center (centre) : binalbagan


center (centre) : binalbagan
Bin 455
July 6, 2015
Student’s Name (Nom du filleul) : J-nie Marrei Masion
Date of Birth (Date de Naissance) : March 11, 2005
Educational Attainment (Niveau Scolaire) : Grade V
Course to be taken (Eudes souhaitees) : To be an Engineer
School (Ecole) :
Binalbagan Elementary School
Weight: 30 kg
Height: 136 cm
Father’s Name (Nom du Pere) : Pablo Masion III
Educational Attainment:
BS Criminology
Occupation (Profession) :
Mother’s Name (Nom de la Mere) : -oEducational Attainment:
-oOccupation (Profession):
No. of children (nombre d’enfants du foyer) : 5 enfant/s
Name of brother/s:
* Paul Mark Masion
November 16,1993
Educational Attainment:
BSIT Graduate
* Jan Marcko Masion
January 1, 2001
Grade IX
* John Marlowe Masion
November 24, 2001
Grade VIII
Name of Sister/s:
* Phia Marreal Masion
July 20, 1999
Educational Attainment: Grade X
* Paula Mareiz Masion
May 28, 2003
Grade VI
Address (Adresse pour lui ecrire) voir fiche jointe) :Crossing Sumakwel, Binalbagan
Family background or History (Renseignements sur la famille) :
J-nie Marrei is the youngest child of the six children of the family. She is a bright
pupil that every year she is the first honor on their class. She is eager to finish her study
and reach her ambition in life to become a successful Engineer someday. She is quiet but
friendly. She loves to study and she is riding in a tricycle in going to school that it is
because their house is far from their school. English is her favourite subject while
badminton is her favourite sport. She loves the color blue and fond of dancing. In the
house she helps her family in doing some house work like cleaning their
house/surrounding and help her older sister in washing their clothes and wash dishes.
During her free time she loves to play with her friends as well as reading books.
The family lives in the house that made of cement, wood, bamboo and galvanized
iron for the roofing. The parents of J-nie was separated and their mother has their own
family. They are lucky that they have a good father who taking care of them. Their
grandmother is also live with them and help their father. They have a little store so that
to have an extra income. The father is a Policeman yet his income is the source of their
living. 5 Children are studying and the eldest is looking for a job right now just to help
his family in their needs. The father is hoping that all his children will continue their
study until college. If given a chance, through this CSEP Sponsorship program J-nie
Marrie will be able to continue her study until college and it is a big help to them. They
will be thankful for this opportunity.

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