2014 Winter Draft Bulletin copy for Les.pub


2014 Winter Draft Bulletin copy for Les.pub
Hiver 2014
Le 30 octobre dernier, j’ai assisté, à Caillac, à la conférence de notre
ami Gérard Hocmard : « Français et Britanniques alliés dans la
Grande Guerre ».
Il nous a présenté en quelques flashs la préparation des armées
britanniques avec des milliers de volontaires, la bataille de la Somme
au cours de laquelle nos alliés ont enregistré de nombreuses
victimes, la participation importante de soldats Canadiens, Indiens,
Australiens, Néo-Zélandais ou Chinois.
Le public a beaucoup apprécié cette conférence, les anecdotes de
Gérard qui au-delà des faits militaires ont apporté un peu d’humanité
par les échanges linguistiques entre soldats ou la découverte des
coutumes des uns et des autres.
Quelques membres de notre association FGB Quercy ont participé à
cette soirée en lisant des poèmes écrits par des Britanniques au
cours de ces sombres années.
Merci Gérard Hocmard. Merci Marjorie, Tricia, Pamela et Eric. J’ai
vécu ce soir-là un moment de partage et de fraternité.
L’Hiver: Programme en Bref
Vendredi / Friday 28 November
Musée Henri Martin
Nouvelles toiles; visite bilingue
New pictures; bilingual visit
Lundi / Monday 8 December
Sortie Shopping à Toulouse
Les magasins, le Marché de Noel, les illuminations
The shops, the Christmas Market and illuminations
Le Nailloux Outlet Shopping Village!
Samedi / Saturday 10 January
Twelfth Night Lunch
Le Déjeuner Des Rois
Notre rendez-vous annuel après les fêtes
Our annual post-Christmas get together
Vendredi / Friday 23 January
What to do when someone dies
Talk by the Rev. June Hutchinson
Vendredi / Friday 6 February
Bilingual lunch at Le Gourmet de Java
Déjeuner bilingue au Le Gourmet de Java
Last October 30th in Caillac, I attended our friend Gérard Hocmard’s
lecture entitled, ‘French and English peoples allied during the great
Vendredi / Friday 13 February
Turkey Old and New
Bilingual Talk by Ole Nikolajsen
Conférence bilingue par Ole Nikolajsen
Vendredi / Friday 27 February
Cahors Médiéval
Visite guidée bilingue
Bilingual guided visit
He showed us the way the British armies and thousands of
volunteers prepared. He talked about the Battle of the Somme during
which our Allies had many victims and recounted the important
participation of Canadian, Indian, Australian, New Zealand and
Chinese soldiers.
The audience enjoyed the lecture, Gérard’s anecdotes, which beyond
military facts, brought humanity through the exchange of language
and customs between the soldiers.
Some members of our Association participated actively during the
evening by reading poems written by British poets during those
gloomy years.
Thank you very much Gérard Hocmard and thank you also to
Marjorie, Tricia, Pamela and Eric. During this special evening, I
shared a great moment of friendship.
Michel Bellanger
[email protected]
Angela Dunn, aussi
Activités socio-culturelles:
18h30 - Salle 306 Espace Clément Marot, Cahors
Veuillez faire tout votre possible pour y assister. C’est l’occasion pour vous de faire des
observations ou de poser des questions aux membres du Conseil d’Administration et de
voter pour l’adoption des propositions. Rappel: vous ne pourrez pas voter sans avoir payé
la cotisation annuelle. Si vous ne pouvez pas venir, veuillez renvoyer votre vote par
procuration, soit par la poste, soit en le déposant dans la boite FGB à l’Espace Clément
Marot. C’est très important pour atteindre le quorum. Pour l’adhésion partagée, les deux
membres doivent signer.
Du vin et des fromages seront servis après. Venez nombreux.
[email protected]
Et Patricia Milton
[email protected]
Patricia Barker
Please make every effort to attend; it is your opportunity to comment on or query any
aspect of the running of the Association and to affect decisions with your vote. Remember,
you must be a paid-up member of the Association to vote. If you are unable to attend in
person, please use your proxy vote. This is extremely important to ensure we have a
quorum; so post it back or leave it in the FGB mailbox in the Espace. If you have joint
membership, both members should sign.
Wine and cheese will be served after the meeting. All are welcome.
[email protected]
Mireille Chauzit
[email protected]
Responsible des Adhésions:
Margaret York
[email protected]
Les ateliers de Langues:
Claudine Cambres
Arrive à l’écheance 1 January / janvier 2015
Your renewal form will be sent to you in December, either by email if you receive your
Bulletin by that method or by post. Please return it with your cheque by the 31 January
2015 at the latest to the Membership Secretary, Margaret York. Thank you.
On vous enverra le formulaire de réabonnement pendant decembre, soit par email, si vous
recevez votre Bulletin par email, soit par la poste. Veuillez le renvoyer avec votre chèque
par 31 janvier 2015 au plus tard au responsable des adhésions, Margaret York. Merci
[email protected]
Danièle Crouxinoux
10h à 11h30 Le Bordeaux, Boulevard Gambetta, Cahors
[email protected]
Bill Downie
The informal “causettes” at the Bordeaux Brasserie, opposite the Place Charles de Gaulle
car park, take place on the first Wednesday of every month. The times have been
chosen so that you can drop in between trips to the market and to the FGB library. They
are a great way to keep in touch with old friends, meet new ones and, of course, practise
your language skills! So please come along; everyone is welcome.
[email protected]
Nicolas Schweisguth
[email protected]
Margaret York
[email protected]
Site Internet:
Les Dunning
[email protected]
Les causettes informelles au Bordeaux, qui se trouve en face du parking Place Charles de
Gaulle ont lieu le premier Mercredi de chaque mois. Les Horaires ont étè choisis afin
que l’on puisse y passer entre les visites au marché et celles à la bibliothèque FGB. Ces
causettes sont un très bon moyen de revoir les anciens amis, d’en trouver de nouveaux et,
surtout, de pratiquer l’autre langue! Venez nous rejoindre; vous serez les bienvenus.
Any news items, classified ads, etc. for the Bulletin should be sent to the editor, Margaret
York; contact details on this page.
The deadline for the next issue (Spring) is 23 February 2015
Veuillez envoyer les infos, petites annonces, etc. à l’éditrice, Margaret York; ses
coordonnées sont à cette page.
Date limite pour le prochain Bulletin (Printemps) est le 23 février 2015
Margaret York
[email protected]
Siège Social:
Salle 22
Espace Clément Marot
46000 Cahors
If you would like to join the FGB team of facilitators in helping a group, either in English or
in French, you will be most welcome to join our team. Please contact us, Danièle or
Claudine, coordinatrices des ateliers de langue. Our contact details are on this page.
Si vous avez envie de rejoindre l'équipe d'animateurs de FGB pour éventuellement
animer un atelier en Anglais ou en Français, veuillez contacter Danièle ou Claudine
Library News / nouvelles de la bibliothèque
Wednesday/Mercredi 10.30 to 12.30 & Saturday/Samedi 10.30 to 12.30
Room/salle 22, Espace Clément Marot, Cahors
Across the Bridge of Sighs
Jane Turner Rylands
A follow up to her Venetian Stories (also in stock), this
captivating collection again views Venice from the perspective
of a number of its fascinating residents. Each story is like a
chapter linking together the characters as they negotiate the
conflict between tradition and a rapidly changing city; a
delightful read.
Nick Louth
Erica, a brilliant young British scientist has found a way to beat
a deadly disease. She's in Amsterdam to present her secret
research but vanishes in the night. Max, determined to find her,
digs for clues and finds jealousy, malice and cunning. Fast,
smart and terrifyingly plausible
The Goldfinch
Donna Tartt
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2014
Aged thirteen, Theo Decker, son of a devoted mother and
largely absent father, survives an accident that tears his life
apart. As he grows up he clings to a small, captivating painting
that reminds him of his mother, a talisman that places him in a
dangerous circle; an enthralling drama and thrilling suspense a glorious novel.
Three Day Road
Joseph Boyden
This beautiful haunting novel links the life of Niska, a Cree
Indian woman from the wild Canadian North with Xavier her
nephew just returned from the horrors of WW1 trenches.
Together they travel the stark, stunning landscape and their
respective stories emerge, moving backwards and forwards in
Sydney Chambers and The Shadow of Death
James Runcie
This is the first volume featuring the unconventional clergymansleuth, the Vicar of Grantchester. Elegant tales with intriguing
plots; artfully fashioned mysteries that evoke a more genteel
era - now a major new TV series.
Sidney Chambers and The Perils of the Night
James Runcie
1955. Sidney Chambers, priest and part-time detective, is
back, together with the increasingly exasperated Inspector
Geordie Keating. This series has a charming quaintness and
deftly turning plot twists; totally English, beautifully written,
perfectly in period and wryly funny.
Hilary Mantel
From the double Mann Booker prize winner
Fludd is a funny, exquisitely written story of priests and nuns in
fifties North of England, but it is also a questioning, intellectual
book that applies a profound thoughtfulness to areas of religion
and the supernatural… Full of dry wit and cutting insight; a
faultless comic masterpiece.
The Sisters Brothers
Patrick deWitt
Eli and Charlie Sisters are hired killers. 1851, the brothers
make an eventful journey across 1000 miles of Oregon desert
to track down and kill Herman Kermit Warm. Their prey isn't an
easy mark and the road is long and bloody. A word of warning,
this is a violent, lustful, gritty novel.
Flora Rheta Schreiber
'Sybil' is the fascinating, incredibly moving true story of a
woman with sixteen personalities, two of whom were men, and
her struggle against overwhelming odds, for health and
happiness. A truly unique and heartbreaking novel that really
makes you question your own sanity!
The Cove
Ron Rash
Set in North Carolina during the Great War, brother and sister
Hank and Laurel Shelton were eking out a living on the family
farm in a remote cove. She discovers a mute stranger playing
his flute in the woods. What follows is a powerful, unforgettable
story of love, fate and divided loyalties, reminiscent of
Grateful Thanks
We would like to say a big "Thank You" to Lynne Dickerson
who is returning to the UK to live. She has 'chaired' the Library
for the past two years and her professional and financial skills
have been invaluable. It has been a challenging time and the
Library has grown and developed under her capable direction.
Margaret York has taken on the chairmanship and her
experience and knowledge of the book trade will be a bonus.
Urgent Appeal for Library Volunteers!
To enable the Library to open twice a week all the year round,
we need more volunteers. No experience is necessary and
you will work alongside an existing committee member to gain
the knowledge that you need. Your commitment would be for
one 2-hour session, once a month. If you feel you can help, or
would like more information, please contact Margaret York on
Reading Group
Would you be interested in joining a reading group with a
difference? Each member would read a different book and
meet once a month to give a short report and
recommendation. If you are interested or want to discuss this
idea, please contact Margaret York on
New Books
10 brand new books and almost 50 second hand books,
bought at a recent charity book fair, have been added to our
already packed shelves this month. A short synopsis of each
of the 10 new books is below.
It’s Your Library!
We will be purchasing new titles again later in the year, so if
there is something you want to read, add it to the list in the
'Useful Book' in the Library or let one of the library volunteers
know, and we will do our best to include it - paperbacks only.
Sincères remerciements
Nous remercions vivement Lynne Dickerson qui est retournée
vivre au R.U. Elle a ‘présidé’ la bibliothèque durant les deux
dernières années , son professionnalisme et ses compétences
en gestion ont été précieux. Ce fut une véritable gageure, la
Bibliothèque a grossi et s’est développée sous sa direction.
Maintenant, Margaret York a pris la suite, son expérience et
sa connaissance de la librairie seront un atout.
Urgent appel aux bénévoles pour la bibliothèque
Afin que la bibliothèque soit ouverte deux fois par semaine
tout au long de l’année, nous avons besoin de plus de
bénévoles. Aucune expérience requise, vous travaillerez au
côté d’un membre du comité pour obtenir la connaissance
nécessaire. Votre charge serait d’une à 2 heures, une fois par
mois. Si vous êtes intéressé ou souhaitez plus d’information,
contactez svp, Margaret York au
Groupe de lecture
Seriez-vous intéressé pour vous joindre à un groupe de
lecture ? Chaque membre devra lire un livre différent et en
donner un résumé et un avis, une fois par mois. Si vous êtes
intéressé ou souhaitez discuter de cette idée, contactez svp,
Margaret York au
Nouveaux livres
10 livres neufs et environ 50 d’occasions, achetés à une foire
du livre, ont été rangés sur nos étagères déjà bien garnies.
Vous trouverez un résumé des 10 nouveaux livres cidesssous.
C’est votre Bibliothèque !
Vers la fin de l’année, nous allons acheter de nouveaux livres
aussi faites-nous savoir ce que vous souhaitez lire. Inscrivez
le titre sur la liste dans le « Useful Book » à la bibliothèque ou
dites le à un bibliothécaire et nous ferons tout notre possible
pour l’ajouter ( livres de poche seulement).
Margaret York—pour les bénévoles de la bibliothèque

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