Teacher Guidance – Foreign Language (French)


Teacher Guidance – Foreign Language (French)
Teacher Guidance – Foreign Language (French)
The French Language activities provided in this pack are not designed as a formal lesson plan and are
intended simply as suggestions for how the energy house project could be incorporated into the
subject. Teachers could choose to run as many or as few of the activities as they like or to develop
their own lesson plans to incorporate climate change and or energy in the home into their lessons.
Activities have not been ascribed running times as this may vary significantly based on individual
class’ command of French. Some could also be completed as homework.
Although these activities would ideally be run alongside the Science and DT lessons within this pack,
those highlighted could well be run, in part or in full, as stand-alone activities - and so be fitted into
lessons at any point in the academic year, where the teacher feels there is the greatest link to their
other French learning (e.g. when learning how to describe their home, or learning vocabulary around
Letter to pen friend/open letter to exchange school
Letters written should incorporate ‘energy learning’ from other KS3 lessons in this resource into
topics covered in KS3 French, such as describing your home and items of clothing or talking about
the weather.
For example:
When describing their home they could talk about its age, size, how comfortable it is (warm,
cold, cosy, airy) and how they feel about it.
If writing about the weather, seasons and climate they can talk about typical weather in each
season, recent or unusual weather events.
Students could include information on how they prepare for the weather in different
seasons eg. wearing scarves, gloves, jumpers and putting the heating on in winter or wearing
shorts and opening windows in summer.
French conversation
A basic French Script has been written for this activity. Students could read the Script aloud in class
to practice oral skills, read the scripts to practice understanding written French or listen to the audio
file to practice listening skills. 2 different activities have been provided to sit alongside the script to
fit either delivery style – a table to be completed for the whole class oral exercise or a series of
questions and answers for the solo written exercise. If students have a particularly high level of
understanding of French teachers may chose to set the Question and Answer activity for students
completing the oral activity. Alternatively teachers could produce their own questions to suit the
groups level of understanding and/or to test their understanding of other topics (such as describing
their family, colours, their home, the weather).
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Posters AND Video activities
Pupils should use their learning from other subjects to look at ways of energy saving and to create
the messages for their posters and or/video. Students should be encouraged to think of energy
messages that are important to them or their peers but to help guide them and provide inspiration a
number of ENGLISH and FRENCH resources are provided:
English to French energy glossary (Fr1a) to assist with translation of more complex energy
related words.
Posters and fun facts in English (Fr1e).
Website links to FRENCH resources (see below)*.
Website links to French Resources
Dessin animé réchauffement climatique CG 92: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWIToKukV3o
Mon logis - Pour etre Eco, pas Gaspillo!: http://www.mon-logis.fr/Pour-etre-Eco-pas-Gaspillo
Agence Locale Energie – Affiches de Sensibilisation: http://www.ale-montpellier.org/Agence-LocaleEnergie/Informations-professionnels/Enseignants-et-animateurs/Affiches-desensibilisation/Affiches-de-sensibilisation_217_897.html
General information on Climate Change:
Le changement climatique, c'est quoi ?: http://jeunes.edf.com/article/Le-changement-climatique--cest-quoi--,129
Ma maison, ma planete… et moi: http://www.fondationlamap.org/sites/default/files/upload/media/minisites/ecohabitat/animations/home.swf
*Where website links have been provided teachers could either:
ensure that pupils had access to the internet for these lessons and provide the below links
Save relevant videos and watch as part of the activity
look at some of the posters and articles in advance and print/produce still screens as
Teachers may also wish to seek out their own resources to compliment these.
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Unit Title
Energy related language activities (French)
Learning Objective
To be able to understand and communicate basic
energy topics in French
Curriculum Links
Equipment & Resources
In the pack:
Fr1a – English to French energy
glossary; Fr1b – French Script;
Fr1c – French audio file; Fr1d Activities to accompany French
script or audio file; Fr1e –
Posters and Fun Facts in
Website links to French
resources (see ‘Energy related
language activities (French) Guidance notes’)
• To provide a range of reading,
writing, speaking and listening
resources and activities that
integrate elements of energy
learning from other subjects
with KS3 French Language
topics and curricular
requirements – e.g. weather,
seasons and climate, describing
the home, how much things
cost, comfort levels and
feelings, health.
• To reinforce learning around
the cultural similarities and
differences between France
and the UK with regards to
energy and climate.
To be provided by the school:
Craft supplies for posters
Computers with internet access
Video recording equipment
Further info
• Letter to pen
letter to
exchange school
Using the French to English energy glossary (Fr1a),
pupils compose individual letters to pen friends or an
open letter to a class at their exchange school linking
the energy learning to one of their French topics. They
should formulate appropriate questions on their
chosen topic for their penfriend/exchange class to
answer. Examples provided in the ‘Energy related
language activities (French) - Guidance notes’.
• French
Pupils to read the French script (Fr1b) or listen to the
French audio file (Fr1c) of 3 young people, describing
their homes and how they are heated and complete
Activities to accompany French script or audio file
(Fr1d). Further activity ideas are provided in the
‘Energy related language activities (French) - Guidance
• Posters/Video
Students design posters in French with basic energy
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
messages (climate change, fuel poverty, money saving,
health and comfort) to raise awareness in school
AND/OR pupils could work as a class to produce a
short video explaining their project to their French
exchange school. Topics that could be covered include:
introducing themselves and the school, explaining that
they are learning about energy and describing the
features of their model home (if built), describing the
seasons in Devon.
We envisage pupils sharing their final posters/videos
with their French exchange school to promote cross
cultural learning.
See ‘Energy related language activities (French) Guidance notes’ for details of French and English
resources to accompany these activities (Fr1a, Fr1e
and website links to French resources).
Curriculum links
1.1 Linguistic competence
a. Developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations
and contexts.
b. Applying linguistic knowledge and skills to understand and communicate effectively
1.3 Creativity
a. Using familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts
b. Using imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
1.4 Intercultural understanding
a. Appreciating the richness and diversity of other cultures
b. Recognising that there are different ways of seeing the world, and developing an
international outlook
2.1 Developing language-learning strategies
c. use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language
d. use previous knowledge, context and other clues to work out the meaning of what they
hear or read
e. use reference materials such as dictionaries appropriately and effectively
2.2 Developing language skills
a. listen for gist or detail
b. skim and scan written texts for the main points or details
c. respond appropriately to spoken and written language
d. use correct pronunciation and intonation
e. ask and answer questions
g. write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail
j. adapt language they already know in new contexts for different purposes
k. deal with unfamiliar language, unexpected responses and unpredictable situations
3 Range and content
a. the spoken and written forms of the target language
d. a range of vocabulary and structures
e. learning about different countries and cultures
f. comparing pupils’ own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries and
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
communities where the target language is spoken
4 Curriculum opportunities
a. hear, speak, read and write in the target language regularly and frequently within the
classroom and beyond
b. communicate in the target language individually, in pairs, in groups and with speakers of
the target language, including native speakers where possible, for a variety of purposes
c. use an increasing range of more complex language
e. use a range of resources, including ICT, for accessing and communicating information in
the target language
f. listen to, read or view a range of materials, including authentic materials in the target
language, both to support learning and for personal interest and enjoyment
g. use the target language in connection with topics and issues that are engaging and may
be related to other areas of the curriculum
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Fr1a - English to French Energy Glossary
This glossary provides a list of specific words and phrases that are often used in discussions around
energy to provide pupils with the correct terminology to be able to complete the French Language
element of their Energy Projects. It is not intended to be exhaustive and is intended to be used in
conjunction with pupils existing vocabulary and traditional English-French dictionaries.
Blank columns have been left so that pupils can add their own energy related words as they translate
French translation
Carbon Dioxide
Dioxide de Carbone
Central heating
Chauffage Central
Climate change
Changement Climatique
Double Glazing
Double Vitrage
Draught (excluders)
Courant D’air (Calfeutrage contre les)
Electric - (ity)
Global warming
Réchauffement Climatique
Heat - (ers) - (ing)
Chauler- Chauffage- Chauffage
Heat pumps
Pompe à Chaleur
Range Cooker
Cuisinière à bois
Renewable Energy
Energie Renouvelable
Renewable technology
Technologies Propres
Solar panel
Panneaux Solaires
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Wind turbine
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Fr1b – French Script
A: Je m’appelle Françoise. Je vis avec ma grand-mère à Strasbourg, en Alsace.
Notre maison est en pierres blanches et elle a des volets verts. Elle est assez grande. Il y a quatre
chambres, une salle de bain, un salon, une salle à manger et une cuisine. Notre maison est très vieille
et très belle.
Nous avons un chauffage central au gaz de ville mais comme c’est une grande maison, elle prend du
temps à chauffer. En hiver, le soir, nous fermons les volets des fenêtres pour empêcher les courants
d’air et nous portons des pulls et des chaussettes épaisses!
B: Je m’appelle Philippe et j’ai quinze ans. Je vis à Caen, dans le nord-ouest de la France. Je vis avec
ma mère, mon père et mes deux frères dans un appartement moderne avec des radiateurs
électriques. L’appartement a deux chambres, je partage ma chambre avec mes frères.
Il fait toujours chaud dans notre appartement. Ma mère dit que c’est par ce que nous sommes
nombreux dans un petit espace et parce que notre voisine dans l’appartement en dessous est âgée
et elle garde son chauffage allumé toute la journée même pendant l’été. Mon père dit que c’est bien
car ça nous permet d’économiser de l’énergie et ça réduit notre facture d’électricité car cela coûte
très cher.
En hiver, nous n’avons pas froid car l’appartement a une bonne isolation et des fenêtres à double
vitrage. En été, nous ouvrons souvent nos fenêtres pour ne pas avoir trop chaud.
C: Je m’appelle Marie. Je vis à Lannion en Bretagne avec ma mère, mon père et mon chien Gilbert.
Nous habitons à la campagne dans une petite maison de pierre avec un toit de chaume.
Nous avons une grande cheminée avec un poêle à bois dans le salon pour nous chauffer en hiver et
une cuisinière à bois dans la cuisine que nous utilisons pour cuisiner et chauffer la pièce.
Le bois est bon marché, donc nous ne dépensons pas trop d’argent en chauffage. Mais pour
économiser de l’argent et rester au chaud, nous réduisons les courants d’air en couvrant les portes et
fenêtres avec des rideaux épais et nous fermons les volets dès la tombée de la nuit.Des fois nous
devons porter nos bonnets et nos gants à l’intérieur!
Range cooker/ wood
Cuisinière à bois/
poêle à bois
Fuel bills
Facture d’énergie
Save energy
Double Glazing
Courants d’air
Double vitrage
Gas central heating
Electric heaters
Economiser de
Chauffage central
Chauffage électrique
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Fr1d - Activities to accompany French script or audio file
Activity 1
Using the French script or audio clip and keywords/phrases table below complete this table.
Who has shutters on their
Who opens widows to
stay cool in summer?
Who says the fuel for
their heating is cheap?
Who wears warm clothes
inside in winter?
Who has electric heating?
Who lives in a large
Range cooker/ wood
Cuisinière à bois/
poêle à bois
Fuel bills
Facture d’énergie
Save energy
Double Glazing
Courants d’air
Double vitrage
Gas central heating
Electric heaters
Economiser de
Chauffage central
Chauffage électrique
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)
Activity 2
Using the French script or audio clip and keywords/phrases table below, answer the following:
1) Who shuts the doors and windows to keep warm?
2) Who has double glazing and insulation?
3) Who has gas central heating?
4) Whose neighbour helps keep their house warm and why does their father think this is good?
5) Whose house is too warm in summer?
6) Whose house is difficult to get warm and why?
7) Who uses a range to cook their food and heat their kitchen?
8) Who has draughts around the windows?
9) What fuel does Marie’s family use to heat their home?
10) Is Phillipe’s flat modern or traditional?
Range cooker/ wood
Cuisinière à bois/
poêle à bois
Fuel bills
Facture d’énergie
Save energy
Double Glazing
Courants d’air
Double vitrage
Gas central heating
Electric heaters
Economiser de
Chauffage central
Chauffage électrique
Activity Plan and Lesson Resources for Foreign Languages (French)