800 Leagues on the Amazon(Extraordinary Voyages


800 Leagues on the Amazon(Extraordinary Voyages
800 Leagues on the Amazon(Extraordinary Voyages
by Jules Verne
'800 Leagues on the Amazon' is an amazing story of adventure, honor, loyalty and exotic travel shrouded in great
mystery. This is not the typical Jules Verne science fiction but it is a rollicking ride full of suspense and thrill on a
log raft down almost the full length of the mighty Amazon River.
The book starts slowly and Verne narrates the surroundings and the flora and fauna of the Amazon in great detail.
In the backdrop of one of the most exotic locations on the planet Verne narrates the story of the clash between an
honorable man who is haunted by a death sentence for a crime which he didn't commit and an evil villain who
want to destroy him. As is the case with his other books Verne places much importance on the honor of life and
this can be found in the personalities of the characters in the story. On a journey from Peru to the Atlantic coast in
Brazil the reader travels along with the central characters of the story experiencing the animal life, plants and
vibrant surroundings of the Amazon river and its rainforest towards a fast paced climax.
This is a must read book for those who love a great tale of adventure with enough plot twists and suspense.|More
of a travelogue than a story, although it does have an engaging plot, Verne's 800 Leagues on the Amazon follows
a family's descent by enormous log raft down almost the full length of the mighty Amazon River, from Peru to the
Atlantic coast in Brazil, as they make their way to the last town on the river where a double wedding will take
place. The major complication is that a villain is intent on blackmailing the father of the family for events that
happened 23 years previously. Like many of Verne's adventure novels, we are treated to reams of encyclopedic
information about the Amazon: the history of its exploration, its geography, the various native tribes that live
along it, flora and fauna, meteorology, etc. The information is fascinating, and makes up a majority of the book,
but the author feels that these presentations make understanding the story so much easier. It's actually hard to
decide which of the two--the novel's plot or the gratuitous information--is the bigger attraction in Jules Verne's
writing.|Here is a most interesting Jules Verne tale. Unlike his usual science fiction novels, Eight hundred leagues
actually tells the tale of an Amazon River trip, and most is quite descriptive as regards the surroundings, people,
places, vegetation, wildlife, etc. It's quite a tale to follow, from the end of part one its got you at the edge of your
writing.|Here is a most interesting Jules Verne tale. Unlike his usual science fiction novels, Eight hundred leagues
actually tells the tale of an Amazon River trip, and most is quite descriptive as regards the surroundings, people,
places, vegetation, wildlife, etc. It's quite a tale to follow, from the end of part one its got you at the edge of your
seat!|La Jangada offre beaucoup de bons moments pour les fanatiques de Jules Verne mais ce roman sera d'un
tres grand ennui pour ceux qui ne le sont pas.
Le roman est un hommage au Scarabée d'or de Poe qui raconte le dévoilement d'un mystère realisé grace a la
cryptologie. L'oeuvre de Poe est une breve nouvelle de 44 pages qui functionne à la merveille. La Jangada est un
gros roman de 329 pages dont le déroulement est péniblement lent. Les efforts des protagonistes a décoder le
cryptogramme remplissent admirablement les six dernier chapitres du roman . Les problèmes alors se trouvent
dans trente-cinq premiers chapitres.
L'écosystème du fleuve Amazone est très actuel ne nos jours mais il offre très peu de matière qui convient aux
talents de Verne qui réussit beaucoup mieux avec des volcans qui sautent qu'avec une riviére qui coule lentement.
De la meme manière on peut dire que Verne ne sait pas composer avec sa barge, la Jangada, qui avance
lentement sans courir le moindre péril. Les ballons qui se déchirent et qui tombent en catastrophe conviennent
beaucoup mieux à Verne.
De facon générale, on peut dire que Verne a fait beaucoup de sorties de a recette habituelle dans la Jangada avec
des résultats decevants pour la plupart. La jangada traine péniblement en longueur.
Aussi, il faut signaller que Verne s'éloigne de sa recette habituelle dans La Jangada en incluant dans son récit deux
jeune filles avec des amoureux. En principe les histoires d'amour passent bien dans les romans de jeunesse mais
Verne n'a pas le tour .
La Jangada va quand meme plaire aux vrais mordus de Verne. Il y décrit très bien les qualités uniques et
extraordinaires du bassin Amazonien. Parfois. des scenes d'action extraordinaire. Le passage ou un des
protagonistes en scaphandre se fait attaquer par une anguille électrique est tres bien écrit. Egalement, il y a des
discussions techniques bien réussi notament celle où l'on explique que le cadavre d'un homme qui senoie dans
une rivière descend plus rapidement au fonds que le cadavre d'un homme qui est déjà mort au moment d'etre
jeté dans le cours d'eau.
|Jules Verne is such a masterful story teller and this one didn't disappoint!

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