RR Sugar Beet


RR Sugar Beet
RR Sugar Beet
RR Sugar Beet
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Coyette, B., Tencalla, F., Brants, I., Fichet, Y. 2002. Effect of Introducing GlyphosateTolerant Sugar Beet on Pesticide Usage in Europe: 219-223.
Dewar, A., Haylock, L., Garner, B., Sands, R., May, M. 2003. Environmentally-friendly
Crop Protection in GM Herbicide-tolerant Sugar Beet. 7th ICABR Int'l Conference on
Public Goods and Public Policy for Agricultural Biotechnology, Ravello, Italy, June 29 to
July 3, 2003: 1-19.
Dewar, A., Haylock, L., Bean, K., May, M. 2000. Delayed Control of Weeds in
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Dewar, A., Haylock, L., May, M., Beane, J., Perry, R. 2000. Glyphosate Applied to
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Annals of Applied Biology. 136: 179-187.
Dewar, A., May, M., Pidgeon, J. 2000. GM Sugar Beet: the Present Situation. British
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Gianessi, L. 2005. Economic and Herbicide Use Impacts of Glyphosate-resistant
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RR Sugar Beet
Gianessi, L., Sankula, S., Reigner, N. 2003. Plant Biotechnology - Potential Impact for
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Marlander, B. 2005. Weed Control in Sugar Beet Using Genetically Modified Herbicidetolerant Varieties - A Review of the Economics for Cultivation in Europe. Journal of
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May, M., Champion, G., Dewar, A., Qi, A., Pidgeon, J. 2005. Management of
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Environmental Benefit. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 8 pages. doi:
May, M. 2003. Economic Consequences for UK Farmers of Growing GM Herbicide
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Richard-Molard, M., Muchembled, C., Gestat de Garambe, T. 1996. Expérimentations
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RR Sugar Beet
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Wevers, J. 1998. The Environmental Contamination of Weed Control in Transgenic
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Wevers, J. 1998. Agronomic and Environmental Aspects of Herbicide Resistant Sugar
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