Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae – short version
Maury, Olivier, (01/05/1970, 44 years old)
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR 212 EME, LMI ICEMASA
Department of Oceanography, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa.
phone: +27 (0) 21 650-5315; fax: +27 (0) 21 650-3979; e-mail : [email protected]
Education and Qualification:
PhD. (Hons) Spatial fish population dynamics, June 1998. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes (ENSAR), 19951998.
DAA (equivalent to a M. Sc.) in fishery science, October 1994. (ENSAR). Engineer degree from Grandes Ecoles.
DAG Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse (ENSAT), 1991-1993.
Bio-math-sup. and Bio-math-spe. (Preparation to the competitive examination to enter the Grandes Ecoles), Ecole Nationale de
Physique Chimie Biologie, Paris, 1988-1991.
Baccalauréat C (Mathematics), Lycée Buffon, Paris, 1988.
Senior Research Associate (CR1), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), 2003-today. Based in Seychelles SFA
(Seychelles Fishing Authority) 1/2003-8/2003, Sète IRD-CRH 10/2003-10-2009, South Africa UCT Cape Town, 10/2009-today.
Research Associate (CR2), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), 1999-2003. Based in Montpellier HEA 04/199907/1999, Paris LODYC (Univ. Paris VI) 07/1999-02/2000, Sète CRH 02/2000-07/2001, Seychelles SFA (Seychelles Fishing
Authority) 11/2001-12/2002.
Postdoc, ENSAR, Rennes, Sept 1998-Feb 1999.
Spatial population and ecosystem dynamics, ecosystem processes, functional biodiversity, numerical and statistical modelling,
tropical pelagic ecosystems, climate change impacts, tuna fisheries management, socio-ecological scenarios.
Research activity, advisory roles and representation
I’m a marine ecologist, population and ecosystem modeller. Most of my present research time is dedicated to the development of
the ecosystem model APECOSM, which represents ecosystems from plankton to fish and fisheries at global and regional scales
and includes climate forcing.
I have been a member of the international program GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee (2006-2009) and a member of the
GLOBEC-IMBER Transition Task Team (2008-2009). I have been co-chairing the GLOBEC-IMBER regional program CLIOTOP
(2003-2013) and I had a leading role in its launching. I’m presently an ex officio member of the CLIOTOP Scientific Steering
Committee (2013-), a member of the SCOR-France Scientific Committee (2006-) and co-chair of the CLIOTOP-EurOceans
Scenarios Working Group. I have been PI of several funded research projects (IOTC, PNEC, PFRP, ANR) and I’m presently co-PI
of the ANR project MACROES. I have been strongly involved as an expert in Tuna Commisions with numerous participations to
ICCAT (1997-2001) and IOTC (1999-2005) Working Parties, the development of new methods for stock assessment (the
associated softwares PROCEAN and CATAGE-TREND being used in ICCAT and IOTC). I have been a member of the IOTC
Scientific Committee. I’m presently a member of the Fish-MIP international model inter-comparison project. I have been
appointed in 2014 as an IPBES lead author for Deliverable 3(c): Policy support tools and methodologies for scenario analysis and
modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
• Sibylle Dueri (Switzerland, 02/2009 - 12/2014). Estimating APECOSM parameters using fisheries data », « simulating
MPAs using APECOSM applied to the Indian Ocean skipjack tuna », « climate change scenarios for global ocean
skipjack tuna populations and fisheries.
• Vamara Koné (Ivory Coast, 06/2006 - 12/2008). Modeling and validating biogeochemistry in the Indian Ocean using the
PISCES model.
• Raphaël Duboz (France, 09/2006 - 03/2008). IBM modeling of the Southern Indian Ocean Albatrosses population.
• Blaise Faugeras (France, 11/2003 - 02/2005): Data assimilation and numerical modeling of tropical tuna population
dynamics in the Indian Ocean.
Nandipha Mlongo (South Africa, PhD Univ. Cape Town, 03/2014 – 02/2017). Environmental influences on anchovy
recruitment and population modelling in the Benguela using APECOSM-E.
Jérôme Guiet (France, PhD Univ. Montpellier 2, 12/2012 – 11/2015). Impact of climate change on the biodiversity of
global marine ecosystems. A mechanistic approach.
Louis du Buisson (South Africa, PhD Univ. Cape Town, 09/2011 - 08-2015). Characterizing APECOSM generic
communities in observed acoustic records in the Mozambique Channel.
Chiara Accolla (Italy, PhD Univ. Aix-Marseille, 10/2011 – 05/2015). Modélisation de la formation des bancs de
poissons: Évaluation des conséquences de l’agrégation des individus dans un système proies-prédateurs à différentes
Yonss José (Mozambique, PhD Univ. Cape Town, 12/2009 - 11/2012). Meso-scale structuring of the pelagic ecosystem
in the Mozambique Channel: a modelling approach.
Gabriel Reygondeau (France, PhD Univ. Montpellier 2, 10/2008 - 09/2011. Climate change impacts on the biogeography
of the Global Ocean.
• Inge Deschepper (South-Africa, honours Univ. Cape Town, 05/2013 - 11/2013). Deconvolution of passive transport,
active movements and trophic interactions in the spatial structuration of marine ecosystems.
• Louis du Buisson (South Africa, master Univ. Cape Town, 09/2010 - 09/2011. Characterisation, behaviour and role of
micronektonic organisms in the oceanic pelagic marine ecosystem of the Mozambique Channel: a dual acoustic and
modelling approach.
• Jock Currie (Namibia, master Univ. Cape Town, 01/2008 - 12/2009). Characterising tuna-environment relationships in
the Indian Ocean: a long-term perspective.
• Tamara Ben Ari (France, master INAPG, 02/2005 - 30/06/2005). Modelling alternative trophic structures in marine
• Tamara Ben Ari (France, honours Univ. Marseille, 06/2004 - 07/2004). Parameterization of a size-spectrum model using
literature data.
• Caroline Gamblin (France, master ENSAR, 04/2004 - 09/2004). Simulation of tropical tuna tagging scenarios in the
Indian Ocean.
• Emmanuel Chassot (France, master ENSAR, 04/2001 - 09/2001). Simulation study of the PROCEAN model.
Development of priors for parameter estimation.
• Anne-Laure de Rosa (France, master ENSAR, 04/1997 - 09/1997). « Etude par modélisation additive généralisée des
relations thons-environement dans l’océan Atlantique ».
• Coralie Picoche (01/2014 - 12/2014): Inclusion of tagging data in the data assimilation procedure of APECOSM-E.
• Julien Trolet (11/2008 - 08/2009). Development of a worldwide database for oceanic top predators fisheries data.
• Caroline Gamblin (10/2004 - 06/2005). Simulation of tagging experiments for planning the IOTC Tropical Tuna
Tagging Program.
2014: Modelling climate effects on biodiversity with APECOSM, the Apex Predators ECOSystem Model. Nansen Tutu
Summer School on Ocean, Climate and Marine Ecosystem. UCT, 1-8 December 2014. 1h.
2011-2015: yearly winter school Modelling Marine Ecosystems from the Ocean to the Fish at the University of Cape
o Spatial modelling of marine populations dynamics. 3h
o Introduction to the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. 3h
o Introduction to the APECOSM model. 3h.
2013: European Doctoral Program MARES EU in Sète France:
o Spatial modelling of marine populations dynamics. 3h
o Introduction to the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. 3h
2005-2010: yearly master module of the University of Montpellier organised in Sète France:
o Spatial modelling of marine populations dynamics. 3h
o Introduction to the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. 3h
2004-2005: Master courses in ENSAR, Rennes, France:
o Spatialized marine population dynamics. 6h
List of publications
In refereed Journals
Accolla C., D. Nerini, O. Maury, J.-C. Poggiale, 2015. Analysis of functional response in presence of schooling phenomena: an IBM
approach. Progress in Oceanography.
2. Lefort S., O. Aumont, L. Bopp, T. Arsouze, M. Gehlen and O. Maury, 2014. Response of marine pelagic communities to global climate
change. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12679.
3. Dueri S, L. Bopp, O. Maury, 2014, Projecting the impacts of climate change on skipjack tuna abundance and spatial distribution. Global
Change Biology 20, 742-753. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12460.
4. Currie J., J. Vialard, M. Langaigne, O. Aumont, R. Murtugudde, D. Kaplan & O. Maury, 2013. Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño/Southern
Oscillation effects on regional chlorophyll anomalies in the Indian Ocean. Biogeosciences 10, 6677-6698, 2013.
5. Reygondeau, G., Longhurst, A., Beaugrand, G., Martinez, E., Antoine, D., & Maury, O., 2013. Dynamic biogeochemical Provinces in the
global ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27, 1046–1058, doi:10.1002/gbc.20089, 2013.
José Y. S., O. Aumont, E. Machu, P. Penvena, C. L. Moloney & O. Maury, 2013. Influence of mesoscale eddies on biological production in
the Mozambique Channel: Several contrasted examples from an Ocean Model. Deep-Sea Research II,
Halo I., A. Mavume, A. Brito, B. Loveday, B. Malauene, B. Backeberg, C. Collins, C. Maueua, C. Reason, F. Nehama, F. Marsac, F. Gemo, F.
Shillington, M. Robert, O. Cossa, O. Maury, P. Penven, S. Pous, Y. Jose, 2013. JEAI-MOCAs: the Mozambican OCean-Atmosphere
scientific research programme. A multi-institutional initiative to build marine research capacity in Mozambique. South African Journal
of Marine Science.
Kaplan DK, P. Bach, S. Bonhommeau, E. Chassot, P. Chavance, L. Dagorn, T. Davies, S. Dueri, R. Fletcher, A. Fonteneau, J.-M. Fromentin,
D. Gaertner, J. Hampton, R. Hilborn, A. Hobday, R. Kearney, P. Kleiber, P. Lehodey, F. Marsac, O. Maury, C. Mees, F. Ménard, J.
Pearce, J. Sibert. The true challenge of giant marine reserves. Science (correspondence) 340 (17 May 2013), 810-811.
Hobday A.J., J. W. Young, O. Abe, D. P. Costa, R. K. Cowen, K. Evans, M. A. Gasalla, R. Kloser, O. Maury, K. C. Weng, 2013. Climate
Impacts and Oceanic Top Predators: Moving from impacts to adaptation in oceanic systems. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 23,
Maury O., J.-C. Poggiale, 2013. From individuals to populations to communities: a Dynamic Energy Budget model of marine ecosystem sizespectrum including life history diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 324, 52–71.
Maury O. , K. Miller, H. Arrizabalaga, O. Aumont, L. Campling, A. Fonteneau, P. Guillotreau, A. Hobday, M. Lutcavage, F. Marsac, G.
Munro, Z. Suzuki and R. Murtuggude, 2013. A global Science-policy partnership for progress towards sustainability of oceanic
ecosystems and fisheries. COSUST 5(3-4), 314-319.
Handegard N. O., du Buisson L., Brehmer P., Chalmers S. J., De Robertis A., Huse G., Kloser R., Macaulay G., Maury O., Ressler P. H.,
Stenseth N. C., Godø O. R., 2013. Towards an acoustic-based coupled observation and modelling system for monitoring and predicting
ecosystem dynamics of the open ocean. Fish and Fisheries. 14, 605-615.
Dueri S. and O. Maury, 2013. Modelling the effect of marine protected areas on the population of skipjack tuna in the Indian Ocean. Aquatic
Living Ressources. 26, 171-178.
Murphy E.J., R.D. Cavanagh, E.E. Hofmann, S.L. Hill, A.J. Constable, D.P. Costa, M.H. Pinkerton, N.M. Johnston, P.N. Trathan, J.M. Klinck,
D.A. Wolf-Gladrow, K.L. Daly, O. Maury, S.C. Doney, 2012. Developing integrated models of Southern Ocean food webs: Including
ecological complexity, accounting for uncertainty and the importance of scale. Prog. Oceanog. 102, 74-92.
Reygondeau G., Maury, O., Beaugrand G., Fromentin J.M., Fonteneau A. & Cury, P., 2012. Biogeography of tuna and billfish communities.
Journal of Biogeography. 39, 114-129.
Dueri S., B. Faugeras and O. Maury, 2012. Modelling the skipjack tuna dynamics in the Indian Ocean with APECOSM-E: Part 1. Model
formulation. Ecological Modelling 245, 41-54.
Dueri S., B. Faugeras and O. Maury 2012. Modelling the skipjack tuna dynamics in the Indian Ocean with APECOSM-E. Part 2: Parameter
estimation and sensitivity analysis. Ecological Modelling 245, 55-64.
Handegard N.O., G. Huse , O. Maury and N.C. Stenseth, 2011. Toward a global observation and modeling system for studying the ecology of
the open ocean using acoustics. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2700.
Lehodey P., O. Maury, 2010. CLimate Impacts on Oceanic TOp Predators (CLIOTOP): Introduction to the Special Issue of the CLIOTOP
International Symposium, La Paz, Mexico, 3–7 December 2007. Prog. Oceanog. 2010. 86: 1–7.
Shin Y.J., M. Travers, O. Maury, 2010. Coupling models of low and high trophic levels: towards a pathways-oriented approach for end-to-end
models. In Parameterisation of Trophic Interactions in Ecosystem Modelling, M. St John, P. Monfray (eds). Prog. Oceanogr. 2010 84:
Maury O., 2010. An overview of APECOSM, a Spatialized Mass Balanced “Apex Predators ECOSystem Model” to Study Physiologically
Structured Tuna Population Dynamics in their Ecosystem. In Parameterisation of Trophic Interactions in Ecosystem Modelling, M. St
John, P. Monfray (eds). Prog. Oceanogr. 2010. 84: 113-117.
Bodiguel X., O. Maury, C. Mellon-Duval, F. Roupsard, A.-M. Le Guellec, V. Loizeau, 2009. A dynamic and mechanistic model of PCB
bioaccumulation in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius). Journal of Sea Research 62: 124-134.
Faugeras B., O. Maury, 2007. Modelling fish population movements: from an individual-based representation to an advection-diffusion
equation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 247: 837–848.
Maury, O., Y-J. Shin, B. Faugeras, T. Ben Ari, and F. Marsac, 2007. Modelling environmental effects on the size-structured energy flow
through marine ecosystems. Part 2: simulations. Prog. Oceanogr. 74(4) : 500-514.
Maury, O., B. Faugeras, Y-J. Shin, J.C. Poggiale, T. Ben Ari, and F. Marsac, 2007. Modelling environmental effects on the size-structured
energy flow through marine ecosystems. Part 1: the model. Prog. Oceanogr. 74(4) : 479-499.
Potier M, Marsac F, Cherel Y, Lucas V, Sabatié R, Maury O, Ménard F, 2007. Forage fauna in the diet of three large pelagic fish (lancetfish,
swordfish, and yellowfin tuna) in the western equatorial Indian Ocean. Fisheries Research 83, 60-72
Faugeras B. and O. Maury, 2005. An advection-diffusion-reaction size-structured fish population dynamics model combined with a statistical
parameter estimation procedure: Application to the Indian Ocean skipjack tuna fishery. Math. Biosciences and Engineering, 2(4):719–
Faugeras B. and O. Maury, 2005. A multi-region nonlinear age-size structured fish population model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Appl.,
Maury, O. and P. Lehodey (Eds.). 2005. Climate Impacts on Oceanic TOp Predators (CLIOTOP). Science Plan and Implementation Strategy.
GLOBEC Report No.18, ii, 42pp.
Maury O., B. Faugeras, V. Restrepo, 2004. FASST: A Fully Age-Size and Space-Time structured statistical model for the assessment of tuna
populations. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 57(1) (2005) : 206-217.
Maury O., 2004. How to model the size-dependent vertical behaviour of bigeye tuna in its environment? Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 57(2)
(2005) : 115-126.
Hallier J.P., B. Stequert, O. Maury, F.X. Bard, 2004. Growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern Atlantic ocean from tag-recapture
data and otolith readings. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 57(1) (2005) : 181-194.
Maury, O., Gascuel, D., Marsac, F., Fonteneau, A., and De Rosa, A.-L. 2001. Hierarchical interpretation of nonlinear relationships linking
yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) distribution to the environment in the Atlantic Ocean. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58(3): 458-469.
34. Maury O. and D. Gascuel, 2001. «Local overfishing» and fishing tactics: Theoretical considerations and applied consequences in stock
assessment studied with a numerical simulator of fisheries. Aquat. Living Resour, 14(4): 203-210.
35. Maury O., D. Gascuel and A. Fonteneau, 2001. Spatial modeling of Atlantic yellowfin tuna population dynamics: a habitat based advectiondiffusion-reaction approach with application to the local overfishing study. In: Dorn M. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 17th Lowell
Wakefield Symposium on Spatial Processes and Management of Fish Populations, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Anchorage 2730 oct. 1999. P. 105-122. ISBN 1-56612-068-3.
36. Maury O. and D. Gascuel, 1999. SHADYS (Simulateur HAlieutique de DYnamiques Spatiales), a GIS based numerical model of fisheries.
Application to the study of a marine refugia.. Aquat. Living Resour., 12(2), 77-88.
37. Maury O., 1996. A generalized stock-recruitment relationship fitted to the observed yield: implications for the recruitment dynamic. Aquat.
Living Resour., 9, 291-304.
Book chapter / Special Issues
Moloney C. L., A. Jarre, S. Kimura, D. L. Mackas, O. Maury, E. J. Murphy, W. T. Peterson, J. A. Runge and K. Tadokoro, 2010. Dynamics of
Marine Ecosystems: ecological processes. In Marine Ecosystems and Global Change. M. Barange, J. G. Field, R. P. Harris, E. E.
Hofmann, R. I. Perry, and F. Werner, (eds.). Oxford University Press. Oxford. 440p.
Lehodey P., O. Maury, (eds) 2010. CLimate Impacts on Oceanic TOp Predators (CLIOTOP): Special Issue of the CLIOTOP International
Symposium, La Paz, Mexico, 3–7 December 2007. Prog. Oceanog. 2010. 86.
In non refereed journals
Lefort S., O. Aumont, L. Bopp, O. Maury, M. Gehlen, 2013. Response of Marine Living Resources to Global Climate Change. ICES CM
2013/B:77.Maury O., A. Hobday, 2010. CLIOTOP into the future: building scenarios for oceanic ecosystems in the XXI century
CLIOTOP mid - term workshop, UNESCO, Paris, 8 – 11 February 2010. GLOBEC Newsletter, Apr. 2010.
Maury O., A. Hobday, 2010. CLIOTOP into the future: building scenarios for oceanic ecosystems in the XXI century CLIOTOP mid - term
workshop, UNESCO, Paris, 8 – 11 February 2010. GLOBEC Newsletter, Apr. 2010.
Dueri S., O. Maury, 2010. Application of the APECOSM-E model to the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries of the Indian Ocean.
Handegard, N.O., Demer, D., Kloser, R.J., Lehodey, P., Maury, O., Simard, Y., 2010. "Toward a Global Ocean Ecosystem Mid-trophic
Automatic Acoustic Sampler (MAAS)" in Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol.
2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306
Handegard N.O., R. Domokos, O. R. Godø, J. Jouanno, R. Kloser, P. Lehodey, O. Maury, I. Senina, 2009. Designing an Ocean Mid-trophic
Automatic Acoustic Sampler (MAAS). ICES CM 2009/I:21.
Maury O., P. Lehodey, R. Wilson, F. Ménard, R. Olson and J. Young, 2009. Three important CLIOTOP events in 2009. GLOBEC Newsletter,
Apr. 2009.
Maury O., 2007. Toward a new project in CLIOTOP : the Mid-trophic Automatic Acoustic Sampler (MAAS). GLOBEC Newsletter, 2007a.
Maury O., P. Lehodey, 2006. CLIOTOP activities: Working groups, 1st Steering Committee and participation to the 13th Ocean Science meeting,
20-24 February 2006, Hawaii, USA. GLOBEC Newsletter, 2006b.
Maury O., P. Lehodey, 2005. CLIOTOP working groups meeting, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA 1-3 December, 2004. GLOBEC
Newsletter, 2005a.
Maury O., P. Lehodey, 2004. CLIOTOP organisational meeting, Sète, France, 4-7 November, 2003. GLOBEC Newsletter 2004a.
Gamblin C., O. Maury, A. Fonteneau, J.-P. Hallier, 2004. Simulation of tag-recapture experiments in the Indian Ocean: A habitat based model
applied to the Skipjack population IOTC-2004-WPT-14.
Maury O., 2002. CLIOTOP (CLimate Impacts on Oceanic TOp Predators). A new GLOBEC regional program for open ocean ecosystem
processus comparative analysis. IOTC-SC-inf-6.
Maury O., V. Nordström, 2002. Application of the PROCEAN model to the Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishery. IOTC
WPTT, 06/2002.
Maury O. and V. Restrepo, in press. FASST: A Fully Age-Size and Space-Time structured statistical model for the assessment of tuna
populations. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap.
Maury O., 2001. PROCEAN : a PROduction Catch / Effort ANalysis framework to estimate catchability trends and fishery dynamics in a
bayesian context. IOTC WPM, 04/2001.
Maury O. and E. Chassot, 2001. A simulation framework for testing the procean model and developping bayesian priors. Preliminary results.
IOTC WPTT, 06/2001.
Maury O., 2001. Multi-fleet non-equilibrium production models including stock surface to estimate catchability trends and fishery dynamics in a
bayesian context. Application to the skipjack tuna’s fishery (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Atlantic ocean. » . ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 52
pp. 1739-1752
Maury O., 2001. A Multi-fleet age-structured statistical model to assess fishery dynamics in a bayesian context. ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 52
pp. 344-349.
Maury O. CLIOTOP, a proposed global comparative research effort on large oceanic pelagic fisheries. In Bakun A. and Broad K. (eds.) Climate
and Fisheries. IRI-IPRC workshop. Honolulu, 14-17/11/2001.
Maury O., 2000. A habitat-based simulation framework to design tag-recapture experiments for tunas in the Indian Ocean. Application to the
skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) population. IOTC WPT, 09/2000.
Maury O, 2000. An age-size and time-space structured statistical model for the assessment of the skipjack population dymamics. ICCAT Coll.
Vol. Sci. Pap. 51 pp. 344-350.
Maury O., 1999. Multi-fleet non-equilibrium production models including surface to assess tuna stocks dynamics. IOTC WPTT, 09/1999.
Maury O., 1999. A habitat based population dynamics model to design tag-recapture experiments in the Indian Ocean. Case of the skipjack
(Katsuwonus pelamis) population. IOTC SC, 12/1999.
Maury O., 1999. Coopération des navires, surexploitation locale et non linéarité de la relation PUE/effort locale dans les pêcheries thonières à la
senne. Simulations sur SHADYS (Simulateur HAlieutique de DYnamiques Spatiales). Recueil de documents scientifiques ICCAT Coll.
Vol. Sci. Pap. 48(2) pp. 261-264.
Maury O., D. Gascuel and A. Fonteneau, 1999. Estimating local yellowfin abundance, fishing mortality and migration rates between eastern and
western Atlantic. Application of the spatial VPA methodology using a GIS. Recueil de documents scientifiques ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci.
Pap. 48(2) pp. 265-269.
De Rosa A.L. and O. Maury, 1999. Etude des relations thon-environnement par modélisation additive généralisée (GAM). Recueil de documents
scientifiques ICCAT Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 48(3) pp. 253-256.
Maury O., 1998. Modélisation spatiale en halieutique. Approche par simulateur sous SIG. Application à la modélisation hiérarchique de la
population de thons albacore (Thunnus albacares) de l’Atlantique tropical. Thèse de doctorat de l’ENSAR. Rennes France, 350p.
Maury O., M. Plantegenest et D. Gascuel, 1998. Echelles spatio-temporelles et théorie de l’information : application au choix des échelles de
modélisation d’une population de poissons exploitée par la pêche. Ouvrage édité par le Programme Environnement, Vie et Sociétés du
Maury O., L. Millischer, D. Gascuel et A. Fonteneau, 1998. Le GAM, un outil d’estimation des biomasses locales. Application au thon albacore
(Thunnus albacares) de l’Atlantique. In Biométrie et halieutique. Ouvrage édité par la Société Française de Biométrie.
Millischer L., O. Maury et D. Gascuel, 1998. L’estimation des puissances de pêche par modélisation linéaire des capturabilités. In Biométrie et
halieutique. Ouvrage édité par la Société Française de Biométrie.
Ulrich C., D. Gascuel, O. Maury, 1998. A proposal for stock assessment and management in mixed stock fisheries : the in/out model. Application
to western english channel cod. ICES Annual Science Conference, 16-19 septembre 1998, Lisbonne - Portugal. Theme Session on : Stock
Components in Management ICES CM 1998/AA:11. 11 pp.
Maury O. and D. Gascuel, 1997. Short term yield and effort impacts of a precautionary management strategy based on marine refugia.
Simulations with SHADYS (Simulateur Halieutique de Dynamiques Spatiales). ICES Annual Science Conference, 25 septembre-3
octobre 1997, Baltimore, Maryland USA. Theme Session on : Applying the Precautionary Approach in Fisheries and Environmental
Management ICES CM 1997/V:08. 8 pp.
Maury O., D. Gascuel and D. Pelletier, 1997. Estimating fish numbers, fishing mortality and migration rates between different spatial zones: the
spatial VPA methodology. ICES Annual Science Conference, 25 septembre-3 octobre 1997, Baltimore, Maryland USA. Assessment
Methods ICES CM 1997/DD:09. 7 pp.
Maury O. et D. Gascuel, 1997. L’espace, une ressource naturelle surexploitée ? Scenarii de gestion spatiale simulés sur SHADYS (Simulateur
HAlieutique de Dynamiques Spatiales). Troisième forum halieumétrique de l’AFH, Montpellier, 1-3 juillet 1997. 6pp.
Maury O., D. Gascuel et D. Pelletier, 1997. Surexploitation locale ou globale ? La VPA spatiale, une méthode d’évaluation de l’exploitation par
zones. Troisième forum halieumétrique de l’AFH, Montpellier, 1-3 juillet 1997. 6 pp.
Maury O., 1997. Prise en compte des phénomènes spatiaux dans les modèles de dynamique des populations halieutiques. Cours optionnels de
dynamique des populations. DAA d’halieutique, janvier 1997, 35p.
Maury O. and D. Gascuel, 1996. Stock-recruitment relationship, minimum biological levels and stock collapse risk : a method of assessment
based on production data. ICES Statutory Meeting, 27 septembre-10 octobre 1996, Reikjavik Islande. Statistic Comittee ICES CM
1996/D:5. 12 pp.
Maury O, 1995. Une relation stock-recrutement ajustée à la production observée, implications sur la dynamique du recrutement. Deuxième forum
halieumétrique de l’Association Française d’Halieumétrie, Nantes, 26-28 juin 1995. 6pp.
Maury O., 1994. Méthodologie d’étude structurale de la dynamique des stocks exploités par la pêche artisanale sénégalaise. Application à
l’exploitation du pageot, Pagellus belottii. Mémoire de fin d’étude d’agronomie. Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie spécialisation
halieutique. Novembre 1994. 84p.

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