The Free Press Cats Concert 2014 Item


The Free Press Cats Concert 2014 Item
16 – THE FREE PRESS – August 12, 2014
On the shelves
at the CSL Public Library
English Adult
Ruby by Cynthia Bond. Loving the
beautiful but damaged Ruby all of his life,
Ephraim is torn between his dutiful sister
and a chance for a life with Ruby when
the latter returns to their small east Texas
home and confronts the dark forces that
traumatized her early years.
Neil Armstrong: A Life of Flight by Jay
Barbree. A definitive portrait of the pioneering astronaut draws on personal
notes and interviews with his family to
discuss Armstrong’s life in NASA, his
emotions when he first set foot on the
moon, and his thoughts on the future of
space exploration.
French Adult
Creole belle par James Lee Burke. Dave
Robicheaux se remet de ses blessures
dans une unité de soins de La NouvelleOrléans, où il reçoit la visite de Tee Jolie
Melton. Cette dernière lui laisse, sur un
iPod, le blues « My Creole Belle ». Une
chanson qui finit par l’obséder. Mais dans
cette atmosphère languissante baignée de
morphine, Dave nourrit des doutes: sa
Manoir Westmount
A Project of The Rotary Club of Westmount
A great place to live, in a perfect location.
rencontre avec Tee Jolie est-elle bien réelle ou l’a-t-il rêvée? Car Dave découvre que
Tee Jolie est censée avoir disparu depuis
des mois. Aussi, lorsque sa jeune sœur
Blue est retrouvée morte, Dave décide de
partir à sa recherche.
La cuisine du Shabbat en 30 minutes par
Laurence Orah Phitoussi. Dans cet ouvrage, Laurence Phitoussi livre tous ses trucs
et astuces pour préparer le repas de
Shabbat en un clin d’oeil, mais le tout
dans le respect de la tradition et des principes religieux, bien sûr! 100 recettes
simples et variées, transmises de génération en génération ou bien glanées parmi
ses plus fidèles amis, qui répondent scrupuleusement aux principes de Shabbat et
de la cashrout. Du couscous séfarade en
passant par le gefilte fish ashkénaze et la
While honouring the late Mayor
Bernard Lang on August 26 at 7:30
pm, the musicians of the World
Symphony Orchestra will perform a
benefit concert for the Côte St. Luc
Cats Committee at the former Wagar
Parkhaven Ave.).
Titled The Music We Love: Best of the
Classics – The Cat’s Meow, this will be
the orchestra’s third benefit concert
for the cats committee. Tickets are $10
each and can be purchased at the
library or Aquatic and Community
Centre as well as the Côte St. Luc
Hospital for Animals (7930 Baily Rd.)
and Global Pet Foods (5326 Queen
Mary Rd.).
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For an appointment to view, please call
The Night Wanderer by Drew Hayden
Taylor (for ages 12-16). Nothing ever happens on the Otter Lake reservation. But
when 16-year-old Tiffany discovers her
father is renting out her room, she’s
deeply upset. Sure, their guest is polite
and keeps to himself. But he’s also a little
creepy. Little do Tiffany, her father or
even her astute Granny Ruth suspect the
truth. The mysterious Pierre L’Errant is
actually a vampire, returning to his tribal
home after centuries spent in Europe.
But Tiffany has other things on her mind:
her new boyfriend is acting weird, dis-
putes with her father are escalating and
her estranged mother is starting a new
life with somebody else.
Alice au pays des zombies par Gena
Showalter)pour les 12-16 ans). Les zombies prolifèrent au pays d’Alice, ayant
dévoré ses parents et enlevé sa soeur. La
jeune fille décide de rejoindre Cole et sa
bande pour les combattre.
Counterfeit Blues by Corb Lund. Canadian Country Music Association Awardwinner Corb Lund went to Memphis’
iconic Sun Studio over two nights to capture new recordings of his most popular
songs. These takes capture the live energy
of each track.
Signs in vain
Cats Committee
benefit concert to
honour former mayor
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Off and on since this spring, the front entrance of city hall and library, located on Cavendish Blvd., has
been closed for renovations and people have been directed to the rear of the building. Signs running the
entire stretch of asphalt to the back parking lot direct people to the sidewalk for safer passage, but people
have continued to ignore the signage throughout the summer.
Photo: Isaac Olson.