I`m the person - Collège Arc de Meyran


I`m the person - Collège Arc de Meyran
" Write a poem about "Bullying" and slam it !"
Creative writing : Ecriture collective d'un poème contre le harcèlement à l'école.
Slamming : Lecture du poème en version "slam"
Acteurs : les élèves de la classe de 3ème D et Mme BAZZICONI ( professeur d'anglais )
Sur un sujet qui nous concerne tous , les élèves de la classe de 3ème D vous proposent ce "poème" écrit
à plusieurs mains . Un grand merci à Nolwenn Raballand pour sa lecture du poème .
"I'm the person ..."
I'm the person you insulted every day .
I'm the person who had nothing to say .
I'm the person who felt like dying.
You're the person who lied to everyone .
You're the person who made me wish I hadn't been born.
I'm the person who was annihilated.
I'm the person forgotten by the wave.
You're the person with fake smiles.
You're the person who left me aside.
You're the person who looked cool.....but
You're the person who sewed terror in school.
I'm the person you stabbed in the back.
You're the person who left me out in the dark.
I'm the person whose life you destroyed.
I'm the person who became paranoid.
You're the person who couldn't care less.
You're the person who made my world collapse.
That person belongs to the past
Now , I'm the person who won't let it last !
Take a stand ! Beat Bullying !