Communication and Advertising Agency


Communication and Advertising Agency
AG 04 63
Vous jouez le rôle de Claude CARDON, stagiaire dans une agence de communication
« DotCom Ltd. », située à Londres.
La responsable de l'agence, Janet Rochester, vous informe qu'une clinique privée française la
Polyclinique du Littoral, située près de Calais, l'a contactée.
La clinique française a en effet la possibilité matérielle d'accueillir des patients britanniques et
voudrait donc lancer une campagne publicitaire dans le sud-est de l'Angleterre pour faire
connaître son offre de service auprès de clients britanniques potentiels.
Etant donné vos origines, c'est vous que la responsable de l'agence DotCom Ltd a choisi pour
l'aider à définir les axes de la future campagne publicitaire.
Elle vous a demandé de lui faire des recommandations concernant:
• Les 3 arguments les plus pertinents à mettre en avant dans cette
Le support médiatique à utiliser pour diffuser l'information.
Elle vous confirme et précise sa demande dans la note de service suivante:
ooooooooDotCoM Ltd oooooooo
Communication and Advertising Agency
From : Janet Rochester
To : Claude Cardon
Subject : Advertising campaign for French Clinic
Just a confirmation of the brief I have given you about the French Clinic advertising campaign.
As I told you, l'd like you to suggest the 3 main sales arguments which we could include in the Clinic's
advertising campaign here in England.
To give you some guidance, I think it's important to take the following points into consideration:
To choose the best arguments, it is essential to target the sort of people who might be interested in having
medical treatment in the French Clinic.
But we must also take into account what services the Clinic can offer, compared to the situation in GB
Perhaps we should also try to minimize any possible disadvantages or obstacles to having treatment in
Don't forget to identify the types of health problems (operations etc;) that could be dealt with in
You will also need to give some suggestions about which type of campaign it should be:
radio, local press,
national press, etc. In the file some essential information about advertising impact was not yet
available from the London Observatory of Advertising Trends
You will have to phone them to try to obtain
more details.
Best of luck!
Janet Rochester
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