FLIGHT International, 6 June 1963 877 Director


FLIGHT International, 6 June 1963 877 Director
FLIGHT International, 6 June 1963
SI PA Antilope
Director horizon and flight compass for
Smiths flight control system series 6
Smiths Aviation Division, Kelvin House,
Wembley Park Drive, Wembley, Middx,
England. Stand C.82.
Automatic landing and flight control system
equipment is a feature of the Smiths stand.
Against a background highlighting the company's extensive experience in the field of
automatic landing is displayed representative
equipment designed for one- two- or threechannel automatic landing systems. This
central feature is supported by a comprehensive display of instruments, control equipment
and components currently manufactured by
Smiths for the aviation and electronics industries. Exhibits include: Series 5 multiplex
flight control system; Series 6 flight control
system; SEP.4 autopilot; auto-throttle system;
flight, engine and airframe instruments; components; gyroscopes; ATR cases; Type 4 fuel
gauge equipment; and bayonet connectors.
Vactivite principale representee sur son stand
est I'etude et construction d'equipements pour
I'atterrissage automatique, comprenant pilotes
automatiques a un, deux ou trois canaux, autocommandes de poussee gyroscopes et instruments de vol, indicateurs pour propulseurs et
servitudes de bord, jaugeurs de quantity et
equipements divers eleetriques.
SNECMA (Societe Nationale d'Etude et de
Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation), 150 Blvd
Haussmann, Paris 8e, France. Stand B.10.
This national aircraft engine company has
varied interests and is showing, in the engine
field, a sectioned Atar 9C and a Pratt &
Whitney TF106 twin-spool turbofan, with
afterburning in both flows. Also shown are
models of the exhaust duct for the Concord,
in which SNECMA are providing a convergent
afterburner chamber with variable-area silencer, followed by thrust reverser for use at all
powers and a divergent no2zle; a model of an
industrial gas turbine; and a series of turbocompressors for diesel engines.
In the space field, SNECMA are showing the
Aurore sounding rocket and components of the
Vexin rocket engine designed by the Vernon
laboratories and destined for the first stage of
the Diamant satellite launcher; graphite
rocket nozzles with and without tungsten
skins; refractory cement structures for rocket
Siren Edelweiss
sites; an original rocket thrust-vectoring
system by aerodynamic means; a special
SNECMA flow-turning machine for forming
rocket bodies; an experimental electrothermal arc propulsion unit; a model of the
24hr satellite Genevieve, which has a nuclear
power source for electro-thermal arc propulsion during the first phase and for subsequent
use as a source of electrical power for instrumentation.
SNECMA's nuclear division shows an ion
propulsion engine, made in conjunction with
the French atomic energy authority, and the
rotor of a "turbomolecular pump" capable of
producing vacuum comparable with that in
The Elecma division is showing a model of
Cyclope J lock-follow tracking aerial installed
on the Sahara test ranges; jet-pipe temperature
controls for the Atar and other applications;
some wide-band aerials; and electronic components for airborne MF installations.
Finally, SNECMA's forge and foundry
department is showing a range of forged and
cast components in a variety of alloys.
Les realisations presentees comprennent un
riacteur Atar 9C en coupe; un reacteur Pratt &
Whitney TF106; une maquette du canal
d'ejection prevu pour le Concorde, comprenant
un canal de post-combustion avec tuyere conSNECMA Atar 9C
vergente a silencieux et section variable, un
inverseur de poussie quipeut etre mis en action a
tout regime et une tuyere divergente; une
maquette de turbine industrielle d gaz; une sirie
de turbocompresseurs pour moteurs diesel.
En matiere d'engins, SNECMA expose une
maquette de fusie sonde Aurore; un generateur
de gaz; des elements du moteur Vexin destine au
premier etage du lanceur de satellite Diamant;
des tuyeres de fusee en graphite avec et sans
revetement tungstene; des pieces en ciment
refractaire; des panneaux explicatifs au sujet de
la deviation du jet des fusees et du procedi de
fluotournage; un propulseur d'essais eiectrothermique a arc; une maquette animee du
satellite 24 heures Geneviive. dont la propulsion
en premiere phase et la puissance electrique
ensuite sont fournies par source d'energie a
reacteur nucleaire.
La division atomique expose un propulseur
ionique pour engins spatiaux et un disque de
pompe turbomoUculaire.
La division electronique expose une maquette
de Vantenne autopointee Cyclope 1 telquelle a
ete instalUe au Sahara; des correcteurs de
temperature pour tuyire T4 du reacteur Atar 9;
une gamme d'antennes a large bande; des
pieces detachees hyperfrequences pour equipements aeroportes.
Un ensemble de pieces forgees et coulees en
al/iages divers est aussi expose.

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