Write letters, poems, stories, descriptions. • Lead oral discussions


Write letters, poems, stories, descriptions. • Lead oral discussions
Level : 1st cycle secondary
Write letters, poems, stories, descriptions.
Lead oral discussions.
Create audiotapes.
Give an oral presentation.
Write or give a news report.
Conduct an interview.
Present a radio drama.
Create a slogan.
Write your own story problems.
Use storytelling to explain.
Conduct a debate on a theme or subject worked in class.
Play word games.
Create questions and pop-quizzes on a topic.
Present an activity in front of a group.
Create problems and have others solve them.
Practice word pronunciation.
Tell stories.
Activities that include dialogues (a play, a skit).
Listen to texts (radio, TV., internet, songs, video, phone conversation, intercom
messages, interviews, etc.)
List or organize facts.
Use deductive reasoning.
Make Venn diagrams.
Solve logic problems.
Analyze data.
Compute or calculate.
Solve story problems.
Conduct an experiment.
Translate into a mathematical formula.
Make syllogisms to demonstrate.
Make up analogies to explain.
See cause and effect.
Play strategy games.
Synthèse et adaptation effectuées par Hugues Plante, conseiller pédagogique et Nancy Lemire, enseignante,
Commission scolaire des Affluents, 2005, à partir de sources diverses : travaux de Nicole Roy, Commission
scolaire de la Rivière du Nord, de Walker Mc Kenzie et de Laura Candler.
Order and sequence events.
Work using specific processes (writing process, response process, production
Create a family tree.
Create statistics.
Construct a time line.
Predict the ending to a text.
Mental calculations.
Work using the computer.
Write a curriculum song.
* Compose a melody.
Change the words to a song.
* Provide musical accompaniment.
Create a musical collage or game.
Find song titles that explain content.
Create a musical game.
Identify music that helps you study.
Use musical vocabulary as metaphors.
Sing a rap or song that explains…
* Invent an instrument and use it to demonstrate.
Create a jingle.
Come up with a song or rhymes for grammar rules.
Link music to feelings.
Attend a concert.
Play a musical instrument.
* All the discussions related to these activities are made in English in the context of the English class.
Create charts, posters, graphs, diagrams, board games, etc.
Make a videotape or film, and comment.
Create pie charts, bar graphs, etc.
Make a photo album and comment.
Create a collage and comment.
Make a poster or mobile and comment.
Design a mind map.
Make a map.
Use colour and shape.
Create and then describe a piece of art (art projects).
Invent a board or card game.
Illustrate, draw, paint, sketch, or sculpt.
Create a slide show and comment.
Synthèse et adaptation effectuées par Hugues Plante, conseiller pédagogique et Nancy Lemire, enseignante,
Commission scolaire des Affluents, 2005, à partir de sources diverses : travaux de Nicole Roy, Commission
scolaire de la Rivière du Nord, de Walker Mc Kenzie et de Laura Candler.
Associate T.V. programs with topics worked on in class.
Practice visualisation exercises (close your eyes and imagine…)
Create a web page.
Classify objects though colours, shapes and sizes.
Create a class rally using maps and plans.
Put together a puzzle.
Film and video editing.
Create a dance or movement sequence in association with a narrative.
Make a board or floor game.
Make manipulatives.
Build a model.
Perform a skit or play (role playing, miming).
Perform a simulation.
Put together a puzzle.
Do a scavenger hunt.
Perform a pantomime.
Plan and attend a field trip.
Bring hands-on materials to demonstrate and comment.
Organize class meals. Meals from different cultures.
Plan outdoor activities and trips.
Conceive costumes and decorations.
Create observation notebooks.
Describe changes in the local or global environment.
Care for pets, wildlife, gardens, or parks commented in a journal.
Use binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, or magnifiers and explain what is seen.
Sort things into categories (same-different).
Practice relaxation techniques (pause for a few minutes, visualisation, breathing,…)
Take care of a class plant or animal and comment.
Create a project on animals and wildlife.
Draw or photograph natural objects.
Conceive an indoor living space and discuss.
Conduct scientific research, for example, a class survey.
Find information from various sources.
Work on an assignment cooperatively.
Synthèse et adaptation effectuées par Hugues Plante, conseiller pédagogique et Nancy Lemire, enseignante,
Commission scolaire des Affluents, 2005, à partir de sources diverses : travaux de Nicole Roy, Commission
scolaire de la Rivière du Nord, de Walker Mc Kenzie et de Laura Candler.
Teach someone else.
Learn from someone outside of school .
Consider diverse points of view.
Establish group rules.
Act in a play or simulation .
Conduct an interview .
Establish « phone buddies » for homework.
Give feedback to someone else on their work.
Intentionally use social skills to learn about values.
Participate in a service project.
Practice giving and receiving feedback on work done or being done.
Use technology.
Peer evaluation of presentations, work and assignments.
Create a club or organisation (class newspaper, chess club).
Going to a conference.
Discuss values, class and school rules and society at large.
Lead discussions (moderator).
Teacher for a day.
Keep a journal or diary.
Set short- and long-term goals.
Explain why and how this topic is important in real life.
Describe your feelings about this topic.
Evaluate your own work (self-evaluate).
Describe your personal strengths that help you with this work.
Carry out an independent project.
Describe one of your personal values.
Reflect about study habits and practices.
Formulate and express a personal opinion.
Anticipate and evaluate the consequences to various actions.
Personify a character through writing or acting for a period, a day or a week.
Practice concentration activities.
Synthèse et adaptation effectuées par Hugues Plante, conseiller pédagogique et Nancy Lemire, enseignante,
Commission scolaire des Affluents, 2005, à partir de sources diverses : travaux de Nicole Roy, Commission
scolaire de la Rivière du Nord, de Walker Mc Kenzie et de Laura Candler.