Montreal Coaching Staff


Montreal Coaching Staff
Montreal Coaching Staff O. Kay Dalton is slarting his
second year as head eaach of the
Montreal Alouettes. Kay came to the
Alouettes three years ago as an
assist..'tnt coach under Darrell Mudra,
and along with Ralph Goldston,
helped build one of the toughest
defences in the Canadian Football
Kay i. 35 years old which ranks
him as the youngest Head Coach
in the CFL.
Kay and his wife Phyllis arc at
home in Dollard des Ormeaux and
have three children, Mary Lou 9,
Sharon 7 and Keith 5.
O. Kay Dnlton entreprend sa
deuxieme saison comme entraineur
en chef des Aloue ttes de Montreal.
Kay s'est joint aux Alouettes it y
a trois ans comme en traineur ad­
Joint. et avec Ralph Goldston, i l a
forme une des defensives les plus
solid('s au 'Pays.
Kay est ag-E= de 35 ans seulement
et 11 est l'enll"alneur en chef Ie p lus
jeune dans Ia ligue Canadienne de
Kay et son e pouse Phyllis de­
meu-rent it. Dollard des Ormeaux en
compagnie de leurs trois enfants.
Mary Lou 9 ans, Sharon 7 ans et
Keith 6 ans.
Caor Click is a newcomer to the
Alouette coaching staff and his ap­
pointment was ct~l'tainly well r e­
ceived by the Montreal football
fraternity. Ga ry playeci pro ball for
the PiUsburg h Steeiel's for thl'c:e
years, also spent three with the
\\'nshinfrto n Rcdskinc; a nd one with
the Baltimore Colts before joining
the coachinp: ranks with the Denver
mad e a comeback in
1963 nnd helped the San Diego
Chal'gcl's win the American Football
L eag·ue championship. Gli ck (>s(;' un nouveau venu
c h ez les Alo uettes et sa nomi nation
comme entralnel" adjoint a certes
etC bien accueillie parIes amateurs
de football de la metl'opole. Gary a
joue dans 1(1. lig-ue Natjonale pen­
dant sept saisoos, tro is aos avec
P ittsburg-h, trois ans aVt-c Wa s hin~ ­
ton et un an avec Baltimore. II
s'est ensuit.e joint nux Broncos de
Denver entratneur adjoint. La saison
~uivante, il effect-unit un retour au
jeu paUl" aider les Charg-es de San
Diego it r<~ mport c r le champion nat
de la ligue AmeL"iraine de "football.
For Ralph Gold ston , one thing
counts; \\'IN. The former star
Assistant Coach
Ass istan t Coach
defender hates losi n g, hates ba ll
Il layers who don't put out 100%
and has no excuses for defeat.
Ra l ph, a Youngstown State Univer~
sity graduate, played for the Phila­
delphia Ea>:les of the National Foot­
ball Leagu e for five years. He then
Ti l(er-Cats
where he pla.yed for nine yeal'S.
Pour Ralph Goldston, une chose
comp te: GAGNER. L'ancien demi
dl'fensif etoile n ' a ime pas perdre.
J l <lime encore moins les joueurs Qui
ne donncnt pns leur pleine rnesure .
Et s'it p e rd. if ne c. h~l"chc jamRis
les excuses . Ralph, qui a. joue son
a l'universitc
Assistant Coac h
Assistant Coach
You n gstown State. a porte les cou­
leur" des Eagles de Philadelphia de
In. Jig-uc N'ationale pendant cinq ans
a,·ant de venir au Canada. I I entrc­
prendn sa troisieme saison com me
entl"aineur aujoint de l'equipe mon­
Bob Griffi n along' with new·
comet Gary Glick will handle the
Alouette's o lIenee. Bob jo ined the
A loueUcs last year uHe l' p laying
eig-ht years in the Nat.iollal Football
Lea.h"1le and one season for t h e
Cah.:al'Y Stampede,', of the CFL. A
graduate from the University o f
A r han!:5Hs. Bob played fOI' the Los
Angeles Rams , the Detroit Lions
and the St. Louis Cardinals in the
Bob Griffin dirigera l'offensive des
Alouettes en compagnie du nouveau
venu Gary Glick. Bob qui en est
a sa d cuxieme saison dans l'uni­
forme ties Alouettes. a joue son foot­
collegial a J'universite
I" rkansas avant de se joindre nux
Rams de Los AngeJes de la liQue
Natio nale de football. II a aussi
evo lll~ pour les Lions de Detroit et
le-s Cardinal.s de S t ~Louis de meme
Que les :;tampedel's de Cal>:ary en
Need money? Get into a huddle wiih )t)ur ToVOhto -IDminion funk
Head Coach

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