Anneleen Desmyter


Anneleen Desmyter
Anneleen Desmyter
Qrf, Belgium
Anneleen Desmyter (née le 04/09/1976) est titulaire
d’une Licence en Sciences économiques appliquées
de l’Université catholique de Leuven (1998) et d’un
Master en Business Administration de l’Université
Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (1999). En 2004,
elle a obtenu un Master en Real Estate à l’University
of Antwerp Management School.
Anneleen Desmyter (born 4 September 1976) received her Master’s in Applied Economics from the
Catholic University of Leuven in 1998 and her Master of Business Administration from the Catholic
University of Louvain-la-Neuve in 1999. In 2004 she
obtained a Master of Real Estate at the University
of Antwerp Management School.
Anneleen Desmyter est membre de l’IPI (Institut
professionnel des agents immobiliers) et a le titre
de MRICS (Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).
Anneleen Desmyter is a member of the BIV (Professional Institute of Estate Agents) and holds a MRICS
title (Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered
Anneleen Desmyter a commencé sa carrière en
1999 comme Project Manager chez le promoteur
de projets Eurinpro (aujourd’hui : Goodman International), où elle se chargeait du développement,
de la commercialisation et du marketing de nouveaux projets de bureaux et de parcs d’affaires en
Belgique et aux Pays-Bas.
Anneleen Desmyter started her career in 1999 as a
Project Manager for property developer Eurinpro
(currently: Goodman International), where she was
responsible for the development, commercialization and marketing of new office projects and business parks in Belgium and the Netherlands.
En 2004, elle a lancé avec Freddy Hoorens CC Company (aujourd’hui : Quares Residential Agency) où
elle dirigeait en tant qu’administratrice déléguée
une équipe de conciliateurs immobiliers.
Deux ans plus tard, en 2006, elle fonda avec Herman Du Bois et Freddy Hoorens la société immobilière Quares. Quares est active dans 4 domaines
immobiliers: Agency, Investment, Management et
Consultancy. Jusqu’à présent, Anneleen Desmyter
est partenaire chez Quares.
In 2004 she started CC Company together with
Freddy Hoorens (currently known as: Quares Residential Agency) where she led a team of real estate brokers as a managing director.
Two years later, in 2006, she founded the Quares
real estate company together with Herman Du Bois
and Freddy Hoorens. Quares operates in four real
estate areas: Agency, Investment, Management
en Consultancy. Anneleen Desmyter is currently a
partner at Quares.