The restoration of the Muqaddam Ahmad Bin Omar Bassurah house


The restoration of the Muqaddam Ahmad Bin Omar Bassurah house
The restoration of the Muqaddam Ahmad Bin Omar Bassurah house
The Masna?at ?Urah site in Daw?an consists of a cluster of tall mud brick houses of great historical and architectural value. Severe rainfall and conseq
uent flooding in the Wadi Hadramut region resulted in the partial collapse of the Muqaddam Ahmad Bin Omar Bassurah house. A CER grant of
?11.540 enabled the salvaging of the house?s original decorative and architectural elements so that these could be incorporated into the reco
CER's support led to the recognition of the site's value
Information: The reconstruction of the site
The Masna?at ?Urah site in Daw?an, Hadramut, (Yemen) was severely damaged by the heavy rainfall and flooding of May 2007. The site consists of a cluste
r of tall mud brick houses of great historical and architectural value. The cluster of buildings this house is part of was built by the ruling Ba Surrah family of
Daw?an in the late 19th and early 20th century and therefore examplary for the development of the region in recent history. The condition of the house had be
come so critical that restoration was no longer an option. It was therefore decided to rebuild the house completely and reinstate the original decorative
elements in the reconstruction. CER?s support led to the recognition of the value of the site by the local investor and the owners and their commitment to its re
construction. The house was included in the plans for the site?s renovation as a public space. Work - carried out by the architect Salma Samar Damluji (I
raq/UK)in co-operation with local architects and builders - started in January 2008 and was completed in July.
Programme: CER
La mission de la CER est d'offrir une aide d'urgence aux patrimoines culturels endommagés ou détruits par une catastrophe naturelle ou causée par l'h
omme. La CER a été créée en 2003 suite à la dévastation et au pillage du Musée National d'Irak. La CER considère que le sauvetage de la culture peut apporter
espoir et consolation aux communautés sinistrées, contribuer à leur faire retrouver la conscience de leur propre valeur, rétablir la continuité et préserver leur i
dentité. Pour la CER, l'aide culturelle d'urgence fait partie intégrante de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence.
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