ITC by Country Report


ITC by Country Report
ITC by Country
ITC by country - Cameroon
Table of Contents
1. Country / Territory Brief
2. People and Economy
2.1 People
2.2 Economy
3. Trade Performance
3.1 General Trade Performance
3.2 Sector Trade Performance
4. Trade Strategy and Policy
4.1 Trade and Development Strategies
4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access
4.3 Trade Facilitation
4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment
4.5 Infrastructure
5. ITC and the Country/Territory
5.1 ITC Projects
5.2 Events
5.3 ITC Contacts
6. Trade Information Sources and Contacts
6.1 Trade Information Sources
6.2 Trade Contacts
This is a pdf version of the captioned country contents in the intracen web site of the International Trade Centre. This document
was generated on 05.12.2014. For the latest information about ITC's work and the country, please refer to ©
International Trade Centre 2014
ITC encourages the reprinting and translation of its publications to achieve wider dissemination. Short extracts of this document
may be freely reproduced, with due acknowledgement of the source. Permission should be requested for more extensive
reproduction or translation. A copy of the reprinted or translated material should be sent to ITC.
ITC by country - Cameroon
1. Country / Territory Brief
Cameroon is a low middle income country of abundant and diverse natural resources. Crude oil, lumber, cocoa, coffee and
cotton are among its key exports commodities towards mainly the Chinese market, Netherlands, Spain, India and Portugal.
Thanks to its diversified and strong economy, Cameroon is considered the motor of the central African Region, especially for the
CEMAC countries. Its leading partners in the zone are Equatorial Guinea, followed by Chad and Congo. Nonetheless, the
country still has difficulties channeling the revenues obtained from trade into structural investments in infrastructure and the
productive sectors.
Cameroon is accumulating great efforts to facilitate its trade environment. In 2013 the country was classified 161 out of 185
countries on the Ease of Doing Business ranking, which constitutes a move upward of more than 4 places from its rank in the
previous year. The Douala free port is the hub of foreign trade and importers are allowed eleven free days without having to pay
storage fees. Furthermore, the country is making tremendous efforts to optimize its one stop shop for foreign trade GUCE which
digitalization is under way.
ITC by country - Cameroon
2. People and Economy
2.1 People
Total population
19,595,026 in 2012 with growth rates of 2.6% p.a during 2008-2012
(growth rates per annum)
Population density
(people per sq. km of
land area)
41 in 2012
Female population
50.1% in 2012
Population below 15
years of age
43.1% in 2008 ; 43.8% in 2012
Urban population
50.3% in 2012
Population living below
$1.25 a day at purchasing N.A.
power parity (PPP)
Ranking in the Human
Development Index (HDI)
150 out of 186 in 2012
Evolution of the Human
Development Index (HDI)
Source: United Nations Development Programme Human Development Indicators
Note: The Human Development Index measures the overall development of a nation and ranges from 0 (low level of
development) to 1 (highest level of development). The United Nations Development Programme (
provides a detailed explanation. ITC Regional group refers to ITC definition
Life expectancy at birth (years) (54); Mortality rate, under-5 (per thousand live births) (94.9) in
Education index - expected and mean years of schooling (rank) ( 129 out of 191) in 2012
Income level
Inequality-adjusted HDI (rank) (104 out of 191)in 2012
Multidimensional Poverty Index (rank)( 28 out of 191) in 2012
Gender inequality index (rank) (12 out of 191) in 2012
Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) (n.a) in 2012
ITC by country - Cameroon
2.2 Economy
Sector added value
Added value per sector
(current US$ and % of GDP)
US $
US $
US $
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)
Note: Added value is US$ terms are expressed in million, GDP US$, and
"6,976 to be read 6'976"
Evolution of GDP
(constant 2005 US$)
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)
Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI
Evolution of GDP per capita
(constant 2005 US$)
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)
Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI
ITC by country - Cameroon
Aid Dependency
(Official Development Assistance/Gross
National Income)
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)
Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI. Regional group
refers to ITC definition
Remittances as a Share of GDP
Remittances as a Share of GDP
Remittance ($ millions)
Remittance (% GDP)
Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)
Note: ITC calculations based on World Bank WDI, IMF BOP statistics,
and "6,976 to be read 6'976"
ITC by country - Cameroon
3. Trade Performance
3.1 General Trade Performance
3.1.1 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Goods
3.1.2 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Services
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.3 Evolution of Total Trade
3.1.4 Trade Map
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.5 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Export
3.1.6 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Import
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.7 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Export
3.1.8 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Import
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.9 Total Export Growth
Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.
Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value terms by diversification pattern over the indicated
3.1.10 Marginal Export Growth
Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.
Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value by structural driving effects over the indicated period.
Values are in US$ thousands.
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.11 Composition of Trade in Services - Export
3.1.12 Composition of Trade in Services - Import
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.1.13 Evolution of FDI
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.2 Sector Trade Performance
3.2.1 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Export
3.2.2 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Import
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.2.3 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Export
3.2.4 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Import
Sectoral diversification in origin for Cameroon's imports (mirror)
in value
(% p.a)
Share of top 3
countries in
sector’s imports
List of the top 3 supplying countries
Leather products
46.7 %
89.9 %
96.2 %
China ; France ; Italy
China ; France ; Italy
42.7 %
74.6 %
92.8 %
China ; France ; Pakistan
China ; India ; France
34.9 %
53.9 %
65.7 %
Brazil ; Netherlands ; France
Belgium ; Congo ; Brazil
Fresh food
22.6 %
58.5 %
56.6 %
Thailand ; France ; Argentina
Thailand ; India ; France
Transport equipment
22.4 %
56.1 %
61.9 %
Belgium ; France ; China
Congo ; China ; Belgium
IT & consumable electronics
17.8 %
69.8 %
76.0 %
France ; China ; Israel
China ; France ; Spain
Miscellaneous manufacturing
17.3 %
66.6 %
66.2 %
France ; China ; Italy
China ; France ; United States of
Non-electronic machinery
16.1 %
54.5 %
57.5 %
France ; United States of
America ; China
United States of America ; China
; France
Processed food
16.0 %
43.2 %
38.5 %
France ; Belgium ; Netherlands
France ; Malaysia ; Netherlands
15.6 %
79.6 %
87.2 %
China ; Pakistan ; Thailand
China ; Pakistan ; India
Basic manufactures
15.5 %
49.6 %
63.0 %
China ; Brazil ; France
China ; France ; Turkey
15.2 %
54.8 %
60.0 %
France ; China ; India
France ; China ; India
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.2.5 Sectors by World Demand - Export
3.2.6 Sectors by World Demand - Import
ITC by country - Cameroon
3.2.7 Trade Performance Index
ITC by country - Cameroon
4. Trade Strategy and Policy
4.1 Trade and Development Strategies
Year Strategy name
ECCAS Coffee Export Strategy
The rationale of the strategy arises from the decrease in coffee
ECCAS Cotton and Textile Export Strategy
The strategy envisages the creation of a competitive and
integrated value-chain, able...
Cotton, Garment Industry, Textile Industry
Banana Plantain Export Strategy (Stratégie de Développement
de la Filière Banane Plantain au Cameroun)
2010 The Cameroon Banana Plantain Export Strategy envisages the
creation of an organized,...
Banana Plantain
Cassava Export Strategy (Stratégie de Développement de la
Filière Manioc su Cameroun)
2010 The strategy envisages the creation of a well-structured and
organized cassava value...
Cameroon ADB Country Strategy Paper
The document sets the framework of the African Development
Bank (ADB) assistance...
Coffee Export Strategy (Cameroon Coffee Sector Development
2009 The strategy aims at transforming the Cameroon coffee sector
into a professionalized...
Document de Stratégie pour la Croissance e l'Emploi (DSCE)
The Document de Stratégie pour la Croissance e l'Emploi
(DSCE) sets the...
Growth and Employment Strategy Paper
The strategy provides a review of past and current development
policies, outlining...
UNDAF Cameroon 2008 - 2012
The United Nations Development Assistance Framework
(UNDAF) sets the cooperative frame between...
Programme National d'Investissement
The National Investment Programme finances specific
programs aiming at enhancing economic and...
Maize, Beef, Palm Oil
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Cameroon 2003
The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) is a framework
for blending economic...
Starch Crops, Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Cotton,
Coffee, Cocoa, Palm Oil, Fisheries,...
Stratégie du développement du secteur rural
The plan discusses the role of the rural sector within
Cameroon's economy,...
Cereals, Starch Crops, Fruits, Vegetables, Cocoa,
Coffee, Cotton, Sugar Industry, Palm...
ITC by country - Cameroon
ITC by country - Cameroon
4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access
Overview: Trade Policy and Business Environment
The republic of Cameroon is classified as a lower middle income country in Central Africa. Cameroon was ranked 118th out of
132 countries in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Enabling Trade Index (2012), which measures institutions, policies and
services to facilitate trade in countries. With a naturally advantageous position at the heart of Africa, Cameroon has become a
regional centre for trade in goods and services. The agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors remain key to the health of
the Cameroonian economy yet GDP growth has been restricted in recent years due to energy supply reaching capacity. The
country’s export range remains amongst a small group of primary products, notably; agricultural and forestry products. There
has been a lack of growth in exports since 2007, due to incessant supply-side constraints including poor energy,
communications, water and transport infrastructure, as well as an overall unfavourable business climate (WTO 2013).
WEF, 2012, Global Enabling Trade Report
WTO, 2013, Trade Policy Review (Cameroon)
Domestic Market Access The pillar assesses the level and complexity of a country’s tariff protection
as a result of its trade policy. This component includes the effective trade-weighted average tariff
applied by a country, the share of goods imported duty free and the complexity of the tariff regime,
measured through tariff variance, the prevalence of tariff peaks and specific tariffs, and the number
of distinct tariffs.
Foreign Market Access The pillar assesses tariff barriers faced by a country’s exporters in destination
markets. It includes the average tariffs faced by the country as well as the margin of preference in
destination markets negotiated through bilateral or regional trade agreements or granted in the form
of trade preferences.
Tariff rate (%) This indicator is calculated as a trade-weighted average of all the applied tariff rates,
including preferential rates that a country applies to the rest of the world. The weights are the trade
patterns of the importing country’s reference group (2012 data). An applied tariff is a customs duty
that is levied on imports of merchandise goods.
Complexity of tariffs , index 1-7 (best) This indicator is calculated as the average of the following
indicators: Tariff dispersion, Specific tariffs and Number of distinct tariffs. See description of each
individual indicator for more details. Prior to averaging, values for each indicator were transformed to
a 1–7 score, using the min-max method.
Tariffs dispersion (standard deviation) This indicator reflects differences in tariffs across product
categories in a country’s tariff structure. The variance is calculated across all the tariffs on imported
merchandise goods, at the 6-digit level of the Harmonized Schedule.
Tariffs peaks (%) This indicator is the ratio of the number of tariff lines exceeding three times the
average domestic tariff (across all products) to the MFN (most-favoured nation) tariff schedule. The
tariff schedule is equal to the total number of tariff lines for each country. These tariffs are revised on
a yearly basis.
Specific tariffs (%) This indicator is the ratio of the number of Harmonized System (HS) tariff lines,
with at least one specific tariff, to the total number of HS tariff lines. A specific tariff is a tariff rate
charged on fixed amount per quantity (as opposed to ad valorem)
Number of distinct tariffs This indicator reflects the number of distinct tariff rates applied by a country
to its imports across all sectors.
Share of duty-free imports (%) Share of trade, excluding petroleum, that is imported free of tariff
duties, taking into account MFN tariffs and preferential agreements. Tariff data is from 2013 or most
recent year available and imports data is from 2012
Tariffs faced (%) This indicator is calculated as the trade-weighted average of the applied tariff rates, 104
including preferential rates that the rest of the world applies to each country. The weights are the
trade patterns of the importing country’s reference group (2012 data). A tariff is a customs duty that is
levied by the destination country on imports of merchandise goods
Index of margin of preference in destination markets, 0-100 (best) This indicator measures the
percentage by which particular imports from one country are subject to lower tariffs than the MFN
rate. It is calculated as the average of two components: 1) the trade-weighted average difference
between the MFN tariff and the most advantageous preferential duty (advantage score), and 2) the
ratio of the advantage score to the trade-weighted average MFN tariff level. This allows capturing
both the absolute and the relative margin of preference.
ITC by country - Cameroon
Source : World Economic Forum, Global Enabling Trade Report 2014
Trade Policy and Market Access
Cameroon is a founder member of the WTO and, in addition, is a member of the main regional economic communities, the
Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) and the Economic Community of Central African states
(ECCAS). Cameroon, as a member of the CEMAC Customs Union, adopts the CEMAC common external tariff (CET) and its
simple average MFN rate in 2013 was 18.1 per cent. Despite the establishment of the free trade area among CEMAC countries,
the level of intra-community trade has remained low overall; distortion of CET and numerous non-tariff barriers form
impediments to trade in the region such as overtaxing of goods, random checkpoints along corridors and highways remaining in
poor condition. Cameroon is, however, the only country among the seven Central African states to have signed an interim
Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU, and therein stands to benefit from preferential access to EU markets. The
government gives trade integration a leading role in its ‘Vision 2035’ strategy to transform Cameroon into an ‘emerging
economy’. This includes further integration with Nigeria and within ECCAS, yet the government acknowledges that
improvements to market access and cross-border trade are required to achieve these ambitious goals. In an effort to spur trade
in Cameroon the government is proposing, in 2013, a raft of policy incentives to foreign firms such as: tax, customs and
administrative streamlining to improve transparency and further liberalisation of the market. (WTO 2013; European Commission
2013; ADB 2011).
African Development Bank, 2011, Central Africa – Regional Integration Strategy Paper, 2011-2015
European Commission, 2013, Calls against the ratification of EPA with Cameroon
U.S. Department of State, 2013, Investment Climate Statement (Cameroon)
WTO, 2013, Trade Policy Review (Cameroon)
Standard Compliance and Other Relevant Import/Export Restrictions
The CEMAC Agreements contains two articles dealing with the harmonisation of technical and health regulations, standards and conformity
assessments. However, it does not mention the Technical barriers to trade (TBTs) Agreement, although it calls for the elimination of any measure
that negatively affects trade between parties. Among CEMAC countries, only Cameroon has a sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) enquiry point, which
remain non-operational due to a lack of internet access and are therefore in need of capacity building assistance. Moreover, notification of sanitary
or phytosanitary measures have not been made to the WTO, except for select sanitary import measures in place since 2006. In 2011, the CEMAC
countries recently signed a memorandum of agreement creating the Central African Sub-regional Metrology Organization (CEMACMET), aiming to
promote metrology and related activities to facilitating trade.
OECD, 2010, Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements and Technical Barriers to Trade: An African Perspective
WTO, 2013, Trade Policy Review (Cameroon)
ITC by country - Cameroon
4.3 Trade Facilitation
According to the World Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI) (2012) which measures countries’ trade
logistics efficiency, Cameroon was ranked 106th out of 155 countries. The scores for infrastructure, logistics
competence and international shipments are marginally behind the regional average scores of Sub-Saharan
African countries, whereas customs, infrastructure, international shipments, tracking and tracing and
timeliness perform better than those countries. Cameroon has reformed its customs administration including
the adoption of the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA++) in 2007, which was developed by
UNCTAD to bring about customs reform, simplification of procedures and trade facilitation; this has improved
Cameroon’s customs performance and has facilitated a rise up the ranks from 123rd in 2010 to 96th in 2012.
The OECD also measures the performance of trade facilitation in Cameroon and highlighted that involvement
of the trade community, advance rulings, automation, and governance and impartiality are notably better than
the averages of Sub-Saharan African and lower middle income countries, whereas Cameroon’s performance
for the simplification and harmonisation of documents and internal border agency co-operation are below the
averages of those countries. According to the World Bank Doing Business Report (2013), exporting one
standard container of goods requires 11 documents, takes 23 days and costs USD 1,379. Importing the same
container of goods requires 11 documents, takes 25 days and costs USD 2,167 (OECD 2013; WTO 2013;
World Bank 2012).
Source: OECD, 2013, Trade Facilitation Indicators (Cameroon)
World Bank, 2013, Doing Business 2014 (Cameroon)
World Bank, 2012, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)
WTO, 2013, Trade Policy Review (Cameroon)
Index (LPI):
Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)
Note: World Bank, 2012
ITC by country - Cameroon
Index –
Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)
Note: World Bank, 2012
ITC by country - Cameroon
4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment
The latest World Bank Doing Business Report (2013) ranked Cameroon 161st out of 185 economies.
Cameroon is behind the regional average of Sub-Saharan countries but performs better than Equatorial
Guinea, Gabon and The Congo. Among the 10 categories analysed by this survey, Cameroon performs
relatively better in getting electricity, whereas paying taxes and enforcing contracts are particularly
unfavourable. Cameroon is a member of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa
(OHADA), which has brought Cameroonian business laws in line with other African member countries.
Cameroon’s business laws are relatively clear, but its law enforcement is weak. The privatisation of state
owned fixed-line telecommunications business has failed several times although new proposals in 2013, if
implemented, should provide further incentives for FDI. Aiming to serve businesses, Cameroon's leading
private sector association, Groupement inter patronal du Cameroun (GICAM) has pressed the government
to simplify public procurement and contract award procedures. A new government procurement rule created
in 2012 is expected to improve the awarding of contracts procedures and reduce the proportion of contracts
being awarded under private agreements. The state however continues to play a key role in Cameroonian
trade with holdings in some 30 of the top 50 companies (WTO 2013; Bertelsmann Stiftung 2012).
Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2012, Country Report (Cameroon)
World Bank, 2013, Doing Business 2014 (Cameroon)
WTO, 2013, Trade Policy Review (Cameroon)
The Business
Source: World Bank, Doing Business
Multilateral Trade Instruments
ITC by country - Cameroon
The Trade
Treaties Map
tool is a webbased system
on multilateral
trade treaties
designed to
assist trade
(TSIs) and
policymakers in
optimizing their
country's legal
framework on
Instrument ratified :
94 / 266 instruments
Ratification rate :
Weighted score :
In World :
Ratification Rate Rank
Weighted Score Rank
104 / 193
106 / 193
In Region :
Sub-Saharan Africa
13/ 47
15/ 47
In Development level :
Developing country
50/ 88
51/ 88
Presents a
breaking down
a country’s
ratification level
according to
categories and
compares it to
the world
Click here for a full list and more details about these multi-lateral trade instruments
ITC by country - Cameroon
4.5 Infrastructure
The latest World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report ranked the quality of overall infrastructure of Cameroon
115th out of 148 countries. Among the categories analysed by this survey, quality of roads, mobile telephone subscriptions per
100 of the population and quality of electricity supply are particularly deficient. Also, at the multilateral level, there is a need to
improve transport infrastructure. The Central African States Development Bank estimated that transport costs through the
N’Djamena (Chad) and Douala (Cameroon) corridor are several times higher than the cost of shipping between Shanghai and
Douala. According to the World Bank study (2010), high power costs are one of the key impediments to competitiveness and
growth. A lack of reliable electricity is estimated to cost 5 per cent in lost revenues to firms and 2 per cent in lost GDP growth
annually; however the situation is forecasted to improve in 2013 when the new Kribi power station comes on line. In order to
alleviate critical infrastructure bottlenecks, large public infrastructure projects in ports, energy, roads, telecommunications,
mining, and water supply have already been launched. In the telecommunication sector, the duopoly market structure and its
strict licencing rules have led to a mobile market penetration rate below the African average; however, Cameroon’s third mobile
licence was recently approved in June 2013, which should increase competition in the sector. Banking services in Cameroon
remain dominated by a small number of private firms in partnership with the government, whilst overall foreign firms enjoy
completely open access to the Cameroonian market (IMF 2011; World Bank 2010; WTO 2013).
Source: African Development Bank, 2013, Quarterly Thematic Review Central Africa
Quality of overall infrastructure How would you assess general infrastructure (e.g.,
transport, telephony, and energy) in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped—
among the worst in the world; 7 = extensive and efficient—among the best in the
world] | 2012–13 weighted average.
Quality of roads How would you assess roads in your country? (1 = extremely
underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011.
Quality of railroad infrastructure How would you assess the railroad system in your
country? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international
standards) | 2010, 2011.
Quality of port infrastructure How would you assess port facilities in your country? (1 =
extremely underdeveloped; 7 = well-developed and efficient by international
standards). For landlocked countries, this measures the ease of access to port
facilities and inland waterways | 2010, 2011.
Quality of air transport infrastructure How would you assess passenger air transport
infrastructure in your country? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and
efficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011.
Individuals using Internet (%) Internet users are people with access to the worldwide
Mobile telephone subscriptions/100 pop According to the World Bank, mobile cellular
telephone subscriptions are subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service using
cellular technology, which provides access to switched telephone technology.
Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions are included. This can also include analogue and
digital cellular systems but should not include non-cellular systems. Subscribers to
fixed wireless, public mobile data services, or radio paging services are not included.
Fixed broadband Internet subscriptions/100 pop: The International Telecommunication
Union considers broadband to be any dedicated connection to the Internet of 256
kilobits per second or faster, in both directions. Broadband subscribers refers to the
sum of DSL, cable modem and other broadband (for example, fiber optic, fixed
wireless, apartment LANs, satellite connections) subscribers.
Source: World Economic Forum, Global Enabling Trade Report 2014
ITC by country - Cameroon
5. ITC and the Country/Territory
5.1 ITC Projects
5.1.1 Current projects
Coordination of African Regional Cotton Sector Strategies Implementation
Trade promotion and value addition for African cotton
5.1.2 Recent projects
Banker Forum (fr)
Expansion du commerce intra et inter-regional entre les Etats Members de la CEMAC, de l'UEMOA et les Trois Francophones
Mekong (fr)
Exploratory project on deepening and broadening ITC and CDE relationship
PACT2 - ECCAS - Coffee: Product and Market Development
ECCAS Regional trade information networks
Ethical Fashion East Africa(2)
PACT 2 - ECCAS Regional Private Sector Apex Bodies for Public-Private Dialogue
PACT 2 - ECCAS Networks of National and Regional TSIs
PACT 2 - ECCAS Sector Strategy
PACT 2 - ECCAS Market Analysis and Sector Prioritization
PACT 2 -ECCAS Improved Technical Capacities and RBM Operations
ACCESS II for African Business Women in International Trade
ITC Africa network of enterprise level trainers and advisers
Trade leaders of Africa - training in market analysis and research
ACP - Agri-food & agri-business sector strategy implementation
ACP - Agri-food & agri-business sector strategy development
Women and trade - Empowering women in the coffee sector
Expansion du commerce intra et inter-regional pour les pays francophones du Mekong
ITC by country - Cameroon
5.2 Events
5.2.1 Upcoming events
No data
5.2.2 Recent events
Bankers’ Forum (fr)26/11/2013-Yaoundé
Workshop on International Trade Financing (fr)26/11/2013-Yaoundé
ITC by country - Cameroon
5.3 ITC Contacts
Aissatou DIALLO
Senior Trade Promotion Officer
+41 22 730 0284
[email protected]
Chief, Office for Africa
+41 22 730 0508
[email protected]
ITC by country - Cameroon
6. Trade Information Sources and
6.1 Trade Information Sources
This section provides a list of country specific print and online publications on trade-related topics, including both ITC and
external sources.
6.1.1 ITC publications
Cameroun : Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur le bois et ses produits dérivés
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur le bois et ses produits dérivés au Cameroun - la première partie de l'étude est consacrée à
l'analyse des branches d'activité concernées...
Read more
Expansion du commerce intra- et inter-régional entre les pays membres de la CEMAC et de l' UEMOA: Rapport de
l'atelier de lancement
Read more
ITC by country - Cameroon
Buyers/Sellers Meeting on Food, Agricultural product, Water and Sanitation, Shelter, Personnel Protection and
Household Items
Read more
Réseau d'information commerciale et de gestion d'opportunités d'affaires - Mission d'évaluation et de présentation
du projet dans les différents points focaux de la CEMAC
Read more
Analyse statistique des flux des échanges commerciaux intra- et inter- régionaux de la CEMAC et de l'UEMOA Livres scolaires, produits de l'édition et de la diffusion (résumé)
Read more
ITC by country - Cameroon
Rencontre acheteurs/vendeurs sur les produits alimentaires et agricoles, l'eau et l'assainissement, l'hébergement,
les articles de protection personnelle et de ménage
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Rencontre acheteurs/vendeurs sur le bois et ses produits dérivés
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République du Congo: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires en République du Congo - examine la structure et la capacité de
production de la branche d'activité concernée, ainsi...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Marchés mondiaux des fruits et légumes biologiques: Opportunités pour les pays en développement dans la
production et l'exportation de produits horticoles biologiques
Etude conjointe FAO-CCI-CTA sur l'agriculture biologique visant à soutenir les pays en développement dans leurs efforts pour
diversifier les exportations par le biais de méthodes de production écologiques. Constitue une...
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Mercados mundiales de frutas y verduras orgánicas: Oportunidades para los países en desarrollo en cuanto a la
producción y exportación de productos hortícolas orgánicos
Estudio conjunto de la FAO-CCI-CTA sobre los productos hortícolas orgánicos teniendo por objeto ayudar a los países en
desarrollo en diversificar las exportaciones a través de métodos de producción agrícola...
Read more
Environmental Standards for Global Markets : The Implication for Developing Countries. - Cameroon
Paper presented at ITC World Export Development Forum : 'Consumers, Ethics and Environment', Montreux, Switzerland, 8-11
October, 2008 - focuses on issues related to the environment and the promotion of...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Trade in Services in Cameroon
Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Export of Services : Hype or High Potential? Implications for Strategy-Makers' ,
Montreux, Switzerland, 5-8 October, 2005 - provides an overview of the...
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Cameroun: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires au Cameroun - analyse la structure de la branche d'activité et les
capacités de production, les normes de qualité,...
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Cameroun: Etude de l'offre sur les produits alimentaires, produits agricoles, l'eau et l'assainissement, l'hébergement
et les articles de protection personnelle et de ménage
Etude de l'offre sur les produits alimentaires, produits agricoles, l'eau et l'assainissement, l'hébergement et les articles de
protection personnelle et de ménage au Cameroun - analyse les branches d'activité concernées...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Gabon: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires (2006)
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires au Gabon - analyse la structure de l'offre des produits
alimentaires à travers l'examen des caractéristiques générales de l'offre,...
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République Centrafricaine: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires en République Centrafricaine - examine la structure de la
branche d'activité concernée notamment la capacité et les facteurs de...
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Rwanda: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires au Rwanda - décrit les principaux produits du pays et examine la
structure de la branche d'activité; donne le...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Tchad: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les produits alimentaires au Tchad - examine la structure de la branche d'activité
concernée notamment les capacités et les facteurs de production,...
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Stratégie de Développement de la filière café au Cameroun 2010-2015
Document qui présente la stratégie de la filière café au Cameroun et son plan de mise en oeuvre - donne un aperçu du contexte
général de la filière; passe en...
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Sénégal: Rencontre acheteurs/vendeurs sur les livres scolaires, l'édition et la diffusion
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ITC by country - Cameroon
JITAP Journée portes ouvertes : Cameroun
Recueil comprenant les discours et les présentations techniques faites lors des 'Journées portes ouvertes' sur le Système
commercial multilatéral, organiseés par le Programme intégré conjoint d'assistance technique (JITAP), au Cameroun,...
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Cameroun: Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les livres scolaires, l'édition et la diffusion
Etude de l'offre et de la demande sur les livres scolaires, l' édition et la diffusion au Cameroun - examine l' offre des produits
concernés sur le marché camerounais dans...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
World Markets for Organic Fruit and Vegetables: Opportunities for Developing Countries in the Production and
Export of Organic Horticultural Products
Joint FAO-ITC-CTA study on organic agriculture aimed at assisting developing countries in diversifying exports through
environmentally sound agricultural production methods. Provides a source of information on latest market developments and...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Cameroon Coffee Sector Development Strategy 2010-2015
Document presenting the Cameroon coffee sector development strategy and its implementation plan - provides a general
overview of the sector; outlines the objectives of the strategy; examines the potential results...
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Expansion du commerce intra- et inter-régional entre les pays membres de la CEMAC et de l' UEMOA: Rapport de
l'atelier de lancement
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Collaboration public-privé pour réussir à l'exportation : Études de cas : Barbade, Ghana, Inde, Thaïlande et Malaisie
Recueil d'études de cas relayant des expériences réussies de dialogue entre les secteurs public et privé dans des pays en
développement - ces études décrivent les activités menées par des...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Labelling of Natural Products: The United States Market
Guide focusing on sustainability certification and labelling requirements of finished natural products in the United States - covers
all categories of natural products, namely cosmetics, herbal dietary supplement, health food,...
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Snapshot : Management Performance Diagnostic Software Manual
User manual accompanying the Snapshot software tool, developed to diagnose enterprise needs related to its strategic
management competence, production, marketing, export transaction capabilities and e-competence - explains the theory
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The Activities of the Business Management System : Activity Content Guide. - Revised ed
Companion module to 'The Business Management System : A Guide for Competitiveness (BMS)', reviewing the forty-five
managerial activities included in(BMS) Manual - explains the purpose of the manual and briefly...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Guide pour la préparation de profi ls de marché
Définit le concept et l'objectif d'un profil de marché; explique la structure, les étapes et les instruments pour rédiger un profil de
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Financement pour le commerce
Guide décrivant les mécanismes et instruments appropriés qui pourraient être adaptés et mis en place par les économies en
développement et en transition pour contribuer à améliorer le financement du...
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Airfreight Transport of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables : A Review of the Environmental Impact and Policy Options
Study focusing on the issue of 'air miles' (the number of miles (kilometres) a product has to be transported from the
farmer/grower to various stages of production until it reaches...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
International fibreboard case code = Code international pour l'emballage carton
The bulletin reproduces the ASSCO/FEFCO International Fibreboard Case Code. This is a numerically coded selection of the
most common styles of fibreboard boxes and the interior fitments instructively illustrated.
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The Andean Community, Mercosur & Chile: Sub-Regional Trade and Investment Opportunities in Essential Drugs
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Comment approcher les banques : Un guide pour les exportateurs burkinabé
Guide à l'intention des entreprises nationales burkinabées - traite de l'estimation des besoins financiers, des méthodes de
paiement et des facilités de crédit pour les transactions commerciales; passe en revue...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Guía para la Comunidad Empresarial : Medidas Comerciales Correctivas en los Estados Unidos : Legislación,
Prácticas y Procedimientos Antidumping, Compensatorios y de Salvaguardia. – Edición revisada
Guía sobre los procedimientos en materia de medidas comerciales correctivas (antidumping, derechos compensatorios y
salvaguardias) con especial referencia a la legislación y prácticas de los Estados Unidos - explica el...
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New US Food and Drug Administration food labelling regulations
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Progress with the European Eco-label
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Designing bottles for recycling
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Addressing the Use Divide : E-Solutions for Management
Report examining ways in which information and communication technologies can be used to assist business managers in
SMEs with managerial activities - focuses on tasks that could benefit from similar...
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PACKit Importing Country Module : Canada
Importing country profile of Canada prepared as part of Packaging Kit, aimed at small and medium enterprises in developing
countries - provides Canada's international trade profile with major imports and...
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Buyers/Sellers Meeting on Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products
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South Africa: Demand Survey on Horticultural and Apicultural Products
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Intra-Asian Buyers/Sellers and Networking Meeting on Food Products
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Indonesia: Supply and Demand Survey on Food Products
Supply and demand survey on food products in Indonesia - gives an overview of the Indonesian food processing industry and
examines its production capacity; reviews market characteristics, external trade, standards...
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PACKit Export Product Module : Furniture
Product profile on wooden furniture and furniture made of similar natural raw materials (bamboo, rattan, etc.) prepared as part
of Packaging Kit aimed at small and medium enterprises in developing...
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Azerbaijan: Supply and Demand Survey on Food and Beverages (Ref. BSM Food and Beverages, Kazakhstan 2003)
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ITC by country - Cameroon
Ile Maurice: Analyse des flux commerciaux
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Le Business Management System : Un cadre de référence pour renforcer la compétitivité internationale
Guide présentant le concept du Business Management System (BMS) en tant que structure générique pour la gestion des
entreprises commerciales - explique les principes du BMS; décrit les composants du...
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Turkey : The Branding Concept
Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum's 2006 Consultative Cycle on Innovations in Export Strategy : 'Changing Perceptions :
National Branding : Implications for Strategy', Bucharest, Romania, 14-16 June, 2006 -...
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6.1.2 Selected printed information sources
2011 Feasibility Study for a Cotton Spinning Mill in 11 [Eleven] Sub-Saharan African Countries
2007 EU's Footprint in the South : Does European Community Development Cooperation make a Difference for the Poor?
2005 Accès aux marchés des produits non-agricoles dans le cadre de l'OMC, des APEs et de AGOA : Cas de la CEMAC
2005 Intégration Régionale et Négociations de L'OMC sur le Commerce Des Services : Cas de L'Afrique Centrale
2007 - Martijn, Jan Kees; Tsangarides, Charalambos G. Trade Reform in the CEMAC : Developments and Opportunities
2008 Cocoa Study : Industry Structures and Competition
2008 Les marchés publics au Cameroun
ITC by country - Cameroon
2008 La filière bois en Afrique centrale
2007 EPA Negotiations in the Central African Region : Some Issues for Consideration
1997 Nouveau régime fiscal et douanier: réforme fiscalo-douanière
2013 Africa Competitiveness Report
1993 - Laporte B Réformes des systèmes de commercialisation et de stabilisation des filières café et cacao au Cameroun et
en Côte d'Ivoire
2006 Cotton in West Africa : The Economic and Social Stakes
2006 Africa Foreign Investor Survey 2005
2006 - Hertel T W; Alan L W, ed. Poverty and the WTO : Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda
2006 Adding Value to West African Cotton : Assessment of the Cotton-Textile-Apparel Value Chain
2008 Sub-Saharan Africa : Factors Affecting Trade Patterns of Selected Industries. - Second Annual Report
2010 - Meyer, N. Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements and Technical Barriers to Trade : An African Perspective
2010 Good Neighbours : Promoting Intra-African Markets for Timber and Timber Products
2010 Indications géographiques : Qualité des produits, environnement et culture
2003 Organic and Like-Minded Movements in Africa
2007 - Ramirez G; Tsangarides C G Competitiveness in the CFA Franc Zone
2008 - Oliva, Maria A Trade Restrictiveness in the CEMAC Region : The Case of Congo
2007 LA CEMAC et les Négociations du Cycle de Doha : Solutions envisageables pour mitiger les effets négatifs de la
réduction des engagements en faveur de la zone CEMAC
2006 Le coton en Afrique de l'Ouest : Un enjeu économique et social
2008 Perfil de la Industria Paraguaya de Software
2009 Characteristics of Malaysia's Animal Feed Market
2014 Perspectives on Global Development 2014: Boosting Productivity to Meet the Middle-Income Challenge
2010 Mobilizing Aid for Trade for SPS-Related Technical Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
2010 Leather Garments in the EU
2006 Overview of the Current State of Organic Agriculture in Kenya, Uganda and the Republic of Tanzania and the
Opportunities for Regional Harmonization
2007 Export Diversification and Value Addition for Human Development : Addressing the Impact of the Agreement on Textiles
and Clothing Expiration on Cambodia
2006 - Ruffing, Lorraine Deepening Development Through Business Linkages
2012 OECD Economic Surveys: Chile
2005 - Magder, D Egypt after the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel and Textile Supply Chains as a Route for Industrial
2006 Bangladesh: Furniture Export Market Sector Brief
2012 Cotton Contamination Surveys, 2001 - 2003 - 2005 - 2007 - 2009 - 2011
2006 - Boutou, Olivier Management de la sécurité des aliments : De l'HACCP à l'ISO 22000
2006 Trading up : Economic Perspectives on Development Issues in the Multilateral Trading System
2004 Perfiles de mercado para productos bolivianos en los mercados de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México,
Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela
2010 Vietnam: Oilseeds and Products
2007 Organic Farming in the Czech Republic: 2007 Yearbook
2007 - Gibbon P; Bolwig S Economics of Certified of Organic Farming in Tropical Africa: A Preliminary Assessment
2006 The Relationship of Third-party Certification (TPC) to Sanitary / Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the International
Agri-Food Trade; Case Study: Guatemala- with Emphasis on Food Safety
2007 - Ismail F Mainstreaming Development in the WTO : Developing Countries in the Doha Round
2009 Market Report. Focus on the Nordic Market - Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
2001 - Karlöf, Bengt Benchlearning : Good Examples as a Lever for Development
2003 - Martin W; Pangestu M, eds. Options for Global Trade Reform : A View from the Asia-Pacific
2010 L'industrie sri lankaise du textile-habillement
2000 - Hauber, Christiane Formation, Prevention & Determination of Cr (VI) in Leather
ITC by country - Cameroon
6.1.3 Selected online information sources
Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) = Communauté Economique des Etats d'Afrique Centrale (CEEAC)
Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle = African Intellectual Property Organization
Institut national de la statistique du Cameroun (INS)
Investir en Zone Franc
African Regional Organization for Standardization (ARSO)
Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC)
Business in Cameroon / Investir au Cameroun
ITC by country - Cameroon
6.2 Trade Contacts
Official Name
Phone Number
Fax Number
Chambre de commerce, d'Industrie,
des Mines et de l'Artisanat du
Rue de
Chambre de
+237 33429881
Conseil National des Chargeurs du
B.P 1588
237 48 16 42
Street Above
STS Kumbo
Cameroun-sansfil Association MTN
Rue Drouet,
Groupment des Femmes d'Affaires
du Cameroun
B.P. 1940
+237 33401732
Guichet Unique des Operations du
Commerce Exterieur
Centre des
Centre de business international
Rue Rudolph
Douala Manga
Yaounde- +237 9812290/
00237 7416123
Appropriate Technologies for Rural
Women Cameroon
Center Province
237 341 02 44
237 343 60 78
+237 2231870/ cbi_cam www.cbc
_org@ya e.africa3374507
ITC by country - Cameroon