London 2012 Wembley Arena


London 2012 Wembley Arena
 L’Année Olympique à Saint Jo.
English version available on request. [email protected] En cette année olympique, nous proposons aux élèves du lycée des sujets d’étude et de réflexion en lien avec les pratiques sportives et le mouvement olympique, faits de société. Vous trouverez ci-­‐dessous une liste non exhaustive de thèmes qui pourront être abordés en relation avec les matières enseignées au lycée (en plus de l’EPS, partie prenante de chacun des thèmes). Des spécialistes extérieurs au lycée seront également sollicités. Les interventions et l’implication des élèves pourront prendre des formes diverses : -­‐ Conférence, témoignage, rencontre, projection, exposition. -­‐ Rencontre sportive, match (cécifoot : match contre des footballeurs aveugles, …). -­‐ Spectacle d’épreuves de sélection olympique (Tennis de Table, Handball…). -­‐ Travail de recherche, constitution de dossier. -­‐ Journée multi-­‐ateliers (comme nous l’avons fait pour la journée du souffle). -­‐ Quizz, Jeu type « la tête et les jambes », « Trivial Pursuit ». etc … Bienfaits et excès du sport, prise en compte du handicap, nécessité du respect de la règle, … à travers ces sujets, chacun sera amené à porter un regard lucide sur le fait sportif, phénomène de société, discipline d’enseignement, sujet de polémique et source de plaisir. Thèmes Disciplines d’enseignement associées N° Plus vite, plus haut, plus fort ! Jusqu’où ? Les limites de la performance humaine. Sport et handicap. Jeux paralympiques. Le dopage. Sport et santé. L’éducation du corps, témoignage des conceptions de l’Homme. L’olympisme, entre humanisme et lobbying. Les J.O. de la Jeunesse. Ethique et pratique sportive. Le respect de la règle. De l’amateurisme strict au professionnalisme et ses excès. Sports au féminin. Les Jeux du XXIème siècle (2002 à 2018). Athènes 1896 – Athènes 2004. L’Histoire des J.O. Antiques, Modernes. Le choix des villes olympiques. J.O. et politique. Jeux Olympiques et Francophonie. SVT, Physique, Chimie, Mathématiques, … 1 SVT, Philosophie, … SVT, ECJS, … SVT, … Philosophie, SVT, DERC, … 2 3 4 5 Philosophie, Histoire, ECJS, SES, DERC, … Philosophie, Histoire, ECJS, … Philosophie, ECJS, DERC, … Histoire, SVT, SES, … Histoire, SVT, Philosophie, ECJS, … Histoire, Grec, Chinois, Anglais, … Histoire, Grec, … Histoire, Grec, … Histoire, Géographie, SES, … Histoire, ECJS, SES, … Français, Histoire, Géographie, … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Les langues du CIO. Les langues des J.O. Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Chinois, … Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Chinois, … EPS, … EPS, … 17 Le volontariat. Avec quel C.V. ? Comment être candidat ? 18 EPS et Sports. 19 Jeux d’été, jeux d’hiver, sports divers. 20 Les définitions du sport. Les sports, olympiques ou pas. Les champions. EPS, … 21 Les J.O. vus de l’intérieur. EPS, … 22 Le cérémonial des jeux. Education musicale, Histoire, Latin, Grec, 23 Hymnes, drapeaux et symboles. Philosophie, ECJS, … Sport et expression artistique. Arts plastiques, Histoire, … 24 A titre d’illustration des thèmes 11 – 13 – 17 – 18 et 22, nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance in English du parcours des volontaires dans l’ambiance de la préparation des Jeux de Londres 2012. Wembley Arena, London, Saturday 18 February 2012, 08:30 AM. French version available on request. [email protected] A crowd of 10.000 volunteers take their seats inside the large arena. John Inverdale, sports journalist for the BBC (the local Gérard Holz) points out that this number represents less than 5% of the over 200.000-­‐strong Games maker team needed in the Olympic and Paralympic Games workforce. John Inverdale John Regis Seb Coe Usain Bolt Chris Allison Olympic Stadium First, he presents the program of this Orientation training and then introduces English sprint champion John Regis, Paralympic champions and members of the LOCOG (the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) management, including the first of them, Seb Coe. Known as Lord Sebastian Newbold Coe, Baron Coe, Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire, twice Olympic champion, 12 times world recorder, is the chairman of the LOCOG. The training alternates interviews, news show, and live and recorded accounts of volunteer fans such as Usain Bolt. A large part of this training aims to familiarise each volunteer with their involvement in the security of the Games. Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison, the National Olympic Security Coordinator for the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, explains how important the role for each of us is. Assistant Commissioner is the third highest rank in London's Metropolitan Police. There are usually only four officers in the rank in the United Kingdom, making them the equal fourth highest paid police officers, according with their huge responsibilities. Important time has been dedicated in the Paralympic Games organisation. Several Olympic multi-­‐gold medallists (9 times for Chris Holmes, a blind swimmer champion) share their experience and reiterate the essential role held by the volunteers. According to the Equality Act 2010, each person will be hosted with the same respect of personality and particularities. There are six strands of diversity: Disability, Gender, Ethnicity/Race, Belief, Age, Sexual orientation. Everyone is invited, welcomed and embraced within London 2012. A special consideration is to take into account toward the Muslim people since the Ramadan month will take place this year during the Olympics (from 20 July to 19 August). The motto for each volunteer is: I DO ACT. Be Inspirational, Be Distinctive, Be Open, Be Alert, Be Consistent, Be a part of the Team. Arrival at St Pancras Railway Station Lead with professionalism, precision, pedagogy and a British sense of humour, this orientation training finished at 12:45, as announced. Each of us has been given the « Games Maker Workbook » and a CD ROM in order to remember all the messages given during this training session and to go on in the personal preparation of the Olympic Games. A volunteer’s journey : My journey started on 15 September 2010, and my first step was to fill out the application form. The second step was the 30 minute telephone interview, in English, of course, on 28 April 2011, at 13:30. On 28 September 2011, I received a Games Maker offer in the Handball team at the Olympic Games. On 8 October 2011, the Olympic Games role confirmation specifies that I will take on the role of Team Liaison Team Member with the HANDBALL team at HANDBALL ARENA (heats) and at BASKETBALL ARENA (finals) during the OLYMPIC GAMES. ü On 4 December 2011, I received an invitation for the Orientation training. ü On 18 February 2012, the Orientation training. ü
The next steps will be now: ü The Role training, ü The Venue training, ü The Olympic Games, 27 July-­‐12 Aug 2012. Unfortunately, I couldn’t apply for the Paralympics as they will take place from 29 Aug to 9 Sept 2012, after the school holidays. Another unofficial challenge will be for the 200,000 workforce members to find accommodation close to their venue. In some places (hotels, B&Bs), all the rooms are already booked, sometimes for about 10 times the usual price! It is a great opportunity for the 70.000 volunteers, chosen among almost 250,000 Games Maker applicants, to assist in some Olympic events. I met an Englishman who obtained places through relatives in the States, since no more tickets are available in the UK! Some places have been sold on the black market to £4,500 (≈ 5,300 €) for the 100 m heats! What about the finals? Consider the price for each second in a race expected for less than 10 seconds! For the lucky volunteers whose task will be inside the Olympic stadium, this show will be for free. But beyond these considerations, the main motivation remains to welcome people from all over the world, to meet the champions of yesterday, today and tomorrow, and to participate from the inside in the most mediatized event of the planet. John Regis St Pancras Usain Bolt journalists Wembley Arena 

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