Biblio Oralité - Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions


Biblio Oralité - Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions
Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Narrativité, oralité et performance
Bibliographie thématique sélective
Compilée par Alain Gignac, Université de Montréal
ACHTEMEIER, Paul J. (1990), «Omne Verbum Sonat: The New Testament and the Oral
Environment of Late Western Antiquity», Journal of Biblical Literature, 109, p. 3-27.
BARTON, Stephen C. (1999), «New Testament Interpretation as Performance», Scottish Journal of
Theology, 52, p. 179-208.
BOOMERSHINE, Thomas E. (1993), «Biblical Megatrends: Towards a Paradigm for the
Interpretation of the Bible in Electronic Media», dans American Bible Society Symposium
Papers on the Bible in the Twenty-First Century, Philadelphia, Trinity Press International,
p. 209-230.
BOOMERSHINE, Thomas E. (2010), «All Scholarship Is Personal: David Rhoads and Performance
Criticism», Currents in Theology and Mission, 37, p. 279-287.
BRIGGS, Richard S. (2001), Words in Action: Speech Act Theory and Biblical Interpretation,
Edinburgh; New York, T.&T. Clark.
DEAN, Margaret (1996), «The Grammar of Sound in Greek Texts: Towards a Method of Mapping
the Echoes of Speech on Writting», Australian Biblical Review, 44, p. 53-70.
EVANS, A. Steven (2010), «Matters of the Heart: Orality, Story and Cultural Transformation--The
Critical Role of Storytelling in Affecting Worldview», Missiology, 38, p. 185-199.
FISCHER-LICHTE, Erika et Saskya Iris Jain (2008), The Transformative Power of Performance: A
New Aesthetics, London, Routledge.
GERHARDSSON, Birger (2007), «"Performance criticism": en ny exegetisk disciplin?», Svensk
exegetisk årsbok, 72, p. 95-108.
HEARON, Holly E. (2006), «The Implications of Orality for Studies of the Biblical Text», dans
Richard A. HORSLEY, Jonathan A. DRAPER et John Miles FOLEY (dir.), Performing the
Gospel, Minneapolis, Fortress, p. 3-20.
HEARON, Holly E., Philipp RUGE-JONES, et al. (2009), The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media :
Story and Performance, Eugene, Or., Cascade Books (Biblical performance criticism).
HARVEY, John D. (2002), «Orality and its Implications for Biblical Studies: Recapturing an
Ancient Paradigm», Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 45, p. 99-109.
HILL, Harriet (2010), «Conversations about Orality», Missiology, 38, p. 215-217.
HOLLAND, Glenn S. (2007), «Playing to the Groundlings: Shakespeare Performance Criticism and
Performance Criticism of the Biblical Texts», Neotestamentica, 41, p. 317-340.
KELBER, Werner H. (1991), Tradition orale et écriture, Paris, Éditions du Cerf (Lectio divina
LASH, N. (2007), «Performing Scripture», Christian Century, 124, p. 30-35.
1 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) LEE, Margaret Ellen (2010), «How Performance Changed My (Scholarly) Life», Currents in
Theology and Mission, 37, p. 304-311.
LEE, Margaret Ellen et Bernard B. SCOTT (2009), Sound Mapping the New Testament, Salem, Or.,
Polebridge Press.
LOUBSER, Johannes A. (2002), «What is Biblical Media Criticism? A Media-Critical Reading of
Luke 9:51-56», Scriptura, 80, p. 206-219.
MADINGER, Charles (2010), «Coming to Terms with Orality: A Holistic Model», Missiology, 38,
p. 201-213.
ONG, W.J. (1982), Orality and Literacity: The Technologizing of the Word, London, Methuen.
RHOADS, David (2006), «Performance Criticism: An Emerging Methodology in Second Testament
Studies», Biblical Theology Bulletin, 36, p. 1-16; 164-184.
RHOADS, David (2010), «Performance Events in Early Christianity : New Testament Writings in
an Oral Context», dans Annette WEISSENRIEDER et Robert B. COOTE (dir.), The Interface
of Orality and Writing: Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres,
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck (WUNT 260), p. xiv, 438 p.
RODRIGUEZ, R. (2009), «Reading and Hearing in Ancient Contexts», Journal for the Study of the
New Testament, 32, p. 151-178.
RUGE-JONES, Philip (2009), «Omnipresent, not Omniscient: How Literary Interpretation Confuses
the Storyteller's Narrating», dans Between Author and Audience in Mark, Sheffield,
England, Sheffield Phoenix Pr, p. 29-43.
RUGE-JONES, Philip (2010), «Performance Criticism as Critical Pedagogy», Currents in Theology
and Mission, 37, p. 288-295.
SWANSON, Richard W. (2004), Provoking the Gospel : Methods to Embody Biblical Storytelling
through Drama, Cleveland, Ohio, Pilgrim Press.
SWANSON, Richard W. (2010), «Truth, Method, and Multiplicity: Performance as a Mode of
Interpretation», Currents in Theology and Mission, 37, p. 312-319.
TINKER, Melvin (2004), «Words in Action: Speech Act Theory and Biblical Interpretation»,
Themelios, 29, p. 80-81.
YOUNG, Frances M. (1990), The Art of Performance: Towards a Theology of Holy Scripture,
London, Darton, Longman & Todd.
Ancien Testament
AULD, A. Graeme (1990), «Prophecy in Books: A Rejoinder», Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament, 48, p. 31-32.
AUWERS, Jean-Marie (2009), «Les interventions du chœur dans le Cantique des cantiques»,
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses, 85, p. 439-448.
AVRIEL, Mikhal et Nissim AMZALLAG (2010), «Complex Antiphony in David's Lament and Its
Literary Significance», Vetus testamentum, 60, p. 1-14.
2 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) BEN ZVI, Ehud et Michael H. FLOYD (2000), Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near
Eastern Prophecy, Atlanta, Ga, Society of Biblical Literature (Symposium series).
BLAND, Dave et David FLEER (2005), Performing the Psalms: With Essays and Sermons by
Walter Brueggemann, J. Clinton McCann Jr., Paul Scott Wilson, and Others, St Louis,
Chalice Pr.
BOADT, Lawrence (2007), «Prophets, Performance, and Power: Performance Criticism of the
Hebrew Bible», Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 69, p. 320-321.
BRUEGGEMANN, Walter (2005), «Psalms in Narrative Performance», dans Performing the Psalms,
St Louis, Chalice Pr, p. 9-29.
BURGH, Theodore W. (2004), «`Who's the Man?' Sex and Gender in Iron Age Musical
Performance», Near Eastern Archaeology, 67, p. 128-136.
CHARLES, Gary W. (2008), «Songcatchers: Psalm 23», Journal for Preachers, 31, p. 49-51.
CLIFFORD, Richard J. (2009), «Reading Proverbs 10-22», Interpretation, 63, p. 242-253.
COOTE, Robert B. (1976), «Application of the Oral Theory to Biblical Hebrew Literature»,
Semeia, p. 51-64.
CREANGA, Ovidio (2007), «The Silenced Songs of Victory: Power, Gender and Memory in the
Conquest Narrative of Joshua (Joshua 1-12)», dans A Question of Sex, Sheffield, Sheffield
Phoenix Press, p. 106-125.
DARR, Katheryn Pfisterer (2004), «Proverb Performance and Transgenerational Retribution in
Ezekiel 18», dans Ezekiel's Hierarchical World, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, p.
DARR, Katheryn Pfisterer (2009), «Asking at Abel: A Wise Woman's Proverb Performance in 2
Samuel 20», dans From the Margins v 1, Women of the Hebrew Bible and Their Afterlives,
Sheffield, England, Sheffield Phoenix Pr, p. 102-121.
DAVIDSON, E.T.A. (2008), Intricacy, Design, and Cunning in the Book of Judges, Philadelphia,
DAY, Linda (2010), «Twice Used Songs: Performance Criticism of the Songs of Ancient Israel»,
Biblical Interpretation, 18, p. 457-459 (recension).
DEIST, Ferdinand (1994), «Orature, "Editure," Literature: Reflections on Orality, Literariness and
First Testament Literature», Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 20, p. 155-163.
DOAN, William et Terry GILES (2005), Prophets, Performance, and Power: Performance
Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, London; New York, T & T Clark.
FONTAINE, Carole R. (2002), Smooth Words: Women, Proverbs and Performance in Biblical
Wisdom, London; New York, Sheffield Academic Pr (JSOT SuppS).
FONTAINE, Carole R. (2005), «The Proof of the Pudding: Proverbs and Gender in the Performance
Arena», Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 29, p. 179-204.
GILES, Terry et William DOAN (2005), «The Songs of Israel : Exodus 15:1-18», Proceedings,
Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Society, 25, p. 29-42.
GILES, Terry et William DOAN (2008), «Performance Criticism of the Hebrew Bible», Religion
Compass, 2, p. 273-286.
GILES, Terry et William DOAN (2008), «The Song of Asaph: a Performance-critical Analysis of 1
3 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Chronicles 16:8-36», Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 70, p. 29-43.
GILES, Terry et William DOAN (2009), Twice Used Songs : Performance Criticism of the Songs of
Ancient Israel, Peabody, Mass., Hendrickson Publishers.
HAMILTON, Mark W. (2010), «Twice Used Songs: Performance Criticism of the Songs of Ancient
Israel», Restoration Quarterly, 52, p. 180-181 (recension).
HORNSBY, Teresa J. (2006), «Ezekiel off-Broadway», Bible & Critical Theory, 2, p.
KIRKPATRICK, Patricia G. (1988), The Old Testament and Folklore Study, Sheffield, Sheffield
Academic Press (JSOTSup).
LEE, Nancy C. (2010), Lyrics of Lament: From Tragedy to Transformation, Minneapolis, MN,
LESSING, Reed (2003), «Orality in the Prophets», Concordia Journal, 29, p. 152-165.
LEVY, Shimon (1999), Theatre and Holy Script, Brighton, Eng, Sussex Academic Pr.
LEVY, Shimon (2002), The Bible as Theatre, Brighton, UK, Sussex Academic Pr.
MILLER, Robert D., II (2011), Oral Tradition in Ancient Israel, Eugene, Or, Cascade Books
(Biblical performance criticism).
MILLER, Robert D., II (2012), «Orality and Performance in Ancient Israel», Revue des sciences
religieuses, 86, p. 183-194.
NISSINEN, Martti (2000), «Spoken, Written, Quoted, and Invented: Orality and Writtenness in
Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy», dans Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near
Eastern Prophecy, Atlanta, Ga, Society of Biblical Literature, p. 235-271.
NOLL, K. L. (1999), «Is There a Text in This Tradition? : Readers' Response and the Taming of
Samuel's God», Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 83, p. 31-51.
OCHS, Peter (2009), «Moses in the Sea: Rreading Scripture as Liturgical Performance», dans
Crisis, Call, and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
p. 231-242.
PERSON, Raymond F. (1998), «The Ancient Israelite Scribe as Performer», Journal of Biblical
Literature, 117, p. 601-609.
POLAK, Frank H. (2010), «The Book of Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Syntactic-Stylistic
Analysis», dans Die Samuelbücher, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, p. 34-73.
RENDSBURG, Gary A. (2008), «Alliteration in the Exodus Narrative», dans Birkat Shalom, Winona
Lake, IN, Eisenbrauns, p. 83-100.
SCHAPER, Joachim (2005), «Exilic and Post-exilic Prophecy and the Orality/Literacy Problem»,
Vetus Testamentum, 55, p. 324-342.
SCHNIEDEWIND, William M. (2000), «Orality and Literacy in Ancient Israel», Religious Studies
Review, 26, p. 327-332 (recension).
SENNETT, Herbert (2006), «The Bible as Theatre», Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance, 3,
p. 97-100 (recension).
STEUSSY, Marti J. (2007), «Prophets, Performance, and Power: Performance Criticism of the
Hebrew Bible», Interpretation, 61, p. 226-227.
TULLY, Eric J. (2010), «Twice Used Songs: Performance Criticism of the Songs of Ancient
Israel», Bulletin for Biblical Research, 20, p. 578-579 (recension).
4 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) VAN SETERS, John (2000), «Prophetic Orality in the Context of the Ancient Near East: A
Response to Culley, Crenshaw, and Davies», dans Writings and Speech in Israelite and
Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy, Atlanta, Ga, Society of Biblical Literature, p. 83-88.
Culture antique (monde gréco-romain)
ACHARD, Guy (2006 (1991)), La communication à Rome, Paris, les Belles lettres (Realia 12).
ALDRETE, Gregory S. (1999), Gestures and Acclamations in Ancient Rome, Baltimore, Johns
Hopkins University Press (Ancient society and history).
ALEXANDER, Loveday C.A. (1990), « The Living Voice: Scepticism Towards the Written Word in
Early Christian and in Greco-Romans Texts», dans J.A. CLINES, S.E. FOWL et S.E. PORTER
(dir.), The Bible in Three Dimensions: FS in Celebration of Forty Years of Biblical Studies
in the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, JSOT Press (JSOT SuppS 87), p. 221-247.
BAR-ILAN, Meir (1990), «Illiteracy in the Land of Israel in the First Centuries C.E.», dans Simcha
FISHBANE, Jack N. LIGHTSTONE et Victor LEVIN (dir.), Essays in the Social Scientific Study
of Judaism and Jewish Society, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Dept. of Religion, Concordia
University, p. 46-61.
BOEGEHOLD, Alan L. (1999), When a Gesture Was Expected: A Selection of Examples from
Archaic and Classical Greek Literature, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.
BOTHA, J. Eugene (1991), «Style in the New Testament: The Need for Serious Reconsideration»,
Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 16, p. 71-87.
BOTHA, J. Eugene (1996), «Exploring Gesture and Nonverbal Communication in the Bible and the
Ancient World: Some Initial Observations», Neotestamentica, 30, p. 1-19.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1992), «Greco-Roman Literacy as Setting for New Testament Writings»,
Neotestamentica, 26, p. 195-225.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1992), «Oral and Literate Traditions», Koers, 57, p. 3-22.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (2005), «New Testament Texts in the Context of Reading Practices of the
Roman Period: the Role of Memory and Performance», Scriptura, no 90, p. 621-640.
BREMMER, Jan N. et Herman ROODENBURG (1991), A Cultural History of Gesture : From
Antiquity to the Present Day, Cambridge, Polity Press.
DORANDI, Tiziano (2000), Le stylet et la tablette dans le secret des auteurs antiques, Paris, les
Belles lettres (L' âne d'or).
DRAPER, Jonathan A. (2004), Orality, Literacy, and Colonialism in Antiquity, Atlanta, GA,
Society of Biblical Literature (Society of Biblical Literature Semeia studies).
GRAF, F. (1991), «Gestures and Conventions: The Gestures of Romans Actors and Orators», dans
Jan N. BREMMER et Herman ROODENBURG (dir.), A Cultural History of Gesture: From
Antiquity to the Present Day, Cambridge, Polity Press, p. 36-58.
HALL, J. (2004), «Cicero and Quintillian on the Oratorical Use of and Gestures», Classical
Quarterly, 54, p. 143-160.
HALL, J. et R. Bond (2002), «Performative Elements in Cicero's Orations: An Experimental
5 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Approach», Prudentia, 37, p. 187-228.
HEARON, Holly E. (2008), «Storytelling in Oral and Written Media Contexts of the Ancient
Mediterranean World», dans Tom THATCHER (dir.), Jesus, the Voice, and the Text, Waco,
Tex, Baylor Univ Pr, p. 89-110.
HEZSER, Catherine (2001), Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck (Texts
and studies in ancient Judaism).
JOHNSON, William A. (2010), Readers and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire : A Study
of Elite Communities, New York, Oxford University Press (Classical culture and society).
KELBER, Werner H. (2004), «Roman Imperialism and Early Christian Scribality», dans Orality,
Literacy, and Colonialism in Antiquity, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, p. 135-153.
KELBER, Werner H. (2008), «The Oral-Scribal-Memorial Arts of Communication in Early
Christianity», dans Jesus, the Voice, and the Text, Waco, Tex, Baylor Univ Pr, p. 235-262.
LOUBSER, Johannes A. (2001), «Reconciling Rhetorical Criticism with its Oral Roots»,
Neotestamentica, 35, p. 95-110.
MALINA, Bruce J. (2001), The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology,
Louisville, Ky, Westminster/John Knox Pr.
ROSENBERG, Stanley P. (2010), «Orality, Textuality, and the Memory of the Congregation in
Augustine's Sermons», dans Studia patristica Vol 49, Leuven, Peeters, p. 169-174.
SALLES, Catherine et René MARTIN (1992), Lire à Rome, Paris, Les Belles lettres (Réalia 14.).
THOMAS, Rosalind (1992), Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece, Cambridge England/New
York, Cambridge University Press (Key themes in ancient history).
TOULZE-MORISSET, Françoise (2009), Formes de l'écriture, figures de la pensée dans la culture
gréco-romaine, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3 (Collection UL3).
WINSBURY, Rex (2009), The Roman Book : Books, Publishing and Performance in Classical
Rome, London, Duckworth.
Nouveau Testament
BYRSKOG, Samuel (2007), «The Early Church as a Narrative Fellowship : An Exploratory Study
of the Performance of the Chreia», Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, 78, p. 207-226.
BYRSKOG, Samuel (2009), «When Eyewitness Testimony and Oral Tradition Become Written
Text», Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 74, p. 41-53.
DULING, Dennis C. (2011), «Memory, Collective Memory, Orality and the Gospels», Harvard
Theological Studies, 67, p.
GAMBLE, Harry Y. (1995), Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian
Texts, New Haven, Yale University Press.
GERHARDSSON, B. (2005), «The Secret of the Transmission of the Unwritten Jesus Tradition»,
New Testament Studies, 51, p. 1-18.
HEARON, Holly E. (2010), «The Interplay between Written and Spoken Word in the Second
6 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Testament as Background to the Emergence of Written Gospels», Oral Tradition, 25, p.
IVERSON, Kelly R. (2009), «Orality and the Gospels: A Survey of Recent Research», Currents in
Biblical Research, 8, p. 71-106.
KELBER, Werner H. (1983), The Oral and the Written Gospel: The Hermeneutics of Speaking and
Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul and Q, Philadelphia, Fprtress.
KELBER, Werner H. (2006), «The Generative Force of Memory : Early Christian Traditions as
Processes of Remembering», Biblical Theology Bulletin, 36, p. 15-22.
NORELLI, Enrico (2004), «Le statut des textes chrétiens de l’oralité à l’écriture et leur rapport avec
l’institution au IIe siècle», dans Enrico Norelli (dir.), Recueils normatifs et canons dans
l'Antiquité perspectives nouvelles sur la formation des canons juif et chrétien dans leur
contexte culturel actes du Colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme plurifacultaire
"La Bible à la croisée des savoirs" [de l'Université de Genève], 11-12 avril 2002,
Lausanne, Éd. du zèbre (Publications de l'Institut romand des sciences bibliques 3), p. 147194.
RODRIGUEZ, R. (2010), Structuring Early Christian Memory : Jesus in Tradition, Performance,
and Text, London; New York, T&T Clark (Library of New Testament Studies 407,
European Studies on Christian Origins).
THATCHER, Tom (2008), Jesus, the Voice, and the Text: Beyond the Oral and Written Gospel,
Waco, Tex, Baylor Univ Pr.
TROBISCH, David (2011), «Oral Performance of Biblical texts in the Early Church», Concordia
Journal, 37, p. 277-284.
WEISSENRIEDER, Annette et Robert B. COOTE (2010), The Interface of Orality and Writing :
Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck
(WUNT, 260) – Voir la table des matières :
COLLINS, Adela Yarbro (2009), «Composition and Performance in Mark 13», dans Wandering
Galilean, Leiden/Boston, Brill, p. 539-560.
DEWEY, JOANNA (2004), «The Survival of Mark's Gospel: A Good Story?», Journal of Biblical
Literature, 123, p. 495-507.
GILFILLAN UPTON, Bridget (2006), Hearing Mark's Endings: Listening to Ancient Popular Texts
through Speech Act Theory, Leiden, Brill (Biblical interpretation series).
HEARON, Holly E. (2010), «Mapping Written and Spoken Word in the Gospel of Mark», dans
Annette WEISSENRIEDER et Robert B. COOTE (dir.), The Interface of Orality and Writing:
Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck
(WUNT 260).
HORSLEY, Richard A. (2008), «Oral Performance and Mark: Some Impications of The Oral and
the Written Gospel, Twenty-five Years Later», dans Jesus, the Voice, and the Text, Waco,
7 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Tex, Baylor Univ Pr, p. 45-70.
HORSLEY, Richard A., Jonathan A. DRAPER, et al. (2006), Performing the Gospel: Orality,
Memory, and Mark : Essays Dedicated to Werner Kelber, Minneapolis, MN, Fortress.
IVERSON, Kelly R. (2011), «A Centurion's “Confession”: A Performance-Critical Analysis of
Mark 15:39», Journal of Biblical Literature, 130, p. 329-350.
PARK, Y.M. (2010), Mark’s Memory Resources and the Controversy Stories (Mark 2:1--3:6): An
Application of the Frame Theory of Cognitive Science to the Markan Oral-Aural
Narrative, Linguistic Biblical Studies 2, Leiden/Boston, Brill.
RHOADS, David M., Joanna DEWEY, et al. (20123 [1982]), Mark as Story : An Introduction to the
Narrative of a Gospel, Minneapolis, Fortress.
SHINER, Whitney (2006), «Memory Technology and the Composition of Mark», dans Performing
the Gospel, Minneapolis, Fortress, p. 147-165.
SHINER, Whitney Taylor (2003), Proclaiming the Gospel : First-Century Performance of Mark,
Harrisburg, PA., Trinity Press International.
SWANSON, Richard W. (2005), Provoking the Gospel of Mark : A Storyteller's Commentary, Year
B, Cleveland, Ohio, Pilgrim Press.
WARD, Richard F. (2006), «The End is Performance: Performance Criticism and the Gospel of
Mark», dans Preaching Mark's Unsettling Messiah, St Louis, Chalice, p. 88-101.
WIRE, Antoinette Clark (2011), The Case for Mark Composed in Performance, Eugene, Or, Wipf
& Stock.
DEWEY, Joanna (2006), «Response to Kelber, Horsley, and Draper», dans Oral Performance,
Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, p.
FOLEY, John Miles (2006), «The Riddle of Q: Oral Ancestor, Textual Precedent, or Ideological
Creation?», dans Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q,
Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, p. 123-140.
HORSLEY, Richard A. (2006), Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q,
Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature (SBL Semeia Studies 60).
HORSLEY, Richard A. (2006), «Performance and Tradition: The Covenant Speech in Q», dans
Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q, Atlanta, Society of
Biblical Literature, p. 43-70.
KELBER, Werner H. (2006), «The Verbal Art in Q and Thomas: A Question of Epistemology»,
dans Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q, Atlanta, Society
of Biblical Literature, p. 25-42.
ROBBINS, Vernon K. (2006), «Oral Performance in Q: Epistemology, Political Conflict, and
Contextual Register», dans Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript
in Q, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, p. 109-122.
8 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Lc-Ac
DRAPER, Jonathan A. (2006), «Jesus’ “Covenantal Discourse” on the Plain (Luke 6:12-7:17) as
Oral Performance: Pointers to "Q" as Multiple Oral Performance», dans Oral
Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q, Atlanta, Society of Biblical
Literature, p. 71-98.
LAYTHAM, D.Brent (2007), «Interpretation on the Way to Emmaus: Jesus Performs His Story»,
Journal of Theological Interpretation, 1, p. 101-115.
SHIELL, William David (2004), Reading Acts : the Lector and the Early Christian Audience,
Boston, Brill Academic Publishers (Biblical interpretation series).
SWANSON, Richard W. (2006), Provoking the Gospel of Luke : A Storyteller's Commentary, Year
C, Cleveland, Pilgrim Press (Provoking the Gospel storytelling commentary).
ANDERSON, R.Dean (1999 (1996)), Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Paul / revised edition,
Louvain, Peeters (Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 18).
BARBAGLIO, Giuseppe (2004), «Les lettres de Paul: contexte de création et modalité de
communication de sa théologie», dans Andreas Dettwiler, Jean-Daniel Kaestli et Daniel
Marguerat (dir.), Paul, une théologie en construction, Genève, Labor et Fides (Le Monde
de la Bible 51), p. 67-103.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1992), «Letter Writing and Oral Communication in Antiquity: Suggested
Implications for the Interpretation of Paul's Letter to the Galatians», Scriptura, 42, p. 1734.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1993), «The Verbal Art of the Pauline Letters: Rhetoric, Performance and
Presence», dans S.E. PORTER et T.H. OLBRICHT (dir.), Rhetoric and the New Testament.
Essays from the 1992 Heidelberg Conference, Sheffield, JSOT Press (JSNT SuppS 90), p.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1994), «Social Values in the Rhetoric of Pauline Paraenetic Literature», Neot,
7928, p. 109-126.
BOTHA, Pieter J.J. (1998), «Paul and Gossip : A Social Mechanism in Early Christian
Communities», Neotestamentica, 32, p. 267-288.
BUTTICAZ, Simon (2012), «“Voyez avec quelles grosses lettres je vous ai écrit de ma propre main”
(Ga 6,11). Les lettres de Paul entre oralité, scribalité et écriture», à paraître en 2012 dans
Actes du colloque de Lausanne sur les « Humanités digitales ». p.
BUTTICAZ, Simon (2013), «“Que cette lettre soit lue à tous les frères” (1 Th 5,27). Les lettres de
Paul et le rôle du lector dans l’Antiquite», communication au colloque RRENAB 2012,
CLIVAZ, Claire (2009), «La rumeur, une catégorie pour articuler autoportraits et réceptions de
9 Bibliographie préparatoire au colloque RRENAB 2014 (Montréal) Paul. “Car ses lettres, dit-on, ont du poids... et sa parole est nulle” (2 Co 10,10)», dans
Daniel Marguerat (dir.), Reception of Paulinism in Acts / Réception du paulinisme dans les
Actes des Apôtres, Leuven, Peeters (BETL 229), p. 239-260.
DAVIS, Casey Wayne (1999), Oral Biblical Criticism : The Influence of the Principles of Orality
on the Literary Structure of Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, Sheffield, England, Sheffield
Academic Press (Journal for the study of the New Testament. Supplement series ; ).
DEWEY, Joanna (1994), «Textuality in an Oral Culture: A Survey of the Pauline Traditions»,
Semeia, no 65, p. 37-65.
DUNSCH, Boris (2010), «Menander bei Paulus: Oralität, Performanz und Zitationstechnik im
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