Page numbers in bold refer to figures. abstract art, 47, 60


Page numbers in bold refer to figures. abstract art, 47, 60
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978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
in France after 1968
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Note: Page numbers in bold refer to figures.
abstract art, 47, 60, 156, 182, 183–184, 207, 224n78
Abstract Expressionism, American, 181, 182
abstraction, postwar French, 182
Academy, French. See also Ecole des Beaux-Arts
long-term influence of, 40, 54
“Accident, L’” (Messager), 192, 193
activism, artistic, 24–27, 24–28, 28–29, 74, 211,
221n14. See also ateliers populaires; author,
“death” of; Conceptual Art; Fluxus; graffiti,
GRAV; Salon de la Jeune Peinture;
Situationist International
art education, critiques of (see art education)
art market, critiques of (see art market)
art museums, critiques of, 5, 6, 26, 29–30, 32–35,
38, 67–68, 117, 211
collaborations, 48, 58–59, 62, 74–75
documentation of, in 1968, 27
and specialization, critiques of, 19, 27, 55, 59, 61,
62, 64, 67, 82–83, 99
activism, political, 6, 15, 211. See also May/June
1968 activism
activist graphics, 100
anti-Vietnam War, 3, 16, 19, 202
artists involvement in (see activism, artistic)
Ad Hoc Women Artists Group, 16
advertising. See also mass media
“before” and “after,” 151, 151–152, 152
politics and, 78
role in women’s magazines, 146, 151–152
shared unconscious in, 194
sources, 150
Affiches, 1968, 49–53, 55. See also atelier populaire at
the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris
affichistes, 116
Aillaud, Gilles
and Expo ’72, 117
Alberro, Alexander
Conceptual Art, 14–15
Album de photos de la Famille D., 1939–1964
(Boltanski), 99–100, 101, 108–109,
108–111, 112, 113, 113–115, 115
criticism on, 108–109, 119–120
exhibition traveling crate, 105, 105
social status of D. Family, 229n46
statement about, 109, 229n43
viewer identification with, 109–110, 190–191
alternative exhibition spaces, 61, 68, 78–79, 196
Althusser, Louis, 12, 132, 232–233n17
amateur photographs, 188–190, 239n54
American Center for Students and Artists, Paris, 75,
80, 84, 226n5, n6
Occupation des lieux, 75, 77
Work in Progress, 84
American Embassy, Paris, 75
American museums, 16, 211
anarchists, 19, 48, 128–129
“Animation-Recherche-Confrontation” (ARC). See
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Annette Messager collectionneuse (exhibition), 155,
155–158, 234–235nn35–38
anonymous artwork, 27, 72
anonymous, black artists as, 212
anti-Semitism, 206
Archiv der Deutschen Abgeordneten (Boltanski), 1, 3
Archives (Boltanski), 1, 2, 11
personal memorabilia in, 7, 8
Arman, 47, 182, 185, 204, 226n11. See also nouveaux
réalistes/nouveau réalisme
Art Brut. See outsider art
art collectors, 122, 185
conservatism of, 224n75
art collectors, American, 57
art, contemporary
autonomy of, 24
as critical and political instrument, 27–28
decentralization of, 200
and politics, intersection of, 78, 117, 200, 201,
and school system, time-lag between, 54
art criticism, 10
feminist, 153
on gender vs. universality in art, 13–14, 164, 165,
194, 242n27
art education, 24–28, 33, 53. See also art history;
Ecole des Arts Décoratifs; Ecole des
Beaux-Arts; education; Gaudibert, Pierre
academic traditionalism and, 36, 54, 55
art market, relation to, 44, 53, 54, 56
critiques of, 24–28, 32–35, 53–55, 61–64, 67, 158
history of, 55
and museums, 32–34, 174–175
and popular culture, 36
prize competitions, 54, 55–56
reforms in, 55, 221n17
and social control, 60, 64, 232n16
and working class, 25, 33–35, 175
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978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
in France after 1968
Rebecca J. DeRoo
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Art en France: Une Nouvelle Génération (Clair), 27–28,
29, 118–120
art galleries. See also art market; Galerie
Gillespie-Laage; Galerie Iris Clert; Galerie J;
Sonnabend Gallery (Paris); Templon Gallery
and art establishment, 186
boycotts of, 26
closure during 1968 protests, 26, 28–29
proliferation of, near Pompidou Center, 172–173
and sales network, 200
art history, 54, 55, 160. See also Malraux, André
without names, 106
Articulés-désarticulés (Messager), 2, 4, 5, 209–210
art institutions, 200–201. See also cultural
institutions; museum(s)
critique of, 60, 67–68, 104–105
feminist critique of, 156
reconstruction of, 19, 70
“Artist and Society, The” (Ragon), 44
“Artistes révoltés contre la politique totalitaire et
technocratique des pouvoirs publics en
matière d’art, Les” (tract), 229–230n49
artist residency programs (U.S.), 68
artists, French
alliances with workers, 27
career difficulties of, 57–60, 71–73
contradictions between political critique and
material needs, 68
as ethnographers of themselves, 160, 162
and exhibition venues, 41, 68, 117
and oppositional practice, 79–80
artists, international, 41, 203, 204–205, 234n32
art market, 24, 54. See also art galleries; Fonds
National d’Art Contemporain (FNAC);
Fonds Régionaux d’Art Contemporain
(FRACs); Moulin, Raymonde
economic mechanisms of, 56–58
expansion of, 201
fiscal austerity and, 202
inflation in ’80s, 200
and mail art, 96
museum influence on, 121–122, 173
and nouveaux réalistes, 47
operations, analyses of, 26–27, 71–72
Pompidou Center, relation to, 68, 116, 122,
public funding and, 238n52
speculation in, 56–58
state support of, 121
women artists and, 158
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art museums, critiques of. See activism, artistic;
Art of Assemblage (exhibition), MOMA, NY,
art of the mentally ill. See “outsider art”
art, regional, 200
Arts Plastiques, Festival des, 225n92
art world. See also artists, French
changes in power structures of, 24–28
subversion vs. participation in, 82–83
art world activism. See activism, artistic
art world politics
mystification in, 24, 36
assemblage, 83, 186, 227nn12–14, 238n43. See also
nouveaux réalistes/nouveau réalisme
atelier populaire at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris,
26, 27, 34, 48–53, 59
Affiches, 1968, 49–53, 55
contesting market valuation of art, 59
further influence of, 48, 58–59, 74–75
attributions, manipulation of, 64
auction, private, 97
audiovisual materials, 176
author, “death” of, 71, 78–79. See also Barthes,
Roland; Boltanski, Christian; Foucault,
Michel; Messager, Annette; Moulin,
as applied to visual art creation, 59, 72–73
in artistic biography, 9–11
authorship, critiques of, 91–92
autobiography, in artwork, 7, 9–11, 85–86, 118
limits of historical retrieval, 9, 11, 73–74, 90–91,
Avant-après (“Before and After”) (Messager),
150–151, 151, 152
“Avant-garde clandestine, Une” (Clair), 120
avant-garde, French, 231n2
competition within, 26, 28, 46, 48
critical interpretation of, 208
Expo ’72 exhibition, 116, 120
museum elitism and, 117, 159
and political control, 117
Barthes, Roland, 10, 230n53
“Death of the Author, The,” 72
Bastille, Paris
Opera at, 200
Bâtons roses (Boltanski), 84, 85
Baudrillard, Jean
on Pompidou Center, 180
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978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
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Rebecca J. DeRoo
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Bazin, André, 118
Beaubourg. See Pompidou Center
Beaubourg Foundation. See Georges Pompidou Art
and Culture Foundation
beaux-arts tradition, 60, 160, 170. See also Ecole des
in painting, 28, 47
Bensaïd, Daniel, 22
Bernstein, Michèle, 42
Bertholin, Jean-Marie, 120, 159–160
Biasini, Emile, 32
Bibliothèque Nationale, 200
biography, artistic. See autobiography, in artwork
biscuit boxes, 11, 93–95, 94, 95, 104–105, 228n26
Bissière, Roger, 53
black Americans
history of, 212
Black Emergency Cultural Coalition (BECC), 16
Blanchot, Maurice, 118
Blistène, Bernard, 236n4
B.M.P.T. See Buren, Daniel; Mosset, Olivier;
Parmentier, Michel; Toroni, Niele
Bois, Yve-Alain, 40
Boîte en valise (Duchamp), 103
Boîtes de biscuits (Boltanski), 93–95, 94, 95, 104,
105, 228n26
Boltanski, Christian, 6–7, 61, 108, 159, 186. See also
Conceptual Art; Land Art; Mail Art;
Occupation des lieux
archives (see also works: Archives)
auction of, 97–98
and authorship, “death” of, 9, 10, 68, 70, 73, 98
belongings, personal, illustrations of, 87–88, 88,
contradictions in, 7, 9–10, 85–86, 118
family background, 1, 9
themes, 9, 73–74
burial and exhumation, ideas of, 84, 85, 98
career advancement, 85–86, 98–99, 186–187, 191
childhood memories and themes, 1, 71, 73
collaborative works, 74–79, 80–85, 81, 96–97
criticism on, 27–28, 82–83, 84, 86, 99, 106–107,
108, 118–119, 212–214
critique of museums, 83–84, 90–91, 99–100, 200
curatorial distortions, 74, 99, 108, 200
ethnographic display methods, 7, 11 (see also
ethnographic museums; vitrines)
exhibitions, 64–65, 186–187 (see also Documenta
5, Lessons of Darkness)
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and Expo ’72, 117, 196
Holocaust, references to, in works, 1, 9, 212–214,
218–219n16, 219n20
interpretations of universality in his work, 73–74,
110, 115, 165
interviews with, 218–219n16, 219n17, 227n20,
230n59, 238n53, 239n54
and Judaism, 219n17
and Messager, Annette, 12, 66, 125, 192, 194–196
and multiple identities, 12, 98–99 (see also
and outsider art, 102, 104
and political action, 3, 67, 117
and popular photography, 187–192, 239n54
sales of work, 96, 122, 187
Album de photos de la Famille D., 1939–1964,
99–100, 101, 108–111, 112, 113, 113–115,
115, 190–191
Archiv der Deutschen Abgeordneten, installation,
1999, 1, 3
Archives, 2, 7, 8, 11
Bâtons roses, 84, 85
Boîtes de biscuits, 93–95, 94, 95, 104, 105
Chambre ovale, La, 65, 66
Concession à perpétuité, 80, 81, 82–83
Essais de reconstitution, 122
Exhibition Traveling Crate, 105
Images modèles, 187–191, 188
Lettre demandant de l’aide, 91–92, 93, 105,
Lycée Chases, 9–10
Maison manquante, La, 9–10
Pièges, 95, 104, 122
Recherche et présentation de tout ce qui reste de mon
enfance 1944–1950, 86–91, 87, 88, 89, 104,
Reconstitution des gestes, 105
Repas, 83, 83–84
62 Membres du Club Mickey en 1955, Les, 117,
Vitrine(s) de référence, 7, 101, 102, 109, 117
works, materials used
mannequins, 80, 82
mud balls, 83–84
vitrines, 85–91, 94–99, 105
writings and mail art
on Boîtes de biscuits, 93
on color photography, 239n58
exhibition invitation, 106, 228n37
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Rebecca J. DeRoo
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Boltanski, Christian (cont.)
letter to Szeeman, 104, 228n35
Recherche et présentation de tout ce qui reste de mon
enfance, 86–87, 227n20
statement on D. Family album, Documenta 5
catalog, 109, 229n43
Boltanski, Luc, 132–134, 136
institutional analyses by, 12, 219n21, 232n16
Photography: A Middle-Brow Art (contributor),
110, 188
Prime Education et morale de classe, 132–133, 136
Bonheur, Le (film, Varda), 193
Bonnes Soirées (serial), 194
Bordaz, Robert, 237n33
Borgeaud, Bernard, 228n28
criticism on Boltanski as “fanatic,” 98
and Expo ’72, 117
Boulez, Pierre, 169, 236n3
Bourdieu, Pierre, 232n16
on art education and class bias, 32–33, 34,
174–175, 231n10
elitist emphasis, criticized for, 36, 175
on museum visitors, social profile of, 32, 34
on photography, and social class, 110–111, 114,
surveys on museum attendance, 32–33, 179
Inheritors, The (with Jean-Claude Passeron),
Love of Art, The, 32, 174–175
Photography: A Middle-Brow Art, 110, 188
bourgeois society, 33–34, 35, 170
and art market, 56–57
of exhibitions, 26, 79–80
Boyer, Kathryn Ann, 222n39
Bozo, Dominique, 236n4
Brecht, George, 45
Broodthaers, Marcel, 103
Buchloh, Benjamin, 218n15, 226n9
Buren, Daniel, 61, 62, 64, 65, 226n11
criticism on, 27–28
Photo-souvenir: Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni,
Manifestation no. 3, 66
political activism, 67, 79, 117
stripe paintings, 14
burial practices, French, 82
Bury, Pol, 116
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Cabanne, Pierre, 222n34, 224n74, n75
Cahier de Couture (Lycée Marie Curie), 138, 139,
Cahiers du cinéma, Les (journal), 10, 72
Cahiers du GRIF, Les (journal), 131
camera clubs. See amateur photographs
Campement projet, Le (Le Gac), 62, 63
protests against, 3, 19, 26, 202
Capture of Speech, The (de Certeau), 38
Casati, Cesar, 237n29
Cassou, Jean, 39–40, 221–222n28
Art and Confrontation, 217n9
Castel, Robert, 188–190
Cauchemar, Le (Messager), 192, 195
censorship, state, 49, 51
Center for Industrial Creation (CCI), 169, 174. See
also Mathey, François
Centre National d’Art Contemporain (CNAC),
Boltanski exhibition, 186, 196
Centre National d’Art et de Culture Georges
Pompidou (Beaubourg), Paris. See Pompidou
Certeau, Michel de. See de Certeau, Michel
César, 116, 182, 185, 204. See also nouveaux
réalistes/nouveau réalisme
Chaissac, Gaston, 204
Chamberlain, John, 183
Chambre ovale, La (Boltanski), 65, 66
Chases High School (Boltanski). See Lycée Chases
Chirac, Jacques, 202, 204, 205
and Georges Pompidou legacy, 202–203,
Christian right (U.S.), 211
Christo, 204. See also nouveaux réalistes/nouveau
Chroniques de l ’art vivant (journal), 106, 158, 164,
205, 208. See also Clair, Jean (Gérard Regnier)
Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center, Ohio,
Cinq Musées personnels (exhibition), 159–160
catalog essay, 160, 162–163
Citroën workers
strike, 49
Cixous, Hélène, 12
Clair, Jean (Gérard Regnier), 29, 100, 106, 108,
231n2, 241nn18–25, 242n26. See also
Chroniques de l ’art vivant (journal); Expo ’72
attack on French cultural institutions, 205–206
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on the avant-garde, 28, 120
Boltanski, criticism on, 106–108, 118–120, 208,
229n38, n39
on Conceptual Art, 27, 28
diagram on French art world, 29
on Documenta 5, 106–108, 118
on Expo ’72, 116–121
Le Gac, criticism on, 106–108, 229n38, n39
Made in France exhibition, criticism on, 204–205
on national culture, 120, 206–208
on photography, 118–120
and politics, 27, 120, 205–208, 242n26
Art en France: Une Nouvelle Génération, 27–28,
118–120, 230n52, n56
“Une Avant-garde clandestine,” 120, 230n58
class alliances, 27
class bias, 19, 25. See also Bourdieu, Pierre;
Clayssen, Jacques, 230n59
CNAC. See Centre National d’Art Contemporain
Cobra (artists’ group), 223n47
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 22
collaboration, egalitarian. See activism, artistic
collective representations, reality in, 194
collectors. See art collectors
Collin, Françoise, 234n34
colonial wars, 31
commemorative events (1990s), 203
Commission on Reforming Instruction in the
Visual Arts. See Ecole des Beaux-Arts
commodity culture, 168
communists, 19, 48, 128–129
Conceptual Art (Alberro and Stimson), 14–15, 16
Conceptual Art and artists, 226n8, 227n15. See also
Boltanski, Christian; Buren, Daniel;
institutional critique; Le Gac, Jean;
Messager, Annette; Pane, Gina
and activism, 60–70
co-optation of, 14–15
critical interpretations of, 27, 28, 218n15, 226n8,
in England and United States, 79
and political activism, 9, 14, 27, 61, 67–68
politics, 14, 15
Concession à perpétuité (Boltanski, Le Gac, Pane), 80,
81, 82–83
Conkelton, Sheryl, 219n22
Conseil Artistique des Musées Nationaux
acquisitions policy, 40
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conservatism, cultural, 211
Constructivism, 181
consumerism, 76. See also Lefebvre, Henri
consumer culture, wastefulness of, 141–142,
passivity of, 42, 43
contemporary artists
and exclusionary museum practices, 41
copyright law, 10
Cordier, Daniel, 56, 224n75, n78
and Expo ’72, 116
Cottington, Laura, 234n34
Coupole, La, 43, 45
creativity, revolutionary, 42, 43–44, 128
Crocrodrome (installation, Luginbühl, de
Saint-Phalle, Tinguely), 178–179, 179
Crow, Tom
Rise of the Sixties, The, 14, 15, 16
C.R.S. state security police, 21, 44, 49, 50, 51–52,
67, 69
Cueff, Alain, 241n15, n17
Made in France exhibit, criticism on, 204–205
“Cuisson des aliments, La” (Messager), 142–143,
143, 144
cultural institutions. See also art institutions;
critiques of, 26–28, 67–68
development of social consciousness, 2
exclusion of public from, 36
cultural policy, contemporary. See also Lang, Jack
’68 agenda and, 17–18, 153–154, 199–200
“Cultural World and Art Education, The”
(Gaudibert), 54
culture, “death” of, 180
culture, popular, 30–31, 48, 49, 52, 168, 174, 181.
See also mass media
curators, 74, 99. See also Pompidou Center
and Boltanski, Christian, 108, 212–215
Documenta 5, 99, 122
Documenta 11, 209
Expo ’72, 116–117
and Messager, Annette, 155–157, 158–164
curriculum. See art education; education
Dadaism, 181, 183, 238n43–44
Dagen, Philippe, 218n12
Daily Gestures (Messager). See Gestes quotidiens, Les
Daily Timetable for the Ménagère (Ginette Mathiot
and Nelly de Lamaze, Manuel d ’éducation
ménagère), 135
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Dallier, Aline, 157, 234n34, 236n33
dealer-critic system. See also art galleries; art market;
and speculation, 56–58
“Death of the Author, The” (Barthes), 72. See also
author, “death” of
de Benoist, Alain, 206
Debord, Guy, 42
Debré, Michel, 23
de Certeau, Michel, 24, 234n29
universal culture, critique of, 38, 163
de Gaulle, Charles, 3, 16, 29–30
dissolution of National Assembly, 20, 23
economic stabilization plan, 20
Gaullism, 19
neo-Gaullism, 202
reelection of, 24
Degottex, Jean, 116
de Lamaze, Nelly, 135
“De L’Art en France à Made in France” (Clair), 206,
Délégation aux Arts Plastiques, Paris, 241n20
de Menil, Dominique, 185
democracy, cultural, 29–30, 170, 187, 197, 212,
Malraux’s vision of, 31–32, 197
in 1970s, 170, 187
Département des Aigles (Broodthaers), 103
dérive. See Situationist International
DeRoo, Rebecca J., 229n46
de Saint-Phalle, Niki, 47, 116, 182, 185, 204
Crocrodrome, 178–179, 179
de Staël, Nicolas, 204
D. Family Album (Boltanski). See Album de photos de
la Famille D., 1939–1964
Direction des Arts Plastiques, 40
Foucault on, 232–233n17
Dispersion à l ’amiable (private auction), 97
invitation to, 97
Distel, Herbert, 103
Documenta 5, Kassel, Germany, 98, 99–109, 115,
228n29. See also Szeeman, Harald
themes of, 100
criticism on, 118, 119
history of, 228n29
validation of artists’ works, 122
Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany
goals of exhibition, 1–2
sociological and political themes, 209
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of art world activism, 1968, 27
domestic labor. See also feminism; home economics;
Mouvement de Libération des Femmes; women’s
magazines; “women’s work”
critiques of, 141, 234n29
culture of, 142–143
“Homemaker’s Timetable, The,” 131, 135
“Housework is work,” 131
modernization of, 142, 146
paradox of, and differing interpretations,
state regulation of, 132–134
undervaluation of, 131–132, 156
Dorival, Bernard, 40
d’Ornano, Michel, 183
Dreyfus-Armand, Geneviève, 231n10
Dubuffet, Jean, 102, 204
Duchamp, Marcel, 171, 238n42, n43
Boîte en valise, 103, 105
retrospective, Pompidou Center, 183
Duchen, Claire, 233n23
Dufrêne, Bernadette, 236n3
Dufrêne, François, 116
“Du Musée imaginaire à l’imaginaire muséal” (Clair),
Dupuis, Sylvie, 194
Durand, Michel, 229n46
Ecole de Paris (School of Paris), 40, 181,
Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, 25
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. See also beaux-arts
and atelier populaire, 48, 49–53, 55
Commission on Reforming Instruction in the
Visual Arts, 1968, 34–35
conservative influence and outdated teaching, 25,
60, 224n75
occupations (sit-ins), 19, 25, 44, 55, 75
ecomuseums, 196–197. See also ethnographic
museums; provincial museums
economics. See also art market; consumerism;
domestic labor
Fordism, 233n23
and globalization, 2
and government cultural spending, 202, 236n11
inflation of art market, 200
national arts budgets, 54
and social organization, 42
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education. See also art education; Bourdieu, Pierre
class bias, 231n10
curriculum, divided, 130–131, 157–158
curriculum for women, 129, 130–144
demands for reform, 3–5, 19, 131
history of, 33
home economics, 130–132, 140
pre-baccalaureate, 130
textbooks, gender roles in, 232n12
tracking by gender and class, 130–131
Eliel, Carol S., 218n13, 219n22, 220n25,
elitism, 26
in museum policy, imposition on public, 28, 35,
Elle (magazine), 13, 144, 151
Enwezor, Okwui, 209. See also Documenta 11,
Kassel, Germany
Erró, 117
Eschapasse, Maurice, 116
Essais de reconstitution (Boltanski), 122
ethnographic museums, 37, 104, 105, 159, 160. See
also ecomuseums
display cases, 7, 11, 37, 102, 106, 155, 158 (see also
poststructuralist and postcolonial critiques of,
ethnography, 30, 90
and history, study of, 38
everyday life, 223n44. See also Boltanski, Luc;
Lefebvre, Henri; Messager, Annette
alternative view of art, based on, 35, 39–49,
51–60, 129–130
and artistic practice, 7, 41, 168, 183, 186
and museums, 7, 37–38, 39, 41–49, 51–60,
167–169, 173
oppression in, 42
politics of, 13, 125–130, 152–153, 164–165,
Everyday Life in the Modern World (Lefebvre), 41–42,
exhibition catalogs
Pompidou Center, 176
as surrogate object, 84
exhibition spaces
alternative, 61, 68, 78–79, 196
exhibitions, feminist, 196
exhibitions, traveling, 122, 172
Exhibition Traveling Crate (Boltanski), 105
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Expo ’72, 12 Ans d’art contemporain en France, 98,
115–122, 196
curators’ selections, 116–117
and political protest, 17, 117, 119, 203
themes, 116–117
family album. See Album de photos de la Famille D.
family history, 110, 111, 113, 114
family photographs, 1, 7, 9, 214, 218n11, 230n53.
See also photography
FAP. See Front des Artistes Plasticiens
fascism, 207, 242n26
Féminie-dialogue (exhibition), 196
media images of, 192
in work of Messager, 12, 210
feminism. See also Mouvement de Libération des
Femmes; gender issues
art criticism, 129, 153
debates on societal roles, 152–153
demands on museums, 6–7, 125, 211
literary theorists and women artists, comparative
visibility of, 236n53
and universalism, 17
in work of Messager, recasting of ’68 and, 12, 67,
feminist exhibitions, 196. See also Messager, Annette
Festival des Arts Plastiques, 225n32, 225n92,
Fête de la musique
and spirit of ’68, 201–202
Feuilleton, Le (Messager), 192–194, 193, 195,
fiches cuisine (recipe cards), 144, 156
Figaro, Le (newspaper), 194
Filliou, Robert, 45, 47. See also Fluxus; mail art
films, 82
Vie impossible de Christian Boltanski, La, 65
Finley, Karen, 242n28
Fisher, Joel, 159–160
Flay, Jennifer, 227–228n24, n25
Fleck, John, 242n28
Fluxus, 45–47
alternative sites and, 53
manifesto, 45–46
FNAC. See Fonds National d’Art Contemporain
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (FNAC), 121,
Fonds Régionaux d’Art Contemporain (FRACs),
200–201, 240n3
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Foucault, Michel, 97, 132, 232n16
on authorship, 10, 71
on discipline and punishment, 232–233n17
how institutions shape individual subjectivity,
“What Is an Author?”, 71, 72
FRACs. See Fonds Régionaux d’Art Contemporain
Francis, Sam, 204
Frascina, Francis, 220n31
in art market, 57–58
Frauen Machen Kunst (exhibition), 196
French academic tradition. See Academy, French
French government. See also Chirac, Jacques; de
Gaulle, Charles; Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry;
Mitterrand, François; Pompidou, Georges
and arts budget, 158
concessions to protesters, 23–24
cultural policies, 200–206
Guy, Michel (Minister of Culture), 171–172
National Assembly, dissolution of, 20
rally in support of, May 30, 1968, 23, 23
regional arts administration, 200
French history, reinterpretation of, 3, 19,
French revolution, 16
Fromanger, Gérard, 48
Front des Artistes Plasticiens (FAP), 117,
Front National, 205–206
Galerie Gillespie-Laage, 187, 192, 194
Galerie Iris Clert, 47
Galerie J, 64
Galerie Magers, Bonn, Germany, 196
Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, 39
Georges Pompidou, Homme de culture (exhibition),
galleries. See art galleries
games, collective, 43
Garb, Tamar, 219n17
Garcia Rossi, Horacio, 43
Garrard, Mary, 220n29
Gasiorowski, Gérard, 117, 120
Gassiot-Talabot, Gérald, 228n29
Gatellier, Gilbert, 227nn12–14, n16, n18, n21
criticism on Boltanski, as “fanatic,” 98
criticism on Concession à perpétuité, 82–83
criticism on Recherche et présentation, 90–91,
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Gaudibert, Pierre. See also Musée d’Art Moderne de
la Ville de Paris
on art education, 41, 54, 56, 224n75
Geismar, Alan, 22
gender issues
and art criticism, 13–14, 153, 157–158, 164, 165,
feminist movement and, 17, 129
Génération (publication) (Hamon and Rotman),
genius, concept of, 9, 27
gentrification, 170–171
Georges Pompidou Art and Culture Foundation,
Georges Pompidou, Homme de culture (exhibition), 203
Gestes quotidiens, Les (Messager), 146, 147, 148
Gillespie-Laage Gallery. See Galerie Gillespie-Laage
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 165
Golan, Romy, 182, 238n40
Goldstein, Ann, 226n8
government. See French government
graffiti, 26
anti-consumerist, 43
Situationist-inspired, 43
GRAV, 43–44, 47, 48, 61, 67, 116
alternative sites and, 53
members, 43, 45
Une Journée dans la rue (project), 43, 45
Guerilla Art Action Group, 16
Guerilla Girls (U.S.), 211
Guggenheim Museum (New York), 204
Gumpert, Lynn, 217n2
on Boltanski exhibit, Lessons of Darkness, 9,
on Holocaust influences, 1, 9, 212–214, 217n2
Guy, Michel (Minister of Culture), 171–172
Hains, Raymond, 116, 185, 204
Hamon, Hervé, 202
Hantaï, Simon, 117
happenings, permanent, 44
Harrison, Charles, 218n15, 226n8
Havana, Cuba
public art and revolution, 44
Helms, Jesse, 242n28
history. See also art history
collective, 5–6, 123
feminine identity in, 13
frozen in time, 217n2
Jewish, 219n17
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museum presentation of, 7, 8, 11, 103
personal, 2, 3, 114, 119
post-1968 decade, 214
retrieval from, 11
shared, 30
specificity of, 210
history, family. See family history
history, French, reinterpretation of. See French
history, reinterpretation of
history, Holocaust. See Holocaust
history of education. See education
Hitchcock, Alfred
movies and posters, 192
Holocaust, 1, 9. See also Boltanski, Christian;
Gumpert, Lynn
repressed history of, 212–214, 219n20
works, difficulties in interpretation of, 213–214
works, spectator and, 217n2
Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.
Tower of Life installation, 1
Holz, Hans Hein, 108–109, 110
home economics, 130–132, 140, 158, 233n23.
See also domestic labor; “women’s work”
Honnef, Klaus, 239n56
on Messager, feminine aesthetic of, 193–194
housekeeping. See domestic labor
housework. See domestic labor
Hughes, Holly, 242n28
Hulten, Pontus, 169, 183, 236n3, 238n43, n45
catalog essay, Paris-New York exhibition, 183–184,
criticism on Tinguely, 183–184
exhibition strategies, 178–180, 181–183
humanism, 26, 30–31, 162, 210. See also Malraux,
iconoclasm, 121
Identité/Identifications (exhibition), 239n54, n59
mythic and fictional, 65, 73, 94, 119
representations of, 9–11, 12, 98, 219n18
Images modèles (“Model Images”) (Boltanski),
187–191, 188, 189
individual expression, art as highest form of,
individualism, rhetoric of, 212
“individuality of the artist” (theme, Expo ’72),
“individual mythologies” (theme, Documenta 5),
99–100, 102, 106–107
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industrial aesthetics, 173
Inheritors, The (Passeron and Bourdieu), 231n10
installations. See also Boltanski, Christian; Land Art;
Le Gac, Jean; Messager, Annette; Pane, Gina
Bâtons roses (Boltanski), 84, 85
Concession à perpétuité (Boltanski, Le Gac, Pane),
80, 81, 82–83
Crocrodrome (Luginbühl, de Saint-Phalle,
Tinguely), 178–179, 179
Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington,
D.C., 1
Pompidou Center, 178–179, 179
Reichstag building, Berlin, Germany, 1, 3
Institut d’Art et Archéologie, 55
Institute for Musical Research (IRCAM), 169, 174.
See also Boulez, Pierre
institutional analysis, 12
institutional critique, 99, 104–105
and Conceptual Art, 14, 28, 67–68
politics of, 14–15
Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique,
Rouen, France, 13, 139
interactive art experiences, 36–37, 43, 178
internationalism, 182–186, 205–208
reaction against, in France, 206–208
Intox vient à domicile, L’ (poster), 51
Jacob, Mary Jane, 212, 217n1
Jeu de Paume (museum). See Galerie Nationale du
Jeu de Paume
Jeunes Artistes à Paris (exhibition), 80, 83–84
“Job Market in Painting, The” (student tract),
57–58, 224–225n79
Johns, Jasper, 183
Johnson, Ray, 45, 47. See also Fluxus; mail art
Jouffroy, Alain, 92
Journée dans la rue, Une (project, GRAV), 43, 45
Journiac, Michel
and Expo ’72, 117
Occupation des lieux, participation in, 75–76,
Jungblut, Guy, 239n58
Kandinsky, Nina, 183
kinetic art, 116
Klein, Yves, 47, 116
Kovachevich, Thomas, 159
Kracauer, Siegfried, 212–213
Krisis (journal), 206, 241n20
“Kritische Theorie des ästhetischen Zeichens”
(Holz), 108–109
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Kudo, Tetsumi
Occupation des lieux, participation in, 75–76, 77
Künstlerinnen International (exhibition), 196
labor, creative, 27
labor, domestic. See domestic labor
labor, manual, 27
Lacan, Jacques, 118
Lainé, Pascal
on domestic artisanship, 142–143, 144, 146,
233–234n24, n27
Land Art, 79, 80, 81
landscape interventions, 62
Lang, Jack (Minister of Culture), 200, 201, 202. See
also Fonds Régionaux d’Art Contemporain
Lascault, Gilbert
Chroniques de l ’art vivant essay on Messager, 164,
Cinq Musées personnels (exhibition and catalog
essay), 158, 159–165, 235nn46–48, n50, n51
on Documenta 5, 239n41
Latin Quarter
demonstrations (May 6 and 13, 1968), 20, 22
graffiti, 43
happenings and revolutionary events, 43
police violence, 3, 19–20, 21, 22, 24, 44
“Lavage, Le” (“Laundry”) (Messager), 131–132, 133
Lebeer, Irmeline, 228n30, n31
Lebovics, Herman
on Malraux and Chirac, cultural policies of, 31,
202, 221n15, 240n1, n18
Lefebvre, Henri, 41–42, 45, 49, 52, 78, 223n44, n45
on consumerism and mass media, 146, 149–151,
Everyday Life in the Modern World, 76, 126
politics of the everyday, theory of, 13, 127–128,
Le Gac, Jean, 61, 67, 120
Bâches, 80
Campement projet, Le, 63
career, 61–62
Concession à perpétuité, 80, 81, 82–83
criticism on, 27–28
exhibitions in provincial museums, 105–106
and Expo ’72, 117
invitation essay, 106, 228n37
Occupation des lieux, participation in, 75–76, 77
Legrand, Claire, 228n36
Lemoine, Marianne, 239n2
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Lemoine, Serge, 116, 239n64
Le Parc, Julio, 43, 45
Lessons of Darkness (exhibition), 9, 209, 212–213,
Lettre demandant de l’aide (Boltanski), 91–92, 93,
Lévêque, Jean-Jacques, 239n60
poster text for Occupation des lieux, 75–76, 77
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 144
lieux de mémoire (Nora), 5
Lippard, Lucy, 226n8, 227n15
literary criticism, 10
loans for exhibitions
facilitated by FRACs, 201
Louvre Museum, Paris. See Musée du Louvre
Love of Art, The (Bourdieu), 32
Ludwig, Peter, 122
Luginbühl, Bernard
Crocrodrome, 178–179, 179
Lycée Chases (Boltanski), 9–10
Maciunas, George
Fluxus manifesto, 45–46
Made in France (exhibition), 203–206, 205
surrounding controversy on, 205–208
Maglione, Milvia, 153
Many Hours of Work (wall hanging), 153
mail art, 47, 62
booklet, Boltanski, 86
Lettre demandant de l’aide (Boltanski), 91–92, 93,
museum installations of, 96, 104
as relic, 91
Maison de la Culture, Caen, 65
Maison des Beaux-Arts, 48
Maison des Jeunes, Charençon, 64
Maison manquante, La (Boltanski), 9–10, 213
maisons de la culture, 221n18, 222n30. See also
Malraux, André
anti-elitist position, 175
directors’ response to criticisms, 35–36
Villeurbanne resolution, 35
Malassis (political art group), 117
Malraux, André, 23, 73, 124, 160, 200–201, 221n18
cultural policy, 29–32, 34, 35
photography as a cultural medium, 36, 124, 162,
Musée imaginaire, Le, 30
Voix du silence, Les, 160, 235n46
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Manuel d’éducation ménagère (Ginette Mathiot and
Nelly de Lamaze), 135
Many Hours of Work (Maglione), 153
Maoists, 19
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 242n28
Marcadé, Bernard, 218n13, 220n25
Marcel Duchamp exhibition, Pompidou Center, 171.
See also Duchamp, Marcel; Pompidou Center
March, 1968 activism, Nanterre, 19
Marie-Claire (magazine), 13, 151
Marmer, Nancy, 219n18
on Beaubourg development, 172, 240n1, n3
“Marshall Plan,” aesthetic, 185, 238n51
Marsh, Georgia, 219n17
Marxism, 26, 42, 126
Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MD,
mass media. See also advertising; culture, popular;
Situationist International
and everyday life, 185–186
and Pompidou Center, 174, 177–180
as tool of oppression, 197
mass-media images, in artwork, 187–192, 239n54
Mathey, François, 40, 116, 169, 228n29, 236n3. See
also Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Mathiot, Ginette, 135
Matisse, Henri, 204
Ma Vie pratique (“My Practical Life”) (notebook,
Messager), 132, 133, 134–140, 136, 137,
May/June 1968 activism, 19–20, 20, 22, 24, 44. See
also activism, artistic; activism, political;
ateliers populaires; education; museum(s)
art world, effects on power structure of, 24–28
barricades, 6, 19, 67, 220n5
cultural institutions and, 15–16
cultural politics of, 218n10
demonstrations, 3, 20, 22
nostalgia for, 202
occupations (sit-ins), 25, 75
police violence, 3, 22
students, involvement in, 3, 19, 21, 22, 41, 43, 67
women, involvement in, 13, 19, 67, 128,
225nn90–91, n93
workers, involvement in, 3–4, 20, 22, 23, 27, 49,
50, 217n4
May Revolution. See May/June 1968 activism
media wall project (Pompidou Center), 176–177
Mes Collections d’expressions et d’attitudes diverses
(Messager), 149, 150, 150
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Messager, Annette, 61, 204. See also Conceptual Art;
education; feminism; Mouvement de
Libération des Femmes; women artists;
women’s magazines
artistic background and career, 66–67, 153–155,
165, 187, 231n1
and art work, political activism of, 3, 15–16, 67,
70, 208–209
and authorship, “death” of, 12
and Boltanski, Christian, 12, 66, 125, 192,
criticism on, 12–14, 153, 164, 242n27
curriculum, critique of, 140, 144, 157–158
diaries, fictional, 125, 160
documentation of daily activities, 13, 125–126,
130, 164
ethnographic display methods, 155, 158
everyday, images of, 6–7, 125, 153, 164 (see also
everyday life)
exhibitions, 153
Annette Messager collectionneuse, 155, 155–158
Cinq Musées personnels, 159–160, 161, 163–165
compared with Boltanski, 194–196
Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany, 187
Galerie Gillespie-Laage, 187, 192
Venice Biennial, 1976, 187
exploration of gender differences and mass
culture, 192
“feminine” materials and themes, 12, 13, 164,
192, 193–194, 210
and feminism, 67, 153
institutional critique, 15, 67–68, 69, 156, 200
mass culture references, 150, 186, 192
rejection of painting tradition, 67, 225n93
on the ’68 revolution (interview), 225nn90–91,
universality and, 218n13, 242n27 (see also art
“Accident, L’,” 192, 193
Articulés-désarticulés, 2, 4, 5, 209–210
Avant-après, 150–151, 151, 152
Cahiers and Albums collections, 127
“Cauchemar, Le,” 192, 195
“Cuisson des aliments, La,” 142–143, 143, 144
Feuilleton, Le, 192–194, 193, 195, 195
Gestes quotidiens, Les, 146, 147, 148
“Lavage, Le,” 131–132, 133
Mariage de Mademoiselle Annette Messager, Le,
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Messager, Annette (cont.)
Ma Vie pratique, 132, 133, 134–140, 136, 137,
144, 146
Mes Collections d’expressions et d’attitudes diverses,
149, 150, 150
Mes Travaux d’aiguille, 138–140, 140, 141
Mon Livre de cuisine, 144, 145
“Peau-rôle-hygiène, La,” 134–138, 136
Pensionnaires, Les, 160, 161
Tortures volontaires, Les, 151–152, 153, 154
Untitled Drawing, 1968, 67, 69
works, gender specificity of, 13–14, 157–158,
164–165, 194
Mes Travaux d’aiguille (“My Needlework”)
(notebook, Messager), 138–140, 140, 141
Metken, Günter, 227–228n24, n25; 239n2
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 16
Mickey Mouse Club photographs. See 62 Membres
du Club Mickey en 1955, Les (Boltanski)
Miller, Tim, 242n28
Millet, Catherine, 227n22
on Boltanski’s mail art, 91
perception of Boltanski as “sentimental,” 98
review of Boîtes de biscuits, 93–94
Minimalist Art, 54, 60, 116, 182
Mining the Museum (Wilson), 211
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, France, 31. See also
Guy, Michel; Lang, Jack; Malraux, André
Miralda, Antoni
Occupation des lieux, participation in, 75–76,
Missing House, The (Boltanski). See Maison
manquante, La
Mitterrand, François
grands projets, 200, 202
MLF. See Mouvement de Libération des Femmes
MNAM. See Musée National d’Art Moderne
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden, 178–180. See
also Hulten, Pontus
Mollard, Claude, 170, 171, 174, 175, 236n6,
MOMA. See Museum of Modern Art, New York
Mon Livre de cuisine (“My Cookbook”) (Messager),
monochrome painting, 116
Monory, Jacques, 117, 120
Morellet, François, 43
Mosset, Olivier, 62, 64
Photo-souvenir: Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni,
Manifestation no. 3, 66
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Moulin, Raymonde, 84
on art market, economics of, 56, 58
on arts funding and the art market, 238n52,
“Living without Selling,” 71–72
Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (MLF), 13, 128,
129, 131, 231n7. See also feminism
on school curriculum (girls’ education), 19
movie posters, 192
and museums, 6, 209–210
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 26, 64,
196. See also Gaudibert, Pierre; Pagé,
“Animation-Recherche-Confrontation” (ARC),
41, 54
Annette Messager collectionneuse (exhibition), 155,
formation of, 40, 41
Musée de Grenoble, 159
Musée de l’Homme, 37, 90, 107, 227n21. See also
ethnographic museums
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, 40–41, 66
Musée du Louvre, 121, 167
opening to the citizenry, 5
pyramid, 200
Musée du Luxembourg, 39–40
Musée imaginaire, Le (Malraux), 30
Musée National d’Art Moderne (MNAM), 26, 39,
169. See also Cassou, Jean; Dorival, Bernard;
Hulten, Pontus; Viatte, Germain
administration of, 39, 40
closure of (1968 protests), 26, 28–29
controversy over new acquisitions and
sponsorship, 185
“internationalism,” 182–186, 205–208
Made in France exhibition, 203–206, 205
at Palais de Tokyo (1960s), 39, 172, 187
Paris-New York exhibition, 182, 182–186, 183
at Pompidou Center, 169, 172, 174, 180–186,
196–197, 203–206
reinstallation of collections, 203
musées classés, 171
musées contrôlés, 171
museology, history of, 37
museum audiences
broadening of, 7, 15, 30, 35, 45, 72–74, 154, 165,
and cultural patrimony, 5–6, 31, 221n17
and democratization, 32, 191, 199, 201, 209, 212
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and Documenta 5, 100, 102, 103, 114–115
and ethnography, 36, 38, 162–163
and Fluxus, 46–47
and mass media, 192
and Occupation des lieux, 74–78
and participatory viewing, 78
and photography, 221n16
and Pompidou Center, 6, 168, 174, 175, 178–181,
184–187, 197
response to conceptual exhibitions, 1, 3, 73, 79,
84, 102, 123, 162, 191
response to feminist exhibitions and women’s
issues, 125–126, 154, 156, 192, 194
and shared experiences, 196–197, 210–211
museum cafés, 168
museum commissions, 178–179, 179
museum-dealer-press conglomeration
and narrowing of artist participation, 172–173
Museum of Modern Art, New York (MOMA), 16,
museum(s), 211. See also art institutions; Bourdieu,
Pierre; cultural institutions; ethnographic
museums; headings beginning with “Musée” or
“Museum of ”; maisons de la culture; museum
audiences; Palais de Tokyo; Pompidou
Center; Whitney Museum of American Art
and accessibility, 7, 168, 170, 175
and class bias, 30, 32, 34, 158, 174–175
and concept of universality, 8, 26, 30, 32, 35,
125, 158, 161–162, 196, 199, 209, 211
and contemporary art acquisitions, 39–40
conventions and authority of, 103
critiques of, 5, 6, 26, 29–30, 32–35, 38, 67–68,
79, 117, 126, 157–158, 168, 185, 206, 211
democratization of, 9, 18, 28–29, 167–171, 180,
181, 196–197, 212
economic role of, 122
elitism and inaccessibility of, 6, 28, 34–36, 126,
exclusion of contemporary artists, 41
government centralization of, in France, 16
history of, 217n8
“museums by artists” (Documenta 5), 102–103
and national culture, 6, 158, 199–202
patrimony, 29, 31, 32, 34, 39, 124
political mission of, 3, 15–16, 17–18, 167, 206
role in historical upheavals, 217n8
and social diversity, 5–6, 32, 33, 199, 209
as symbol of national identity, 15–16, 167
museums, American, 16, 211
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Museum Waldau, Bern, Switzerland, 102, 228n34
My Collection of Various Expressions and Attitudes
(Messager). See Mes Collections d’expressions et
d’attitudes diverses
Mythologies quotidiennes (exhibition), 228n29
Nanterre campus, University of Paris. See Paris,
University of
“narcissistic individualism,” 202
National Endowment for the Arts (U.S.), 226n8,
“nationalist” art, advocacy of, 205, 207–208
NEA. See National Endowment for the Arts (U.S.)
“NEA 4,” 242n28
Neue Galerie, 100, 102–103
New Left, 15
new realism. See nouveaux réalistes/nouveau réalisme
New York School
imposition of, on Europeans, 56
Nightmare (Messager). See Cauchemar, Le
Nora, Pierre
on collective memory and identity (lieux de
mémoire), 5
Nous deux (serial), 194
nouveaux réalistes/nouveau réalisme, 47–48, 52, 204.
See also Arman; Christo; de Saint-Phalle,
Niki; Hains, Raymond; Klein, Yves;
Restany, Pierre; Spoerri, Daniel
and Expo ’72, 116
in Made in France exhibition, 204
in Paris-New York exhibition, 182, 182–185,
Nuridsany, Michel
criticism on Messager, sources in mass culture,
194, 240nn67–69
objets témoins, 37
Occupation des lieux (collaborative project), 75–80,
occupations (sit-ins), 19, 25, 75, 229n5
Odéon theater. See Théâtre de l’Odéon
Oldenburg, Claes, 103
Ono, Yoko, 45
Op Art, 116
Opera at the Bastille, 200
women’s (see Mouvement de Libération des
“origins and singularity” (theme, Made in France
exhibition), 204
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O.R.T.F. See Radio Diffusion-Télévision Française,
Office de
“outsider art,” 102, 104, 107
Pacquement, Alfred, 116, 238n47
Pagé, Suzanne, 155–157, 196, 228n26, 230–231n60.
See also Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de
attempts to purchase Messager’s work for
museum, 156, 234–235nn35–38
Paik, Nam June, 45
painting, tradition of. See also Ecole des Beaux-Arts
rejection of, 62, 67, 225n93
Palais de Tokyo
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris at, 40,
Musée National d’Art Moderne (MNAM) at, 39,
172, 187
Palais Galliera
Jeunes Artistes à Paris at, 83–84
Pane, Gina, 61, 67
career, 62
criticism on, 27–28
and Expo ’72, 117
Concession à perpétuité, 80, 81, 82–83
Occupation des lieux, participation in, 75–76, 77
Pierres déplacées, Vallée de l’Orco (Italie), 64, 65
Parent, Béatrice, 217n2, 223n61, 234n33
Paris Biennial, 61, 64, 80, 158–159, 226n11
protests, 159
Paris-New York exhibition, Pompidou Center,
182–186, 183
expense of, 171
critiques of, 185–186
Paris, University of
Nanterre campus, 19, 41
Sorbonne, 19, 21, 43
student/administration clashes, 19
Parmentier, Michel, 62, 64
criticism on, 27–28
Photo-souvenir: Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni,
Manifestation no. 3, 66
Parti Socialiste Unifié (PSU), 172–173
Passeron, Jean-Claude
Inheritors, The (with Pierre Bourdieu), 231n10
patrimony, 28–29, 31–32, 34, 39, 114, 120, 121,
124, 208
“Peau-rôle-hygiène, La” (Messager), 134–138, 136,
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Peemans-Poullet, Hedwige
on arts ménagers, 234n28
Pensionnaires, Les (Messager), 160
Petit Journal, Le (museum guides), 176
of everyday life (see Lefebvre, Henri)
photography, 30, 105. See also family photographs
and accession of memories, 1, 7, 9, 212–213
amateur, 188–190, 239n54
as documentation, 43
as indirect reflection of experience, 213
and landscape interventions, 62
signification of, 111, 113–114, 230n59
and social class, 188–191, 229n46
Photography: A Middle-Brow Art (Bourdieu, Pierre),
photonovels, 192
photorealism, 100, 117
Photo-souvenir: Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni,
Manifestation no. 3, 66
Piano, Renzo, 169, 171. See also Pompidou Center
on media wall, 177
Picasso Museum, Paris, 240n18
pièges, 95
Pierre, José, 228n25
response to Boltanski’s mail art, 92, 98
Pierres déplacées, Vallée de l’Orco (Pane), 62, 64, 65
Poinsot, Jean-Marc, 160, 226n4
on Boltanski, 91, 98, 227n23
Police s’affiche aux Beaux-Arts, La (poster), 52, 55
police violence, 19–20, 21, 22, 44. See also C.R.S.
Police vous parle, La (poster), 51, 52
politics. See also activism, artistic; activism, political;
French government; May/June 1968
institutional vs. external, 15
political figuration, 117
political transformation, 42, 172–173
propaganda, 100
Pollock, Jackson, 185
Pompidou Center, 68, 165, 169. See also Musée
National d’Art Moderne; museum
audiences; Piano, Renzo; Pompidou,
Georges; Rogers, Richard
acquisitions, 181, 187
architectural committee, 236n2
architecture and industrial aesthetic of, 169, 173,
attendance statistics, 171, 180
budget controversies, 169–171
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978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
in France after 1968
Rebecca J. DeRoo
More information
collection of post–WW II American art, 185, 207
construction of, 6, 17, 167–168
curators, 205, 237n23
development of, 17, 122
as entertainment center, 177–180
establishment of, 116, 167, 203
as information center, 176–177
Crocrodrome, 178–179, 179
location of, 170
and marketing networks, 173
media wall proposal, 177, 237n29
and 1968 protests, 116, 168, 197
objections to, 173–174, 203
programming, 174–175
publications, 176
Rendezvous exhibition, 204
as symbol, 197
Pompidou, Georges, 168, 170, 202–203, 236n6. See
also Pompidou Center
and cultural policy, 153
and Expo ’72, 116, 117
and 1968 activism, 16
Pompidou, Claude, 183
Pop Art, 53, 60, 116, 168, 175, 181
in Paris-New York exhibition, 182, 182, 238n43,
Pop artists, American, 53, 54, 183
popular culture. See culture, popular
popular education and popular culture movements,
Popular Front, 31, 201, 220n5
“Popular Studio ‘Yes,’ Bourgeois Studio ‘No’”
(manifesto), 59
posters, 48, 192, 226n6. See also Affiches
collaborations, 49, 59, 75
collection of, 59–60
differing purposes of, 78
for fund raising, 59
politics vs. advertising, 78
silk-screen, 48
poster workshops. See atelier populaire at the Ecole
des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Poulot, Dominique, 240n73
Pouvoir culturel, Le (Cabanne), 222n34, 224n75
pre-baccalaureate education, 130
media clichés of, 192
Prime Education et morale de classe (Boltanski, Luc),
232n16, 233n17, n18
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Prix de Rome, 54
prize competitions
in art education, 54, 55–56
Proust, Marcel, 118, 119
provincial museums, 105, 171
PSU. See Parti Socialiste Unifié
public library (BPI), Paris, 169, 174, 176. See also
Seguin, Jean-Pierre
“Questioning Reality – Image Worlds Today.” See
Documenta 5
Radio Diffusion-Télévision Française, Office de, 51
radio, short-wave, 27
Ragon, Michel, 44, 45, 226n11
Ranelagh theater, Paris, 65
Rauschenberg, Robert, 53–54, 183
Raysse, Marcel, 185
“readymades” (Duchamp), 183, 184, 238n44
“reality of representation” (theme, Documenta 5),
“reality of the represented” (theme, Documenta 5),
100, 102
Recanati, Michel, 22
Recherche et présentation de tout ce qui reste de mon
enfance 1944–1950 (Boltanski), 86–91, 87,
88, 89
displays of, 96, 105
introductory explanation, 86–87, 227n20
Jean Clair on, 118–119
Reconstitution des gestes (Boltanski), 105
Red Room for Vietnam (exhibition), 26
Regnier, Gérard. See Clair, Jean
Reichstag building, Berlin, Germany, 1, 11
Renault Flins (poster), 50
Renault workers’ strike, 49
Rendezvous (exhibition), 204
Repas (Boltanski), 83–84
Restany, Pierre, 47, 92, 184–185, 221n14, 223n58
catalog essay, Paris-New York exhibition, 184–185,
Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany, 193
Rigby, Brian, 224n66, 238n37
Rivers, Larry, 185
Rivet, Paul, 37
Rivière, Georges Henri, 37
Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment (exhibition),
Rogers, Richard, 169, 171, 177–178. See also
Pompidou Center
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978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
in France after 1968
Rebecca J. DeRoo
More information
Romanticism, new, 118–119, 120, 230n58
Rorimer, Anne, 218n15, 226n8
Ross, Kristin, 217n4; 220n2, n10; 223n44;
on Lefebvre, 223n44, n46
on everyday life, 223n44, 233n23
on May ’68 commemoration, 202
Rotman, Patrick, 202
Rottner, Nadja, 210, 218n14, 242n27
RPR Party, 202
Saint-Phalle, Niki de. See de Saint-Phalle, Niki
Salon de la Jeune Peinture, 48, 62, 64, 99–100
and ateliers populaires, 26, 220n9
Sauvageot, Jacques, 22
Schnapper, Dominique, 188, 190
Schneider, Pierre
criticism of Pompidou Center, 174, 237n20
on Paris-New York exhibition, American artists in,
School of Paris. See Ecole de Paris
Secrétariat de la Condition Féminine, 232n12
Seguin, Jean-Pierre, 169, 176, 236n3
self-destructing machines (Tinguely), 179
Semin, Didier, 219n18
September 11, 2001 attacks, 1
“Serials, The” (Messager). See Feuilleton, Le
Sherman, Cindy, 234n32
sit-ins (occupations), 19, 25, 75, 229n5
Situationist International, 42–43, 48, 49, 52,
223n47. See also Lefebvre, Henri
62 Membres du Club Mickey en 1955, Les (Boltanski),
117, 122
Sobrino, Francesco, 43
Socialist government, France, 1980s
cultural expenditures, 200, 202
street festivals, sponsorship of, 201–202
Socialist party, 201
“Soft Art et les femmes, Le” (Dallier), 157
soft sculpture
Messager, 2, 4, 210
Sois jeune et tais-toi (poster), 51, 53
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, 219n20
Sonnabend Gallery (Paris), 122, 186, 187
Sorbonne, 21, 43. See also Paris, University of
Soto, Jesús Raphaël, 116
Soutif, Daniel, 219n18
“space and color” (theme, Made in France
exhibition), 204
specialization, elitist. See activism, artistic
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Spoerri, Daniel, 204
Stein, Joel, 43
Stimson, Blake, 16
Conceptual Art, 14–15
street audiences, 46–47, 74–78
strikes and protests
May/June, 1968, 3, 19–20, 23–24, 27, 49
Renault workers, 49
student uprising (Latin Quarter, May 1968). See
May/June 1968 activism
subjectivity, artistic
critique of, 86, 91–92
Surrealism, 181
Szeeman, Harald, 100, 102
letter from Boltanski, 104, 228n35
taboos, transgressions of, 82
tachisme, 184, 238n44
Templon Gallery, 93, 228n26
purchases, 122
Temps modernes, Les (periodical), 232n12
Théâtre de l’Odéon
student occupation of, 19, 44
théâtres populaires, 35, 222n30
Third Republic
educational policies, 157–158
tin boxes. See biscuit boxes
Tinguely, Jean, 116, 182, 185
project statement, 179
Crocrodrome, 178–179, 179
Méta-matic no. 19, 45, 183, 183–184, 238n44
Toroni, Niele, 54, 62
Photo-souvenir: Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni,
Manifestation no. 3, 66
Tortures volontaires, Les (Messager), 151–152, 153,
Tower of Life (installation, Holocaust Museum,
Washington, D.C.), 1
“transformation of the object” (theme, Made in
France exhibition), 204
transformation, political, 172–173
in everyday life, 42
Travailleurs Unis (French and Immigrant Workers
United) (poster), 50
traveling exhibitions, 171–172
Trocadéro, 37
Tronche, Anne, 225n88
Trotskyists, 19
Twentieth-Century Museum (Distel), 103
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-84109-2 - The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display
in France after 1968
Rebecca J. DeRoo
More information
UNEF (national students’ union), 22
and gender, 130–131
and political unrest, 20
United States
domination of international art scene, 168
museum policy in, 211
university. See art education; education; Paris,
University of
university system
decentralization, democratization, and
modernization, 23–24
Untitled Film Stills (Sherman), 234n32
Utopie et féminisme (exhibition), 196
vandalism, 121
Vaneigem, Raoul, 42, 222n28
Varda, Agnes
Bonheur, Le, 193
Vautier, Ben, 45, 47. See also Fluxus; mail art
Venice Biennial, 1964, 53–54
1968 boycott of, 80
Vermès, Philippe, 224n79
Viallat, Claude, 117, 204
Viatte, Germain, 203–204, 205. See also Musée
National d’Art Moderne (MNAM)
Vichy government, 31
Vie impossible de Christian Boltanski, La, 65
Vietnam War, 3, 16, 19, 202
Villeglé, Jacques de la, 116
Villeurbanne resolution, 35
violence, representations of, 209–210
vitrines, 11, 37, 85–91, 94–99, 159, 160, 228n34. See
also ethnographic museums
in ethnographic museums, 7, 11, 37, 102, 106
as institution of art, 97, 104, 155
Vitrines de pièges (Boltanski), 122
Vitrine(s) de référence (Boltanski), 96, 101, 102, 109,
Voix du silence, Les (Malraux), 160, 235n47
WAR. See Women Artists in Revolution
Warhol, Andy, 183, 185
Weber, Max, 34
Western memory, collective, 30
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“What Is an Author?” (Foucault), 72
“Where are the women?” (poem), 128
Whitney Museum of American Art
1969 protests at, 16
Wilson, Fred, 211
Wilson, Sarah, 223n39
and body modification, 151–152
media clichés and, 192
violence against, 210
women artists. See also de Saint-Phalle, Niki;
feminism; Messager, Annette; Mouvement de
Libération des Femmes (MLF); Pane, Gina
exhibitions, 125–126, 154, 156, 192, 194, 196
and museum acquisitions, 240n3
museum exposure and, 240n70
Women Artists in Revolution (WAR), 16
Women’s Liberation Movement. See Mouvement de
Libération des Femmes (MLF)
women’s magazines, 13, 233n23
and promotion of household skills, 142
role of advertising, 146, 151–152
sources in, 67
Women, Students, and Artists for Black Liberation
(WSABAL), 16
“women’s work”
feminist interpretations of, 157–158
reevaluation of, 140–142, 153–154
worker insurrection
and intellectuals’ involvement, in France and
Italy, 217n4
working class
state acculturation of, 132, 170, 174–175 (see also
class bias)
Work in Progress (exhibition), 84
World War II, 9
cultural situation in postwar France, 31–32, 201
effect on museums, 39
WSABAL. See Women, Students, and Artists for
Black Liberation
xenophobia, 205–208, 241n26
art-world responses to, 206, 240n20
Yvaral, Jean-Pierre, 43

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