newsletter in pdf - Alliance Française de Chicago


newsletter in pdf - Alliance Française de Chicago
Chicago’s French cultural and learning center dedicated to the study of French language,
cultural exchange, and friendship between Americans and French speaking people
The Alliance Française de Chicago is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 institution
Activités culturelles
Art Nouveau and the Spirit of the Belle Epoque
Decorative Arts Symposium, three lectures
Julius Lewis Auditorium, enter 54 West Chicago Avenue
March 16*, April 19, May 23, 11:30 a.m.
(*this lecture will also be offered on March 15, 6:30 p.m.)
Art Nouveau, French for “new art”, explored a new style in
visual arts, architecture, commercial arts and the decorative arts
of every genre at the very beginning of the 20th century. The
highest standards of craftsmanship and design were applied to
everyday objects resulting in a harmony of form and function,
beautifully executed in painting, posters, stained glass, jewelry,
ceramics, interior decoration, haute couture and architecture
— think of Gustave Eiffel’s 1889 iron tower.
Join us for one or more lectures on the style that defined the
aesthetic tastes of La Belle Epoque.
Wednesday, March 15, 6:30 p.m. (patron ticket only) or
Thursday, March 16, 11:30 a.m.
Alain Gruber, art historian, Switzerland
The lead lecture in our 2006 series will be presented twice and
will showcase The Precious Arts of Art Nouveau, particularly
textiles, fashion, jewelry, glasswork, stained glass and interiors.
George Clairin · Sarah Bernhardt, 1876 · Musée du Petit Palais, Paris
The audience is invited to join Dr. Gruber at a special viewing of original, period textiles by Tassinari & Chatel, Paris
in our salon from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 19, 11:30 a.m. Philippe Thiébaut, Curator, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Monsieur Thiébaut will present the innovative ironwork and illuminating portraits and interiors of this period,
ranging from the Grand Style to Art Deco.
Tuesday, May 23, 11:30 a.m. Madeleine Deschamps, art historian, Peter Marino Architects, New York
The lecture Pearls, Feathers and Dancing Nymphs will conclude this year’s symposium. Learn about the fashion and
jewelry that brought the design world’s attention to Paris.
Registration Information: Symposium tickets are sold as a lecture series or as single lectures. Patron tickets (series
and single) include lunch with the speaker following each lecture and a tax deductible contribution to the Alliance
Française. Alain Gruber’s evening lecture on March 15 is available as a patron ticket only (series or single) and will be
followed by a dinner buffet. All daytime lectures are preceded by coffee at 11:00 a.m.
The symposium is a special fundraising project of the Woman’s Board of the Alliance Française.
Patron Series Ticket (3 lectures and 3 luncheons): $350, Patron Single Ticket (1 lecture, 1 lunch): $125,
Regular Series Ticket (3 lectures): $100, Regular Single Ticket (1 lecture): $45 Call (312) 337-1070 #113 to register
Register Early! The first 25 subscribers to the Patron Series will be invited to join Gloria Groom, Art Institute
curator and symposium program advisor, for a special tour of Ambroise Vollard: Patron of the Avant-Garde opening
at the Art Institute in February 2007. Eligible Symposium Patrons will be notified prior to the tour.
The Alliance Française salutes Sotheby’s and Saks Fifth Avenue, co-lead sponsors of the 2006 Decorative Arts Symposium
810 North Dearborn Street · Chicago, IL 60610 / USA · tel: (312) 337-1070 · fax: (312) 337-3019 ·
Activités culturelles
Et puis Bastogne
Paris-Buenos Aires. Un siècle de tango
Pièce du Théâtre de la Valette
Jeudi 6 avril, 18h
Chicago Cultural Center, Claudia
Cassidy Theater (2 étage)
77 East Randolph Street, Chicago
Admission gratuite
En français avec surtitrage en anglais
Pour réserver, téléphonez au (312) 337-1070
Conférence et film, English translation provided
Vendredi 28 avril, 18h30
Prix d’entrée : $7
Pour réserver, téléphonez au (312) 337-1070
Julius Lewis Auditorium
L’Alliance Française en partenariat avec Latino Cultural Center,
Chicago est heureuse d’accueillir Monsieur Claude Namer qui
retracera l’histoire du Tango. Né vers 1870 sur les rives du Rio
de la Plata dans les faubourgs et les quartiers mal famés de
Buenos Aires et de Montevideo, fait d’apports et d’immigrations
multiples, les « criollos », européens et noir, le tango a ondoyé vers
la Seine dans les premières années du XXe siècle, pour être plus
précis en 1906. Monsieur Namer présente le monde à l’époque où
la « tangomanie » commence à s’immiscer dans certains quartiers
parisiens : Montmartre, Montparnasse et Pigalle.
L’Alliance Française, en partenariat avec le Bureau économique
et commercial de la Région Wallonne de Belgique, est heureuse
de présenter le spectacle de la compagnie théâtrale belge
La Valette: “Et puis… Bastogne”. Sur fond de reconquête de
l’Europe occidentale par les forces alliées durant la 2ème guerre
mondiale, un père, mécanicien en Iowa, et son fils, engagé dans
un régiment d’infanterie parachutiste américain, échangent
leurs lettres. Il se crée ainsi une relation intense autour de deux
personnages symbolisant une époque et ses soubresauts, dans
ce cas, l’Amérique profonde des années 40, celle du père, et le
parcours d’un fils idéaliste, emporté dans les vagues meurtrières
de la reconquête alliée du continent européen.
Calude Namer est un journaliste Franco-uruguayen et Directeur du
festival « Paris Banlieues Tango » qui a lieu tous les ans à Paris.
Bal Tango. Concert et Danse
Samedi 29 avril, 19h
Prix d’entrée : membres
de L’Alliance Française et
International Latino Cultural
Center, Chicago: $15,
non-membres : $20
Pour réserver, téléphonez au
(312) 337-1070
Julius Lewis Auditorium
Les auteurs : Léonil McCormick et Jean-Pierre Gallet
The Alliance Française, in partnership with the Wallonia Trade
Office in Chicago is pleased to present a theatrical performance
by the Théâtre de la Valette of Belgium. Dialogue is presented
in the form of letters based on the memories of World War II
veterans. This dramatic exchange of letters is between a father,
an Iowan farmer and his idealistic son, a soldier who has just
parachuted into Normandy and is on his way to Bastogne — the
Battle of the Bulge. In French with English translation.
Léonil McCormick is a native of Chicago and founder of the
Théâtre de la Valette.
Tony D’Souza
Lecture and Book Signing
Wednesday, April 26, 6:15 p.m.
Free admission
An exciting new voice in fiction
and a Chicago native, Tony D’Souza
discusses his riveting novel based
on his time spent in Africa with
the Peace Corps. Whiteman tells
the story of Jack Diaz, a maverick
American relief worker deep in the
West African bush. When his funding is cut off, Jack refuses
to leave the Ivory Coast village where Christians and Muslims
are squaring off for war. Against a backdrop of conflict, Jack
immerses himself in the customs and beauty of the vibrant life
around him.
Tony D’Souza’s fiction has been published in the New Yorker, Black
Warrior Review, the Literary Review, Playboy and Tin House.
© Sarah Diaz
Des centaines de tangos ont été écrits à la
gloire de Paris, mélangeant l’imaginaire et
le réel. Susana Blasko et Victor Simon nous
proposent un répertoire intégrant des
morceaux les plus connu. Après le concert,
deux danseurs nous dévoileront les
techniques et les charmes de cette danse.
Susana Blaszko qui vit à Paris est
l’une des interprètes de tango les plus
reconnues sur la scène internationale avec trois albums, «
Toda Buenos Aires », « Con nuevos aires de Buenos Aires » et «
Blaszko. Impressions ».
Victor Simon, Argentin d’origine et Québecois d’adoption, est
le Directeur Artistique et fondateur de l’Ensemble Montreal
Tango. Sa réputation doit à sa passion pour la musique
argentine et à la grande sensibilité de son jeu.
In partnership with the International Latino Cultural Center
in Chicago we are very pleased to present two programs on
the subject of Tango. Join us on Friday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m.
for a discussion and film on A Century of Tango in Paris and
Saturday, April 29 at 7 p.m. for a concert by Susana Blaszko and
Victor Simon and demonstration of the dance. Friday’s program
will be in French with English translation.
© Jean-François Bérubé
À table…
Médiathèque / Library
The Myriam Bransfield gourmet meals and interactive
demonstrations are for anyone interested in learning the
secrets of French cuisine from the best chefs in Chicago.
Ambarish Lulay, chef instructor, Kendall College
Dinner and Cooking Demonstration
Wednesday, April 12, 6:15 P.M.
Alliance Members: $45,
general public: $55
Call (312) 337-1070 to reserve
Ambarish Lulay started culinary
arts training at the age of 16. In
the past 10 years, he has trained in
India, North America, and Europe.
His experience includes the 5-star
Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay, 4-star
American Club in Wisconsin, and
Belgium’s Moulin de Lisogne.
South Indian style lamb samosas with mint and
cilantro chutney
Samosas indiens à l’agneau
au chutney à la menthe et à la coriandre.
Mango cardamom lassi
Lassi indien à la mangue et à la cardamone
Fish wrapped in banana leaves with coconut vegetable ragout
Poisson en papillotte de feuille de bananier
et légumes à la noix de coco.
Gulab jamun with rose petal jam
Pâtisserie “Gulab Jamun” et confiture de pétales de rose
Buffet en fête
Cooking Lessons with Madelaine Bullwinkel
One-day workshops in English
Members: $60; Non-Members: $70; Lab Fee: $15
Saturday, April 8, 10:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
Easter in Provence
Combine the exciting flavors of Provence and spring for this
Easter holiday. Everyone participates as we review basic
techniques as baking a gratin, roasting meat, shaping a galette
and making a pastry crust. Recipes for: Asparagus Gratin, Rack
of Lamb Persillade (parsley crust), Potato Galette and Goat
Cheese Tart.
Saturday, April 22, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Versatile Omelet
Ahh, the omelet- a perfect, quick meal for any time of the day.
Students practice making folded, stuffed and souffléed omelets
plus a Provencal omelet pancake. Fillings will draw on the best
seasonal vegetables: asparagus, artichokes and sorrel.
Hours: 11:30 a.m. –8:00 p.m., Monday–Thursday
11:30 a.m. –12:30 p.m., Friday
10:00 a.m. –1:00 p.m. on Saturdays
email: [email protected]
The library is supported by your generous donations and we
would like to thank you. With a simple donation of $5, you
will receive an Alliance Française button. With a donation of
$30, you will obtain Ciné Extra Member status and enjoy the
benefits of borrowing 4 DVDs per week, an Alliance Française
button, and a chance to win your very own Alliance Française
book bag. If you would like to purchase an item for the library
such as a book or a film, please consider our Wish List posted
inside the Library. As always, we welcome donations of your
used books. All contributions may be made in the Library at the
circulation desk. Merci encore !
Announcing our new feature OFF THE SHELF where the library
recommends items that are available for check-out! We’ll select
resources in French and English to appeal to differing tastes,
ages, and language proficiencies over the course of the year.
Some things may be recommended not simply based on quality
but because they support cultural exchange. We hope you will
enjoy this new feature.
Our full collection is accessible online at
under Library, Collection. For comments and suggestions please
contact the librarian, Renée Saito at [email protected]
or call (312) 337-5473. We look forward to seeing you in the library soon.
Jefferson’s Great Gamble:
The Remarkable Story of Jefferson, Napoleon, and
the men behind the Louisiana Purchase by Charles
Cerami, 2003.
Cerami vividly depicts the political goings-on
and diplomatic maneuverings leading up to
the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 at a time when
the United States was on the brink of war with
France. Relying on original correspondence
and first hand accounts, it’s an accessible
story of events and principal players linked to
a pivotal moment in history.
Sixty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong
by Nadeau and Barlow, 2003
The authors provide insight on the essential ideas, social
structures, and practices that characterize the people of
France. Nadeau and Barlow decode what makes the French,
as Alexis de Tocqueville pointed out in Democracy in America
(1803), different from people in the New World. They reach
their conclusions based on personal observations coupled with
informed advice from both sides of the Atlantic.
Médiathèque / Library
Browse our Library Collection Online
Visit Under Library & Clubs, just look for
Click here to browse our collection and you will automatically
be linked to our vast offerings.
The Alliance Francaise and IFP/Chicago are proud to present a
selection of screenings designed to bring together the Chicago
film and Francophile audiences together. FREE for AF and IFP
members and $5 for non-members. Visit
or for the most recent information.
Join the library e-mail list:
Since Otar Left
Find out about new arrivals by e-mailing [email protected]
Réalisateur, Julie Bertuccelli, 2003, 102 min.
Wednesday, April 19, 7:30 p.m.
Julius Lewis Auditorium
Come to one of our Cafés and enjoy French in action!
Café Conversation I (intermediate to advanced level)
We are always ready to welcome new members to this
lively conversation group. Topics vary from week to
week. Please join us in the salon from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 and April 4, 11, 18 & 25
3/14 & 3/21 in the Library.
Café Conversation II (beginner-intermediate level)
Join us in our Médiathèque from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and practice
speaking in a relaxed environment.
Wednesdays, March 8 & 29 and April 12 & 26
Café Théâtre
If you have advanced level French, you’re welcome to join us in
the salon from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Wine will be served.
March 6 & 20, Les Mals Aimés by Mauriac and April 3 &
17, Combat de nègre et de chien by Bernard-Marie Koltès
3/20 in the Board Room
Café Littérature
If you have advanced level French, please join us in the Library
from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, March 27, we’ll be reading and discussing Une
Vie Française by Paul Dubois and April 24, Le Complexe
de Di by Dai Sijie. Wine will be served.
Café Philosophique
If you have advanced level French, you’re welcome to join
Northwestern University professor, Souleymane Diagne who will
facilitate discussions suggested by the group. Please meet in the
Médiathèque from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. A light snack will be provided.
Winner of the prestigious Critics’ Week Grand Prize at Cannes,
this film is a bittersweet tale of deception and affection. Former
assistant director to Tavernier and Kieslowski, Bertuccelli deftly
tells the story of three Georgian women involved in familial
conflicts of love, obsession, resentment and deception. In French, Russian and Georgian with English sub-titles.
French cinema at the Gene Siskel Film Center,
February – April, 2006
9th Annual European Union Film Festival
Free admission will be awarded to the first 20 AF or IFP members
calling to reserve for “Clean”. Please call (312) 337-5473 and
leave your name and phone number.
We’ll notify all winners by phone prior to the screening date
which will be in March (check date at
Even if you don’t go free we’d love to have you join us at the
Gene Siskel Film Center. General admission is $9. Tickets can be
purchased at or (312) 575-8000. This special
screening is offered as an alternative to the Alliance’s usual
screening for March.
2004, Olivier Assayas, France, 111 min.
With Maggie Cheung, Nick Nolte, Béatrice Dalle
Assayas (Demonlover) reunites with ex-wife and IRMA VEP star
Maggie Cheung, who won the Cannes Best Actress award for
her performance as a fading rock star’s strung-out girlfriend
struggling to clean up her life and regain custody of her
son from the boy’s grandfather (Nolte). Eric Gautier’s fluid
cinematography and Brian Eno’s shimmering music highlight
a powerful drugs-and-rock’n’roll odyssey that spans Canada,
Paris, London, and San Francisco. In English, French, and
Cantonese with English subtitles. 35mm widescreen.
Thursday, March 16 and Friday, April 21
Other French films scheduled to be screened are:
Café Poésie
Heading South / Vers le sud
If you have advanced level French and would like to read and
discuss French poetry, please join Northwestern University
professor, Isaac Cohen from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Médiathèque.
Wine will be served.
Monday, March 13. No April session.
We would like to thank our patrons for generously giving
to our growing collection. Please continue your precious
donations. We are also looking for Children’s Posters that will
add a playful, educational atmosphere.
2005, Laurent Cantet, France, 106 min.
With Charlotte Rampling, Karen Young, Louise Portal
Moments choisis des histoires du cinéma
2004, Jean-Luc Godard, France, 84 min.
Miss Montigny
2005, Miel van Hoogenbemt, Luxembourg/Belgium/
France, 101 min. With Sophie Quinton, Ariane Ascaride
Chez Kids Academy
Saturday 2:00–4:00 p.m. / April 29
Holiday Camps, ages 6–10,
9:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
Monday, March 6
One child: $45, Two siblings: $80,
Three siblings: $120
Kids are off but you’re not… Our fun-filled days of Art and
Crafts, Games, Cooking and much more are the answer. Your
kids will be in an enriched learning environment having fun
and making new friends while you’re at work. It’s the perfect
answer to a day off from school.
Space is limited —Register now! 8 children minimum, 14
maximum. Snacks provided; children must bring their own
brown-bag lunch. All levels of French are welcome: activities
will be conducted in both languages.
Ciné-Teens introduces teenagers to landmarks of French
Cinéma, allowing them to learn about culture, society and
history in the comfort of “Les Salles Obscures” (Dark Rooms).
Thanks to an eclectic choice of French movies with English
subtitles, there’s no better place than the Alliance library to
learn about France and meet other Chicago teens who share
the same interests.
Saturdays, 3:00–4:30 p.m. / May 13
Send your child on an adventure filled with humor and mystery!
Chez Kids Academy Story Telling will feed your children’s
imagination with dreams and magic, while exposing them to
the French language (all levels are welcome). Stories will be
staged with music, puppets and drawings. Your child will be
active thanks to side activities facilitating comprehension. A
rich and fun experience!
Tuition: Free for Members, $5 Non-Members
Preschool classes – Mornings in French (2 instructors)
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays / 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Different 20-hour sessions are offered:
Session 1 March 15–March 31
Session 2 April 17–May 5
Session 3 May 8–May 26
Session 4 May 31–June 16
You can register for a half-session (4 classes) or a full-session (8
classes). (If you register for a half-session, you must choose 4
dates at time of registration).
Tuition, per session (including snacks):
A) half-session, 4 classes (10 hours of instruction): $109 members,
$119 non-members
B) full-session, 8 classes (20 hours of instruction): $199 members,
$219 non-members
DISCOUNT: Register for a full-session and receive a $20
discount on each following full-session.
CINÉ-KIDS 1 — AGES 4 to 7
Saturday, 2:00 – 4:00 / April 1
CINÉ-KIDS 2 — AGES 8 to 11
Saturday, 2:00 – 4:00 / April 22
Ciné-Kids will take your child on a journey into French Cinéma;
presenting different categories of movies for younger ages,
such as comedy, dramas and cartoons in French with English
subtitles. A snack and games are part of the program!
Introduce your child to a classroom environment enriched by
French culture and language. Social skills will be developed
through age-appropriate, group activities including movement,
music, and crafts. Using pictures, flannel board, and puppets,
we’ll share stories, songs, poems, and games. Children will be
able to express themselves by acting out the stories and learn
how to create their own imaginative tales by making puppets
and drawings. A light snack will be prepared by the children.
Note: each class limited to 8 participants. Classes will be conducted
in French; instructors will use English only when necessary
S P R I N G S E S S I O N B E G I N S • MA R C H 2 7 – J U N E 1 0
• Unless indicated otherwise, all programs take place at 54 West Chicago Avenue
• Programs are subject to change · for the latest information call (312) 337-1070
The success of the Alliance
Française cultural season is a
result of the generosity of its
donors. Merci beaucoup !
samedi 4
Chez Kids, Story Telling
lundi 6
Café théâtre
Chez Kids, Holiday Camp
lundi 17
Café Théâtre
mercredi 22
Francophonie, Rumania
mardi 18
Café Conversation I
mardi 7
Café conversation 1
jeudi 23
Francophonie, CanadaQuébec
mercredi 19
Decorative Arts, lecture
Ciné Club
mercredi 8
Café conversation II
vendredi 24
Francophonie, Haiti
lundi 13
Café Poésie
samedi 25
Francophonie, Belgium &
mardi 14
Café conversation 1
jeudi 16
Decorative Arts lecture
Café Philosophique
samedi 18
Festival de la Francophonie
lundi 20
Francophonie, Swiss
Café théâtre
lundi 27
Café Littérature
Spring Classes Begin
mardi 28
Senghor lecture
Café conversation 1
mercredi 29
Café conversation II
mardi 21
Francophonie, Swiss
Café conversation 1
vendredi 21
Café Philosophique
lundi 3
Café Théâtre
samedi 22
Buffet en fête
mardi 4
Café Conversation I
lundi 24
Café Littérature
jeudi 6
Théâtre de la Valette
mardi 25
Café Conversation I
samedi 8
Buffet en fête
mercredi 26
Café Conversation II
mardi 11
Café Conversation I
mercredi 12
Ambarish Lulay, cooking demo
Café Conversation II
The Women’s Board
of the Alliance Française de Chicago
Le Bal des Ballons
Friday May 12, 2006
For information, please call (312) 337 1070
vendredi 28
Tango, film & lecture
samedi 29
Tango, concert & dance