Untitled - CRA Rhone


Untitled - CRA Rhone
Al-Ghani KI, Al-Ghani H. The Panicosaurus. Managing Anxiety in Children Including
Those with Asperger Syndrome. Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2012.54 p.
Have you ever felt a sense of dread and worry creeping over you? That might
be the Panicosaurus coming out to play... Sometimes the Panicosaurus tricks
Mabel's brain into panicking about certain challenges, such as walking past a
big dog on the street or when her favourite teacher is not at school. With the
help of Smartosaurus, who lets her know there is really nothing to be afraid of,
Mabel discovers different ways to manage Panicosaurus, and defeat the
challenges he creates for her. This fun, easy-to-read and fully illustrated
storybook will inspire children who experience anxiety, and encourage them to
banish their own Panicosauruses with help from Mabel's strategies. Parents
and carers will like the helpful introduction, explaining anxiety in children,
and the list of techniques for lessening anxiety at the end of the book.
American Academy of P. Autism : Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum
Disorders. A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2013.
This toolkit was developed to support health care professionals in the
identification and ongoing management of children with autism spectrum
disorders (ASDs) in the medical home. The toolkit is divided in to the following
sections listed below. Please choose a section for specific information and tools
that can be found in the toolkit. Some sample tools are provided on this page.
Introduction This section contains the 2 ASD clinical reports and developmental
screening policy statement. It also contains other AAP ASD publications and
helpful Web sites. Identification This section contains freestanding algorithms for
ASD and general developmental screening that can serve as quick references for
the clinician. It also includes surveillance and screening tools that are sensitive to
ASD for 3 different age groups. No tool is perfect and inclusion of these tools
does not imply AAP endorsement; they were chosen because of their easy
accessibility and reliability based on current available research. Referrals This
section provides sample referral forms and letters that can assist the clinician in
gaining access to insurance payment for early intervention, educational, and
therapeutic services for patients with ASDs. Physician Fact Sheets This section
provides the clinician with additional informational fact sheets that complement
and further explain selected topics addressed in the 2 ASD clinical reports:
seizures, sleep, nutrition, gastrointestinal disorders, behavior, education,
complementary and alternative medicine, and more.
Barthelemy C, Lelord G, Duche D-J. Les échelles d'évaluation clinique en psychiatrie de
l'enfant. Expansion Scientifique Française; 1991.166 p.
Nombreux sont les praticiens exercant en pédopsychiatrie qui s'intéressent
aujourd'hui aux méthodes d'évaluation. L'élaboration d'échelles de
comportement chez l'enfant répond à leur attente car elle permet notamment la
confrontation d'observation cliniques et biologiques et la surveillance d'effets
thérapeutiques. Ces échelles enrichissent en effet l'examen clinique rénové par
l'emploi du magnétoscope. Le livre présenté par Catherine Barthélémy et Gilbert
Lelord fournit d'abord une revue détaillée des principaux instruments
actuellement utilisables en langue française pour l'évaluation clinique de divers
syndromes psychiatriques, des premières années jusqu'à l'adolescence. Les
auteurs décrivent ensuite, à propos de l'échelle ECA (Evaluation des
Comportements Autistiques) mise au point par eux-même, les procédures de
construction et de validation nécessaires pour assurer la qualité de tels
instruments. Ils montrent l'intérêt de l'analyse statistique susceptible d'apporter
des données nouvelles (axes, facteurs,...) utiles au praticien comme au chercheur.
Ce livre marque une étape décisive dans la description et la compréhension des
troubles du développement. Il rendra grand service aux personnes (psychiatres,
psychologues, pédiatres, éducateurs et rééducateurs de toutes disciplines,
orthophonistes, psychomotriciens,...) concernées par les difficultés
psychologiques et psychopathologiques de l'enfant.
Beaugerie-Perrot A, Lelord G. Intégration scolaire et autisme. PUF - Presses
Universitaires de France; 1991.126 p.
Le désir des parents de voir leur enfant handicapé fréquenter une école comme
les autres s'exprime aujourd'hui de façon très affirmée. Pour ce qui concerne les
enfants autistes qui posent souvent des problèmes douloureux et émouvants,
médecins, psychologues, éducateurs, instituteurs ont des opinions parfois
divergentes, qui reflètent d'ailleurs les orientations différentes des organismes de
tutelle. Ce livre analyse dans une première partie la littérature française et
étrangère rapportée par des parents et par les professionnels. Les auteurs nous
font part ensuite de leur propre expérience clinique, empirique et pragmatique. Il
s'agit de l'intégration scolaire individuelle d'enfants à partir d'un hôpital de jour,
en tenant compte de l'évaluation de paramètres individuels, hospitaliers,
familiaux et scolaires. Cette expérience montre l'importance d'un centre de
référence et de guidance représenté ici par l'équipe de pédopsychiatrie, qui
propose un schéma d'intégration " à la carte " au prix d'une lourde charge de
travail. Cet ouvrage, délibérément non polémique, s'adresse à toutes les
personnes concernées ou intéressées par l'autisme de l'enfant.
Brissiaud R, Ouzoulias A, Boulard C, Riou M, Malaussena P. L'album à calculer.
J'apprends les Maths - Grande Section Maternelle. Retz; 2004.60 p.
Il existait de nombreux "livres à compter". Voici le premier "album à calculer".
En jouant avec lui, les enfants vont apprendre toutes les décompositions des 7
premiers nombres. L'album à calculer les fait entrer dans différentes histoires :
les 3 pingouins, les 4 souris, les 5 grenouilles, les 6 vautours et les 7 sorcières.
Ces histoires se transforment en jeux grâce aux deux rabats de la couverture :
quand une page est cachée, les enfants cherchent à l'imaginer. C'est ainsi qu'ils
apprennent, par exemple, que 5 est la somme de 1 et 4, de 2 et 3, etc. L'album à
calculer, bien qu'il puisse être utilisé de manière indépendante, fait partie de
l'ensemble pédagogique "J'apprends les maths - Grande Section". Cet ensemble
comprend : - Un "jeu de fiches à calculer" où les enfants retrouveront les
personnages et les histoires de l'album. En jouant avec des fiches cartonnées, ils
continueront d'apprendre à calculer. Ce jeu est conçu pour fonctionner en petits
groupes autonomes. - Un Livre du maître où l'on trouvera des modèles de fiches
à photocopier pour des activités écrites individuelles qui sont en relation avec le
contenu de l'album. - Une série de posters et du matériel pour l'apprentissage de
la géométrie.
Buxbaum JD, Hof PR. The Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Academic
Press; 2013.480 p.
Autism is no longer considered a rare disease, and the Center for Disease
Control now estimates that upwards of 730,000 children in the US struggle with
this isolating brain disorder. New research is leading to greater understanding of
and ability to treat the disorder at an earlier age. It is hoped that further genetic
and imaging studies will lead to biologically based diagnostic techniques that
could help speed detection and allow early, more effective intervention. Edited
by two leaders in the field, this volume offers a current survey and synthesis of
the most important findings of the neuroscience behind autism of the past 20
years. With chapters authored by experts in each topic, the volume explores
etiology, neuropathology, imaging, and pathways/models. Offering a broad
background of ASDs with a unique focus on neurobiology, the volume offers
more than the others on the market with a strictly clinical focus or a single
authored perspective that fails to offer expert, comprehensive coverage.
Researchers and graduate students alike with an interest in developmental
disorders and autism will benefit, as will autism specialists across psychology
and medicine looking to expand their expertise.
Coyne P, Nyberg C, Vandenburg ML. Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with
Autism: Structured Playtime Activities. Future Horizons; 2011.228 p.
Make free time fun for kids with ASD! Free time should be part of the day that
all kids look forward to. But for many children on the autism spectrum, it can
be a painfully unstructured part of the day that causes anxiety and fear. This
book provides comprehensive, structured strategies to help adults introduce
meaningful activities to ASD children, which they can practice at school or at
home. The first half of the book provides forms and charts that will help adults
assess the child's sensory needs, select age-appropriate activities, and then
determine level of interest in specific activities. The second half provides
numerous "Activity Cards" for going to the park, playing games, listening to
music, and many more! This detailed guide also covers: The components of
leisure development Assessing leisure patterns, skills, and preferences
Activities that require minimal supervision Community activities Ongoing
assessment And more!
Delacour J. Neurobiologie des comportements. Hermann; 1984.265 p.
La neurobiologie des comportements est une discipline nouvelle dont
l'importance croît rapidement. Son objectif est de déterminer, parmi tous les
mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires possibles, ceux qui sont effectivement
mis en jeu au sein du système nerveux par tel ou tel aspect du fonctionnement
de l'organisme intact. Cet objectif ne peut être atteint que par une collaboration
interdisciplinaire : si le psychologue, le pédagogue, l'éthologiste se doivent de
connaître les bases neurobiologiques de la motivation sexuelle, de
l'apprentissage ou de la perception visuelle, le neurophysiologiste, le
neurochimiste ne peuvent ignorer les caractéristiques, les lois des
comportements s'ils veulent que les phénomènes qu'ils étudient servent
réellement à l'explication du fonctionnement de l'organisme. Ainsi s'est créé et
s'étend un nouveau champ, où, pour ne prendre que quelques exemples
remarquables, s'établissent des relations entre la neurochimie et la
psychopathologie, la neuropharmacologie et l'ethnologie, la neurologie et la
linguistique. Le but de cet ouvrage est de donner aux étudiants avancés, aux
chercheurs des sciences de la vie et des sciences humaines, une synthèse de
niveau élevé, oeuvre d'un spécialiste, sur quelques points particulièrement
importants : la neurobiologie du comportement alimentaire, du comportement
sexuel, des réactions émotionnelles, des phénomènes d'apprentissage et de
mémoire, la psychiatrie biologique, la neurologie du langage et de la
Farrell M. The Effective Teacher's Guide to Autism and Communication Difficulties.
Practical strategies. Routledge; 2012.96 p.
In this welcome second edition of The Effective Teacher's Guide to Autism and
Communication Difficulties, best-selling author Michael Farrell addresses how
teachers and others can develop provision for students with autism and students
that have difficulties with speech, grammar, meaning, use of language and
comprehension. Updated and expanded, this book allows the teacher to be selfcritical in developing classroom approaches and offers up-to-date research
combined with professional experience on how to best achieve good practice in
the classroom. This accessible book offers down-to-earth information on:
•Terms and definitions •Legal considerations •Classroom strategies •Useful
resources •Pedagogical issues. This new edition will be a useful source of ideas
and guidance for teachers and others working with children with autism or
other communication disorders. It will also be useful for all new teachers, for
those continuing professional development, school mamagers and
Gallo-Lopez L, Rubin LC. Play-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with
Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge; 2012.369 p.
Play-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum
Disorders explores the most recognized, researched, and practical methods for
using play therapy with the increasing number of children diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), and shows clincians how to integrate
these methods into their practices. Using a diverse array of play-based
approaches, the book brings together the voices of researchers and practicing
clinicians who are successfully utilizing play and play-based interventions
with children and adolescents on the autism spectrum. It also examines the
neurobiological underpinnings of play in children on the autism spectrum and
the overall effect of play on neuro-typical and neuro-atypical development.
Finally, through careful integration of theory with real-world clinical case
application, each chapter also shows clinicians how to incorporate a particular
treatment approach and make it a viable and effective part of their work with
this challenging clinical population.
Gerhardt PF, Crimmins DB. Social Skills and Adaptive Behavior in Learners with Autism
Spectrum Disorders. Brookes Publishing; 2013.308 p.
Promoting better social skills and behavior is a top priority for anyone who
works with learners with autism—but which practices really improve outcomes?
Find out in this cutting-edge volume, a reader-friendly synthesis of the latest
findings from more than 20 of today's top researchers in the field. Coordinated
by the highly respected Organization for Autism Research, this accessible book
is an ideal text for future professionals and essential reading for administrators
and consultants in educational settings. Readers will explore current evidence,
best-practice recommendations, and future research directions for •assessing
social skills with evidence-based methods and tools •conducting interventions
that really make a difference •promoting friendships and peer acceptance
•increasing joint attention •implementing schoolwide positive behavior support
•improving outcomes with Pivotal Response Treatment •strengthening children's
self-help skills •providing effective support for families of children with autism
•using appropriate pharmacologic interventions to manage symptoms associated
with ASD Readers will also get first-hand insights from individuals on the
autism spectrum and their family members and service providers, who provide
balanced perspectives on today's research trends and practices. A cornerstone
resource for current and future professionals working with learners of all ages,
this book will help readers understand what really advances the social skills and
behavior of students with autism—so they can use effective practices to improve
the lives of children and families.
Gioia GA, Isquith PK, Guy SC, Kenworthy LE. BRIEF : Inventaire d'evaluation
Comportelentale des Fonctions Exécutives. Hogrefe; 2013.
La BRIEF évalue les comportements d'enfants et d'adolescents de 5 à 18 ans à
partir de 86 questions regroupées en 8 échelles : Inhibition, Flexibilité, Contrôle
émotionnel, Initiation, Organisation matérielle, Mémoire de travail,
Planification/Organisation, Contrôle. Ces échelles permettent au praticien, par
l'analyse du profil, de repérer des dysfonctionnements exécutifs ayant un impact
dans la vie quotidienne. Les trois premières échelles permettent également de
calculer un indice de régulation comportementale (IRC). Les cinq échelles
restantes constituent l'indice de métacognition (IMC). Enfin, un score composite
exécutif global (CEG) vient compléter les indices comportementaux pouvant
être utiles au psychologue.
Hansen RL, Rogers SJ. Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders. American
Psychiatric Publishing; 2013.306 p.
The accelerating advancement in research in neurodevelopmental disorders—
including autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
learning disorders, and more—has enormous implications for clinical practice.
Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders provides clinicians with up-todate information on the impact these advances have on the standard of care in the
range of disorders commonly encountered by both primary and subspecialist
physicians. The authors, affiliated with the UC-Davis MIND Institute, explain the
latest findings from the biological, behavioral, and clinical sciences in ways that
are accessible to clinicians and helpful to patients and their families. Specific
features include: •A uniform chapter structure that makes it easy for the reader to
locate material and make comparisons between and among disorders. Each chapter
addresses signs and symptoms (including onset and developmental course);
epidemiology and etiology (including known genetic and environmental
contributors, biological mechanisms and relevant animal models); diagnostic
criteria; differential diagnosis and comorbidities; and evidence-based
interventions. •The inclusion, where possible, of current draft DSM-5 diagnoses,
as well as DSM-IV. •Practical focus on psychological/behavioral and medical
issues, as well as other supports and resources for patients, their families, and the
community. •Emphasis on current, ongoing research that holds promise for future
clinical care. •Identification of new research directions and needs. •A
comprehensive chapter devoted to the effects each of the neurodevelopmental
disorders has on language and social communication. Replete with tables,
illustrative figures, key points, and suggestions for further reading, Autism and
Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders helps clinicians meet the challenge of
providing the most up-to-date and effective care for their patients.
Hollister Sandberg E, Spritz BL. A Brief Guide to Autism Treatments. Jessica Kingsley
Publishers; 2013.176 p.
The number of intervention options available for children with autism can be
overwhelming for parents. This book provides brief, user-friendly descriptions of
the most commonly publicized treatments for autism, summarizing the available
information in an objective and accessible way. Each short chapter covers a
single treatment from Applied Behavior Analysis to Gluten-Free Casein-Free
diets, as well as lesser known therapies such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Each includes a definition and description; a summary of the prevailing
information gleaned from popular press; an explanation of what the science says;
and an idea of potential costs to parents and schools. This straight-talking and
practical guide will allow parents of newly-diagnosed children, as well as any
professionals working alongside them, to sift through the avalanche of advice and
make their own informed choices about treatment.
Leach D, Thompson T, McWilliam RA. Bringing ABA to Home, School, and Play for
Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Disabilities. Brookes
Publishing; 2012.186 p.
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is one of the most effective interventions for
children with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities. Now you can bring
ABA best practices into any early childhood setting with this book—your
complete guide to using ABA within everyday routines to support children's
learning, participation, and development. Ideal for use with children birth to five,
this practical, reader-friendly guidebook is the first to combine ABA with natural
environment intervention, the widely used, research-supported approach to
meeting the needs of children with disabilities. You'll learn the fundamental
principles and research behind ABA and natural environment intervention, and
you'll get one clear and practical framework for •conducting effective assessment
of behavior, skills, routines, and caregiver priorities •setting meaningful goals that
increase the child's active participation in routines •addressing the goals with
tailored ABA teaching procedures •creating powerful intervention plans that
support children in specific developmental domains and routines •selecting an
appropriate data collection method •monitoring progress toward goals and making
adjustments as needed •ensuring consistent implementation of ABA interventions
•coaching other professionals and caregivers in the ABA approach To get you
started with ABA, the book gives you 25 sample teaching plans that strengthen
communication, social interaction, positive behavior, independent play and daily
living skills, cognitive skills, and participation in everyday routines. Vivid,
realistic case studies of diverse children walk you through the ABA process from
start to finish. And with the blank forms and data sheets, you'll easily assess
children's skills and participation and monitor their progress toward goals. With
this comprehensive guide to a proven intervention approach, you'll help young
children with ASD and other disabilities make lasting improvements and
participate fully at home, at school, and in their community.
McCandless J. Children with Starving Brains. A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Bramble Books; 2002.262 p.
Children With Starving Brains is a message of hope in the midst of a worldwide
epidemic of autism, ADD and ADHD. This is the first book written by an
experienced clinician that gives a step-by-step treatment guide for parents and
doctors based on the understanding that ASD is a complex biomedical illness
resulting in significant brain malnutrition. Genetic susceptibility activated by
"triggers" such as pesticides and heavy metals in vaccines can lead to immune
system impairment, gut dysfunction, and pathogen invasion such as yeast and
viruses in many children. Dr. McCandless, whose grandchild with autism has
inspired her "broad spectrum approach," describes important diagnostic tools
needed to select appropriate treatment programs. Her book explains major
therapies newly available and identifies safe and effective options for parents and
physicians working together to improve the health of these special children.
Messerli P, Lavorel P, Nespoulous J-L. Neuropsychologie de l'expression orale. Editions
du CNRS; 1983.240 p.
Recueil restructuré des communications présentées au Colloque de Genève de la
société de Neuropsychologie de langue française en 1982. La première partie pose
les questions suivantes: qu'est-ce que la production de la parole? Comment décrire
la pathologie de l'expression orale? Quelles notions descriptives, quels modèles
explicatifs a-t-on déjà invoqués? Comment aller plus loin dans la recherche
clinique et expérimentale. Sont remis en question les critères de classification des
aphasies: aussi bien les schémas neurologiques classiques, que les catégories de la
neurolinguistique des années 1940-70. La seconde partie présente plusieurs
branches de recherche.
Messerschmitt P. Clinique des syndromes autistiques. Maloine; 1990.165 p.
Meyer F. Si l'autisme m'était conté... Au-delà des transparences. Editions de l'Officine;
2012.151 p.
Antoine, à sa façon, est un héros. Le Prince Coquelicot a grandi et après
"L'itinéraire d'un enfant autiste", il s'impose dans ce second ouvrage comme le
centre des pensées de son père. Ce dernier, en faisant de son fils son
interlocuteur, explicite 15 ans de monologues, de questions sans réponses, de
conversations à sens unique, mais aussi découvre une complicité père/fils de
laquelle émerge une relation émotionnelle. Dans la "bulle" de l'autisme, les pères
sont souvent tenus à l'écart dans la mesure où le "corps médical" a tendance à ne
prendre en compte que le 1ien mère/enfant. Or "ce n'est pas parce que nous
continuons à travailler à l'extérieur et sommes moins présents au foyer, que nous
devenons pour autant transparents ou démissionnaires". Ce livre brise un non-dit
et redonne leur place aux pères.
Meynier O, Vexiau A-M. Croisière en solitaire sur le voilier autiste. Thélès; 2012.141 p.
« Je m'appelle Olivier. Je suis certes un peu différent, en apparence, de beaucoup
d'entre vous, amis lecteurs, mais au plus profond, même si chaque être est
unique, nous avons un grand dénominateur commun qui s'appelle la Lumière
intérieure. Chacun a sa lampe... et son huile... et sa mèche. Il est important
d'avoir toujours la mèche allumée en conscience. » Ce témoignage renferme à la
fois l'expérience d'un parcours personnel et un espoir pour tous les autistes et
leur entourage. Olivier Meynier livre dans ces pages une leçon de courage, de
ténacité, mais également une confession honnête et sensible des moments de
doute, d'angoisse, ou de souffrance due au rejet des autres. Il témoigne d'un
grand désir de communiquer et de partager... une leçon de vie et d'enthousiasme,
à lire d'urgence.
National Institute for H, Clinical Excellence N. Autism: recognition, referral, diagnosis
and management of adults on the autism spectrum. British Psychological Society;
2012.470 p.
Autism is a lifelong condition with particular issues for adults, which are
addressed by this NICE guideline. While some people are diagnosed in
childhood, a large proportion of adults with autism find obtaining a diagnosis in
adulthood difficult or impossible. Under-recognition of autism in adults can
lead to inadequate care, masking of coexisting mental and physical health
problems, and to social and economic exclusion. This guideline aims to address
these widespread problems and increase the uptake of interventions by adults
with autism to enable them to live more independent lives. This guideline
reviews the evidence for care of adults with autism across the care pathway,
from identification, assessment and diagnosis, to organisation, delivery and
settings for care, through to psychosocial interventions and biomedical
interventions for autism, challenging behaviour and coexisting mental health
problems. The guideline also contains a chapter on the experience of care for
adults with autism, and their families and carers, which provides a context for
the evidence reviews that follow.
Porter J. Autism and Reading Comprehension: Ready-to-Use Lesson Plans for Teachers.
Future Horizons; 2011.394 p.
The predictable format, repetition, and routine of these lessons will create a
relaxed learning environment, while the variations in the topics will hold
students' attention and help them generalize the reading skills they need to
succeed! Starting with Level 1 (The Cat) and ending with Level 9 (The Lizard),
special-educator Joseph Porter has developed an amazing 90 hours of animalthemed, whole-group instruction. There are two student worksheets for each of
nine animals, totaling eighteen worksheets. Each worksheet has four variations,
and there is a ready-to-go lesson plan for each one! There are also two sentencebuilding exercises for each animal theme, which will build students' observation
skills and help them transform those skills into conversation and written
language. In addition to the step-by-step lesson plans, Joseph provides a detailed
description of what the lessons will look and feel like in the classroom, complete
with valuable, first-hand advice. In the back, you'll find an appendix with
numerous suggestions for complementary activities for each animal theme, so
you can supplement on the "off" days with art projects, music, books, and
videos. There is even a section containing Data-Collection Sheets, assessment
forms that will help you record students' progress, per IEP standards. And the
companion CD contains all of the worksheets, lesson plans, visual tools, and
assessment forms for quick-and-easy print!
Powell CM, Monteggia LM. The Autisms. Molecules to Model Systems. Oxford University
Press; 2013.403 p.
The science of autism has seen tremendous breakthroughs in the past few
decades. A multitude of relatively rare mutations have been identified to explain
around 15 % of autism cases with many of these genetic causes systematically
examined in animal models. This marriage of human genetics and basic
neurobiology has led to major advances in our understanding of how these
genetic mutations alter brain function and help to better understand the human
disease. These scientific approaches are leading to the identification of potential
therapeutic targets for autism that can be tested in the very same genetic models
and hopefully translated into novel, rational therapies. The Autisms: Molecules
to Model Systems provides a roadmap to many of these genetic causes of autism
and clarifies what is known at the molecular, cellular, and circuit levels.
Focusing on tractable genetic findings in human autism and painstakingly
dissecting the underlying neurobiology, the book explains, is the key to
understanding the pathophysiology of autism and ultimately to identifying novel
Powell S, Jordan R. Autism and Learning. A guide to good practice. Routledge; 2012. 154
Autism is a complex and often puzzling disorder in which pinning down a set
of rules surrounding the teaching of children with it is almost impossible to do.
Many theories and approaches claim to have the solution to teaching, yet few
provide the answers when an autistic child goes against the status quo. Autism
and Learning addresses this problem with a principled approach that is based on
the understanding of the pedagogy and psychology of autism. It shows how
theory can influence practice and sets out a cognitive view of the relationship
between learning and autism whilst explaining how the curriculum must be
constructed as to accommodate that relationship. The book also sets out
principles of pedagogy and illustrates their application. Written by practitioners
experienced in teaching children with autism, the book covers examples of
good practice in the most salient areas of the curriculum including: •Developing
play •Group work •Science •Dance and drama •ICT •Assessment
•Communication •Outdoor learning Now with an updated preface from
internationally renowned editors, this classic text should be on the bookshelves
of all practitioners working with autistic children.
Prelock PA, McCauley R, Charman T. Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication and Social Interactions.
Brookes Publishing; 2012.416 p.
For Speech Language Pathologists preparing to work with children who have
autism spectrum disorders, selecting effective interventions for communication
and social challenges is critically important. This accessible textbook gives SLPs
the in-depth knowledge they need to evaluate, choose, and apply today's best
interventions for communication and social interactions. With contributions from
25 top autism experts across multiple disciplines, this student-friendly text gives
SLPs a thorough introduction to 12 widely used evidence-based interventions,
including •augmentative and alternative communication strategies •the
Developmental Individual-Difference Relationship Based (DIR®) model
•Enhanced Milieu Teaching •functional communication training •joint action
routines •peer mediated support strategies •Picture Exchange Communication
System •Pivotal Response Treatment •Social Stories™ •video modeling
applications To help readers find the information they need and compare
interventions easily, each chapter clearly lays out key details on each
intervention's theoretical and empirical basis, practical requirements, components,
applications for both children and adults, and considerations for children from
diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Brief, illustrative video clips and case
studies show the interventions in action, and helpful learning activities prepare
SLPs to make sound decisions in scenarios they're likely to encounter in the field.
With this practical, expertly organized textbook, tomorrow's SLPs will expertly
choose and apply interventions that improve the communication and social skills
of people with autism spectrum disorders.
Rogers SJ, Dawson G, Vismara LA. An Early Start for Your Child with Autism. Using
Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn. Guilford Press;
2012.342 p.
Cutting-edge research reveals that parents can play a huge role in helping toddlers
and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) connect with others and
live up to their potential. This encouraging guide from the developers of a
groundbreaking early intervention program provides doable, practical strategies
you can use every day. Nearly all young kids—including those with ASD—have
an amazing capacity to learn. Drs. Sally Rogers, Geraldine Dawson, and Laurie
Vismara make it surprisingly simple to turn daily routines like breakfast or bath
time into fun and rewarding learning experiences that target crucial developmental
skills. Vivid examples illustrate proven techniques for promoting play, language,
and engagement. Get an early start—and give your child the tools to explore and
enjoy the world.
Saulnier CA, Ventola P. Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and
Assessment. Wiley; 2012.222 p.
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to utilize the varied
assessments frequently used in evaluating autism spectrum disorders With both the
detection and awareness of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) on the rise, there is
an urgent need for an increasing number of professionals to not only learn about
the nature and course of the various autism spectrum disorders, but also to know
how to identify, assess, and diagnose the presence of these disorders. Essentials of
Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment addresses the main
domains of assessment, defines the purpose of the assessment, suggests test
instruments, and discusses the unique clinical applications of each instrument to
the diagnosis of ASD. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological
Assessment series, each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes
highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as
well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the
information covered. Providing an in-depth look at ASD evaluation and
assessment, this straightforward book includes samples of integrated reports from
comprehensive model diagnostic evaluations and prepares clinical and school
psychologists, as well as speech and language pathologists, to effectively evaluate
and assess ASD.
Thompson T, Odom S. Individualized Autism Intervention for Young Children.
Blending Discrete Trial and Naturalistic Strategies. Brookes Publishing; 2011.183 p.
Discrete trial instruction or naturalistic, incidental teaching: How do you choose
which approach to use with young children with autism? Now there's no need to
"pick a side"—this groundbreaking book helps professionals skillfully blend the
best of both behavioral approaches to respond to each child's individual needs.
Developed by one of the nation's leading experts on autism, this innovative,
evidence-based guidebook cuts through the chaos of conflicting information and
gives readers a logical, child-centered way to plan and implement intervention.
Professionals will begin with an in-depth guide to creating an autism intervention
profile. for each child, based on the type and severity of the child's autism
characteristics and common predictors of how the child will respond to
intervention (such as anxiety level, language, and social interest). Once the profile
is complete, readers will learn how to match the child's individual characteristics
and needs with a specially tailored blend of DTI and naturalistic teaching. To help
them select and implement the right interventions for each child, professionals will
get more than a dozen practical tools, including the Autism Intervention
Responsiveness Scale, sample data collection forms, schedules, intervention plans,
and progress reports. Readers will also learn from detailed before-and-after case
studies of five children with very different characteristics and intervention needs.
Through vivid accounts of their diverse intervention plans and first-person stories
from their parents, readers will see exactly what individualized, child-centered
interventions look like and how they help children make improvements in key
areas (see below). A must for early childhood educators and interventionists, this
book will demystify competing autism treatments and help readers create customtailored interventions that really improve child outcomes. Develop child-centered
individualized interventions that help children •join in play •read nonverbal cues
•communicate more effectively •overcome social anxiety •increase empathy

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