cv english martiniello - Labos ULg


cv english martiniello - Labos ULg
Personal Information:
First Name /Surname
Université de Liège, Institut des Scienes Humaines et Sociales,
boulevard du Rectorat, 7
Bâtiment 31
Boîte 45
4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman) Belgique
32 (0)4 366.30.40
32 (0)4 366.47.51
[email protected]
Academic Qualifications
Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting from the most recent.
Dates; Title of qualification awarded, Name and type of organisation providing education and training
- Graduate in Sociology, Université de Liège, with Grande Distinction (1982-1983)
- Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
(Supervisor : Prof. Steven LUKES ; Co-Supervisor : Prof. Klaus EDER) with congratulations
of the jury. The tittle of the thesis is : “Elites, leadership et pouvoir dans les communautés
ethniques d'origine immigrée : le cas des Italiens en Belgique francophone”, October 1990.
- Agrégation, unanimity of the Jury, Université de Liège, 18th May 2000
Professional History (Teaching Experience, Research Visits, International Experience,
Experience in International Networks, Other Experiences)
Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting from the most recent.
Dates, Occupation or position held, Name and address of the university
-01/04 au 14/04/2006 : Visiting Scholar, Remarque Institute, New York University, New York
- 01/09 to 31/12/2004 : Willy Brandt Visiting Professor at the Institute for Immigration and
Ethnic Studies (IMER), University of Malmö (Sweden) (half-time)
- 09/08 to 13/08/2004 : European Visitor at the Migration Policy Insitute, Washington D.C.
- 15/09 to 15/12/2000 : European Consortium Visiting Professor at New York University and
Columbia University
- 10/09 to 10/11/99: Visiting Research Associate, University of Pittsburgh, University Centre
for International Studies, European Union Center
- 20/09 to 01/12/98: Senior Visiting Scholar au Remarque Institute, New York University, New
York City
-29/03 to 05/94/98: Teaching and Research at the Department of European Studies, University
of Bradford, under the European Exchange Program Socrate.
-01/10 to 31/10/96: Visiting Scholar at the Center for European Studies, Cornell University,
Ithaca (New York)
-09/04 au 08/05/96: Visiting Professor at the European University Institute, European Forum on
Citizenship, Florence.
- 01/01 - 31/03/96: Professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and guest researcher at
the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Paris.
- 08/05 - 7/12/94: Human Capital and Mobility Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Ethnic
Relations, University of Warwick (U.K.).
- 01/03 - 30/09/93 : Assistant at the University of Liège, Faculty of Economics, Management
and Social Sciences, Service of Sociology of Work and Leisure.
- 15/07 - 28/02/91 : Research Associate at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Unité de
Recherches Sociologiques, G.R.E.M. (part-time)
-1986 - 1990 : Research-Student at the European university Institute, Department of Social and
Political Sciences, Florence (Italy)
- 1985- 1986 : Research Associate at the Faculté de Droit, d'Economie et de Sciences Sociales Commission Art et Société , Université de Liège (Belgium)
Current Position: - Research Director of the National Fund for Scientific Research and
Professor (since October 2004) at the University of Liège, Faculty of Law, Political Science.
-Director of the Centre d'Étude de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations (CEDEM).
-President of the Research Committee n°31 “Sociology of Migration”, International
Sociological Association
-Member of the Executive Board the European Network of Excellence IMISCOE (International
Migration and Social Cohesion in EUrope)
Teaching Experience
- Sociology of Migration and Ethnic Relations, University of Liège, Academic years 1992-93
and 1993-94.
- Introduction to the Methodology of the Social Sciences, University of Liège, Academic years
1992-93 and 1993-94.
- Political Analysis of Power, University of Liège, since 1994-95.
- Culture and Politics, University of Liège, since 1994-95.
-Migration Policy and Cultural Pluralism in the European Union, since 1994-95.
- TIRES Summer School, Florida International University, Miami, July 2002.
- Summer Institute on International Migration, International School for the Humanities and
Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam, June 2004.
- Summer Institute on International Migration, International School for the Humanities and
Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam, June 2005.
- « Sociology of Migration », Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de Liège,
since 2005-2006
- « New Developments in Ethnic and Racial Studies », Institut des Sciences Humaines et
Sociales, University of Liège, since 2008-2009.
- « Migrations, citoyenneté et dynamiques interculturelles » (with Hassan Bousetta), Institut des
Sciences Humaines et Sociales, University of Liège, since 2008-2009.
- Compact Seminar « Migration, Citizenship and Identity in the EU » , College of Europe
(Warsaw, Natolin), (2008-2009)
Selected Publications (Books, Edited Volumes, Essays, Chapters, Reviews, Conference
Books :
Leadership et pouvoir dans les communautés d'origine immigrée,
M. Martiniello,
CIEMI, L'Harmattan,
Paris, (1992).
L’ethnicité dans les sciences sociales contemporaines,
M. Martiniello,
P.U.F., “Que sais-je?”, n° 2997,
Paris, (1995).
Sortir des ghettos culturels,
M. Martiniello,
Presses de Sc Po, La Bibliothèque du Citoyen,
Paris, (1997).
La citoyenneté à l'aube du 21e siècle: questions et enjeux majeurs
Edtions de l'Université de Liège, Fondation Roi Baudouin,
Liège, Bruxelles, (2000).
Le società multietniche
Il Mulino, Contemporanea
Bologna, (2000). (italian translation)
Living together. Experiences from other countries
Kaspar Hauser Library
Skopje, (2001). (traduction macédonienne)
La nouvelle Europe migratoire. Pour une politique proactive de l’immigration.
Labor, Quartiers Libres
Bruxelles, (2001)
Collective Books :
Migrations et Minorités ethniques dans l’espace Européen,
M. Martiniello et M. Poncelet (sous la direction de),
De Boeck Université,
Bruxelles, (1993).
Migration, Citizenship and Ethno-National Identities in the European Union,
M. Martiniello (ed.),
Avebury, Research in Ethnic Relations Series,
Aldershot, (1995).
Où va la Belgique ? Les soubresauts d'une petite démocratie européenne
M. Martiniello et M. Swyngedouw (Eds.)
Paris, (1998).
Multicultural Policies and the State: a comparison of two European societies
M. Martiniello (Ed)
Utrecht, (1998).
Belgische Toestanden. De lotgevallen van een kleine bi-culturelele democratie
M. Swyngedouw en M. Martiniello (red.)
Antwerpen en Amsterdam, (1998).
Minorities in European Cities.
The Dynamics of Social Integration and Social Exclusion at the Neighbourhood Level
S. Body-Gendrot and M. Martiniello (Eds.)
MacMillan, Migration, Minorities and Citizenship and St. Martin's Press
Basingstoke and New York, (2000).
Diversity in the City
M.Martiniello, B. Piquard (Eds.)
University of Deusto, Humanitatianet
Bilbao, (2002)
Histoires sans-papiers
Adam, N. Ben Mohammed, B. Kagné, M. Martiniello, A. Rea
Editions Vista, Collection Vista Citoyenne
Bruxelles, (2002)
Politiques d’immigration et d’intégration : de l’Union européenne à la Wallonie
A.Gabbiadini, M. Martiniello, J.-F. Potelle (Eds.)
Institut Jules Destrée
Namur, (2003)
Affirmative Action. Des discours, des politiques et des pratiques en débat
Martiniello M. et Rea A. (ed.),
Academia-Bruylant, Collection "carrefours", n°2
Louvain-La-Neuve, ( 2004)
Les Belges francophones face aux demandeurs d’asile
Gsir, S., Scandella, F. , Martiniello, M., Rea, A.,
Academia Press, Politique Scientifique fédérale, Série « Problèmes actuels concernant la
cohésion sociale »,
Gand, (2004)
Les populations d’origine immigrée face au droit en Belgique,
Foblets, M.-C., Martiniello, M., et al.
Academia Press, Politique Scientifique fédérale, Série « Problèmes actuels concernant la
cohésion sociale »,
Gand, (2004)
Recherche et Politiques Publiques,
Brans, M., Jacobs, D., Martiniello, M. et al.
Academia Press, Politique Scientifique fédérale, Série « Science et société »,
Gand, (2004)
Citizenship in European Cities. Immigrants, Local Politics and Integration Policies,
Penninx R., Kraal, K., Martiniello M., Vertovec, S. (Edited by)
Ashgate, Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series,
Aldershot, (2004)
La citta’ Multiculturale. Identità, Diversità, Pluralità
Allam K.F., Martiniello M., Tosolini, A.
Bologna, (2004)
Migration between States and Markets
Entzinger H., Martiniello M., Wihtolm de Wenden C. (Edited by)
Ashgate, Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series,
Aldershot, (2004)
Les structures consultatives locales pour résidents étrangers
Gsir S., Martiniello M.,
éditions du Conseil de l’Europe
Strasbourg, (2004) (versions française et anglaise)
Penser l’immigration et l’intégration autrement. Une intitiative belge inter-universitaire
Khader B., Martiniello M., Rea A., Timmerman C. (Eds.)
Bruxelles, (2006)
Qui sont les candidats aux elections bruxelloises?
Le profil des candidats à l’élection au Parlement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale au 13 juin
Jacobs D., Bousetta H., Rea A., Martiniello M., Swyngedouw M.
Academia-Bruylant, Cahier Migrations 37.
Louvain-La-Neuve (2006)
Immigration et integration en Belgique francophone. Etat des savoirs
M.Martiniello, A.Rea, F.Dassetto (Eds.)
Academia Bruylant, Intellectionn n°4
Louvain-La-Neuve (2007), 590p.
De kleur van armoede. Armoede bij personen van buitenlandse herkomst
Van Robaeys B., Vranken J., Perrin N., Martiniello M.,
Leuven, (2007), 137p.
Transnational Politics from a Transatlantic perspective
Martiniello M. and Lafleur J.-M. (Guest Editors)
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 31, N°4, May 2008, 646-841.
Ethnic Minorities’ Cultural Practices as Forms of Political Expression: special issue
M. Martiniello and J-M Lafleur (Eds.)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 34, N°8, November, 2008, 1191-1335.
The New Migratory Europe: Towards a proactive immigration Policy
In Immigration and the Transformation of Europe
C. Parsons and T. Smeeding (Eds.)
Cambridge (2006)
Cambridge University Press
How to combine citizenship and Diversities: The Challenge of a EU Multicultural citizenship?
In Multiculturalism Observed. Exploring Identity
Lewis R.(Ed.)
VUBPress, Brussels University Press
Brussels (2006)