horse supply


horse supply
BENDREY Robin - archéozoologue
UMR 7209 du CNRS « Archéozoologie, archéobotanique : sociétés, pratiques et environnements »
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Département Écologie et Gestion de la Biodiversité,
USM 303, Case postale 56, 55 rue Buffon, F-75231 Paris cedex 05, FRANCE
[email protected]
Thèmes de recherche :
archéozoologie ; utilisation des animaux pendant la préhistoire ; amélioration des méthodes de
l’archéozoologie ; archéologie du cheval en Eurasie préhistorique ; paléopathologie
Cursus et diplômes :
PhD, University of Southampton, Royaume-Uni, 2007
BA (Hons) Archaeology, Newcastle University, Royaume-Uni, 1996
Emploi et expérience professionnelle :
2010Chercheur post-doctoral ANR, UMR 7209, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris
Chercheur post-doctoral CNRS, UMR 7209, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris
Associate Lecturer, Dept of Archaeology, University of Winchester
PhD Research Studentship, financé par University of Winchester
Archéozoologue indépendant
Environmental Processor MoLAS (Museum of London Archaeology Service)
Fonctions honoraire / du comité :
2008Membre du Comité, Animal Palaeopathology Working Group (APWG) of the International
Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
2007Honorary University Fellow, University of Exeter, Royaume-Uni
2007Honorary Research Fellow, University of Winchester, Royaume-Uni
Trésorier, Osteoarchaeological Research Group
Sélection de publications récentes :
Bendrey R, Cassidy J P, Bokovenko N, Lepetz S et Zaitseva G I sous presse, A possible case of ‘poll-evil’ in
an early Scythian horse skull from Arzhan 1, Tuva Republic, Central Asia. International Journal of
Bendrey R sous presse, Horse. In, O’Connor T et Sykes N (eds.), Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History
of British Fauna. Windgather Press.
Outram A, Stear N, Bendrey R, Olsen S, Kasparov A, Zaibert V, Thorpe N et Evershed R 2009, The Earliest
Horse Harnessing and Milking. Science 323, 1332-1335.
Bendrey R, Hayes T E et Palmer M R 2009, Patterns of Iron Age horse supply: an analysis of strontium
isotope ratios in teeth. Archaeometry 51, 140-150.
Bendrey R, Taylor G M, Bouwman A S et Cassidy J P 2008, Suspected bacterial disease in two archaeological
horse skeletons from southern England: palaeopathological and biomolecular studies. Journal of
Archaeological Science 35, 1581-1590.
Bendrey R 2008, An analysis of factors affecting the development of an equid cranial enthesopathy.
Veterinarija ir Zootechnika 41, 25-31.
Bendrey R 2007, New methods for the identification of evidence for bitting on horse remains from
archaeological sites. Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 1036-1050.
Bendrey R 2007, Work- and age-related changes in an Iron Age horse skeleton from Danebury hillfort,
Hampshire. Archaeofauna 16, 73-84.
Bendrey R 2007, Ossification of the interosseous ligaments between the metapodials in horses: a new
recording methodology and preliminary study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17, 207-213.