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Index of scientific plant names
Page numbers printed in bold refer to main treatment; page numbers in italics refer to line drawings
The species names listed in the section on 'Timbers with other primary use' to. 681) are not repeated
ACocio medrnsii, 120
Annickio offmis, 56, 58, 60
ACo!yphoglobrot0, 23
Annickio Qinbigu0, 61
Actoo SCObrifo!to, 268
Acorus CUIomus, 47
Annickio chioronth0, 56, 58, 59
ArtnLchio Aummeroe, 61
Annickio Iebrunii, 61
Annickiopo!ycorp0, 58, 60, 61
ACrocorpus Ironnifolius, 23, 24
Adonsonio digitot0, 63, 489
Adjno microceph010, 162
Afromomum meleguet0, 423, 557, 607
Afrocu, :pus foieutus, 255, 503
Afrocronio uolhensii, 243
Afzelio of neon0, 26, 28, 33, 34, 36, 40, 43, 476
A1zelio hello, 28, 31, 33, 36, 37, 40, 43, 318
Anogeissus lotifoli0, 66
Anogeissus leiocorp0, 62, 65, 243
Anogeissus schimperi, 62
Anonidium monnii, 225
Anopyxis hidineon0, 68, 69
Arithocleisto gro?Idi/1070, 70
A1zelio bello var. grociolor, 33
Arithocleisto keniensis, 70
Arithocleist0 20mbesioc0, 70
Arithonotho ocuminot0, 76
A1zeli0 64iug0, 404
Arith0,10tho crossifoli0, 76
Angelio bipindensis, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37,
Arithonotho exp!icons, 4/9
39, 40, 43
Alt:e!to brocteot0, 34
Afzeliopochylob0, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40,
Arithonothofrogrons, 72, 73, 359
Afzelio bello var. bell0, 34
A1zelio bello var. globru, 34
A1ze!toporuiftor0, 34
A1zelio quoitzensis, 41, 43, 175, 489
Alongium begoniifo!turn, 45
Alongium chinense, 45, 46
Alongium lamarch, I, 47
Alongium soluiifolium, 47
A1bizio odionthifoli0, 335
A1b, zio ontoneston0, 175
Alehorne0/10nbund0, 359
Allophylus o6yssinicus, 48
Allophylus orboreus, 49
Allophylus cobbe, 49
Allophy!us htwuensis, 49
Allophylus macrocorpus, 49
Allophy!us peruillei, 49
Allophyluspseudoponiculotus, 49
Alluoudi0 o800ndens, 50
Alluoudio dumos0, 50
Alluoi, digprocer0, 49
Alitus ocuminot0, 51
Alitus joru!lensis, 52
Arith0,10tho gilletii, 76
Arithonotho macrophy110, 74
Arithostemo oubryonum, 77
Arithostemo inoddgoscoriense, 76
Arithostemo senegolense, 77
Antrocoryon hmmeonum, 78, 79
Antrocoryon microster, 80, 82
Antrocoryon norinonii, 82, 83
Aphonocoly" heitzii, 83, 84
Aphonocolyx microphy!jus, 85
Aphonocoly" microphyllus subsp. coinpoctus,
Aphonocoly, c microphyllus subsp.
microphy!Jus, 85
Aphonoco!yxpteridophyllus, 85
Apodocepholo begueon0, 87
Apodocepholopouctftor0, 86
Apodytes dimidiot0, 87, 88
Aptondro zenheri, 90, 508
Asterarithe OSterios, 91
Astergrithe OSterios subsp. OSterios, 91
Asterarithe OSterios subsp. triangularis, 91
Astergrithe lutea, 91
Asteropeio incphersonii, 92, 93
Alitus itepolensis, 52
Asteropeio multi/1070, 92, 93
Alsodei0 o760re0, 562
AIStonio boonei, 58
Andropogon teetorum, 4/6
Asteropeio rhopo!oides, 92
AMcoumeo Mumeon0, 79, 81, 336, 378, 438,
479, '508, 536, 552, 565
AUIococolyxjosminiftor0, 93
foodirochtu indica, 404
Androstochysjohnsonii, 53, 54, 138
Antsophy!!e0 o6tusifoli0, 55
Bothioeo instgnis, 94, 95
Bothioeo Instgnis subsp. instgnis, 95
Brochyloeno ruini/lord, 140, 142
Brochyloeno romiftoro var. bemien, 142
Bothioeo instgnis subsp. minor, 95
Bothioeu minor, 95
Bothioeop!urni, go, 96, 371, 372
Brachyloeno ruini/1070 var. coinorensis, 142
Brochyloeno ruiniftoro var. ruini/lord, 142
Brochyloeno rotundot0, 138
Bophiopsisporuiftor0, 99
Buphiopsis stuhlmonrtii, 99
Bothioeo rubriftor0, 161
Brochy!geno ste!Julifer0, 142
Brochystegio cynometroides, 143, 144, 146, 151
Brochystegio ei, ryeom0, 144, 146, 151, 453
Buttdouini0 /114ggeiformis, 100
Brochystegio gigueesce, Is, 160
Brochystegio hennedyi, 156
Brochystegio hloinei, 436
Bondouinzu IOUuelii, 101
BOILdouinio routeoillei, 101
Bowhirtio grondidieri, 102
Butthinio hildebrondtit, 102
Boilhinio mudogoscoriensis, 102
Bowhinio morondouensis, 102
Butthiniopodopet010, 101
Begueo apetolu, 102
Berlinioocuminot0, 108
Berlinio gunculot0, 107, 110
Berliniu bifoliolot0, 642
Berlini0 670cteos0, 103, 104, 106
Berlinio confi, so, 104, 105, 107, 110, 4/5
Berlinio congolensis, 107, 110
Berlinio congce0, 107, 110
Berlinio eruibion0, 107
Berlinio giorgii, 107
Berlinio grondtftor0, 107, 108, 110
Berlinio he Ltdelotio, IQ, 108
Berlinio occidentolis, 104, 105, 4/5
Berliniopolyphy!10, 643
Berlinio Dirtdicons, 107
Berthol!etio excels0, 534
Bikinio breynei, 1/7
Bikinio congensis, 1/7
Brochystegio IOUrentii, 147, 148, 154, 605
Brachystegio Ieonensis, 144, 150, 151
Brochystegio Iujoe, 156
Brochystegio microphy110, 160
Brachystegio mildbroedii, 152, 153
BTOchystegio itigeric0, 151, 154
Brachystegi0,120ng, 152
Brochystegio spiciformis, 156
Brochystegio tornorindoides, 158, 160
Brochystegio tumorindoides subsp.
microphyllu, 160
Brochystegio tornorindoides subsp.
tumorindoides, 160
Brachystegio tamarindoides subsp. torrei, 160
Brochystegio toFret, 160
Brochystegiozenkeri, 147, 149
Brondzeio fineifoli0, 161
Breonudio microcephu10, 162
Breonodio salicina, 162, 163
Breortio botuiniz, 166
Breoniu chinensis, 166
Breonio cuspidot0, 166
Breon!o decoryon0, 165
Bikinio conoce0, 1/1, 1/2
Bikinio durandii, 1/3
Bikinio Ie-testui, 1/5, 1/6
Bikinio Ie-testut subsp. Ie-testui, 1/6
Breonio frogiferu, 166
Bikinio Ie-testui subsp. ingyumbensis, 1/6
Breonioperrieri, 165
Bikiniopellegrim, , 1/6
Bischofiojouonicu, 1/8, 1/9
Biuiniojolbertit, 120
Breonio stipulot0, 166
Blighto sopid0, 122, 123
Blighto un4iugot0, 125, 127
Bridelio micronth0, 167, 169, 170
Bridelio ridelle, 1sts, 170
Bridelio stenocorp0, 169
Bridelio tulosneon0, 172
Blighto weiwitschti, 128, 129
Blighto wellt^its chit var. boricoensis, 130
Blotio oblongi/biter, 668
Bobgu?Into fistuloides, 131, 132
Bobgunnio inoddgoscoriensis, 133, 135, 220
Bomberx ceibu, 120
Brachyloeno discolor, 138, 139
Brochyloeno humerisis, 137, 138, 223
Brachyloeno hutchinsii, 137
Brochy!deno meFond, 142
Brochy!deno microphy110, 142
Bydeftyloenoperrieri, 142
Breonio henrouin0, 165
Breonio ingcrocorpu, 166
Breonio mudogoscoriensts, 165
Bridelio oubreuillei, 166
Brideliu grondis, 166, 167, 170, 486
Bullockio dyscriton, 173
Bullockio mombozensis, 173
Burheo of neon0, 174, 175, 342, 4/6
Busseo mossoiensts, 179
Busseo occidentalis, 177, 178, 318
BusseoperrierL, 179
Busseo soholou0, 179
Cueso!pinio dolei, 616
Cuesu!pinto irisolit0, 616
Calorieob0 67euipes, 505
Calorieobo gi!gion0, 505
Golophyllum chopelieri, 407
CUIophyllum mophyllum, 120
Canthium dyscritoit, 173
Coelocoryon kloinei, 208
Cunthium mombozense, 173
Conthium o60uotum, 551
Conthium rubrocostotum, 550
Golo luteriti0, 335
Golophospermum mopone, 176, 211, 213, 220,
Canthium uulgore, 550
GOPsicum grinuum, 122
Golubrino orborescens, 218
Golubrino OSiotic0, 216, 218
Goryo!ohio o160, 180
Golubrino decipiens, 216
Guruo!objoglobrescens, 180
Corpo!ohio goetzei, 181
Gulpolobio lutea, 181
Golubrtit0 1070100tr0, 217
Goluilleo rocemos0, 218
Coseorio buttiscombei, 181, 182
Coseorio bridelioides, 423
Combretodendron ingcrocorpum, 526
Combretum errgleri, 222, 223, 224
Coseorio errg!eri, 182
Coseorio glodiiformis, 182
Coseorio itigrescens, 183
Cussio hippophollus, 184
Combretum glutinosum, 65
Cossio IOCte0, 589
Cussine buchonunii, 331
Cossine matobe!ic0, 332
Cossinepopi1!o80, 332
Cossine tronsuoolensis, 332
CODocoo oure0, 185
Combretum zeyheri, 174
Gougeoo quintosii, 184
Coelocoryon orycorpum, 210
Coe!ocoryonpreussii, 208, 209
Coelocoryo, Isphoerocorpum, 210
Combretodendron @1nconum, 526
Combretum tinberbe, 176, 219, 221
Combretum Aruussii, 224
Combretum schumonnii, 222, 223
Copoifero Ie-testui, 592
GOPoifero mildbroedii, 225
GOPoifero mopone, 211
GOPoifero religiosa, 226, 369
GOPoifero solthou, Id0, 225, 228, 229
Cordi0 o6yssintc0, 230
Cecropiopeltot0, 479
Geltis odolfi-hiderjet, 185, 186, 193, 196
Geltis o17icon0, 188, 189
Geltis brieyi, 197
Geltis brownii, 194
Geltis durondii, 190
Cordio of neon0, 230
Celtis gomphophy110, 190, 193, 196
Cordy10 o17icon0, 238, 239, 242
Geltis tritegrifoli0, 197
Geltis foroussion0, 188
Geltis mildbroedii, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 197
Cordylo densi/10r0, 240
Cordylu horok0, 326
Cordylo ingdogoscoriensis, 325
Geltisphi!ippensis, 194
Celtis prontlii, 194
Geltis soyauxii, 194, 195, 197
Cordylopinnot0, 240, 241
Cordylo richordii, 240
Cordylu somoliensis, 240
Celtis tessmo, Init, 197
Geltts tokg, 197, 198
Geltis cotghtii, 194
Geltis zenheri, 187, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197
Cepholosphoero usermborensis, 199, 200, 554
Chuetochme artstot0, 201, 202
Choetochme mudogoscorie, 1sts, 201
Choetochme microcorp0, 201
Chid!owio songuine0, 203
Cleistonthus COMdotus, 204
Cleistonthus inichelsonii, 204
CleistonthL, s mildbroedii, 204
Cleistonthus schlechteri, 205
Cornus o01hensii, 243
Croton cotoneoster, 249
Croton diehogomus, 246
Cleistopholis glauca, 207
Cleistopholispotens, 205, 207
Cleistopholis stoudtii, 207, 208
Coelocoryon botryoides, 210
Cordio cuffr0, 237
Cordio minenit, 233, 234
Cordiop!otythyrs0, 233, 234, 236
Cordio senego!errsis, 232
Cordio subcordot0, 236, 237
Croton longirocemosus, 246
Croton inghofoliensis, 249
Oroton megolobotrys, 246
Oroton me8010corpus, 245, 246
Croton mongue, 248
Croton inuncutus, 249
Crotonpenduli/10rus, 246
Croton wellensii, 246
Crudiogobonensis, 250
CFudio senegalerrsis, 249
Cryptosepo!urn stoudtti, 250, 251
Cryptosepolum tetrophyllum, 251
Ctenolophon errglerionus, 252, 253
Cuponio Joeuis, 473
Curtisio dentot0, 254
CUDiero acuti/10r0, 258
CMuiero dig!one'usis, 257
DidIturn excelsum, 290
Digitum Ileuryt, 289
Digitum gumeense, 289, 290
Digitum holtzti, 290
Dialium macronthum, 291
Dialium mudogoscoriense, 290
Did!turn occidento!e, 290
Diolium orientole, 290
Digliumpochyphyllum, 289, 291, 292
CUDiero ingcrour0, 257
Dioliumpentondrum, 290
Cynometr0 o670homii, 267
Cynometr0 o1exondri, 258, 259, 433
Cynometro uogelii, 262
Dinlium schlechteri, 289
Dialium soyauxii, 290
DidIturn Mittfoliolotum, 290, 397
DidIturn Joinbotoense, 291
DidIturn zenheri, 290
Didelotio of neon0, 293, 294, 295
Dide!oti0 o12e!it, 295
Dideloti0 67euiponiculot0, 293, 294, 295
Didelotio idoe, 293, 294
Didelotio letouzeyi, 293, 294, 295
Dilobeio tenuineruis, 297
Dilobeio thouorsii, 296, 297
Diocleo reflex0, 272
Cynometro webberi, 260
Diogoo zenheri, 359
Cyrtogonone urgente0, 267
Dioscoreo minuti/lord, 563
Diospyros o6yssinic0, 298, 299
Curtisiofogine0, 254
Cussorti0 o, 607e0, 257
Cussonio boricoensis, 257
Cussonio ho!stii, 257
Cussonio sptcot0, 257
Cussonio zimmermonnii, 256
Cynometro oriont0, 261, 262
Cynometro ourit0, 267
Cynometro coinmersorrion0, 267
Cynometro douphinensis, 267
Cynometro her, thei, 263, 266
Cynometro Jujue, 265
Cynometro mudogoscoriensis, 266
Cynometro monnLi, 264
Cynometro megalophy110, 262
Cynometro sohulou0, 267
Doctylodeni0 607teri, 269
Docty!odenio SCObrifoli0, 268
Daibergio melonoxy!on, 134, 223, 302
Donielli0 o1steenion0, 270
Doniellio Mornei, 269, 272, 279
Doniellio oblong0, 271
Doniellio oge0, 271, 273, 279
Doniellio onDen, 274, 276, 4/6
Donielliopynoertii, 271
Doniellio soyouxii, 271
Doniellio thurifer0, 272, 278, 280
DOSy!epis tritegr0, 281
DOSylepts Ieptophy!IQ, 281
DOSy!epis racemos0, 282
Deinbollio curieifoli0, 283
Deinbollio Iuluo-tomente110, 283
Deinbollio grondifoli0, 282
Diospyros o6ysstnico subsp. o6ysstrtic0, 300
Diospyros 60010, 314
Diospyros bussei, 310
Diospyros conocorp0, 314
Diospyros cooperi, 314
Diospyros cornii, 310
Diospyros crossi/1070, 301, 302, 308, 309
Diospyrosebenum, 310
Diospyros enjotii, 314
Diospyrosferre0, 310
Diospyros groci!toes, 304
Diospyros greenwuyi, 310
Diospyros iturensis, 314
Diospyros habuyeon0, 310
Diospyros homerune, 1sts, 306, 307, 527
Diospyros lyeioides, 134
Deinbollio macroco, p0, 283
Diospyros monnit, 314
Deinbollio moiliuscu10, 283
Deinbollioperuillet, 283
Detorium heude!otionum, 285
Diospyros mespiltformis, 302, 308, 310, 4/6
Detorium ingcrocorpum, 283, 287
Diospyrosplotycoly", 305
Detorium microco, PMm, 286, 287
Diospyrospolystemon, 314
Deterrinm senegole, Ise, 285, 286
Did!topsis of neon0, 676
Diolium origolense, 289, 292
Diospyros qui!oensis, 310
DidIturn dubreuillei, 288, 289
Dialium bipindense, 289
Digitum corbisieri, 289, 359
Digitum dinhlogei, 289
Digitum errg!end, Ium, 289
Diospyros monbuttensis, 306
Diospyrosperrierz, 305
Diospyros songo-minih0, 312, 313
Diospyros senensis, 310
Diospyros squorros0, 311
Diospyros tessellori0, 305
Diospyros thornosii, 307
Diospyros Derrucos0, 311
Distemononthus benthomionus, 315, 317
Drypetes erubreui!!ei, 320
Drypetes oylmeri, 321
Drypetes bothiei, 321
Erythrophleum of neonum, 175, 341, 4/6
Erythrophleum gumeense, 340
Erythrophleum toorense, 337, 338, 341, 342
Erythrophleum lostonthum, 342
Erythroph!eum suoueolens, 178, 337, 338, 339,
Drypetes bottiscombei, 319
Drypetes edustic0, 321
340, 342
Erythroxylum coca, 345
Drypetes/10nbund0, 321
Drypetes gerrordii, 319, 320
Erythroxylum lischeri, 345
Erythroxylum monnii, 343, 345
Drypetes gilgion0, 321
EUCleopseudebenus, 346
Drypetes gossweileri, 321
Drypetes mossombicensis, 321
Drypetesporuifoli0, 321
Drypetes roxburghii, 321
Duguetio conftnis, 324
Duguetio stoudtii, 322, 323
EUrypeto!urn botesii, 347
EUrypetulum tessmonni, , 347
Drypetes o1:!e!it, 320
Drypetes orgut0, 320
Dupuyo horok0, 326, 327
Dupuyo ingdogoscoriensis, 325, 326
Dupuyo mudogoscoriensissubsp.
mudogoscoriensis, 326
Dupuyo madogoscoriensissubsp.
EUrypetolum wittyugum, 348
Excoecorio stinti, 599
Fogoro inderophy110, 149
Foureo orbore0, 349
Foureo deleuoyi, 349
Foureu forlieuli/lord, 350
Foureo ingcnuughtonii, 350
Foureo rochetion0, 349
Foureo solign0, 348
tornorindoides, 326
Ehretio Qinoen0, 328, 329
Ehretio cymos0, 327
Ehreti0 o6tusifo!to, 328, 329
Foureo speciosa, 349
Foureo wentzelion0, 349
Firolhoo IOUrifoli0, 244
F1eroyo ledermonnii, 466
Ehretio rigid0, 329
F1eroyo rubrostipulot0, 471
Pieroyo st;PMlos0, 469
Ehretio truehyphy110, 329
Bideocorpus dirtyo1ius, 330
BIOeocorpus origustifolius, 330
Eloeocorpus copuronii, 330
Eloeocorpus northundus, 329
BIOeocorpus quodrilobus, 594
Eloeocorpus rhodonthus, 594
BIOeocorpus subserrotus, 330
Eloeodendron buchononii, 331
E!oeodendron croceum, 332
E!aeodendro?I moldbelicum, 332
E!oeodeitdron tronsuoolense, 332
E!oeodendron gayheri, 332
Erruntio offmis, 56
Endntio Qinbigu0, 61
Endntiu chioronth0, 56, 58
Briontio hummeroe, 61
Endntio Iebrunii, 61
Endntiopolycorp0, 60
Errsete uentricosum, 232
Britondrophrogmo uttle, 294
Ephippiondro mudogoscoriensis, 333, 621
Eriocoe!urn herstingit, 334
Eriocoelum macrocorpum, 334
Eriocoelum microspermum, 333
Eriocoelumpungens, 334
Erismodelphus exsu!, 335, 336
ErismodelphL, s earsulvar. arsu1, 336
Erismode!pht, s arsulvar. plotyphyllus, 336
Erismodelphus sessilis, 336
Poetidio OSymetric0, 351
Foetidi0 60rbonic0, 352
Foetidio CIMsioides, 350, 351, 352
Poetidio mountion0, 352
Foetidio objiqu0, 351
Foetidio rodriguesion0, 352
Goertrteroponiculot0, 353
Gunophy!Ium Idledturn, 355, 356
Gunophyl!urn gigonteum, 354, 355
Goreinio koto, 335
Goreirtiopunctot0, 359
Gereouoperrieri, 381
Gi!bertiodendron bi!meatum, 362
Gilbertiodendron brachystegioides, 357, 358
Gilbertiodendron deweurei, 149, 356, 358, 605
Gilbertiodendron grondiftort, in, 358
Gi!bertiodendrongrondist!PMlotum, 358
Gilbertiodendroi, iuorense, 362
Gilbertiodendron limbo, 361
Gilbertiodendron ingyombense, 358
Gilbertiodendron ogoouense, 357, 359
Oilbertiodendronpreussii, 357, 362
Gilbertiodendron splendidum, 362
Gilletiodendron 810ndulosum, 364
Gilletiodendron hisontuense, 364
Gilletiode, Idron mildbroedii, 363
Gilletiodendronpierreonum, 364
Giuotio mudogoscoriensis, 364
Gineiiit0 o760re0, 30, 477
Gossweilerodendron 60180mi/erum, 542
Gossweilerodendronjoueri, 544
Greenwoyodendron onDen, 367
Greenwoyodendron suoueolens, 365, 366
Greenwoyodendron suoueo!errs subsp.
suoueo!errs var. gobonic0, 367
Greenwoyodendron suoueo!errs subsp.
usQinboricum, 367
Greuilleo robust0, 504
Grossero quintosii, 184
Gutbourtio grrroldiun0, 368, 369, 375
Gutbourtio coleosperm0, 98, 370, 371
Guibourtio conjugot0, 373
Gutbourtio ehie, 374, 375
Gutbourtio Ieonensis, 376
Gutbourtiopellegrinion0, 377, 378
Gutbourtio tessmonnii, 377
Gyrocorpus omeneditus, 378
Gyrocorpus omenconussubsp. of neonus, 380
Gyrocorpus omened it us subsp. omenedit Ms.
Gyrocorpus Qiner!coitus subsp. copuronionus,
Gyrocorpus omeneditus subsp. glober, 380
Gyrocorpus omenconus subsp. pinnotilobus,
Gyroco, :pus dinericonus subsp. tomentosus, 380
Gyroco, pus origustifolius, 380
Gyroco, :pus OSiottcus, 379
Gyrocorpus hobobensis, 380
Gyrocorpusjocqttinii, 379
Hogeni0 o6yssinic0, 568
Hulled echot0, 466
Honeo ledermonnii, 466
Herileo rubrostipulot0, 471
Honeo stipulos0, 469
HOPIocoe!urn foliolosum, 381
HOPIocoelum guildense, 381
HOPIocoelum moploeum, 381
HOPIocoelum mombosense, 381
HOPIocoelumperrieri, 381
HOPIocoelum trigonocorpum, 381
Hordwichio mopone, 211
Horungono inodogoscuriensis, 30
Hogomolonio Doyronii, 382, 383
Hedyeoryopsis ingdogoscoriensis, 333
Heisterioporuifoli0, 385
Heisteno trillesionu, 386
Heistend zimmereri, 386
Hojopteleo grandis, 390, 391
Homolium ofricon, ,in, 394
Homo!turn o16i/joyum, 394
Homolium uubreuillei, 394
Homolittm oy!inert, 394
Homolium dentotum, 394
Homo!min doltchophyllum, 392
Homoltum letestui, 392, 393
Homolium longistylum, 394
Homolium ingcropterum, 394
HomolLumponiculotum, 394
Homolium pioni/10rum, 394
Homolium sinythei, 394, 395
HOPIestigmo hidineonum, 395
HOPIestigmopierreonum, 396
Humbertio ingdogoscoriensis, 396, 397
Hylodendron 806unense, 398
Hymenoeo COMrbori1, 546
Hymenoeo Derrucos0, 407
Hymenocordiu copensis, 399
Hymenocordio Iyrot0, 400
Hymenocordio ulmoides, 399
Ilex mitts, 244, 401, 402
Intsi0 64iug0, 404, 406
Intsiopolembonic0, 404
fromgio excels0, 410
Iruingiogobonensis, 267, 408, 410, 453
fromgio robur, 410
Iruzngio smithii, 410
Iruirtgio wombolu, 359, 409, 410
1806erlinio origolensis, 4/2
1806erlirtio do 12ielii, 4/5
ISOberlinio doh0, 4/4, 4/5, 476
1806erliniu scheftleri, 4/3
1806erlinio tomentos0, 4/3, 4/5, 4/6
18010n0 67u, teeth, 4/8
kotono congolon0, 4/9
kotono hero!o60, 4/8
18010no seretii, 4/8
koiono thonnert, 359, 4/9
fromderolobium exp!icons, 4/9
Jotropho curcos, 246
Juglons regi0, 369, 532, 546
Julbernordi0 67teyt, 421
Julbernordio globiftor0, 158
Julbernordiopel!egrinion0, 420, 421, 463
Julbernordio seretii, 422, 605
Juniperus proner0, 492, 503
Heritiero utilis, 122, 152, 487
Hemondio Doyronti, 382
Kegyodendron bridelioides, 423
Khoyo grithothec0, 260
ridyo iuorensis, 519
Herolobus crispiftorus, 386, 387
Khoyo senegolensis, 4/7
Herolobus monopetolus, 65
Kiggelori0 o17icon0, 424
Herolobus solidfolius, 388
Heywoodio Iucens, 388
morneonthusgobonit, 425
mumedoxo buesgenii, 426
mainedoxogobonensis, 426, 428
Hildegordio erythrosiphon, 364
Kloinedoxo trillesii, 428
Lochnopy!is/Zoribund0, 493
Loftneo oddu, 243
Loft, Ieo Qinoniensis, 431
Lonneo microcorp0, 63, 64, 67
Lonneo went:itschit, 429, 431
Lonneo weiwitschtivar. ci!joint0, 431, 432
Laitneo weiwitschtivar. weiwitschii, 431
Lostodiscus loseicu!jizorus, 433
Lustodiscus monnii, 433
Lostodiscus mildbroedii, 432
Lepto!dell0 o6rohomii, 435
Leptoloeno cuspidot0, 435, 436
Leptoloeno delphinensis, 435
Leptoloeno goutieri, 435, 436
Leptoloeno multi/10r0, 433, 434
Lepto!oenopouci/10r0, 435
Leptoloeno roymondii, 435
Lettowionthus stel!otus, 207
Libreuilleo hidinei, 436
LOphtr0 o10t0, 152, 291, 338, 426, 427, 437,
439, 565, 640, 641
LOphtr0 10nceolot0, 438, 439, 440, 441
LOphtroprocer0, 437
Louoo trichilioides, 170, 260, 487
Ludio Qinbrensis, 443
Ludio ontonosorum, 444
Ludio coinorensis, 444
Lz, dig drocoenoides, 444
Ludio mounti0,10, 443
Ludt0 80010pioides, 444
Ludto sessili/1070, 443
Lyehnodiscus cerospermus, 444
Lyehnodtscus multineruis, 445
Lyehnodiscus reticulotus, 445
Mob0 o6yssinic0, 298
Mocorongo Qinifolt0, 446, 447
Mocorongu copensis, 445, 446
Mocorongo conglomerot0, 446
Mucorongoferrugine0, 446
Mocorongo hiltmondschoric0, 445
Mereorongo neomi!dbroedion0, 445
Mocorongo oblongtfolt0, 447
Macorong0 o60uot0, 447
Macorongo Dermoesen!I, 446
Mocrober!into byocteos0, 103
Mocrolobium coeruleoides, 511
Mocrolobium coeruleum, 511
Mererolobium dowei, 511
Mocrolobium deweurei, 356
Macrolobium diphyl!urn, 523
Macrolobium frogrons, 72
Macrolobium heudelotii, 4/9
Mocrolobium limbo, 361
Mqcro!objum inqcrophyl!urn, 75
Mocrorhomnus decipiens, 216
Mocrorhomnusforolootr0, 217
Moesopsis eminii, 201, 466
Mondeo fosteri, 448
Mondeo ingdogoscoriensis, 449
Mondeogongueboric0, 449
Moildeozongueborico subsp
ingdogoscoriensis, 449
Monde0 20ngueborico subsp. gongueborico,
Moronthes chrysophyl!a, 452
Moronthes globru, 449, 452
Moronthes goetzenion0, 452
Moronthespolyondr0, 453
Moronthes robust0, 450, 451, 452
Morayo ocum!not0, 487
Morgantorio discoide0, 454, 455
Margoritorio discoideo var. fogtfoli0, 455
Morhhomio ocuminot0, 459
Morhhomio hildebrondtii, 457
Morhhomio lutea, 457, 458
Markhomi0 o6tusifo!to, 458
Mothhomioplotycolyx, 457
Morhhomio tomentos0, 458, 459
Mothhomio z0,12iboric0, 459
Marquesiu excels0, 655
Morquesiu macrour0, 654
Megophrynium ingcrostochyum, 357
Metocorpidium Iepidotum, 461
Mendorouio dumozion0, 462
Microberltrtio bisulcotu, 463, 464
Microberlinio bragzouillensis, 462, 463
Mildbroediodendron excelsum, 465
Mineto excels0, 260, 456, 634
Mitrogyno enterto, 466
Mirrogyno titermis, 471
Mitrogyno ledermo, Init, 466, 467, 470, 471
Mitrogyno rubyostjpulot0, 471
Mitrogyno stjpulos0, 466, 468, 469, 471
Mo!trioeo alterit ifoli0, 473
Monnoeo arbore0, 473
Molinoeo breuipes, 473
Monnoeo joeuis, 473
Monnoeopetioloris, 473
Molinoeo sessilifo!i0, 473
Monnoeo tommbitou, 473
Montmio Quoitfoli0, 474
Montmio rotundifoli0, 474
Monopetolonthus breynei, 1/7
Monopetolonthuscompoctus, 85
Monopetulonthus corinceus, 1/1
Monqpetolortthus durondii, 1/3
Monopetolonthus heitzii, 83
Monopeto!onthus Ie-testui, 1/5
Monopetolontht, s microphyllus, 85
Monopeto!arithuspellegrinii, 1/6
Monopetolortthuspteridophy!!us, 85
Monotes o17iconus, 475
Monotes calorieurus, 475
Monotes elegons, 475
Monotes errgleri, 476
Monotes glober, 476
Monotes he'stingii, 4/6, 474, 475
Musongo cecropioides, 441, 476, 478
Musongo Ieo-erreroe, 478
Musongo smithii, 476
Myristico frogro, Is, 552
My78ine melonophloeos, 480, 481
Noucleo cuspidata, 166
Not, cleo diderrichii, 316, 318, 482, 485, 566
Noucleopobeguinii, 565
Nouc!eo trillesii, 482
Nowc!eo Donderguchtii, 485
Necepsi0 o1^elii, 487
Nectoropetolum coruo!hot, 489
Nectoropetolum hoessneri, 488
Neoboutonio digguissensis, 490
Neoboutonioglobrescens, 490
01eo europoeo subsp. cuspidot0, 220, 223, 502,
01eo gumeensis, 503
01eo hochstetteri, 503
01eo Juncea, 503
01eo weiwitschii, 503
Oilcob0 67eujpes, 504
Oncobo gilgio, to, 505
Oneobo spinos0, 505
Origoheogore, 335, 506, 507
Origoheo homerunensis, 506
Origoheo hintneonu, 506
Ophiobotrys zenheri, 509
Oubongui0 o17icon0, 510
Oubongui0 o10tu, 510
Oubonguio denticulot0, 510
Oubo, Iguio IOUrentii, 510
Oubongttio IOUrifo!to, 510
Ouroteocolophy1!0, 557
Oryonthus gongueboricus, 511
Orystigmo buchholzti, 547
Neoboutonio inocrocolyx, 489
Neoboutonio monnii, 490
Neoboutonio me!!eri, 490
Orysttgmo deweurei, 547
Neobreonio decoryon0, 165
Neocoryo ingcrophy110, 287
Oxysttgmo oryphyllum, 545
Pochye!gsmo tessmonnit, 338
Neotino coursii, 491
Neotino isoneur0, 490, 649
Foehypodonthium confine, 324
Nuno congest0, 491
Potuoeuso ductylophy110, 499
Nuno/Zoribundu, 493, 494
Nuno OPPositifoli0, 494
Nuno Derticil!at0, 494
Pond0 o1eos0, 535
Perrober!into bifo!joint0, 420
Pureringcrolobium coeruleum, 318, 511
Ochn0 o12elii, 496
Poringrichrysophy110, 452
Poringneongensis, 515
Ochno orbore0, 496
Ochno colodendron, 496
Ochnogil!etion0, 496
Ochno hoistit, 495
Ochno Quot0, 496
Ochnoprunijoli0, 495
Ochnopu!chr0, 176
Ochno thornosion0, 496
Ochromupyromidole, 489, 558
Ochthocosmus o17iconus, 530
Ochthocosmt, s Iemotreonus, 531
Ocoteo bullot0, 255
Ocote0 1480mborensis, 244, 447
Octoknemo borealis, 497
Oldfieldi0 @1ncon0, 498, 499
Oldfieldio doctylophy1!0, 499
Oldfieldio inderoco, p0, 500
Oldfieldio somolensis, 500
01eo copensis, 89, 244, 255, 501, 502
01eo copensis subsp. copeitsis, 502
01eo copensis subsp. erreruis, 502
01eo copensis subsp. macrocorp0, 502, 503
01eo europoe0, 492
Orystigmo monnii, 547
Orystigmo ms00, 547
Pochypodonthium stoudtii, 322
Portrtort eurote!Itfolio, 513
Poringriexce!so, 452, 513, 514
Poringriglobr0, 449
Portnorigoetzenion0, 452
Poringri hoistit, 513
Portnorihypochryse0, 515
Poringrirobust0, 451
Puttsinysto!to itunense, 520
Puttsinystoliojohimbe, 516, 518, 521, 522
POLLSinystolio lonerpoolei, 519
Puttsinystolio lonepoolei subsp. itunense, 520
Pousinystolio lone-poolei subsp. lonerpoolei,
Pousinystolio inderoceros, 517, 518, 520
Pousirtystolio sankeyi, 522
Pousinystolio to160tii, 522
Penegriniodendron diphyl!urn, 523
Peltophorum o17iconum, 178
Pemphis octdu10, 525
Feinphis mudogoscoriensis, 525
Pennisetum Mittsetum, 4/6
Petersionthus inderoco, pus, 526, 527
Phyllonthus discoideus, 454
Phyllurthron orticulotum, 530
Phyl!arthron inoddgoscorte, ,se, 529
Phyllocosmt, s of neonus, 530
Phyllocosmus Iemoireonus, 531
Pterocorpus soyauxii, 301, 603
Pinostigmo reticulotum, 67
Piptodeniostrum of neonum, 316
PIOcodiscus boneoe, 38is, 533
PIOcodiscus boy0, 533
PIOcodiscusglondulosus, 533
PIOcodtscusponiculotus, 533
PIOcodiscuspseudostipuloris, 532
PIOcodtscus riportus, 533
Plotylophus tryoliotus, 89
Podocorpus groci!toy, 617
Podocorpus lotifolius, 89, 244, 255, 503
Pogo o1eos0, 534, 535
Pycnonthus origolensis subsp. origolensis, 554
Pycnonthus origolensis subsp. schweinfurthti,
Polyolthio onDen, 367
Polyo!thio suoueolens, 365
Polyscios Iu!Do, 537
Polyscios hihuyensis, 538
Polyscios orntfoliu, 538
Populus xeonodensis, 539
Populus o160, 539
Populus deltoides, 539
Populus incifo!to, 538
Populus itigr0, 539
Poucheti0 o17icon0, 540
Pouchetioporuiftor0, 541
Pouportio chopelieri, 542
Pouportio orientolis, 542
Pouportio siluotic0, 541
Pouterio odo!It-friederici, 617
Priori0 601somifer0, 542, 544, 546, 548
Priori0 614chho!zii, 547
Prioriojoueri, 544
Priorio monni!, 547
Priorio ms00, 547
Priorio oryphy110, 359, 545, 546
Prosopis ofricon0, 4/6
Protium inoddgoscoriense, 542
Protomegoborio macrophy!!0, 549
Protomegoborio stop/ion0, 548
Pterocelostrus tricuspidotus, 89
Pterygopodium o:10, phy!Ium, 545
Pycnonthus origoleitsts, 79, 81, 149, 200, 209,
441, 552, 554, 583
PycnonthL, s hornb0, 552
Roponeo melonophloeos, 480
Roponeo rhododendroides, 480
Rophio hookeri, 563
Rowsoniu burtt-douyi, 557
Rowsonio lucid0, 556
Rowsonio reticu!at0, 556
Rhobdophyllum CUIophyllum, 557
Rhodoclodo rhopoloides, 92
Rhus o6yssinic0, 588
Rhus glutinos0, 588
Rhus gueinz, I, 588
Rhus lonee0, 587
Rhus lucid0, 588
Rhuspendulin0, 588
Rhus rettttorrhoe0, 588
Rhus uimino!is, 588
Ricinodendron of neonum, 558
Ricinodendro, , heudelotii, 558, 559
Ridrtodendron heudelotiisubsp. o17iconum,
RicinodeiLdro, I heudelotti subsp. heudelotii, 560
Rinoreo orbore0, 562
Rinoreo aylmeri, 562
Rinoreo brochypetolu, 561
Rinoreo titcifoli0, 562
Rinoreo hibbiensis, 562
Rinoreo oblongifoli0, 562
R, noreopoggei, 561
Rinoreo se!eensis, 562
Rinoreo subsessilis, 562
SOCog!ottis Qinozottic0, 564
SOCoglottis gobonensts, 336, 508, 562, 564
Sontolum o16um, 137, 142, 598
Soreocepholtts diderrichii, 482
Protorhus ditimen0, 549
Soreocepholus inoddgoscorie, 1sts, 165
Protorhus grondidieri, 550
Soreocepholuspobegutnii, 565
Protorhus longifoli0, 550
Protorhus IOUuelii, 550
Protorhus sence0, 550
Protorhus thouuenotii, 550
Prunus urinenioc0, 676
Pseudospondiosgigonte0, 354
Soreocepho!us trillesii, 482
Sche//Zero abyssinic0, 567
Schemero umbellifer0, 568
Pterocorpus origolensis, 43, 176, 372
Schinziophyton routonenti, 98
Schotio ofr0, 569
Schoti0 670chypet010, 568
Schotio copttot0, 569
Schotto lotifoli0, 569, 570
Schreber0 o10t0, 570
Schreber0 o760re0, 572, 573
Pterocorpus Iucens, 98
Schreberogolungensis, 573
Psydroxfoulhneroe, 551
Psydrox o60uot0, 551
Psydroxporutftor0, 550
Schrebero trichoc!od0, 571, 573
SCOlopio erythrocorp0, 575
SCOlopio hogomby, 575
SCOlopio heterophylla, 575
SCOlopio inodogoscoriensis, 574
SCOlopio in undii, 576
Stoudtio homerunensis var. homerunensis, 604
Stoudtiopterocorp0, 604
Stoudtio stjpitot0, 602
Sternonocoleus micronthus, 605
Sterculio oblong0, 316
Strombosio gloucescens, 607
SCOlopio oriento!is, 575
Strombosiogrondifoli0, 608
SCOlopiu rhomniphy110, 576
SCOlopio sto!zii, 576
Strombosiopustulot0, 607, 608
Strombosio scheff!eri, 609, 611
Styombosio genheri, 608
SCOlopio the ifoli0, 576
SCOlopi0 2eyheri, 575
SCOrodophloeus lischeri, 578
SCOrodoph!oeus torrei, 578
SCOrodophloeus zenheri, 577, 578
Scottellio cheuolieri, 579
Scottellio conoce0, 579
Scottellto homerunensis, 579
Scottellio hmmeon0, 509, 579, 581
Scottellio Ieonensis, 580
Scottellio orientolis, 581
Scyphocepholium chrysothrix, 584
Scyphocepholittm monnii, 582, 583
Scyphocepho!turn ochoc00, 582
Scytopetolum foldineonum, 586, 587
Scytopetolumpierreonum, 586
Styombosiopsis nori0, 613
Styombosiopsis tetro, ,dr0, 608, 612
Strophonthus 870tus, 338, 341
Strophonthus sarinentosus, 163
SIrychnos otherstonei, 615
Strychnos decussot0, 615
Strychnos me110dor0, 615
Strychiios mitts, 613, 614
Stuhlmonnio mooui, 616
Suregodo nthoxy10, 617
Suregodoprocer0, 617
Scourtzio listuloides, 131
Scourtzio mudogoscoriensis, 133
byinphonioglobulifer0, 566
Searsio retinorrhoe0, 588
Senno lactea, 589
Senna mendionolis, 590
Senno siome0, 590
Synsepolum subcordotum, 359
Tamarindus indic0, 243
Tornorix ophy110, 618, 619
Tornorix orticulot0, 618
Tumorix nilotic0, 619
Tornorix senegalerrsis, 619
Tornorix us neoides, 619
Tombot, risso thouuenotii, 620
Tombourisso Inchophyllo var. thouuenotii, 620
Topinonthus bongwensis, 128
Topurofischeri, 622
Senno uigttiere110, 590
Teeto, IQ grondis, 28, 33, 36, 40, 43, 369
Stridoro hidineon0, 590, 591
Tephrosio Dogelii, 357
Terminolio oemu!0, 627
Terminolto Quirennioides, 4/6
Terminoliu iuorensis, 486, 622, 624, 634
Termino!iu hotseron0, 630
Terminglid hiltmondschortc0, 628
Terminalto inocropter0, 63, 67
Terminolioprunioides, 630
Termingjig sumbesioc0, 627
Terminolio sence0, 176, 628
Termingjig stuhlmonnii, 630
Scytopetolum tieghemii, 510, 585, 586
Seorsio glutirtos0, 588
Searsio gueinzii, 588
Seorsio lonee0, 587
Seorsio lucid0, 588
Seorsiopendulin0, 588
Stridoropsis Ie-testui, 592
8100neo rhodonth0, 594, 595
8100neo rhodontho var. dolechompioides, 595
8100neo rhodontho var. rhodonth0, 595
Solonum origuiui, 192
Sonneroti0 o160, 596
Sorghum bicolor, 63
Sortndeio longi/bit0, 653
Soyouxiogrundifoli0, 597
Spirostochys ofricon0, 220, 598, 599
Spirostochys Denenifer0, 600
Stodmo, Inio ocuminot0, 602
Stodmo, Intoglouc0, 602
Studmonnio legndrii, 602
Stodmonnio OPPositifoli0, 601
Studmonnio OPPositifolio subsp. rhodesic0, 602
Stoudtiogoboneitsis, 602
Stoudtio homerunensis, 359, 602, 604
Stoudtio homerunensis var. gobo, lensis, 604
TermingJig superb0, 630, 632, 636, 637
Termingjig tetrondr0, 635, 636
TermingJin trtchopod0, 630
Terminaltopsis tetrondrus, 635
Tessmonnio of neon0, 638
ressmonnio onom010, 638
Tessmonnio bothioeoides, 639
Tessmonnto dewildemonion0, 639
Tessmonnio leserouwoetii, 637, 638
Tessmonnioyongombiensis, 639
Uupuco del, minat0, 660
Testuleo gobonensis, 640, 641
Uupoco betomponensis, 665
00poc0 67iey, , 662
Uupoco corbisieri, 662
Uupoco densifoli0, 665
Tetroberlinio bifoliolotu, 84, 421, 642, 643
Tetroberlirtiopo!yphy1!0, 643, 644
Tetrober!into tubmonion0, 296, 645, 646
Tetropleuro tetropter0, 374, 375
Tetropterocorpongeoy!, 647
Tetropterocorpon septentrionolis, 648
negheme!IQ ofricon0, 28, 33, 36, 40, 43
negheme!!o heeke!it, 28, 33, 36, 40, 43, 152,
Uopoco esculent0, 662
00pocogutneensis, 527, 655, 657, 659
Dopoco heudelotii, 658, 659
00poco heude!otiivar. ocuminot0, 660
Uopoco letestuon0, 662
Uopoco lissopyren0, 657
Ting chopelierion0, 648
Ting dosycorp0, 649
Uopoco IOUuelii, 665
Uupoco mole, 657, 661
Ting Iuluineruis, 649
Ting isaloensis, 649
rind isoneur0, 490
rind striot0, 648
Tino thouorsion0, 649
Uupocopoludos0, 661
Uupocopynoert, ,, 662
Tinopsis aptculot0, 491, 649
Uupoco Donhouttei, 662
Tinopsis chrysophy110, 650
71nopsis conjugot0, 650
Tinopsis disstti/lord, 650
Tmopsis isoneur0, 490
Tinopsis inocrocorp0, 650
Tinopsisphellocorp0, 650
0007iodendron gritsotum, 665
Uuoriopsis congensis, 666
Vernonio conferto, 335
Tinopsis tornotouensis, 650
Tinopsis tornpolensis, 650
Tinopsis urschiz, 650
Touboouote breuiponiculot0, 295
Trichoclodus ellipticus, 650
Trichoclodus ellipticus subsp. ellipticus, 651
Trichoclodus ellipticus subsp. inglosonus, 651
Trichoscyphu o760re0, 651, 652
Trichoscypho beguei, 652
Trichoscyph0 64iug0, 652
fitchoscypho CODolliensis, 652
Trichoscypho cheuo!ieri, 652
flithoscypho eoloensis, 652
fitchoscypho longifo!to, 653
Trichoscypho Iucens, 652
Trichoscyph0 o60, 652
Trichoscypho ulugure, Isis, 652
Trichoscyphoyopoensis, 652
Trillesonthus excelsus, 655
Trillesonthus ingcrourus, 654
77'401isomeris explicons, 4/9
Triplochiton seieroxylon, 392, 453, 633, 634
Dopocu stuudtii, 662
Doperco thouorsii, 407, 664
00poco togoensis, 4/6, 476, 657
Vitellorioporodox0, 278, 427
Wetnmonnio boyerion0, 668
Weinmonnio minuti/!oru, 667
Weinmonnio rutenbergii, 668
Weinmonnio tinctori0, 668
Wielondio oblongifoli0, 668
Xylopio ocuti/1070, 671
Xylopio oethiopic0, 672, 673
Xylopio brieyi, 671
Xylopio chrysophy110, 671
Xylopio cupuloris, 671
Xy!opio hypolompr0, 671, 673
Xylopio in coosumbii, 671, 672
Xylopioporui/lord, 672
Xylopio quintosii, 669, 670
Xylopio rubescens, 671
Xylopio stoudtii, 671, 673
Xylopio unlos0, 672
Xylopio coiluierthii, 672
Xymolos monospor0, 673, 674
Zoriho of neon0, 676, 677, 679
Zorihogo!ungensis, 677, 678, 679
Zoriho suoueo!errs, 677, 679
Zorithoxylum gilletti, 486
Index ofvernacular plant names
Acacia copaldo Suda0, 278
ACajou jaune d'Mrique, 482
ACajoujaune du Congo, 482
ACajoujaune du Gabon, 482
ACcra copa1, 271, 274
ACkee, 122
Africanbeech, 348
African birch, 62
African brazilnut, 534
African copaiba balsam, 274
African cordia, 233
African corkwood, 476
African ebony, 301, 306, 308,
African holly, 401
Arbre a suif, 552
ATbre a vernis, 274
Arbre fricass6, 122
ATbre pieuvre, 49
Assegaitree, 254
AtheItamansk, 618
AtheItree, 618
AUIne d'Amenque, 51
AUIne des Andes, 51
Aune des hades, 51
Awoura, 420
Azobe, 437
Azob6, 437
Azodau, 31
Balsam tree, 211
Bouton d'antilope, 78
Boxboard, 552
Brimstone tree, 482
Brittle wood, 491
Burkea, 174
Bush canary berry, 617
Bush mahogany, 150
Bush mango, 238, 241
Bushveld peacock-berry, 454
Butterfly tree, 211
Cabbage tree, 70
Camdeboo stinkwood, 188
Garnero0n ebony, 306
Cape beech, 480
Cape ebony, 346, 388
Cape holly, 401
African hornalium, 392
African ironwood, 501
African ita, 185
African linden, 469
Banda rouge, 590
Bastard mopane, 370
African nutmeg, 552
Bastard white stinkwood, 190
African oak, 26, 498
African oil-nut tree, 558
Beach cordial, 236
Cayor pear tree, 241
Celtis d'Mrique, 192
Bean-pod tree, 156
Chacate, 373
African peach, 482
Beechwood, 348
Bell, 420
Benin ebony, 301
Chacate-pret0, 373
Benln gum copa1, 271, 274
Ch6ne d'Mrique, 622
Ch6ne d'Mrique, 498
Cherry inahogony, 562
African red beech, 348
African rosewood, 370
African sandalwood, 598
African satinwood, 315
Bastard teak, 370
Bastard white ironwood, 319
Benin ironwood, 169
African sumac, 587
Benin mahogany, 451
African teak, 162
African walnut, 568
Bidou, 562
African yellow wood, 56, 60
African zebrawood, 462
Billnga des marais, 566
Bishopwood, 1/8
Afrocrania, 243
Bitterbark tree, 562
Black afara, 622
atzena, 26, 31, 35, 38, 41
Black bark, 298, 622
Agba, 542
Akee, 122
Black barked terminalia, 622
Black Ironwood, 501
Akee apple, 122
Blighia savoureuse, 122
Aki, 122
Akossika, 579
Alder, 51
Andean alder, 51
Andes alder, 51
indoorig de Durand, 1/3
Andoung de Heitz, 83
Bois bleu, 87
Bois bouchon, 476
Bois d'or, 566
Bois de fer, 396, 601
andoung de Le Testu, 1/5
andoung de Morel, 1/1
foldoung rouge, 83
Allgoa, 335
Angueuk, 506
Arbre a all, 577
Arbre a encens, 271
Arbre a pagaies, 602
Bois de fer de Bourbon, 601
Bois de fer de Maurice, 601
Cape sandalwood, 598
Castanha de Africa, 122
Castanheiro de Africa, 122
Chanate, 211
Chanfuta, 26, 41
Chocolatier, 408
01mbirre, 53
Coast goldleaf, 169
Cobweb tree, 120
Colville's glory tree, 218
Common forest ochna, 495
Common pheasant-berry, 454
Common wild elder, 491
Congo walnut, 630
Copaltree, 278
Copalier, 370
Copalier de Rhodesie, 370
GOPalwood, 370
Cor de inogn0, 655
Cordia d'Mrique, 233
Bois de rose d'Mrique, 377
Bois Marie, 87
Cordyla, 238
Bois matelot, 525
Croton, 245
Dattock, 285
06marreur, 516
Detah, 285
Dika, 408
Dika bread tree, 408
Dika nuttree, 408
Bois rouge, 340
Bolek0, 506
B016k0, 506
Bonki0, 662
Bouleau d'Mrique, 62
Bourbon ironwood, 601
Corkwood tree, 558
Divida, 577
Doka, 4/4
DousSI6, 26, 31, 35, 38, 41
DousSI6 blanc, 38
DousSI6 rouge, 35
Drum tree, 233
East African afzelia, 41
East African cordia, 230
East African olive, 501
Ebais, 233
Ebano african0, 308
Ebbne d'Mrique, 301, 308
Ebbne de Madagascar, 304
Ebbne de Mozambique, 308
Ebbne noir, 301
Eb6nier veritable du Gabon,
Ebony diospyros, 308
Ekaba, 642
Ekki, 437
Elaeodendron, 331
Elgon olive, 501
Erable d'Mrique, 534
Essang, 558
Essessang, 558
False camphor, 382
False ebony, 346
False jobimbe, 521
Faro d'Agboville, 271
Fausse ariacarde, 122
Faux camphrier, 382
Faux copalier, 523
Faux muscadier, 552
Faux teck, 230
Faux-ebbne, 236
F1sanier, 122
Flamboyant d'avri1, 218
Gloire de Golville, 218
Grand datar, 285
Grand tall, 340
Grey plum, 513
Groundnuttree, 558
Guinea plum, 513
Gum copa1, 278
Gum copaltree, 271
Hairy drypetes, 319
Mapou, 474
Mapou a grandes feuilles, 474
Mapou blanc, 474
Mapou des hauts, 474
Markhamia, 457
Mbage, 87
Huevo vegetalcastanha, 122
Mbambakofi, 41
Mbamba-inweupe, 379
Mbaraka inkuu, 340
Mbawa, 379, 445
Mbomba, 379
Mbomba mail, 256
Mbombar0, 627
Mbula, 513
Mbura, 513
Mdaa-rowitu, 298
Meh10, 150
Mecrusse, 53
Melegba, 106
nomba, 552
norm balsam, 274
Incens0, 271
Indian ash, 23
Indian olive, 329
Trioi nut, 534
Ironwood, 211, 601
Ironwood olive, 501
Isan0, 506
Island walnut, 236
Ita, 185
Jackal berry, 308
Java cedar, 1/8
Javanese bishopwood, 1/8
Johimbe, 516
Kakide brousse, 308
Karee, 587
Itifuwahe, 173
1:1hambie, 319
1<11alamba kike, 525
1<11eku, 506
Koka, 1/8
Large false mopane, 370
Large mock mopane, 370
Large-leaved cordia, 230
Leadwood, 219
Leaf-berry tree, 622
Forest celtis, 190
Forest elder, 493
Forest false-nettle, 23
Forest fever tree, 70
Forest ironplum, 319
Forest ironwood, 319
Forest nuxia, 493
Forest ordeal tree, 340
Leaness tamarisk, 618
Lebomboironwood, 53
Lemonwood, 673
Lesser red heart, 399
Liberia ebony, 312
Lim du Gabon, 337
Limba, 630
Limbali, 356
Limbo, 630
Forest sword-leaf, 181
Forest tree combretum, 222
Frak6, 630
Framir6, 622
Frankincense tree, 278
Fuchsia tree, 568
Galla plum, 381
Garlic tree, 577
Giant diospyros, 298
Manokajaune, 92
Headache tree, 598
Forest big-leaf, 70
Forest peach, 556
Mancone, 337, 340
Manc6ne, 340
Mangyiersauvage, 408, 513
Melegba des galeries, 108
Menebantam0, 552
Menguela, 558
Messasa, 156
Mfunda roweupe, 488
Mfundu, 601
Mfupapu, 173, 511
Mfuwate, 443
Mgamb0, 457
Mgiriti, 308
MgOmbe, 308
MgOng010, 222
MgOvigovi, 575
Mgurure, 222
Mgwata, 238
Mgwina, 162
Mitzeerie, 169
Mjangari, 454
Mjoh0, 308
Loliond0, 501
Loweld silver oak, 137
Lucky-bean tree, 26
Mkadi, 308
Mkalanga, 445
Mkalya, 676, 678
Mkamachuma, 495
Mkarambati, 137
Mkelekele, 340
Mkivule, 126
Mkonge, 41
Mkulung0, 627
Madagascar ebony, 304
Mkungu inwitu, 552
Mahoganybean, 41
Mahogany nut, 451
Makobokob0, 230
Mainpataz, 513
Mkungu-may I, 70
Mkwanga, 676, 678
Mkwe, 511
Mlambusi, 87
Lingu6, 26
Mlanga-makelele, 445
Mwalambe, 622, 630
Red syringa, 174
Mlilana, 596
Mwangajinimdog0, 613
Mwangati, 627
Red water tree, 340
Mwavi, 340
Mwavidume, 340
Mwiza, 169
Red-fruited celtis, 192
Myomb0, 156
N'galama, 62
Redwood, 159
Mlyaminga, 613
Mnyandege, 243
Moambejaune, 56, 60
Moambe noir, 365
Mokalung0, 192
Mokolong0, 192
Monnda, 365
Mongong0, 78
Monkey guava, 308
Mopane, 211
Mountain acacia, 159
Moussangou6, 585
Movingui, 315
Mpapayimwitu, 256
Mpera-inwitu, 222
Mpia, 596
MPUlulu, 627
Mpweke, 308
Mrihi, 156
Mringamringa, 230
Mriti, 156
Mroma, 238
Msaa-inti, 55
Msaira, 401
Msaluti, 91
Msangana, 609
Msarakana, 598
Msekeseke, 133
Msenefu, 245
Msindi, 308
Mtalawanda, 457
Mtama inwitu, 622
Mtamba0, 199
Mtambara, 199
Mtambuu-inwitu, 70
Mteti, 399
Mtigonzi, 238
Mtonga, 613
Muamba preta, 365
Muave, 340
Muawa, 558
Mubura, 513
Mueluili, 298
Muhuhu, 137
Mukambakusi, 41
Mumbwe, 238
Munguella, 558
Mupane, 211
Mushargi, 501
Mussacossa, 26, 41
Muumbu, 429
Mv00, 238
Mvum0, 137
Mwakamwatu, 126
Natalhaze1, 650
Natalwhite stinkwood, 192
Niger copa1, 278
Niov6, 602
Northern galla plum, 381
Noyer d'Oceanie, 236
Noyer du Mayombe, 630
Nsanu, 506
Ntuli, 506
Odika, 408
Ogbon0, 408
01ek0, 506
Olive walnut, 368
011vier du Cap, 501
011vier tropical, 368
Origok6a, 506
Orange-barked terminalIa,
Ordeal tree, 337
PalerUVier d'eau douce, 655
PalerUVier de rivi6re, 655
Panssandre d'Mrique, 75
Parasoltree, 537
Parasolier, 476
Farmari, 513
Pau de Cabinda, 516
Pau ferr0, 133
Pau goiaba, 572
Pau rosa, 133
Pau vermelh0, 602
Pau-incens0, 274
Pear wood, 87
Peau gris, 87
Pink cedar tree, 23
Pitted-leafstrychnos, 613
Pod mahogany, 41
POITier du Gayor, 241
Poison d'6preuve, 340
Pornmier d'aki, 122
Poor man's candle, 180
Propeller tree, 379
Prunier de Gum6e, 513
Rainy season bush mango,
Realred pear, 495
Redbeech, 348
Red ironwood, 437, 495
Red oak, 106
Red-brown mangrove, 596
Red-fruited white stinkwood,
Rer6 a longs fruits, 75
Rhodesian mahogany, 41, 370
Rhodesian teak, 96, 370
Riki0, 655
Rikio a grandes feuilles, 661
Rikio des marais, 661
Rikio des rivi6res, 658
Rikio noir, 662
River cluster-leaf, 627
River macaranga, 445
River terminalia, 627
Rondo, 238
Rough-skinned plum, 513
Rugged oilfruit, 329
Sage-leaved alangium, 47
Sambi, 655
Sand bushwillow, 222
Sand syringa, 174
Sandalo african0, 598
Sasswood tree, 337, 340
Satinwood, 622
Sau, 4/4
Savory akee tree, 122
Sea trumpet, 236
S6bestier d'Mrique, 230
Shingle tree, 23
Shingle wood, 622, 630
SIala, 457
Silky berry, 23
Silky plum, 601
Silver oak, 137
Silver terminalIa, 628
SImbitree, 53
Smallbastard mopane, 373
Smallcopalwood, 373
Smallfalse mopane, 373
Smallmock mopane, 373
Smallred-heart tree, 399
Small-leaved mangrove, 525
Smooth-fruited zanha, 678
Snake bean tree, 133
Soap tree, 526
Sourwood, 585
Spiny macaranga, 445
Stink ebony, 388
Stinkwood tree, 350, 526
Strombosia, 609
Sudan copa1, 278
Sudan teak, 230
Sugar plum, 655, 662
Sunbird tree, 238
Triangle tops, 126
Tropical oliver, 368
White stinkwood, 188
White witch-hazel, 650
Swamp ebony, 308
Tsilaitra a petites feuilles,
WildAfrican ebony, 308
Swamp poplar, 445
Sweetbush mango, 408
Tall, 337, 340
Tallow tree, 285
Tamaris a galles, 618
Tamaris aphylle, 618
Tamboti, 598
Tana River poplar, 538
Tchitola, 545
Teck d'Arable, 230
Teck de Rhodesie, 96
Thorn pear, 575
Thorny elm, 201
Tilleuld'Mrique, 469
Tlaie of Morocco, 618
ToIa, 542
ToIa branca, 542
ToIa chinfuta, 545
ToIa inafuta, 545
Tond0, 238
Toog tree, 1/8
Transvaalebony, 308
Tsotso tree, 373
Tuna, 258
Turpentine tree, 211
Turtosa, 498
Umbrella tree, 476
UVala, 26, 41
Velvet-fruited zanha, 676
meme, 602
Water kusia, 566
Water shea nut, 162
Watertree, 401
Weeping hoerbean, 568
Weeping schotia, 568
WestAfrican copaltree, 274
WestAfrican ebony, 301, 308
Whip tree, 218
White afara, 630
White mahogany, 78
White inukonja, 630
White oak, 68
White pear, 87
Wild elder, 493
Wild lemon, 673
Wild mango, 238
Wild oleander, 162
Wild peach, 424
Wild poplar, 445
Wild quince, 53
Wild seringa, 174
Wild syringa, 174
Willow rhus, 587
Witch-hazel, 650
Wych hazel, 650
Yellow satinwood, 315
Yellow terminalIa, 622
Yellow wood, 56, 60
Yohimbe, 516
Yoruba Ironwood, 169
Zambeziredwood, 96
Zambeziteak, 96
Zebran0, 462
Zingana, 462
Plant Resources of Tropical Africa
Ressources veg6tales de I'Attique tropicale
PROTA in short
The Plant Resources of Tropical Africa (PROTA) programme wasinitiated in 2000
and developed into an international partnership of 111nstitutions in 11 countries
during the Preparatory Phase 2000-2003. Since 19 February 2003, PROTA operates
as an international foundation domiciled in Wageningen, Netherlands.
PROTA is a major'information brokerage and knowledge repatriation' programme.
The objectives are to bring the 'world literature' on the useful plants of Tropical Africa, now accessible only to the resourceful happy few, into the (African) public domain, and contribute to greater awareness and sustained use of the plants, with due
respect for traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights. PROTA will describe the estimated 7,000 useful plants during the Implementation Phase 20032015. The information carriers will be freely accessible Web databases
(WWW. prota. org), a low-price Handbook and CD-Rom series featuring 16 Commodity
groups, and Special Products per commodity group for rural development, education, research and policy actors (allin English and French).
PROTAl: Cerealsandpulses(2006) PROTA9: Auxiliary plants
PROTAIO: Fuelplants
PROTA2: Vegetables(2004)
PROTA3: Dyes andtannins(2005) PROTA 11(I): Medicinal plants I(2008)
PROTA4: Ornamentals
PROTA 11(2): Medicinal plants 2
PROTA5: Forages
PROTA12: Spices andcondiments
PROTA6: Fruits
PROTA13: Essential oils andexudates
PROTA 7(I): Timbers I(2008)
PROTA 7(2): Timbers 2 (2012)
PROTA8: Carbohydrates
PROTA14: Vegetable oils(2007)
PROTA15: Stimulants
PROTA16: Fibres(2012)
PROTA, P. O. BOX 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, Netherlands (WWW. prota. org)
About CTA
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)is a jointinternational institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and
the European Union (EU). Its mission is to advance food and nutritional security,
increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management in ACP
countries. It provides access to information and knowledge, facilitates policy dialogue and strengthens the capacity of agricultural and rural development institutions and communities.
CTAoperates under the framework of the CotonouAgreement andisfundedby the
For more information on CTA, visit WWW. cta. int
46 O
I. CapeVerde
17. Sao Tome at Principe
2. Mauritania
35. Malawi
36. Zambia
3. Senegal
18. Cameroon
19. Chad
4. Gambia
5. GuineaBissau
20. Central African Republic
21. Equatorial Guinea
38. Namibia
6. Guinea
22. Gabon
40. Zimbabwe
7. SierraLeone
8. Liberia
9. C6ted'Ivoire
23. Congo
24. Democratic Republic of Congo
41. Mozambique
25. Rwanda
10. Mali
26. Burundi
42. Comoros
37. Angola
39. Botswana
11. Burkina Faso
T2. Ghana
13. Togo
14. Benin
27. Sudan
31. Somalia
15. Niger
16. Nigeria
28. Eritrea
32. Kenya
33. Uganda
43. Mayotte (Fr)
44. Madagascar
45. Seychelles
46. Reunion (Fr)
34. Tanzania 88
47. Mauritius
29. Ethiopia
30. Djibouti
PROTA, short for'Plant Resources of Tropical Africa' is an international
programme focused on the 7,000 useful plants of Tropical Africa. Its purpose is to
make available the wealth of dispersed knowledge on these plantresources for
education, extension, research and industry through Internet databases, books,
CDRoms, and derived productssuch as brochures, leaflets, and manuals. A thorough
knowledge of the plant resources is essential for arriving at ecologicalIy balanced
and sustainable land-use systems. A large international team of experts is
contributing the texts on particular species. Allspecies are described according to a
standard format with details on uses, trade, properties, botany, ecology, agronomy
or sylviculture, genetic resources, breeding, prospects and literature. In the printed
series the species are grouped into commodity groups. More Information on
WWW. prota org. The web database'PROTA4U'can be searched at .prota4u. org.
T robers 2
PROTA 7 deals with the timber trees of Tropical Africa. PROTA!s database
'SPECIESLIST'presents 2352 species used assuch 1204 amongthem are primary
use timbers, qualifyLng fortreatmentin PROTA 7, which is subdivided into 2
volumes. PROTA 7 I described 511species belonging to a selection of 25 botamcal
families The reinaiiung 693 'primary use'timbers are Included in PROTA 7(2), in
which also the 1148 'secondary use timbers are listed as'Timbers with other
primary use andreferred to other Handbookvolumes.
In PROTA 7 2 the 693 'primary use'timbers are described in 314 renew articles
implying that 379 species are briefly mentioned and described in the articles of more
important related species. they have o eparate article due to lack of Information.
Wageningen, Netherlands
9 789290 814955 >
Book only
Wagertingen, Netherlands
9 789290 814962 >
Book + CD-Rom

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species of Madagascar, ie Zorithoxylum mado

species of Madagascar, ie Zorithoxylum mado ruberto, MM. , Mougel, E. & Zoulalian, A. , 2000. Compatibility of some tropical hardwood species with Portland cement using isothermal calorimetry. Forest Products Journal 50(9): 83-88.

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