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Maison de la Famille de Neuilly
Rentrée semaine du 12 septembre 2016
Toute année commencée est due à l’issue du 1er cours.
Un calendrier pour l’année vous sera remis au 1er cours.
Merci de prévenir en cas d’absence au cours : Tel 01 46 24 09 19
e-mail : [email protected]
Material :
A copy book (cahier petit format) A stick of glue (colle UHU)
A ballpoint pen (bic)
A set of felt tip pens or coloring pencils (feutres ou crayons de couleurs)
Level 1 : Maternelle Petite Section 15h15 à 16h15
- Vocabulary: Colours + What colour is it ? Farm animals , Fruit
_ Songs & Games : Farm Game, The little soldiers, Fruit song……….
- Celebrations Activities ( Christmas, Easter, Mother’s day, Halloween …..)
Level 2 : Maternelle Moyenne Section Mercredi 14h15 à 15h15
- Vocabulary : Colours, Farm & Wild Animals, Family, House, Furniture, School Objects and Fruit.
- Songs & Nursery Rhymes
- Celebrations Activities according to the calendar such as Halloween, Xmas, , Mother’s day, Saint
Valentine’s day ……..
Level 3 : Maternelle Grande Section Mercredi 16h30 à 17h30
- Vocabulary : House, Furniture, On the Table, Colours, School objects, Family, Wild & Farm Animals,
Body, Big & Small, Numbers
- Games : Simon says, Role play………
- Celebrations all around the year : Halloween, Xmas, Mother’s day ……………..
Level 4 : CP Mercredi 13h15 à 14h15
- Vocabulary : House, Furniture, Family, On the table, Greetings, Body, Clothes, School Equipment,
Colours, Numbers, Greetings,
- Grammar : Prepositions, To Be (Is & Am ), The,
- Activities : Games ( Simon says, Miming, Role play….) & Celebrations all around the year (
Halloween, Xmas, Mother’s day ……)
Level 5 : CE1 & CE2 - Lundi 17h30 à 18h15
- Grammar : verbs to be & to have got, A & An, The, My & Your,
- Vocabulary : House, Furniture, On the table, Family, Greetings, Body, Clothes, School objects, Days &
Months, Colours, Numbers …………
- Activities : Games (Simon says, Miming, Theatre) & Celebrations (Xmas, Halloween….)
Level 6 : CM1 CM2 – JEUDI 17h15 à 18h15
- -Grammar : Verbs to be, to have got, Present continuous and simple, Prepositions,
Possessive adjectives, Possessive «s », A / An, The, Can, Questions,
Vocabulary : Family, House and Furniture, School objects, Adjectives, Feelings, Clothes, Animals,
Numbers, days and months …… ;
Activities and Games : Simon Says, Miming, Role Play, Scrambled Words, Hanged man, Guessing