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Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship
Argentinian former manager and experienced entrepreneur. PhD and HDR in entrepreneurship.
Teacher and researcher on business creation, incubation and profiles of entrepreneurs.
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), University of Montpellier,
Montpellier, France.
Title: Comprendre l’entrepreneur pour mieux l’accompagner : Motivation,
accompagnement et survie des entreprises en création.
PhD Entrepreneurship, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
Title: L’entrepreneur « par choix ». Contribution à l’étude de la motivation
entrepreneuriale et du sentiment de réussite des cadres d’entreprise devenus
MBA Entrepreneurship, University of CEMA (UCEMA), Buenos Aires,
Title: Proyecto CuidArte.
BA in Business Administration, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
Title: Internacionalizacion de empresas en América Latina.
Entrepreneurial Motivation, Business Incubation, Feminine Entrepreneurship, Social
Entrepreneurship, Effectuation, Bricolage
OCRE (EDC Paris Business School), Coordinator for the Entrepreneurial Creation &
Mentoring program
Vedel B, Law F, Gabarret I. (forthcoming), La start-up est morte, vive la start-up ! Étude de la
survie d’une entreprise en création sous le prisme de l’effectuation, La Revue de Sciences de
Gestion (ISSN : 1160-7742, Fnege 4).
Gabarret I., Vedel B., Decaillon J. (forthcoming) A Social Affair: Identifying Motivation of
Social Entrepreneurs, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, (ISSN :
1476-1297, Cnrs 4, Aeres C).
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2015), Pour une nouvelle approche de la motivation entrepreneuriale, La
Revue de Sciences de Gestion, Vol. 1, n° 271, pp. 13-20, (ISSN : 1160-7742, Fnege 4).
Gabarret I., Bertrand G., Drillon D. (2014), Survie de la jeune entreprise : Une étude de cas sur
la base des relations interpersonnelles, Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, Vol. 13, n° 1, pp. 75-88,
(ISSN : 1766-2524, Fnege 3, Cnrs 4, Aeres C).
Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2014), The Role of Trust as Mediator between Contract, Information and
Knowledge within Business Incubators, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small
Business, Vol. 23, n° 4, pp. 509-527, (ISSN : 1476-1297, Cnrs 4, Aeres C).
Gabarret I., Jaouen A., Nakara W., Vedel B. (2014), Why are Small Public Incubators "lagging
behind"? Learning from Disability in the Selection Practices of French Incubators,
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 23, n° 4, pp. 456-477,
(ISSN : 1476-1297, Cnrs 4, Aeres C).
Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2013), Création d’emplois ou création de connaissances, quelle mesure
de performance pour l’incubateur ?, Management International, Vol. 17, n° 3, pp. 126-139,
(ISSN : 1206-1697, Fnege 2, Cnrs 3, Aeres B).
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2012), Quitter son emploi pour devenir entrepreneur, @grh, 2012/3, n°4,
pp.79-97, (ISSN : 2034-9130, Fnege 4, Liste Aeres).
D’Andria A., Gabarret I., Mères et entrepreneurs : étude de la motivation entrepreneuriale des
mampreneurs françaises
Gabarret I., Vedel B., Etzol P., Quelles valeurs se cachent derrière la motivation des jeunes
étudiants-entrepreneurs ?
D’Andria A., Gabarret I., Entrepreneuriat et talons hauts : Contribution à une lecture intégrative
en motivation entrepreneuriale
D’Andria A., Gabarret I., (forthcoming), Building the XXI century Entrepreneurship: Issues &
Perspectives, Iste Publishing.
Croze-Scardulla F., Gabarret I. (2012), Les Maçons Parisiens, entre tradition et avenir :
Repositionnement stratégique d’une Coopérative du bâtiment (Scop). CCMP (Centrale de cas
et de médias pédagogiques).
Jaouen A., Nakara W., Vedel B., Gabarret I., d’Andria A. (2016), Etude de la création et du
développement d’une structure d’incubation: les apports du bricolage, Journées Doriot,
Louvain, Belgium, May 19-20 (accepted for presentation).
Maalaoui A., Gabarret I., Mallet J., Germon R., Dana P. (2015), Are disabled entrepreneurs
driven by necessity? Understanding motivation of “handipreneurs”, RENT, Zagreb, Croatia,
November 18-20.
Jaouen A., Nakara W., Vedel B., Gabarret I., D’Andria A. (2015), Bricolage and effectuation
in the process of creation and development of small incubators, Euram, Warsaw, Poland, June
Gabarret I., Vedel B., Saadi S., Sellami M. (2015), Au-delà de la dichotomie
« nécessité/opportunité », La complexité de la motivation entrepreneuriale et sa relation avec
la croissance des entreprises, Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Nantes, France,
Mai 20-22.
Gabarret I., Vedel B., Saadi S., Sellami M. (2015), Au-delà de la dichotomie
« nécessité/opportunité », La complexité de la motivation entrepreneuriale et sa relation avec
la croissance des entreprises, Congrès International sur les études sur le travail et l’emploi,
Quebec, Canada, Mai 31-June 3.
Gabarret I., Vedel B., Etzol P. (2015), Etude de la motivation entrepreneuriale des jeunes
entrepreneurs de la génération Y, Journée de recherche Enjeux et Perspectives de la publication
en français en sciences de gestion, Evry, France, March 26.
Jaouen A., Nakara W., Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2015), Bricolage et effectuation dans les pratiques
d’accompagnement des petits incubateurs, Journée de recherche Enjeux et Perspectives de la
publication en français en sciences de gestion, Evry, France, March 26.
Vedel B., Law F., Gabarret I. (2015), La start-up est morte, vive la start-up ! Le rôle de
l’effectuation dans la survie des entreprises en création, Journée de recherche Enjeux et
Perspectives de la publication en français en sciences de gestion, Evry, France, March 26.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2014), Entrepreneuriat social : Dimensions de la motivation, CIFEPME
(Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME), Agadir, Morocco, October
D’Andria A., Gabarret I. (2014), Les mampreneurs françaises : Création d’entreprise à contrecourant ?, CIFEPME (Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME), Agadir,
Morocco, October 29-31.
Gabarret I., Etzol P. (2014), Why the Gen Y ? Values and Motivation of Young French
Entrepreneurs, ICSB (International Council for Small Business), Dublin, Ireland, June 11-14.
D’Andria A., Gabarret I. (2014), Mompreneurs of France: Emergence of a Concept, Motivation
and Culture, ICSB (International Council for Small Business), Dublin, Ireland, June 11-14.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2014), Social Entrepreneurs: Dimensions of Motivation, ICSB
(International Council for Small Business), Dublin, Ireland, June 11-14.
Law F., Gabarret I. (2014), Entrepreneurship and Firm Boundaries: A Multi-theoretical
Approach, ICSB (International Council for Small Business), Dublin, Ireland, June 11-14.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2014), A Social Affair: Identifying Motivation of Social Entrepreneurs,
2ème Journée de l’Entrepreneuriat Social, Semaine du Management, FNEGE, Marseilles,
France, May 23.
Gabarret I., Bertrand G., Drillon D. (2013), Survie de la jeune entreprise: Une étude de cas sur
la base des relations interpersonnelles, AEI (Académie de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’innovation),
Fribourg, Switzerland, October 22-25.
Gabarret I., Jaouen A., Nakara W., Stephany E., Vedel B. (2013), Les incubateurs à vocation
locale : entre stratégies et paradoxes, AEI (Académie de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’innovation),
Fribourg, Switzerland, October 22-25.
Gabarret I., Jaouen A., Nakara W., Vedel B. (2013), Why are Small Public Incubators “lagging
behind”? Learning from Disability in Screening Practices of a French Incubator, ICSB
(International Council for Small Business), Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 20-23.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2013), Money isn’t Everything: the Non-economic Aspect of
Entrepreneurial Motivation, ICSB (International Council for Small Business), Ponce, Puerto
Rico, June 20-23.
Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2013), The Role of Social Capital inside French Business Incubation
Centers: Mediation between Contract, Learning, and Information Exchange, ICSB
(International Council for Small Business), Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 20-23.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2012), Pour une nouvelle approche de la motivation entrepreneuriale,
CIFEPME (Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME), Brest, France,
October 24-26.
Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2012), Creating Jobs or Creating Knowledge? The Role of Selection in
Incubation Centers, BCERC (Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference), Texas,
USA, June 6-9.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2012), Quitter son emploi pour devenir entrepreneur, 12° Rencontres sur
la prospective des métiers, Paris, France, April 4.
Vedel B., Gabarret I. (2012), Création d’emplois ou création de connaissances, quelle mesure
de performance pour l’incubateur ? Le rôle de la sélection dans le processus d’incubation,
Regards croisés sur les pratiques d’accompagnement entrepreneurial : 2ième rencontre entre
acteurs des réseaux d'accompagnement et chercheurs, Montpellier, France, January 19.
Gabarret I., Vedel B. (2011), Une analyse exploratoire du départ volontaire des cadres : le cas
de la sortie entrepreneuriale hors essaimage, Congrès de l’AGRH (Association pour la Gestion
des Ressources Humaines), Marrakech, Morocco, October 26-28.
Vedel B., Stephany E., Gabarret I. (2011), Effects of Selection Strategy on Assistance and
Performance of French Incubation Structures, SMS Conference (Strategic Management
Society), Miami, USA, November 6-9.
Vedel B., Stephany E., Gabarret I. (2011), Selection Strategy, Assistance and Performance of
Incubation Structures: a French Study, ICSB (International Council for Small Business),
Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18.
Gabarret I. (2006), From the Corporate Manager to the Entrepreneur by Choice. Congrès
CLADEA (Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración), Montpellier, France.
Permanent Reviewer for Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat (Fnege 3, Cnrs 4).
Reviewer for:
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Cnrs 4)
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Cnrs 4)
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion (Fnege 4)
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing
Reviewer for academic conferences: AEI, CIFEPME, EURAM
2016 – GEM Grenoble (France), organization of a workshop on entrepreneurship and parenting
2015 – AEI Nantes (France), organization of a round table on entrepreneurship and parenting
2015 –AEI Nantes (France), organization of a round table on Y generation
2014 – TEC Monterrey, Guadalajara (Mexico), International week, teaching and presentation
of several papers
2013 – AEI Fribourg (Switzerland), participation of a round table on incubation
2012 – Trondheim University, Trondheim (Norway) invited to collaborate in a seminar for
incubator’s managers
1. Professor
2012-present EDC Paris Business School (France)
Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship
Courses taught: Social Entrepreneurship, Cross-Cultural Management
Previously: Innovation Management, European Economy, Economic Sociology,
Economic Geography
University of Montpellier (France)
Teaching Assistant (ATER)
Courses taught: Economie d’Entreprise
Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier Business School (France)
Part-time Lecturer
Courses taught: Introduction au Management, Management des Organisations,
Marketing Mix, Economic Geography
2. Entrepreneur
Ines Gabarret « Español pour tous » (France)
Owner (autoentrepreneur)
Spanish courses for adults
Alinco SARL (France) www.alincosarl.com
Distribution and installation of pool fences
Ines Gabarret (Argentina)
Free-lance Consultant
Principal customers:
(2004-2003) BS Systems (Spain) (SME), http://www.babysecur.com
Distribution and installation of pool fences
Development of the Spanish and French markets
(2001-2003) Alcorp (Argentina) (SME)
Importation and distribution of plastic products to supermarkets
(Auchan, Carrefour)
Restructuration of the company after devaluation. Reorientation and
development of a new network of local suppliers.
Ines Gabarret (Argentina)
Local Transportation Company (cabs)
3. Manager
Sidel Argentina (Tetra Laval Group) www.sidel.com
General Manager
Creation and development of an Argentinian office to bring after-sales
(technical) services to a park of 150 PET (polyethylene terephthalate) blowing
machines in South America (Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chili, and Paraguay).
Principal customer: Coca-Cola bottlers.
Sidel Brazil (Tetra Laval Group) www.sidel.com
Regional After-Sales Manager for Latin America
Coordination of the technical assistance for the Spanish speaking South
American countries. Definition of technical specificities for the installation of
blowing machines. Organization of training courses on packaging lines.

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