Idiom in English: he is the black sheep!


Idiom in English: he is the black sheep!
ŠOLA IZ FRANCIJE: Collège les Jacobins, TROYES Cedex, France in
učiteljica Julie dHerbemont .
French idiom: Etre le mouton noir
Meaning: a person who is the shame of the
family or who brings shame to a group.
Idiom in English: he is the black sheep!
French idiom: or noir
Meaning: oil
Idiom in English: black gold
French idiom: Etre Fleur Bleue
Meaning: a person who is naive is a
blue flower
Idiom in English: to have a starry-eyed
Idiom in English: to paint the town
Meaning: to go out or hang out and
have fun, to party with friends
French idiom: voir la vie en rose
Meaning: to see the good side of life
Idiom in English: to see life in pink / in
- as red as a cherry
- bright red
- bright red shoe
- as red as a poppy
- bright red
rouge comme une cerise
rouge vif
rouge vif chaussure
rouge comme un coquelicot
rouge vif
- The mark on my arm was as red as a poppy.
-La marque sur mon bras était rouge comme un coquelicot.
- intensely red
-rouge intense
-hvchtei ulaan
- as red as a ruby
rouge comme un rubis
The office assistant was wearing lipstick that was as red as a
- as red as blood
rouge comme le sang
The stain on the carpet was as red as blood - red eye-yeux
-We caught the red-eye flight last night and we are very tired
-Nous avons pris le vol de nuit la nuit dernière et nous
sommes très fatigué aujourd'hui
chauffé au rouge
-The new video game is red-hot and many people are waiting
to buy one
-red in the face
-I became red in the face when the teacher asked me a
-red letter day
-It was a red-letter day when my sister received her graduation
French idiom: elle rougit de honte
Meaning: she became red of shame
Idiom in English: she blushed with
French idiom: Être vert de rage
Meaning: a person who is green with rage is
very angry
Idiom in English: to be livid with rage
French idiom: Etre blanc comme un linge
Meaning: a person who is as white as a sheet
who is very pale because of fright, illness,
Idiom in English: to be as white as a ghost
Escola Secundária de Mira de Aire,
Mira de Aire, Portugal, učiteljica Filomena Miguel
ŠOLA IZ GRČIJE: 3rd Gymnasium Alexandroupolis "Domna
Visvizi", Alexandroupolis, Greece in učiteljica Panagiota Lazaki