

Teacher: Shannon Gowe
Grade Level : 3-6 FLES
Language: French
Unit Plan
Le Carnaval de Québec
Duration of Unit: 2 weeks
Big Idea
Possible Scenarios
Le Carnaval de Québec (Quebec Winter
Unit Objectives
Language Outcomes
Students will be able to:
 express likes, dislikes and preferences
 compare and contrast events in South
Carolina to those at the winter carnival
 describe carnival activities in the past tense
 tell their friends what to wear and where to
Culture Outcomes
Students will be able to:
 identify products of Quebec (winter
clothing, sports equipment)
 identify practices specific to the winter
carnival (activities, events, food)
 participate in cultural songs and games
A trip to the carnival
Building a snow sculpture
Preparing for the winter weather
Going to a parade
S.C. Standards Addressed
Targeted Standards
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
1.2 Interpretive Communication
1.3 Presentational Communication
2.1 Practices of Culture
2.2 Products of Culture
3.1 Making Connections
3.2 Acquiring Information
4.1 Language Comparisons
4.2 Cultural Comparisons
5.1 School and Community
5.2 Lifelong Learning
Subject Content Outcomes
Students will be able to:
 compare the climates and systems of
measurement (science and math)
 identify the target city, region and country
on a map in relation to the U.S. (geography)
Performance Assessments
Interpretive: Students will read or listen to a text about the carnival and answer questions
about weekend plans
Format: advertisement, news story, weekend Content: climate descriptions, seasons, days
weather forecast
of the week, activities
Teacher: Shannon Gowe
Grade Level : 3-6 FLES
Language: French
Interpersonal: Students will interview each other about their favorite activities at the winter
carnival, the weather, what they saw, what they wore
Format: survey, milling activity
Content: preferences, activities, clothing,
Presentational: Students will write to their friends or family in South Carolina about their trip
to the carnival and tell them why they should come next year
Format: journal entry, photo collage, letter,
Content: activities, descriptions, locations
and places
Lexical Content
 Activities: ice skating, sledding, dog sled races, ice and snow sculptures, ice canoe race,
horse and sleigh, tasting maple taffy, snow tubing, snowball fights
 Climate, weather, and seasons
 Clothing: winter hat, scarf, gloves, mittens, coat, boots
 Places: Québec, Canada, north, upper town, lower town, funicular
Language Structures
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes ? (What do you like?)
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ? (What did you do?)
Quel temps fait-il ? (What’s the weather like?)
Où se trouve… ? (Where is… ?)
Mettez… Allez à… (Put on… Go to…)
 Qu’est-ce que tu aimes ?
 J’aime, je n’aime pas, je préfère (I like, I
don’t like, I prefer)
 Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ?
 Je suis allé… J’ai vu… J’ai mis… (I went, I
saw, I wore)
 Je t’invite
 Il fait gris. Il neige. Il fait -5o (It’s cold, It’s
snowing, etc.)
 Mettez… Allez à… (Put on… Go to…)
Instructional Strategies
TPR – putting on clothing for winter
Natural Approach – the Bonhomme mascot looking at snow sculptures
Songs with motions and visuals
Reading aloud
Partner activities – milling, find someone who, info gap
Fantasy experiences – parade, taking a sleigh ride
Interactive writing
Teacher: Shannon Gowe
Grade Level : 3-6 FLES
Language: French
Resources and Materials
Pictures and videos of places and activities the carnival
Pictures of target vocabulary, examples of real winter clothing items
Maps of U.S. and Canada
Whiteboard, smart board
Rulers for measuring the ice palace
Brochures, posters of the carnival and Quebec
Paper, crayons, markers, and pencils for student illustrations of stories
Interim Assessments
Comprehension checks, following directions, summary sentences, class survey, interactive
writing & illustration