master mention analyse et politique économique (ape) spécialité


master mention analyse et politique économique (ape) spécialité
Type de diplôme : Master (LMD)
Domaine : Droit, Economie, Gestion
Mention : Analyse et politique économique (APE)
Spécialité : Erasmus Mundus Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation : Development Policies
Nature de la formation : Diplôme
Niveau d'étude visé : BAC +5
Composante :
UFR des sciences économiques et de gestion
Public cible :
* Étudiant
Formation initiale
Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience : Oui
Durée : 2 ans
Issues and challenges raised by the financial, economic and social crisis, as well as the dynamics of
rapid catch-up initiated by a number of major southern countries and by environmental issues, require a
consistent rethinking of the basis of economic policies and imply an increasing need for well integrated
economic expertise for the management of these policies.
crédits ECTS : 120
Langue d'enseignement : Français et
Capacité d'accueil : 10-20 students
The main objective of the EPOG Master's Course is to give birth to a new generation of international
experts for public and private sectors, able to define and assess economic policies, and evolve within
different political, social and regional contexts. It thus aims to provide not only an expertise in a specific
field of economic policy (as usually done in existing Masters in economics) but also to enable students to
get a global perspective on interdependencies and interactions between economic policies.
Lieu(x) de la formation :
La Plaine Saint-Denis
Compétences visées
The value added:
Most Master's degrees in economics focus on very narrow fields or specific regions of the world. The
added value specific to the EPOG Master's course is its provision of the dual skill of expertise in a particular
field and the ability to deal with the complex and systemic dimensions of economic policies, which to our
knowledge is not provided by any other European Master's course in economics. The EPOG Master's
will (i) provide students with in-depth skills to deal with different economic areas that generally require
specialized training and (ii) include multidisciplinary contributions (law, sociology, geography and history,
etc.) all of which are necessary for proficiency in economic policies in the context of current changes in the
global economy. The program is based on the specific institutional and holistic approaches of economic
Cursus international : Programme
Stage à l'étranger : Optionnel (5 mois)
An expertise in the field of knowledge and innovation... and more:
In the track, the economic policies of knowledge and innovation is the main area of the course teaching,
with particular emphasis on applied approaches, theories based on real national systems and regimes
of innovation, and an interdisciplinary approach (notably economics and law of intellectual property and
economics of education and culture, which constitute main pillars for a knowledge economy). In order for
the students to be able to deal with the complex and systemic dimensions of economic policies, lectures
will be given on topics such as the analysis of macroeconomic dynamics and policies in real and financial
dimensions, or such as development policies.
Etablissement(s) co-accrédité(s) :
Université Paris 7
Etablissement(s) partenaire(s) :
Site Internet de l'université Paris 7 - Diderot
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) :
Site Internet du CEPN
The opportunity to be part of a highly selected and cosmopolitan cohort:
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A student willing to be enrolled in the Master Course only for the second year will not be officially an
Erasmus Mundus student but will benefit from being integrated in the same highly selected cohort than
the Erasmus Mundus students coming from four prestigious universities, which offer excellent, recognized
and well established Master's courses :
Site Internet du Ladyss
- Università degli studi di Torino (Italy);
- Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany);
- Kingston University (United Kingdom);
- University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) (South Africa).
Sites web :
Site Internet du Master Erasmus
Mundus Economic Policies in the age of
Globalisation: Development Policies
It will benefit from an intensive tutoring all along the year. The students will also get a supplement diploma
describing the specificity of their curriculum.
The opportunity to spend part of the Master abroad:
The students will be able to do an internship in a company or in a Research lab in particular at University
of Turin (Italy), Seoul National University (South Korea), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
or University of Massachusetts - Amherst (USA).
Instruction languages:
The main instruction languages will be English and French. However, students who want to study only
in English will have this possibility.
Stages et projets tutorés
An internship can be done during the 4th Semester (M2).
Contrôle des connaissances
Depending on the course (continuous evaluation, final exam…).
Aménagements particuliers
Students can go for one Semester abroad (Semester 4) at one of the EPOG associated partners.
- Master 2 Erasmus Mundus Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation : Development Policies
Conditions d'admission
Eligibility criteria and registration:
For being enrolled in Master 1:
The applicant must have obtained a Bachelor or equivalent degree (180 ECTS) in economics, in
political science, law, in developing studies provided that they have a sufficient background knowledge in
economics and statistics. The degree has to be obtained before August 31. The minimum requirements
in economics include 24 ECTS (including macroeconomics and international economics for option B) and
the minimum in mathematics, statistics or econometrics is 6 ECTS. Students with an exceptional record of
academic performance are encouraged to apply, even if they do not meet the minimal entry requirements
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in a strict sense. All applicants must have a good level in English and a clear motivation for the field and
for international studies (see for English requirements and other advices)
For being enrolled in Master 2:
The applicant must have obtained the first year of a Master's or equivalent degree (240 ECTS) in
economics, in political science, law, in developing studies provided that they have a sufficient background
knowledge in economics and statistics. The degree has to be obtained before August 31. The minimum
requirements in economics include 32 ECTS and the minimum in mathematics, statistics or econometrics
is 12 ECTS. Students with an exceptional record of academic performance are encouraged to apply, even
if they do not meet the minimal entry requirements in a strict sense. All applicants must have a good level
in English and a clear motivation for the field and for international studies (see for English
requirements and other advices)
Annual tuition fees:
The tuition fees are highly subsidized like for all the other Master's course in France. The students have
to pay around 250 euros for the year.
Documents needed for the application:
(i) a Full curriculum vitae, (ii) academic records (academic transcript, awarded degrees, supplement
diploma...) in French or English, Proof of English proficiency (that has to be provided by July 10) except
for students from countries where the instruction language is English, (iii) Statement of purpose (no
more than 500 words highlighting the candidate's reasons for applying to EPOG Master's Course, any
relevant academic and work experience, and future career plans), (iv) Two official recommendation letters
(from teachers/professors or job supervisors) assessing the student's ability to follow the EPOG Master's
Course; (v) Personal details including (see online application form) a scanned copy of the passport; (vi)
Eventually documents giving details of other funding (e.g. scholarships, with name of funder or awarding
authority, and value of award).
Pré-requis nécessaires
For being enrolled in Master 1:
The applicant must have obtained a Bachelor or equivalent degree (180 ECTS) in economics, in
political science, law, in developing studies provided that they have a sufficient background knowledge in
economics and statistics. The degree has to be obtained before August 31. The minimum requirements
in economics include 24 ECTS (including macroeconomics and international economics for option B) and
the minimum in mathematics, statistics or econometrics is 6 ECTS. Students with an exceptional record of
academic performance are encouraged to apply, even if they do not meet the minimal entry requirements
in a strict sense. All applicants must have a good level in English and a clear motivation for the field and
for international studies (see for English requirements and other advices).
For being enrolled in Master 2:
The applicant must have obtained the first year of a Master's or equivalent degree (240 ECTS) in
economics, in political science, law, in developing studies provided that they have a sufficient background
knowledge in economics and statistics. The degree has to be obtained before August 31. The minimum
requirements in economics include 32 ECTS and the minimum in mathematics, statistics or econometrics
is 12 ECTS. Students with an exceptional record of academic performance are encouraged to apply, even
if they do not meet the minimal entry requirements in a strict sense. All applicants must have a good level
in English and a clear motivation for the field and for international studies (see for English
requirements and other advices).
Knowledge of French recommended.
Sont autorisés à s'inscrire
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Future private and public leaders.
French and Foreign students.
Modalités de candidature
Details and platform available on
Droits de scolarité
Droits nationaux pour le Master soit 261,10 euros.
Frais de formation (formation continue) :
- Dans le cadre d’une prise en charge : 5500 euros ;
- Demandeur d’emploi non financé (avec accompagnement spécifique) : 1000 euros ;
- Demandeur d’emploi et individuel non financé et Bénéficiaires des minimas sociaux : Régime
Formation initiale.
Poursuite d'études
Students can continue applying for PhD studies.
Insertion professionnelle
Learning outcomes, academic opportunities and employability:
The Master's Course aims to produce highly qualified professionals, fluent in English, able to define and
assess economic policies, and evolve within different political, social and regional contexts, in particular in
Europe and the emerging countries. EPOG Master's graduates will be able to address the main problems
of economic policies in the age of globalization which will prepare them to respond to real life problems.
They will be able to work - in Europe and in other (developing) countries - in companies, consultancy
teams or public entities such as ministries, regulatory agencies, international organizations and research
centers, to improve their competitiveness and efficiency. Students will benefit from the networks and job
opportunities of all partners' Masters' and from all academic and non-academic associated members
(firms, trade unions, NGO...) involved in the program. PhD grants will also be available, offering
opportunities for embarking on PhD research.
- Program or project manager in cooperation and development
- Political analyst
- Economic consultant
- Researcher / Higher education
Contact(s) administratif(s)
Responsable du Master Erasmus Mundus Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation
Responsable du Master Erasmus Mundus Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation knowledge and
innovation policies
Contact(s) administratif(s)
Rhyma Bensalem
Gestionnaire formation
Tel. 01 49 40 44 42
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[email protected]
Contact(s) administratif(s)
Contact validation des acquis
Tel. 01 49 40 37 04
[email protected]
Contact formation continue
Tel. 01 49 40 37 64
[email protected]
Site Internet du CeDIP
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Master 2 Erasmus Mundus Economic Policies in the age of Globalisation : Development Policies
· Master2 IMPI "development policies" optC
· semestre1
· UE1: development,institution and poverty
· Development, institutions and poverty
crédits ECTS : 60
Capacité d'accueil : 0
· UE2:emerging countries
· emerging countries in the global economy
· UE3:international macroeconomics
· International macroeconomics
· UE4:econometrics and quantitatives methods for research
· Econometrics and quantitatives methods for research
· UE5:special focus
1 option(s) au choix parmi 1
· SF1C:Intellectual Property and development
· Economics of risk, innovation, R&D and intellectual property
· pharmaceutical patent, TRIPS and public health
· SF2C: education, labor and discrimination
· education economics and policy
· Labor and discrimination
· SF3C:finance and development
· financial instability and international regulation
· institution and international finance
· semestre2
· UE6:joint seminars
· economic policy explain by economic actors and policy makers
· european economic policies in the globalisation
· territories institutions and globalisation
· variety of capitalism and regional integration in the global
· UE7:languages
· french intensive
· scientific english
· weekly lecture
· UE8:master's dissertation
1 option(s) au choix parmi 1
· Master Dissertation in the context of "professional internsh
· Master's Dissertation and research lab
· Master Dissertation in the research lab
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· Master's Dissertation and methodology tutoring for resaerch
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