Scripts des fichiers sons et pistes pédagogiques


Scripts des fichiers sons et pistes pédagogiques
Scripts des fichiers sons et pistes pédagogiques
I have long brown curly hair, brown eyes and average height.
Keely (elle se décrit, sa mère et Brad Pitt)
Let me describe myself : I am short with brown hair and brown eyes. I have freckles
around my face and I have very, very light skin. My mum is also short with brown hair
and brown eyes. She doesn’t have any freckles and in fact, she is smaller than me. My
favourite actor is Brad Pitt. He is tall, he has blond hair and blue eyes.
Orlyreine (elle se décrit, ses parents et son chien)
My name is Orlyreine. My name is spelt : O- R-L- Y – R-E –I –N – E. I am about medium
height and I have long thick wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes. My mum is also about
medium height, she has hazel eyes and she has short thick wavy brown hair. She also
wears glasses. My dad is about medium height, he has short thin straight black hair, he
has brown eyes and he also wears glasses. He also has a big nose. I have no brothers and
no sisters so I’m an only child. We have a dog. Her name is Jenny. She is very little and
very cute.
My name is Laura. I’m from Seattle in the United States. I have blue eyes and blond hair.
My hair is curly and I am tall.
Pistes pédagogiques :
listen and circle / listen and tick/ listen and draw / listen and colour / listen and
complete the sentences
Pôle Ressources Langues Interdegré 92

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