show where they learnt about scientific ideas in an interactive
and engaging manner.
Science Competitions
This has been a particularly busy term in Science with all three of our annual competitions been conducted within a few weeks of
each other: the Rio Tinto Big Science Competition, the ICAS Science Competition and the RAQI Chemistry Competition. About a
hundred students took part in each of the competitions, and we eagerly await their results which should be forthcoming in the
next term.
Ona Siakimotu
Executive Teacher, Science
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It has been another busy fortnight with the teachers organising many enjoyable events for the students.
Primary Athletics Carnival House Results
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Primary Athletics Carnival on Friday 30 May 2014. The overall house results
First- Campbell
Second - Throsby
Third - Moore
Fourth –Farrer
Students who met the qualifying criteria will attend the South Weston Zone Athletics Carnival will be held on Tuesday 26 August
2014 at the Australian Institute of Sport.
Primary Athletics Carnival-Fundraising Barbeque
Thank you to those parents who assisted Laurence Barthélémy at the Fundraising Barbeque. The generous donations of bread,
sausages and fruit boxes were well received. On the day we raised $1281.60 which goes towards supporting the students who
are representing Telopea Park School at a national level in Athletics, Cross Country, Swimming or other sports. This support will
assist with the purchase of a national level representative uniform.
ACT School Sport Representation
Congratulations to Amath Fall who has qualified for the ACT 12 years and under Boys Basketball Championships in Townsville
from 16-22 August 2014
We wish Amath every success in his sporting endeavours.
St John Ambulance ACT First Aid Skills program for Years 3 and 5
The students in Years 3 and 5 have participated in the St John Ambulance ACT First Aid Skills in School Program. In this program
they learnt lifesaving skills such as how to dial 000, managing an unconscious, breathing patient, how to control bleeding and
how to treat a burn. Thank you to the Anne Maree Hatch, an instructor from St John Ambulance for providing this valuable
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Years 3 and 5 Rostrum
The Years 3 and 5 Rostrum finalists presented their speeches at the Primary Assembly on Tuesday 10 June 2014. Rostrum is a
perfect opportunity for the students to refine their public speaking skills. The topics vary for the English and French Rostrum.
Congratulations to the following students who were the class finalists:
English Rostrum
French Rostrum
Iwa Munro
Aurelia Lonchampt
Toby Lancaster
Oliver Herrenschmidt
Isabelle Laing
Gemma Traore
Madeleine Ronowski
Myles Smith
Aden Hamilton
Timothée Bielecki
Manon McDuffie
Joshua Lancaster
The overall winners of the Year 3 Rostrum were Isabelle Laing and Gemma Traore. The Year 5 Rostrum winners were Madeleine
Ronowski and Joshua Lancaster.The judges commented on the excellence of all the speeches. Congratulations to all participants.
A special thank you to Julien Dugas and Su Mathe for organising this event.
Kindergarten to Year 6 Parent Teacher Interviews
Just a friendly reminder that the Kindergarten to Year 6 Parent /Teacher interviews will be held on the following dates:
Tuesday 17 June – 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Wednesday 18 June- 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 24 June- 4.00 p.m.-6.00 p.m.
Wednesday 25 June- 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Information regarding the Parent/Teacher interviews and the “Parent/ Teacher Online” booking program was sent home this
Years 3 to 6 Concert
The Years 3 to 6 Concert will be held on Thursday 26 June 2014 from 6.00 p.m. till 7.00 p.m. in the main School Hall. The
students have been busily preparing items with their Music teacher, Susan Cribb and their class teachers. Please put this date
into your diaries as it should be a very enjoyable concert.
Community Farewell for Muryel Martin
There will be a Community Farewell for Muryel Martin on Thursday 24 July 2014 between 3.45 p.m. and 5.50 p.m. Parents and
students will be welcome to attend this special event. You will receive more details shortly.
Farewell Assembly
There will be a special Farewell Assembly on Tuesday 1 July 2014 to farewell Laure Chatelard and Particia Giraud. Muryel
Martin’s Farewell Assembly will be next term.
Congratulations to Julien Dugas who will be replacing Muryel Martin in the position of Conseiller Pédagogique. We congratulate
him on this new position.
Thank you for your continued support.
Claire Harding
Executive Teacher 3-6
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Nouvelles du Primaire
La quinzaine qui vient de s’écouler a été encore bien occupée, les professeurs ayant organisé de nombreuses activités
motivantes pour les élèves.
Résultats du Festival d’Athlétisme du Primaire par Maison
Toutes nos félicitations aux élèves qui ont participé au Festival d’Athlétisme du Primaire le vendredi 30 mai 2014. Voici le
classement général par Maison:
Premier: Campbell
Deuxième: Throsby
Troisième: Moore
Quatrième: Farrer
Les élèves qui ont satisfait aux critères de qualification participeront au Festival d’Athlétisme du Secteur South Weston qui aura
lieu le mardi 26 août 2014 à l’Institut Australien des Sports.
Barbecue caritatif du Festival d’Athlétisme du Primaire
Un grand merci à tous les parents qui ont aidé Laurence Barthélémy au Barbecue caritatif. Nous avons reçu de généreux dons de
pain, saucisses et briquettes de jus qui auront permis de récolter $1281.60 le jour même. Cet argent sera utilisé pour les élèves
qui représentent Telopea Park School lors des compétitions nationales d’Athlétisme, de Cross, de Natation ou d’autres sports. Il
pourra aider au financement d’un uniforme représentatif au niveau national.
Tournoi sportif scolaire de l’ACT
Nous pouvons féliciter Amath Fall qui s’est qualifié pour les Championnats de Basket masculin catégorie 12 ans et moins qui se
dérouleront à Townsville du 16 au 22 août 2014. Nous souhaitons à Amath beaucoup de réussite dans ses activités sportives.
Programme Premiers Secours de l’ACT St John Ambulance pour les CE2 et CM2
Les élèves de CE2 et CM2 ont pu participer au programme Premiers Secours de l’ACT St John Ambulance. Ce programme permet
aux élèves d’acquérir des notions de secourisme, comme par exemple savoir contacter les urgences, connaître la conduite à tenir
devant une victime inconsciente mais qui respire, contrôler un saignement ou traiter une brûlure. Un grand merci à Anne Maree
Hatch, instructeur de St John Ambulance, pour ce programme éducatif essentiel.
Concours d’éloquence des CE2 et CM2
Les finalistes du Concours d’éloquence des CE2 et CM2 ont présenté leurs travaux lors de l’Assemblée du Primaire du mardi 10
juin 2014. Le Concours d’éloquence est une belle occasion pour les élèves de perfectionner leurs aptitudes à s’exprimer en
public. Les sujets sont différents pour les concours en français et en anglais.
Toutes nos félicitations aux élèves finalistes suivants:
Concours d’éloquence en anglais
Concours d’éloquence en français
Iwa Munro
Aurelia Lonchampt
Toby Lancaster
Oliver Herrenschmidt
Isabelle Laing
Gemma Traore
Madeleine Ronowski
Myles Smith
Aden Hamilton
Timothée Bielecki
Manon McDuffie
Joshua Lancaster
Les lauréats du Concours d’éloquence sont Isabelle Laing et Gemma Traore pour les CE2 et Madeleine Ronowski et Joshua
Lancaster pour les CM2. Les juges ont mentionné l’excellente qualité des discours. Félicitations à tous les orateurs. Nous
remercions tout particulièrement Julien Dugas et Su Mathe pour l’organisation de cet événement.
Réunions parents professeurs (Maternelle à Sixième)
Nous vous rappelons que les réunions parents professeurs (Maternelle à Sixième) auront lieu aux dates suivantes:
Mardi 17 juin de
Mercredi 18 juin
Mardi 24 juin de
Mercredi 25 juin
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16h00 à 18h00.
de 16h00 à 18h00.
16h00 à 18h00.
de 16h00 à 18h00.
Les informations relatives aux réunions parents professeurs et au système de réservation en ligne PTO (Parent/Teacher Online)
ont été données aux familles cette semaine.
Concert des classes de CE2 à Sixième
Le concert des classes de CE2 à Sixième aura lieu dans la salle polyvalente de l’école le jeudi 26 juin 2014 de 18h00 à 19h00.
Les élèves préparent activement leurs morceaux avec leur professeur de Musique, Susan Cribb, et leurs professeurs. Ne
manquez pas de noter cette date dans vos agendas, car ce concert s’annonce très divertissant!
Pot de départ pour Muryel Martin
Un pot de départ pour Muryel Martin sera organisé le jeudi 24 juillet entre 15h45 et 17h50. Les parents et les élèves sont invités
à y participer. Vous recevrez plus de détails prochainement.
Assemblée d’Adieu
Une Assemblée d’Adieu aura lieu le mardi 1er juillet 2014 pour dire au revoir à Laure Chatelard et Patricia Giraud. L’Assemblée
d’Adieu de Muryel Martin aura lieu au prochain trimestre.
Nous félicitons Julien Dugas pour sa toute nouvelle nomination. En effet, il remplacera Muryel Martin au poste de Conseiller
Pédagogique du Primaire.
Merci pour votre fidèle soutien.
Claire Harding
Responsable CE2-Sixième
Next P&C Meeting - Wednesday 23rd July @ 7pm
Did you miss the June meeting? The next P&C Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd July at 7pm in the Secondary Staff Room.
Volunteers needed for La Grande Fete
Stall Coordinators
We have some great stalls again this year and we already have a lot of parents and teachers willing to run stalls but we have few
We are looking for parents to help co-ordinate the following stalls:
Information and Rides Tickets
Vintage Clothing
Parent helpers for student-run stalls
With direction from their year group teachers, Years 7-10 run some of our most important stalls at the Fete every year Tombola, Ice Creams, Cold Drinks and the BBQ.
Teachers organise rosters and coordinate students on the day of the Fete. Parent helpers are required to organise supplies,
equipment and offer behind-the-scenes support.
The stalls we need helpers for are:
Year 7 Tombola
Year 8 Ice Creams
Year 9 BBQ - Thanks Chris and Catriona Burge!!
Year 10 Cold Drinks
This role involves helping with ordering, collecting supplies and being the go-to person on the day of the Fete.
If you are interested in running a stall or being a parent helper, please contact the [email protected]
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Community Forums
Mental Health and Wellbeing
KidsMatter and MindMatters are school programs aimed at improving the mental health of primary and secondary school
children. Coming up in August, they will be holding two community forums that all are welcome to attend:
KidsMatter (primary)
7th August 2014
2:30-4:30 Federal Golf Club
Mind Matters (high school)
12 August 2014 9:30-11:30 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stirling
Please contact Claire Miller at [email protected] if you would like to attend or check out their websites for more
information about these great programs:
Time to Talk Canberra: What’s important to young people?
The ACT Government wants to hear what is important for children and young people in the ACT. They are setting a vision for a
whole-of-government and whole-of-community approach to promote the rights of children and young people based on
consultation with the public.
To participate: complete a short survey or make a submission in a format that is most suitable to you (that is, in writing,
drawing, photographic or video formats) and send it to [email protected] by 30 June 2014.
Parent Workshop: iPad to support students with learning difficulties
The Education Directorate is running a morning workshop on Wednesday July 2 to provide expert advice to parents of children
with learning difficulties on the ways iPads can support them in their early years. The workshop will cover top iPad tips and Apps
for literacy, other subjects and for supporting behaviour and organisational and social skills.
Contact Julie Ireland by June 26 on 62072331 if you would like to attend.
– 8.30 - 9.30am
– 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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We are looking for students across all years to represent Telopea in the Subaru ACT-Southern NSW Champs
again for 2014.
The Subaru ACT-Southern NSW Interschools Snowsports Championships is on at Perisher July 30 to August 1.
Wednesday July 30 - Snowboard GS & Snowbard X, Primary Moguls
Thursday July 31 - Secondary Moguls, Secondary Skier X, Primary Alpine
Friday August 1 - Secondary Alpine, Primary Skier X
Please note no racing experience is necessary, although we will try to hold a race training day prior to the
races if there is enough interest.
For more information please see
To be part of the fun please contact Louise Dalglish Smith on 0402 903211 or
[email protected].
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Deputy Principal 7-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Kate Sutherland
A/g Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseillẻre Pédagogique
Muryel Martin
Board Chair
James Popple
P&C President
Paul Haesler
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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