syllabus for french 102


syllabus for french 102
Spring Semester 2005
FR 102
EKH 104
EKH 272
M –T-W
10 - 10:50 AM
10 - 10:50 AM
Kamila Dudley
EKH 267
Phone: 974 7521
[email protected]
Office hours: Monday through Friday: 8:10– 9 am
1. Required:
Textbook: “Débuts” by H. Jay Siskin, Ann Williams-Gascon, Thomas T. Field
Workbook and Laboratory Manual: “Débuts” Part I
Internet site:
If you are going to continue French keep the textbook, it will be the same until completing
FR 201.
The film, “Le chemin du retour”, and the textbook, ”Débuts” are a completely integrated
film-based introductory course designed to make the learning of French language and culture both effective
and enjoyable. When used together, “Le chemin du retour” and “Débuts” give students a solid linguistic and
cultural foundation, promoting the development of all four languages skills (listening, reading, speaking, and
writing) as well as a critical appreciation of Francophone culture. The film introduces high-frequency
grammar, vocabulary, and functional language that are reinforce in the textbook’s presentations and
activities (as well as the exercises in the Workbook and Laboratory Manual and the Audio Program).
2. Optional:
- French dictionary
Although there is a glossary at the end of the textbook, a French dictionary would be
- CDROM for purchase, at
(withdraw) will be given within the University date limit: October 14th
"I" (incomplete) given if the course is not completed due to a very serious documented reason. A
special form must be signed (see the Instructor).
“CR/NC” (credit/non credit) You may take this class: CR/NC, the deadline is set for: Friday
September 9th. If you earn “C” or better you will get CR. Not more than 12 credits could be
counted toward CR/NC for a B.A Degree.
Grading scale:
95 – 100
89 – 94
86 – 88
83 – 85
79 – 82
68 – 78
57 – 67
56 and less
Final grade will be made up of:
20% required homework
(5 points less every day when returning late homework)
15% lab work
10% “A l’écrit”: composition in the Work Manual.
25% quizzes (one at the end of each chapter).
20% Final Exam (Wednesday December 14th or Thursday December 15th decided by a
vote in class): 9:40 –11:40 am EKH 104
5% oral proficiency, listening, class participation, and conversation
5% attendance
About 7 quizzes - At the end of each chapter. Make-up quiz only for a serious justification
prior to the quiz. Dates for quizzes are not set since they will be given at the end of each
It is not possible to succeed in this course without regular class attendance. If you find it
necessary to miss a class session due circumstances beyond your control, it is your
responsibility to complete all assignments you miss by the time you return to class. Please
try not to be late since it disturbs everyone and turn off your cellular phone and pager.
Description of the course
This course is for advanced beginners. It is not intended for students who do not have
previous knowledge of French. This course emphasizes oral task-based communicative
activities. The principal objective is the acquisition of basic oral skills in French with some
writing and reading put in the context of French culture. If you do not have credits for
French 101, you may get credit by exam.
List of chapters studied in FR 101:
Chapitre préliminaire:
1: Est-ce … qui est-ce?
C’est…. Ce sont…
2. Qu’est-ce que c’est?
le,la, les – un, une, des
La salle de classe
les nombres …59
Episode 1:
3. je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous,
Ils, elles, le verbe “être”
4. négation: pas, jamais, plus
5. question: intonation – est-ce que
les cours, les études
Episode 2:
6. les adjectives: genre et nombre
Eux/euse, ain/aine, ien/ienne, f/ve
7. le présent des verbes “er”
verbe + verbe
8. la place de l’adjectif
décrire une personne
Episode 3:
9. aller – le futur immédiat
10. question: n’est-ce pas
11. venir nationalités
12. adjectifs posséssifs
13. avoir + expressions – il y a
14. inversion – quand, pourquoi
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
15. faire + expressions
16. quel – ce/cet, cette, ces
17. le pluriel des noms
les prépositions de lieu
– langues – pays – régions
l’état civil – la famille
les jours – les mois – date
la maison – les pièces
les meubles – l’heure
Episode 6:
18. pouvoir/vouloir
19. “er” changement d’ortho
20. qui/que (pronoms interrogatifs)
les vêtements – les couleurs
les magasins – la mode
List of chapters studied in FR 102
Episode 7:
21. le partitif – exp quantité
22. me, te ,lui, nous, vous, leur
23. prendre – mettre – boire
Episode 8:
24. verbes en “re”
25. l’impératif
26. verbes comme “sortir
au marché
les repas
à table
Episode 9:
27. me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les
28. les verbes pronominaux
29. devoir
le corps
la santé
Episode 10:
30. le passé composé
31. la place des exp de temps
32. voir – croire – recevoir
les distractions
le temps – les saisons
Episode 11:
33. le passé avec “être”
34. depuis et pendant
35. le présent des verbes en “ir”
les professions
les fêtes
Episode 12:
36. l’imparfait
37. la forme/place des adverbs
38. dire – lire – écrire
les étapes de la vie
les médias
What does the Instructor expect from the student?
– To be on time
– To respect classmates and the Instructor by using proper language and attitude
– To return homework on time
– To ask for clarifications if something is not clear, especially if you do not understand the
English used by the Instructor. (She has a heavy French accent!)
– Not to work on another subject than French in the classroom
– To participate actively in class and try to use French as often as possible.
Don’t be surprised by the way your Instructor acts and speaks; after all she is French
with Algerian-French culture background. If you don’t understand what she is
saying, ask her to clarify.
Why learn French?
- French is the easiest language to learn for an English speaker since it has the same
alphabet and more than 20 000 English words have their origin in French. We call
these words “cognates”
After English, French is the most useful language for global communication: It
is widely spoken on five continents of the world. It is the second most widely studied
foreign language in the world and second, after Spanish, in United States.
It is the language of diplomacy and important international organizations like
UN, UNESCO, International Red Cross etc…
It is among the two or three most important languages of the Internet.
Knowing French will give more opportunities finding a job in high-ranking
international organizations and in Canada (America’s top trading partner)
It is the only scientific language taught at UHH and required for many graduate
The last day to drop courses in CAS is March 4 th with a “W” in the transcript. After that,
you may drop ALL of your courses, but not one or two.
Any student with a documented disability who would like to request
accommodations should contact the University Disability Services Office Hale Kauanoe A Wing Lounge, 933-0816 (V), 933-3334 (TTY),
[email protected] - as early in the semester as possible.
Advising is a very important resource designed to help students
complete the requirements of the University and their individual majors.
Students should consult with their advisor at least once a semester to
decide on courses, check progress towards graduation, and discuss
career options and other educational opportunities provided by UHHilo. Advising is a shared responsibility, but students have final
responsibility for meeting degree requirements
_______To detach and return to the Instructor (this form will be kept on file)_____________
I __________________________________ read and understood the syllabus.
Date: _________________2005