Accessories and embellishments, additional sources


Accessories and embellishments, additional sources
Accessories and embellishments, additional sources (Uta Boucht, Cudgel IX)
Camille Luise DAHL and Isis STURTEWAGEN: The Cap of St. Birgitta. In Medieval Clothing
and Textiles 4. Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker. Boydell Press 2008.
Janne HARJULA: Before the Heels. Footwear and Shoemaking in Turku in the Middle Ages
and at the Beginning of the Early Modern Period. Suomen keskiajan arkeologien seura 2008.
Florent VÉNIEL: Le Costume Médiéval de 1320 à 1480. La coquetterie par la mode
vestimentaire XIVe et XVe siècles. Éditions Heimdal 2008.
Florent VÉNIEL: Les Hommes du Moyen âge. Paysans, Bourgeois at Seigneurs. Éditions
Errance 2008.
Florent VÉNIEL: Vie Quotidienne da le femme médiévale. Éditions Heimdal 2007.
Vestiduras ricas. El monasterio de las Huelgas y su época 1170-1340. Patrimonio Nacional

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